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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
David: (Thinking) I hope I get this right. Can't piss him off untill Ki and TJ get the guards taken care of. (Out loud) Greetings, Your Highness. It's been a long time. Master: I am glad that you have returned, nephew. Who is your companion? David: This is- Master: Wait. Someone else is in here. I can feel it. David: (Thinking) Oh, ****! (Out loud) Are you sure? I didn't see anyone, and I still don't. Master: Whoever it is is hiding. (One of his many guards falls over dead) But not for long. (TJ and Ki suddenly become visible) Did you really think you could hide from me? TJ: Yes, actually. We did. (David runs to the door, kicks it open, and launches a fire blast as a signal) Master: What did you do? David: Sent for backup. Master: I can handle this on my own. David: I know. I just want to be sure.
Nisha: Where's Catt? David: What? (He looks around) Oh. She must have fallen behind. Stay here. (He walks back for a few seconds, then vanishes. About half a minute later, he reappears with Catt and Icemon) Just as I thought. We passed through the barrier before Catt and Icemon did. Nisha: Barrier? David: If you don't have the permission of one of the five to enter this area, you can not pass through the barrier. One can not see or hear what is on the other side, and nothing can enter without one of the five knowing and allowing it. This is the only place that we know is secure. Catt: What's this "five" you keep mentioning? David: Have your Digimon partners told you of the four Sovereign that maintain this world? (They all nod) Well, there's actually five. The fifth is Huanglongmon, and not many know of his existence. When in unsecure areas, we refer to them as the five, and each individual one by a number. Zhuqiaomon is the first, Azulongmon is the second, Baihumon is the third, Ebonwumon is the fourth, and Huanglongmon is the fifth, and by far the most powerful, although no Digimon can stand up to any one of them. Nisha: Then why are we needed? David: Because the Sovereign must devote most of their power to maintaining this world. We're here to do what they can't, for if they did, they would not be maintaining this world, and it would collapse. Catt: All right. So we have to do this. Shouldn't be too hard. David: Wrong. This is the most dangerous and difficult thing you'll ever do. Alexa almost died when we went up against Millenniummon before. Now he's got backup and a plan of some sort. And he's looking for a way to become stronger, which is the worst of it, as he's already strong enough. He has three forms, each stronger than the last, with the final one being more powerful then even one of the origional four Sovereign. Only Huanglongmon is more powerful, but he must devote most of that power to maintaining this world. And I know you're wondering how he got to be so powerful. It's because several years ago, there were only four Sovereing, and they were not able to fully maintain this world on their own. They needed a fifth, one with greater power then any of them. Their first choice was a MetalGreymon whom they made much more powerful by using energy spheres called Digi-Cores. Huanglonmon was created when they tried a second time. The MetalGreymn failed. He used his power to destroy rather than to maintain. He is Millenniummon.
(David and Hirei come to the entrance to the throne room. There are several guards) David: We wish to see the Master. Guard 1: Nobody enters without his permission. David: I believe... (the poles appear in his hands) ...that I am the exception. Guard 2: Of course you may enter, sir, but I'm afraid your companion must wait with us. David: He comes with me. Guard 3: He does not have the Master's permission to enter. David: I'm ordering you to let him enter. Guard 4: Of course, sir. Guard 2: Very well, but your weapons must be left with us. David: Are you suggesting that I'm not trustworthy? Guard 4: Of course not, sir, but the Master has ordered that nobody be allowed to enter armed. Again, you are an exception, but I'm afraid that your companion must give us any weapons he has. David: He keeps his weapons. That's an order. Guard 1: He must leave his weap- David: [i]That's an order![/i] Guard 5: Yes, sir. We apologize, sir. David: (Thinking) I hate dealing with guards. (Out loud) [i]Thank[/i] you. (He and Hirei enter the throne room)
That quwstion belongs in the Nintendo Quiz. This is the Mario quiz.
Damian: No way. No f***ing way. Takashi:Based on what you and Elyse just said, it would seem to be true. Damian: I know that. I'm just shocked by this, okay? It's not like I ever thought I had any brothers or sisters at any time. I have a right to be suprised in this kind of situation. Takashi: Okay. Sorry. Damian: This is going to take some getting used to. Now's not the time, though. We've got work to do. Those two will show up soon, and we need to be ready. Elyse, you think that using the digivices to get rid of the corruption in Fleondramon and Fleonessmon might make them devolve. That's if we do it your way. But there's another way that I think will work, and have the added benefit of keeping them at their current level. Ifwe can somehow isolate the corrupted area, we can get rid of it and it alone. The problem is, I don't know if we're able to do that.
Angel: My turn. (She and NeoGuilmon walk through) Nisha: Guess I go now. (She and Flamon walk through) David: Let's go, Terriermon. (He and Terriermon walk through, and appear by the others. Alexa is standing by a Digimon that looks like Rosemon{see attachment} but with the red and green reversed and the black part red) Welcome to the Center. (Alexa indicates the Digimon standing next to her) Alexa: Everyone, this is my partner, HyperRosemon. David: The five are waiting. Follow me. -------------------------------- OOC: Attached is a picture of Rosemon. Use it as a referance with my description of HyperRosemon.
