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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Okay, it took a little while, but I've got this pretty well planned out now. I also have a new post up, and I did of course kill someone off. And unless I've got Chloe's character completely wrong (tell me if I have), she'll a: be pissed as hell at Treana, and b: think that it was in some way her fault (which is true from Treana's perspective; if Chloe'd run, Treana could've pulled Lenny out instead of Chloe. But she thinks the Chloe has to take priority). I hope Treana doesn't seem like a complete b**** now. Oh, also, in case you didn't pick up on it, the energy is driving the animals nuts, not to mention interfering with the abilities of anyone who doesn't have any of the energy inside them. So have some fun with that.
  2. [COLOR=gray]"You think this cave leads below the surface?" Micheal said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"It's not likely," Treana said. "Lenny, you're attuned to the ground, right? What do you think?[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"I think it's just a normal cave," Lenny said. The group had been walking along the bottom of a cliff, and had found a cave in the cliff wall.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"Then let's move on," Jake said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]Chloe held Treana back as the group started moving. "Treana, can you feel it?" she asked, following with Treana behind the rest of the group.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Feel what?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"The energy field. Something's happening. Energy from it is drawing closer. I can feel it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"You can? Hold on... yes, I think we can feel it, but even working together, it's hard for us to sense. I think you're attuned to it, Chloe. The others from Stonhenge probably are, too."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Af if on cue, Jake said, "Word from the others. Several of them are sensing that energy from that field is drawing closer."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"I feel it, too," Chloe said. "The field's been around the planet, but now energy from it is approaching the planet's surface."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"Shields up, then," Jake said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"And quickly," Chloe said. "It's approaching fast"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"She's right," Treana said. "We feel it, too."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]The group all raised their shields. Not too long afterwards, the energy arrived. Just like at Stonehenge, it couldn't be seen, but everyone felt it[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]"It's not as... active as it was at Stonehenge," Treana said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"What does that mean?" Lenny said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"It means that at Stonehenge, the energy was forceful, like it was trying to force its way through out shields. Now, it's just here. It's not actually doing anything. Still, keep your shields up. It may not be trying to get through them, but it'll get into you if you drop your shields."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]With their shields raised, the group continued on, but they stopped shortly. "Do you hear that?" Micheal asked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]There were nods of affirmation all around. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]"We can't sense anything, though," Treana said. "We think the energy is interfering."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"I can sense it fine," Chloe said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Must be because you have some of the energy in you. Well, what are you sensing?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Some kind of animal. It seems similar to the big predatory dinosaurs from Earth's past. It's probably this planet's version of a T. Rex or something similar. It seems unusually agitated. Mental functions are... erretic, I guess. I think it's the energy. At Stonehenge, we all had hallucinations and stuff like that. I think this is something similar. Be careful. It's gone mad, and it's heading in our direction."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Get ready, then," Treana said. "Damn, the energy's interfering with our abilities. We don't know how useful they'll be in the current situation. Chloe?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"I'm fine."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"Well, I'm not," Lenny said. "Did the energy do this at Stonehenge?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"We don't know. We never used any abilities other than shields. Not that it matters. It's happening here, and that's that. Be ready, everyone. This could be interesting."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]The creature ceartanly did look a lot like a T. Rex, as they all saw when it came into view. It seemed... dizzy, unsteady. Still, it was clear that it saw the group. It roared, then charged.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Scatter!" Treana said. Everyone else did so, but she stayed in one place as the beast drew closer. As it neared her, she dashed to the side while her other self thrusete telekinetic force against the cliff wall above her. The idea was to collapse the portion of the wall she'd hit onto the beast, but it didn't work so well. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen][I]Damn it, this interference is making things difficult. [COLOR=royalblue]Then we focus together next time. Lenny's the closes to us; we'll have him move us along so we can both concentrate entirly on our abilities. Lenny![/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [I][COLOR=gray]I he-- -ou, Trean-. More or l-ss.[/COLOR][/I] [I][/I] [I][COLOR=royalblue]We're going to try to collapse some of the cliff wall on the thing! We need you to move us along so it doesn't get us.[/COLOR][/I] [I][/I] [I][COLOR=gray]I c-n't. This int-r--ranc- is maki-g ev-n th-s diffic-l-.[/COLOR][/I] [I][/I] [COLOR=#808080]"I'll do it," Chloe said, stepping up beside Treana.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Chloe? Dammit, I though I told you not to risk yourself. Okay, fine, you're here anyways. Just run alongside the cliff wall while pulling us along with you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]As Chloe moved Treana along, Treana's two selves picked a spot on the cliff wall, waited for the right moment, and thrusted telekinetik force agasint it. It worked this time. Rocks began to fall as the beast drew closer. [COLOR=gray]But then Chloe tripped.[/COLOR] "Keep going!" Treana said. "We'll be fine on[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue] our own now!" [/COLOR][COLOR=gray]But Chloe didn't leave. And then Lenny ran towards the pair, trying to get close so the interferance would be minimal, allowing him to help.