David: Normally a portal is opened from a computer, but we can't do that. Where we're going is impossible to open a standard portal to. The five I mentioned earlier have prevented it. The fifth opened this portal himself. Only he or one of the other four can do so, and it is impossible to enter where we're hoing from that world unless you have the permission of one of the five. You'll learn who they are there. You'll also learn what we know about what's going on. Catt: Why can't you tell us now? David: Because this isn't a secure area. Where we're going is the only place we can be sure we aren't heard or seen by Millenniummon and those he's working with. Since we don't have any idea who he's working with, we don't know who to trust. You've all been determined to not be with them, but we can't do that with everyone. We just have to be careful about what we say when we aren't where we're about to go. Now that that's said, let's go. Alexa: I'll go first. HyperRosemon's on the other side, and she'll want to know you're about to come through. (Alexa steps into the portal) David: Who's next?
David: Look, we don't have time for this. Are they all there, Alexa? Alexa: All five of them. It took some doing to get yours to come. David: Be glad he doesn't know you called him that. Catt: All five of who? David: You'll find out. We're going to go meet them. Oh, and try not to say anything to the red one. He's very easy to piss off. I assume the portal's stil open? Alexa: Yes. David: Good. Everyone, follow me.
OOC: Alexa doesn't know about NeoGuilmon(She left before he arrived). ------------------------------ David: I think you misunderstand. You will see her again. Like I said, she'll be here shortly. She's just lived in the digital world for a long time, and she doesn't think she can change back to how she was before. Anyways, we have work to do. What we're up against is like nothing you can imagine. Millenniummon is as nasty as they come. When we first fought him, he kicked our butts without even trying. We found a way to beat him, which you'll learn soon. this time, not only are there others working with him, but we have reason to believe that he is stronger then before. This will not be easy. (A girl in her late teens walks into the room. She has a muscular build, and almost no body fat. Her clothes are extremely dirty, but in otherwise good condition) I've been expecting you. Where's HyperRosemon? Girl: She's upstairs in your room. David: That's fine. Everyone, this is Alexa.
Damian: (Thinking) All right. if I'm going to find out what's going on, I need to help Mephistomon. We'll certainly run into someone who has some answers. But first, i need to figure out where he might be able to get to this other world, this digital world, as he called it. Wait. Digital world. [i]Digi[/i]tal world. And the names. Mephisto[i]mon[/i]. Millennium[i]mon[/i]. Digi and mon. Digimon. Of course! That watch factory! The Digimon watch factory. That name can't be a coincidence. And even if it is, we need to start somewhere. (Out loud) i've figured out where to look. It's late enough. Let's move.
David: Since you're all here, you obviously got the message, so you know that this Digimon called Millenniummon has been causing trouble, and that he's been defeated twice before. The first time, he wasn't destroyed, just sealed away. He was freed, and my twin brother Eric and I alng with two others, Brian and Mike, joined Alexa, who first fought him. After quite a bit of trouble, we managed to destroy him. We thought he was gone for good. Catt: That was all in the message. David: I know that. Catt: Do you have anything new to tell us? David: Yes. i jst said that we thought Millenniummon was gone for good, but it was recently discovered that he's still around. We don't know how. And it's worse this time before, he did everything himself. This time, there areothers working with him. we do not yet know who these others are. Brian and Mike are trying to figure that out. Eric's trying to learn their plan. As for Alexa, she and her partner should be here shortly. She left after the second fight with Millenniummon. She'd been in the digital world for three years, and she doesn't think she can live the kind of life we do anymore. Angel: She's not coming back? David: I don't think so.
OOC: David and Angel have never met. Also, David didn't meet Alexa until after she abandoned the real world to search for HyperRosemon. Her family believes her to be dead(This is all in the story this RPG is based on, so you can see for yourself when I finally get it posted(which could take a while; I have a slow beta-reader)). Please edit your post to reflect that. The stuff about what hapened to Alexa is fine, as she told David and the others about Angel(She didn't know about NeoGuilmon, though) ----------------------- David: Obviously you got the message. It was hell getting a more detailed one sent to you, though. He doesn't like it when I want him to do something. Actually, he doesn't like me, period. I have to threaten to inform the fifth of his unwillingness to cooperate before he'll even think about doing what I ask him to. Angel: Who's 'he'? David: Later. I don't want to have to explain this more than once. There's one other who got the message. When she arrives, I'll explain what's going on.