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Dammit, everyone move!" Treana shouted as she got to her feet and ran. [COLOR=gray]Chloe began moving too, but then a few small rocks fell, one of them landing right on Lenny's head. Chloe turned to see Lenny collapse. "Lenny!"[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue][COLOR=gray]Chloe lifted Lenny with her abilities and moved him along with her, but because of this, she couldn't move as fast. [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue][I]Chloe, leave him! We'll try to get him out, but you focus on yourself.[/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [I][COLOR=gray]You know you can't! I'm the only one here who doesn't have any difficulties from the energy. I'm the only one who can do it.[/COLOR][/I] [I][/I] [COLOR=royalblue]Treana didn't like it, but Chloe left her without a choice. Chloe took priority over Lenny. Treana was already out of the way, so she didn't have to worry about moving. Both of her selves focused on Chloe, telekinetically dragging her out of harm's way. [/COLOR][COLOR=gray]But the sudden force broke Chloe's concentration, and Lenny's body fell to the ground.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]With Chloe safe, Treana turned her attention to Lenny. But it was to late. The beast had reached the target area, and the collapse had begun. Treana did what she could, but ultimately, it wasn't enough. Lenny was buried along with the monster.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]With the danger past, Micheal and Jake made their way to Treana and Chloe. Treana was standing, but Chloe was on the ground, crying. "What happened?" Jake said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"We got the beast," Treana said, "but there was... collateral damage. Lenny's dead."[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkslateblue]"There's no way it'll be stopped now," Kiva said. "There's no move Stevens and the others can make at this point that will avoid civil war."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva had tapped into news broadcasts as a way of monitering events. If what Crystal was investigating would cause civil war, then it would certainly be on the news if it got out. Which it was. It was shocking to hear the reports of what Crystal had found. At this point, civil war was all but inevitble.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah, and we thought things were crazy before," Daego said. "Now there'll be a full-scale war. So it's come to this, then."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Come to what?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I can't support the Empire, Kiva. Not after everything that's been revealed. The banned research, the alterations, I mean hell, Kiva, you know I've been questioning my decision not to join the Resistance. Now I know I was wrong to decline. Kiva, in a civil war, I will support the dissenting sectors."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The signal sounded, indicating an incoming transmission. "This discussion hasn't happened," she said as she accepted the transmission. She was not surprised to see that it from Stevens.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I assume you know what's happening, Kiva," Stevens said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes, we've been following the broadcasts. I don't think there's any way to avoid civil war now."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"We're going to try, but I suspect you're right. In which case we'll be having need of your services. Your vessel is the fastest there is, and has the most advanced systems. This, of course, includes stealth systems. So the [I]Transcendence[/I] is ideal for reconisance. If war does break out, we'll need information on the enemy."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You can count on me," Kiva said. "Is there anything else?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes. I've decided to transfer Daniel to the Council Center. He is to be given quarters connected to Jason and Celestia's. I think that his presence there will improve their productivity, particularly Celestia's. If you have and further questions for him, ask them now, then transfer him the the [I]Creator[/I]. We'll transport him the the Council Center when his quarters have been prepared."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Understood," Kiva said. "Kiva out." She closed the channel. [I]This is it, then. Even if Stevens says he has no intention of interrogating Daniel, I can't take the risk. My role as an undercover operative has come to an end.[/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Daego," Kiva said, "are you certain about your decision?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I am," Daego said. "I think you probably understand, even if you don't agree."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You shouldn't be so quick to assume things."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Excuse me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]'Daego, this is important. If you're not absolutely certain about your decision, then you can leave. I'll let you launch an escape pod before departing."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What are you talking about?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"There will be no turning back, Daego. If you leave for sector 9, you will not be able to reverse that decision. So don't do so unless you're absolutely certain."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I'm certain," Daego said, "but what are you talking about? You're with the Empire, aren't you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No. I'll explain later. There's not time right now. We need to get out of here immediately. Bring all systems up. We may have some trouble on our way out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Daego put his questions aside for the time being. "Kiva, I know this ship is good, but there's no way we can make it through sector defenses."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"So we broadcast Specialist codes. Those may not have the authority they used to, but at the very least, it'll buy us some time while the people in charge of the defensive force try to decide just what to do. Hopefully we'll make it out without any difficulties, but I want all systems ready just in case."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"More incoming missiles," Daego said. "Impact in- wait, nevermind. Our defenses got them."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"We shouldn't have any more problems," Kiva said. "Those guys are too far back to be too effective, and nobody else will be able to gen into range before we canjump to hyperspace. we've made it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]At that moment in incoming cransmission was signaled. Kiva answered it, and was again not surprised to see Stevens. "What the hell are you doing?" Stevens said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Following orders," Kiva said. "I had standing orders that were to come into effect under certain conditions. Those conditions have now been met."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What the hell are you talking about. Who gave these orders?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I can't tell you that, Stevens, not even if I wanted to. See, I don't know who gave the orders. All I know is that they're there, and that they are apparently standard for those in my position."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Kiva, tell me what the hell you're doing!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No. I can't do that, Stevens. And don't think you can threaten me with concequences upon my return, because this is likely to be a one-way trip. Odds are we won't be seeing each other again, Stevens."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"We've passed the limit," Daego said. "Destination set. Initiating jump."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Goodbye, Stevens," Kiva said. She closed the channel, and the [I]Transcendence[/I] jumped into hyperspace.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Do you really think you fooled Stevens with that bullshit?" Daego said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What bullshit?" Kiva said. "Everything I told him is absolutely true. I just left out a crucial piece of information. Now come on. We should let Daniel out of his cell."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What is going on, Kiva?" Daego asked as the two of them made their way to Daniel's cell.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"It's simple," Kiva said, stopping in front of Daniel's cell. She opened it and stepped inside. "Hello, Daniel. [I]Kaisek telmer nero vakl kreshnit[/I]." The phrase was not part of the sequence Kiva and Erica had exchanged, because this time Kiva was initiating it. The sequence when the agent initiated it was different than when someone else initiated it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Daego said nothing, just watching as Kiva and Daniel exchnged the code sequence. "What was that about?" he asked when they had finished.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"A series of codes used for identity verification," Kiva said. "It was really just a formality in this case, though, since he knows who I am and I know who he is. He didn't know that that code sequence was mine, by the way. You're only told which operative matches a code sequence if it's thought that you're likely to have a need to contact that operative. Otherwise, you're given the code sequence but not the operative it's matched with. That way, you can recognize a sequence when it's initiated, but if you're captured you can only give the sequences, not the operatives they're matched with. It's a security measure."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Okay," Daego said, "but just why are there these codes in the first place?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I just told you, identity verification. It lets the other party know that the person is really an operative, and confirms for the operative that he or she is not speaking to an enemy. Which is important, because when you're undercover, one major mistake is enough to compromise you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Undercover? You're not-"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes, I am," Kiva said. "I am an undercover operative for the Resistance. I've been one for quite a while; since before we met, actually."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I- so then- you've just been acting the whole time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No. The only thing I've faked is my allegance."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I- I'm sorry, Kiva. It's just that-"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I understand," Kiva said. "If this didn't come as a surprise, then I wouldn't have been a very good undercover agent, now, would I?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You're certain he can be trusted with this information?" Daniel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "I am. And even if he couldn't be, it wouldn't matter. My role as an undercover operative has ended. Stevens wanted me to turn you over to him. He claimed he wasn't going to interrogate you, but I couldn't take that risk. Besides, even if it didn't happen immediately, you would certainly have been interrogated eventually. So I had no choice. I had to run. Now, Stevens did contact me as I was making my escape. I told him I was acting under standing orders, but I think he's smart enough to figure out that I was undercover. Not that it matters at this point. We masked our jump signature, so they can't tell where we're going, and even if they could, this is the fastest ship there is. They couldn't catch us."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"And where are we going?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Sector 9," Kiva said. "Sectors 7-12 have basically cut off relations with the rest of the empire. 9 had been stockpiling resources for a while before that, so it's likely to become the HQ for that side of the civil war. We're heading there, unless you have a better destination for us."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No," Daniel said. "If I knew where William was, I'd say to go to him, but for all I know, he's back in sector 1."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Did he have a ship other than the [I]Tryst[/I]?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes, the [I]Astera[/I]."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I thought so. The [I]Astera[/I] left sector 1, breaking procedure as it did so. A message was sent from i announcing the intent to make certain information public, information thah has basically garunteed a civil war. And it would seem that the information was indeed made public." She summarized the informatoin for Daniel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That's- you're certain?" Daniel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "I take it you didn't know, then. But yes, it's the truth. Now, since you don't have a destination, then we'll continue to sector 9 as planned. I doubt the forces there will be friendly to us when we arrive, but you're a know high-level member of the Resistance. I think they'll let us in if you say so. And who knows, William may even be there."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Then sector 9 it is," Daniel said.[/COLOR]
  4. Actually, I didn't know either, though I guessed it'd be something like that (though I thought it had originated with Versilans falling in love with people from the 'lesser' races, not with people of 'lesser' races passing themselves off as Versilan).
  5. [COLOR=darkslateblue]Normally, Kiva would leave dealing with captives entirely to Daego, but this time, she couldn't do that. So when she was finished with Stevens, she accessed surveilance systems in order to view Daego's actions with Daniel. She expected Daego to just leave Daniel in a cell, but what he actually did surprised her. [I]Why's he waking Daniel up?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]It soon became clear what Daego was doing. Kiva'd known he was having doubts about his alegiance, but she was still a bit shocked at what Daego said. [I]He wouldn't actually commit treason, would he? I know he's not happy with some of what the Empire's been doing, but I never thought he'd actually turn traitor. Would he actually do that?[/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva still wasn't sure what to think when Daego returned to the bridge. "I assume that wasn't just for Daniel's benefit," she said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No, it was not," Daniel said. "I cannot allow the Resistance's existance to be jeopardized, not yet. Not when they may be right after all. I don't expect you to agree with me. As I told Daniel, I expect that this decision will cost me my life, but I'm not taking it back. I think you understand, even though you probably don't agree with me."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva had thought she was finished as an undercover Resistance agent, but now she was beginning to formulate a plan. She was goig to answer Daego, but then the signal sounded for an incomming transmission. The transmission was from Admiral Stevens. "What is it?" Kiva said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I've just received word from Commander Crystal," Stevens said. "She recommends against taking violent action with Daniel Landers. See, we've been making use of Jason and Celestia. As a matter of fact, they've been helping us find a way into the Council databases we don't yet have access codes for. Now, you already know that Celestia is half-Versilan, but what you may not know is that Daniel Landers is actually her father."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I see," Kiva said. "All right, then. We'll stil question Daniel, but until further notice, we will not take agressive action."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Good. Also, it may be important that Crystal was rather upset when she conteacted. When I asked her why, she said I'd know in a few hours. I think it's about the tests I've been having her run at Erica's suggestion. I don't know what she's found, but if it's as major as Erica claims, then as soon as Crystal double-checks the results and gets them to me, things may get even more hectic than they are now. I advise you to be ready for anything. We're close enough to civil war as it is; if this is really something major, civil war may very well be upon us."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I understand," Kiva said. "Kiva out." She turned to Daego. "Well, looks like we won't be interrogating Daniel yet. I'm not sure what to think about you right now, but since you haven't actually done anything yet, I don't have to decide right now. I have no idea what's about to happen, but I think we should take Stevens's advice and be ready for anything."[/COLOR]
  6. Okay, I guess I'm back in charge, then. For now, things'll stay the same, so just keep doing whatever. I'm planning out what I'll do with this RPG, so until I've got that figured out, we'll just keep wandering around. Oh, and it's still okay to kill NPCs.
  7. Well, Prem, I got the idea that DB just didn't want us killing off all the NPC team members too quickly. Toletta's not a team member, so I think it's fine if you do whatever you want with her.
  8. Daniel knows that Kiva is a Resistance agent, but Daego just told him that Kiva's always been loyal to the Empire. Don't you just love irony?
  9. [COLOR=darkslateblue]As the assult team split up to sweep the [I]Tryst[/I], Kiva and Daego, in heavy combat armor, headed straight for the bridge. They didn't know where Daniel would be, but he was probably on the bridge when the assult began, so that was the place to start. But even if he wasn't there, they'd find him eventually. There was nowhere he could run, and with main power down, there was no way for him to open a transport door. He might try to put up a fight, as many of the [I]Tryst[/I]'s crew would undoubtably do, but at this point, his capture was all but certain.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Daniel was indeed on the bridge. He stood up as Kiva and Daego entered, turning around to face them. Kiva stepped forward. "Well, hello, Daniel. I have to say, this is quite ironic."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What's that supposed to mean?" Daniel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Simply that I am Elite Specialist Kiva Salqarian. I was in charge of the operation against Blaine Uratak. Jared led the team that rescued you and Kerstin, but I was in charge of the overall operation. It's funny, isn't it? I'm responsible for your rescue from Blaine, and here I am capturing you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Just get it over with," Daniel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Very well," Kiva said. She stunned Daniel, then contacted the assult team's leader. "This is Kiva. Our objective has been secured. We're pulling out. Finish sweeping the ship, then take over and bring it in as a captured vessel. You know the procedure. Kiva out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego returned to the [I]Transcendence[/I]. Daego took the unconcious Daniel and put him in a cell while Kiva informed Stevens of Daniel's capture. "Daego's taking him down to a cell right now," she said. "What are your intentions for him?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I'd appreciate it if you could handle him for now," Stevens said. "We;ve got our hands full over here, plus Crystal's investigating something that Erica claims will lead to civil war."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"We'll handle Daniel for now, then," Kiva said. "Kiva out." She terminated communications, then leaned back in her chair. [I]This is not good[/I].[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva's position was now in jeopardy. She was in danger of being compromised. Daniel Landers knew that she was an agent for the Resistance, and if anyone got that out of him, she would be in trouble. But she knew what to do. She'd act as though everything was normal, but if it became necessary, she'd run as soon as she could. She actually considered running immediately. She commanded the Empire's most advanced ship, and had one of the Resistance's leaders in captivity onboard her ship. Escaping with those would aid the resistance, but Kiva knew that an agent in her position was too valuable to lose unless there was no other way. So she would remain covert until such time as she was actually compromised. It was risky, but it was a risk she'd known about when she took on the role of an undercover agent within the Empire.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Daego placed Daniel in a cell, then activated a device on his armon and touched Daniel with it. The device was designed to counteract stunning effects. It almost completely protected the wearer from stunning efects, and using it on an already stunned person would cause that person to come to rapidly, sometimes immediately. It wasn't standard equipment for the military, but it was standard in Specialist armor. And when Daego used it on Daniel, Daniel came to almost immediately. Before he did, though, Daego exited the cell, closed it, and activated the cell's two-way communication.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Daniel Landers," Daego said as Daniel got to his feet. "My name is Daego Kelse. You probably don't know who I am, but I was approached by the Resistance five years ago. I was approached because of how similar my views were to those of the Resistance. Yet I declined."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Daniel decided to respond. "Why?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Because as similar as my views were, the Resistance and I differed enough that I couldn't suport your actions. I believed you were too optomistic, too idealistic. I believed that your goals were not possible to achieve. But now... now I'm not so sure. Our minds are all altered, were altered as part of the standard genetics package. What if I should have joined you? What if my views really do match yours? What if I don't actually think you're too idealistic, if that beliefe was only the result of the alterations?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Why are you telling me this?" Daniel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Because I want you to believe it. Until I know what's right, I can't jeopardize the Resistance's existance. I don't care what happens to me. I joined the millitary to fight for what i believe, and I've always been ready to give my life if necessary."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You would risk your life for my sake? How do I know this is the truth?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Because I already have. Everywhere in this ship is under constant surveilance. Kiva may already know what I've told you. She has taken my side in many things, but she has always been loyal to the Empire. I will do what I can. I expect to die, but I will do what I can." Daego deactivated the communications system and walked away.[/COLOR]
  10. Tolletta's not going to be affected by what I've got in mind, so do whatever you want with her.
  11. Okay, so I didn't actually get to killing anyone in my post. That's because I came up with an even better idea. I'll kill someone in my next post. I just wanted to get Treana's conversation with Chloe in first, and I didn't want my post to be too long (plus I don't have time to write up the rest right now).
  12. [COLOR=royalblue]"News from Thomas's group," Treana said. "They've found someone who claims to live in a village near their location. She seems human, but whether she actually is or not remains to be seen. We think it's likely that she's not, but either way is possible."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Man, this is getting wierd," Lenny said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"No shit," Micheal said. "A seemingly human girl claiming to be from a nearby village on an alien planet we rode an energy field to in order to save people the field apparently took from Earth? I don't know if it can get any wierder."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Assume it can. We have no idea what'll hapen next, but anything seems to be possible."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]As the group continued, Treana held Chloe back, following behind the rest. "Chloe, this is important," she said quietly. "Of our group, you and I are the only ones who were at Stonehenge. I assume you've noticed an increase in your abilities since then."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Yes," Chloe said just as quietly. "At first I thought it was just normal progression, but nobody else was learning and strengthening their abilities as fast as I and the others who were at Stonehange. We even left you behind eventually, though you seem... stronger now, somehow."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"We think we know why that is. At Stonehenge, we'd all just learned the shield ability, so our shields were still weak. We think they were sufficient to keep out most of the energy, but not quite all of it. We think some of the energy got through to you and the others, and that it's affecting the development of your abilities."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Then why weren't you progressing as quickly?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]"Because our shield was stronger. The two of us cooperated to strengthen our shield. We think ours was strong enough even back then to keep out the entirity of the energy. We're not sure if this is good or bad. On the one hand, the energy has bosted your abilities, but on the other, the energy field released at Stonehenge is responsible for the current situation."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"So what happened to strengthen your abilities? Did you let some of the energy in when we were riding the field to here?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"No. We experimented with ourselves. We figured out how to merge ourselves together, creating one self with the combined abilities of both former selves. Then, the one self repeated the actions that led to the original duplication, so there are two of us again. But we both have the combined abilities of our two former selves. In other words, We were able to double our ability level through a risky mental experiment. We're not going to try it again until we know more about the mind. But this isn't what I wanted to say to you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]"Look, Chloe, for better or for worse, you've got some of this energy inside you. We think that's important, though we don't yet know what its importance is. But regardless, you and I are the only ones in this group who were at Stonehenge. I think we're more invloved in this than the others. This may be hard to accept, and it will probably sound cold, and perhaps arrogant, but you and we need to take priority over the others. In other words, our lives are more important in this than theirs are."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"You- do you mean that-"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"I mean that we cannot put ourselves in unnecessary danger. Especially not you. Like it or not, of the five in our group, you're the most important, because you're the only one of us with any of the energy inside you. So whatever you do, do not put yourself in unnecessary danger."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]Chloe didn't seem to know what to say, so she said nothing. She looked upset, though. Treana'd anticipated that. What she'd said wasn't easy to take. She wasn't certain that Chloe would do it, either. [I]I don't think she accepts it. She doesn't accept that her safety needs to take priority over everyone else's. [COLOR=seagreen]She doesn't have to. We'll just have to intervene if she tries to put herself in danger for any reason. Thanks to our re-duplication, oour abilities are ahead of hers. We can stop her by force if necessary. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]She may not want to admit it, but she is probably the most important person in our group. If she doesn't protect herself, then we'll do it for her.[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR]
  13. Yeah, Daniel's capture is going to proove interesting, seeing as how he's being captured by Kiva (who he knows to be a Resistance agent) and Daego (who's rethinking his decision not to join the Resistance). All I can say is I'm going to have some fun with this.
  14. Yeah, but knowing that it's okay to kill the NPCs with us opens up all kinds of fun possibilities, one of which I'm working on developing (it should be in my next post, which should be up within a couple days).
  15. [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Ah, propaganda," Kiva said. "You should know better than to take anything the Council says at face value, Kerstin. Of course they'd claim that their enemies are ruthless, evil people, but that's simply not true. I've met several Resistance members, and they're simply fighting for what they believe to be right. They're really no different than any of us. Sure, there're probably some bad people in the Resistance, but the Empire's got it's fair share of nasties, too."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You're not going to arrest me?" Kerstin said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You've done nothing to warrent it. Hell, what you did led us strait to Daniel. I don't think we'd have figured him out otherwise. Sure, it would've been better if you'd told somebody, but you'll be fine, so don't worry about it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva turned around and left Kerstin's room, Daego following right behimd her. They went straight to Stevens. "Well?" Stevens said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Kerstin's innocent," Kiva said. "She's not involved with the resistance. She figured Daniel out because Daniel Timbers carried a locket with Daniel Landers' mother's picture in it. When she asked, Daniel said it was his mother. She found no connection between Daniel Timbers and Anna Landers, so she guessed that perhaps Daniel Timbers was related to Daniel Landers and hiding that fact for obvious reasons. So she ran a physical comparison. She then confronted Daniel, who denided being Landers, but of course he would. Kerstin didn't report him because of conflicting emothions resulting from Daniel's actions to protect her when they were being held captive."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I see," Stevens said. "And you're certain that's all there is to it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "I am. Kerstin still should've reported Daniel, but even though she didn't, if she hadn't found him, I wouldn't have, either. Do you have his location?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes. When you informed me that Timbers was Landers, I immediately ordered surveilance on all locations frequented by Timbers. He's currently on board his and William's vessel, the [I]Tryst[/I]. There's been no sigh of William, though."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Damn. Well, Daniel's the most wanted individual now, so he has to take priority over William, and the fact that he's on the [I]Tryst[/I] indicates that he's probably going to make a run for it. He knows Kerstin figured him out, remember. Actually, I'm amazed he's still in the sector. We have to assume he'll leave as soon as we can, with or without William. Stevens, I'll need an assult team ready as soon as possible. Load them in an assult transport and send them to the [I]Tryst[/I]. Daego and I can't wait around for the team to be assembled. If the [I]Tryst[/I] is going to leave, we have to make sure that can't happen. Launch the assult transport as soon as the assult team's assembled, then contact us. Daego, let's go."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Okay, here we go," Daego said. "Approaching the [I]Tryst[/I]. Targeting the engines- holy shit!" The [I]Tryst[/I] had begun to move.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]""Damn," Kiva said. "Daniel must've just completed preperations. Okay, looks like this could be interesting. Follow the [I]Tryst[/I]. We have to take out its engines before it can jump. Let's do this!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The[I] [COLOR=darkslateblue]Tryst[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR][COLOR=darkslateblue]'s defenses were high-quality, but they weren't good enough. Eventually, the [I]Transcendence[/I] scored a missile hit against the [I]Tryst[/I]'s engines. It wasn't enough to disable the vessel, but it slowed it down significantly. Its rear defenses also seemed to have been dmaged, making getting a second hit much easier. Before long, the [I]Tryst[/I] was disabled.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Excellent," Kiva said. "All right, target its primary power supply. Don't blow it up, but make sure it can't function. We don't want to let Daniel blow up the [I]Tryst[/I] while we're in it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said. The primary power supply was targeted and destroyed. It didn't explode, and reparing it would likely be possible given enough time, but that would take quite a while. For all intents and purposes, the [I]Tryst[/I] was dead in the water. The backup generator would power life-support and the engines (if they'd been operational), but not much else. It was now safe to board the vessel, and as if on cue, Stevens contacted Kiva, informing her that the transport had been launched. Kiva contacted it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Okay, dock with the [I]Tryst[/I] and make an entrence. When you've done so, we'll transport to you to begin the boarding operation. Kiva out." She turned to Daego. "Okay, let's suit up. This isn't over yet."[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------- OOC: Tag, Aaryanna_Mom
  16. [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Are you sure about that?" Daego said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "I'm sure. The data was copied by someone on board the [I]Creator[/I]. Specifically, to a room in the Command Quarters section, a section reserved for high-ranking officers and guests. I'll need to access the personell database of the [I]Creator[/I] to learn who's in that specific room, though."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Should I contact Stevens?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No, not yet. I don't want to involve anyone on the [I]Creator[/I] until I know who requested the data. No, I'm going to excersize Specialist rights; specifically, I'll be making use of the authorization to access a ship's records without informing any the vessel's crew."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]Upon gaining access to the desired records, Kiva learned that the occupant of the room the data on Daniel had been accessed from was none other than Kerstin Anderson. "Well, that's interesting," Kiva said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah, no kidding. Why would Kerstin access information about Daniel?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That's what I'm about to find out." Kiva made her way into the program records for Kerstin's computer terminal. She browssed through the records until she found what she was looking for. "Kerstin ran a physical comparrison between Daniel Landers and Daniel Timbers."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Daniel Timbers is involved in this, too? Don't tell me he's actually Landers."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I don't know," Kiva said. "The results of the comparrison aren't here. Kerstin must not have saved them. Not that it really matters. We'll just run the comparrison ourselves." Which Kiva did. When she saw the results, she wasn't really surprised. "98%," she said. "A 98% probability that Daniel Timbers is Daniel Landers."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"And we even rescued the guy," Daego said. "I don't believe it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah, it's crazy. But how did Kerstin figure it out? And more importantly, why the hell hasn't she informed Stevens? I don't like this."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What should we do?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"First, I'm going to confirm Landers's location. Afterwards, we contact Stevens.I don't want to move on Daniel until we know what's going on here."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Sounds like a good idea. And what about that William guy? Is he with the Resistance, too?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"It's likely. When we move, we'll grab them both."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva accessed public [/COLOR][COLOR=darkslateblue]records to find the current residence of Daniel Timbers. After confirming its location, she pulled out, but not before leaving a message:[/COLOR] [INDENT][I][COLOR=darkslateblue]You have been compromised.[/COLOR][/I] [/INDENT][COLOR=darkslateblue]With the message left, she pulled out and contacted Stevens, who responded quickly. "Kiva, what is it? Did you find anything?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You could say that," Kiva said. "Daego and I need to come aboard to speak with Kerstin Anderson. She is not to be informed of this."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"May I ask the reason?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Possibility of involvment with the Resistance," Kiva said. "She's the one who accessed the records of Daniel Landers. She ran a physical comparison between him and Daniel Timbers, the man Blaine abducted along with Kerstin. She didn't store the results, so we ran the comparison ourselves. Stevens, the probability that they're the same person is 98%"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Shit," Stevens said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Exactly," Kiva said. "I've confirmed Daniel's residence, and it's likely that the man he's living with, William, is also a Resistance member. However, we don't want to move against him until we know what Kerstin's involvement with him is."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Makes sense. I've sent you the transportation code; you may come at any time."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"We'll be over momentarily," Kiva said. "Kiva out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego were wearing light Specialist armor. Even that was probably unnecessary, but Kiva wanted to be able to take a couple shots on the off-chance that things got messy. She and Daego were both armed, but again, she didn't anticipate needing them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva didn't bother to signal Kerstin. She simply keyed in a sequence, and the door opened. Kerstin looked up in surprise as Kiva and Daego stepped in, the door closing behind them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Hello, Kerstin," Kiva said. "I am Elite Specialist Kiva Salqarian. I'm going to get right to the point. You ran a physical comparison between Daniel Timbers and Daniel Landers, correct?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I- yes, yes I did," Kerstin said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"And the result was a 98% chance that they're actually the same person."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Y-yes, that's ture."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Okay, so tell me a couple things, Kerstin. First, why did you run the comparrison? What potential connection between Timbers and Landers did you find? And second, why the hell haven't you informed anybody?"[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------- OOC: Tag, Rachmaninoff.
  17. Well, I think I made a good start with the fact that a planet twice Earth's size would have twice Earth's gravity, something you, DB, may not even have thought of when you said the place was twice as big as Earth. I can think of a lot of directions to take the thing from there. But everyone, don't think you have to let me do this my way. This RPG is pretty free-form right now, so as long as nobody completely contradicts something someone else has said, go ahead and take this in whatever direction you want to. Oh, and I don't think there's anything wrong with saying that something another character said is wrong, as long as you don't do it to steal that plotline from someone else. I've done free-form before, and rule number one is that you can make a plot thread yours, but no matter what you do, never, ever just steal another's plot thread. Sorry if I seem overly concerned about this, but I've seen RPGs ruined by 'plot thread theft', and I don't want that to happen to this one. I'm enjoying it too much.
  18. [COLOR=seagreen]Upon arrival, Treana was somewhat disoriented, [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]so her other self took over. The group split into four groups of five. Treana's group included Chloe, who had been at Stonehenge. Also in her group were men named Lenny, Micheal, and Jake.They set off across the unfamiliar terrain of Rilenti 4.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"A planet twice the size of Earth," Lenny said. "How are we supposed to find anyone here?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"Our abilities will help us search," Micheal said. "Besides, twice the size probably means twice the volume, not twice the surface area. The planet may be twice the volume of Earth, butas far as we're concerned, it's less than twice Earth's size, though still significantly bigger than Earth."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Or is it?" Treana said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Micheal looked at her. "What do you mean?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"If this planet is twice the size of Eaerth, it should have arrpoximately twice the mass of Earth. So let me ask you: pysically, how are you feeling? Are you having to adjust to this new planet, or do you feel pretty much the way you did on Earth?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"I'd have to say I feel pretty normal," Micheal said, and there were nods of agreement from the others. Lenny, however, saw what Treana was getting at.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"We shouldn't feel normal," Lenny said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Lenny's right. We can assume that this planet has about twice the mass of Earth. More mass means a stronger gravitational pull. In other words, if this planet has twice the mass of Earth, it should have twice the gravity. But it doesn't. Either this planet has about the same mass as Earth, or something really wierd's going on here."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"When we approached," Chloe said, "I sensed that this world is pretty big, certainly a lot bigger than Earth."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Which means one of two things. Either it has less gravity than an object of its mass should, or it has less mass than an object of its size should."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"You mean it could be hollow?" Lenny said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Not completely hollow, we don't think, but it's very possible that it's partially hollow. Either that, or there's something screwey with the gravity. We think it's the former."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Great," Jake said. "That means we have to search the surface and the hollowed-out portions. Just great. Of all the planets in the universe, that energy field had to come to the big and hollow one."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"We don't think it's a coincidince. You're right, Jake. How unlikely is it that the field just happened to come to a large, hollow planet? No, we think there's a reason that it came here. A reason that likely has less to do with the planet's size, and more to do with the hollowed-out areas. If we want answers, we should probably head underground, to the hollowed-out areas. We just need to find a way down there."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"What if you're wrong?" Chloe said. "What if there isn't anyone or anything down there?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Then we won't have made any progress. But remember, we split into four groups. Even if we find nothing underground, the others will be looking up here. My other self has telepathically informed the other groups of our theory. If anyone finds a passage underground, I've told them that they should let everyone else know. That way, we ensure that if there is nothing, only one group wastes time down there. Besides, until we find a passage down, we'll be wandering around the surface anyways. So let's keep searching. If we do find a passage underground, we can decide what to do then."[/COLOR]
  19. Well, is it going to happen anytime soon? Because if it takes much longer, I don't think there'll be much interest left.
  20. [COLOR=darkslateblue]Kiva and Daego had barely arrived in sector 1 when Stevens contacted them. "Admiral Stevens," Kiva said. "I wasn't expecting to hear from you again so soon."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I know I've been keeping you busy," Stevens said. "There's just a lot going on right now."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"It's fine. I realize things are pretty damn crazy. Anyways, what is it this time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"As I'm sure you realize, there's no way the Resistance is going to remain idle right now. They're sure to make use of the current confusion. I don't know what they'll do, but odds are it'll be something big. Erica keeps dropping hints about something, but she hasn't givin me any real information yet. But she says she knows about something that, if it got out, could result in a civil war. I have Crystal looking into it; Erica claims that the secret will be revealed by complete genetic analysis of the Council members who have yet to turn over their personal codes, as well as those members' extended families. Meanwhile, I have something I want you to look into.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"It's highly likely that the Resistance is using the current confusion to its advantage. In particular, I believe they currently have active spies here in sector 1 making use of the current situation. There've been a few incidents lately. For example, at some high-level social functions-balls and the like-there have been one or two people attending under false identities. We don't know who these people really are, but I believe them to be connected with the Resistance. There have been other, similar incidents. The pattern suggests they're looking for specific information. Spies usually just take whatever information they have, but they don't go looking unless there's something specific they want to find."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Okay, so we've got at least two likely spies," Daego said. "I assume you don't have any leads as to their identities."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well, there is one thing that may be significant. There has been recent access to the public records of Daniel Landers. Specifically, his most recent image was accessed and copied. This was discovered via routine security checks, so I know only that the information was copied. I don't know who has it, or why."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"We'll start there, then," Kiva said. "We'll do a full check on the file. That should tell us who accessed the information, and we can go from there."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"All right, then. Stevens out."[/COLOR]
  21. I guess I won't have to take over, after all. I take it you'll have a post up sometime soon, DB?
  22. If a week passes without any sign of DB, I'll take over until he appears again. I am attempting to contact him, too, so hopefully he will show up sometime soon.
  23. Yeah, probably. I wasn't surprised at all when I was told what it was.
  24. *Has a guess* *Won't share it, in case I'm right* But yeah, I am eager to know what their reason is (and if my guess is correct). I also want you to send me my next objective, SunfallE. But whatever, I'll wait if I have to.
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