OOC: Icemon looks like a white Gotsumon. ------------------------- (David picks up a communicator{made by Eric} and uses it to call Brian) David: David here. Brian: Was the message sent? David: Yes. He also told me that Alexa is with the fifth and wil be sent through to me after that. I had to force it out of him, though. That guy is a pain in the *** to deal with. Anyways, I'm expecting the ones we sen the message to to arrive shortly. Is there anything new they should know? Brian: Nope. Nothing. David: Make sure someone tells me if there is. David out. (He turns the communicator off)
(Damian sits against a wall) Damian: (Thinking) And I thought today would be just another normal day on the streets. I make it back here uncontested after a good haul, and suddenly this thing I've eseen in my dreams comes out of nowhere and asks for my help. Now I'm supposed to help it get to another world, in exchange for an unspecified reward, and that's only if it can accomplish what it's going there for. Plus, there's the fact that this Millenniummon was sealed away instead of destroyed, which implies that whoever did it couldn't kill them. There's also the question of why Millenniummon needed to be imprisioned. If I can figure that one out, I might be able to figure out the rest of this. There's something I don't know here. Someone's laughing at me behind my back, and I need to figure out who.
OOC: Here we go. Arika, make sure you choose a Digimon partner before you post. ------------------------------------ (David is at his computer. A red jewel is connected to it via a custom-made cable built by his brother, Eric. When David types something, the jewel glows and a responce appears on the screen) {OOC: For the rest of this post, David is typing what he says, and what follows "Responce:" is what is displayed on the screen} David: Has the message been sent? Responce: Do you doubt that I sent it? David: I don't doubt that you sent it, but I like to be sure of things. Responce: Yes, I sent it. David: And it told the new people to come here? Responce: Yes. David: And it gave them directions? Responce: Yes. David: Good. Any word from Alexa? Responce: You would know if there was. David: Do you know where she is? Responce: The one she is connected to knows, but I can't find her. David: Where is she? Responce: My connection is not with her. David: Where is she? Responce: I can't determine your location. David: But you were told. And if you don't tell me, I'll have to ask the one who told you, and inform him of your unwillingness to help me. And you should know what that would do. Responce: She is with the fifth right now. She will be sent through to your location later. David: Fine with me. (He detatches the jewel and turns the computer off) ---------------------------------- OOC: This is where your characters(and Digimon) come in. They've recieved the message and are on the way to David's house. And just to make sure it's clear, they already have their Digimon partners.
SailorStar, you're in. Arika, you still need a Digimon. See my PM for suggestions. Ohkami and SailorStar, you'll both have D-Powers(No cards, though(no Digimon products are in my story's real world)), because of the need for another digivolution(You both gave Fusion forms for your Digimon, and since the only thing for a Digimon to fuse with is its human partner, the Fusion forms will be reached by bio-merging). Arika, I need to know your Digimon before I can choose your character's digivice. David, Eric, Brian, Mike, and Alexa all have D3s(because only the D3s are able to open portals to the digital world). I'm starting this now. If you still want to sign up, please do.
Not bad. Write some more. I'd like to see what happens next. One question: how powerful is IceGreymon(I'm just curious).
(David and Hirei walk to the entrance, where there are several guards) Guard 1: What do you want? David: We want to enter. Guard 2 Nobody is allowed in without the Master's approval. (David holds out his hands, and the poles appear in them) David: Not even me? Guard 1: O-of course you can pass. Guard 3: You must leave your weapons here. David: Surely you don't think I have hostile intentions? Guard 3: Of course not, sir. Everyone must. David: You will let us in as we are now. That's an order. Guard 3: But- David: I said, let us in! Guard 1: Fine. You may enter. David: [i]Thank[/i] you. (He and Hirei enter)
One of my all-time faves is Secret of Mana. It gets a little hard at places, especially(sp?) near the beginning, when you can't afford Cups of Wishes, but I don't care. The story's cool, fighting is quite fun, and there are some truly awesome boss battles(like the fight with the Mana Beast at the end). I'm looking forward to Sword of Mana for GBA.
David: Let's do this. TJ, do you remember the room where we met Tsurara well enough to take us there? TJ: If the darkness listens to me, yes. David: It should. It can probably hear me, and I certainly have enough athourity to it for this.. TJ: All right. (TJ teleports them to the room in the castle where they found Tsurara and Ken when they first came to to the land of Hirei) David: Let's do this. I don't know where we're going. Princess, you lead.
That's fine. You're in.
Damian: Actually, it's a product of my life, not something I had when I was born. But that does bring up something I've been meaning to ask. Elyse, Xander told me about the dreams you were having when I asked him for help with mine. He said that the reason he knew what they meant is because he's your sister. He told me that he wouldn't be able to help with mine. What he doesn't know is that mine are the same as he said yours were, but from the viewpoint of one of those in the car. My conclusion was that I'm related to you and him, but I was the only one to escape when the house burned down. Obviously, you wouldn't have been living there, and the only way Xander could be related to me is if he wasn't there, either. My question is, did he stay with your parents?
I wouldn't accept that for any of the other characters from my story, but Alexa, due to the fact that she's been in the digital world for several years(when she was looking for HyperRosemon, she never left the digital world), is the exception, so you're in. And no, there's not anything you really need to know about her(Anything Angel did know is out of date now, anyways. Alexa changet durring her time alone. She's not the same person she was before that).
Damian: That will most likely not work. These digivices can do the data thing with our Digimon, but I don't think it will work with any Digimon. I think each Digivice is designed to work with a specific human and Digimon. That's the only way to make sure the right person uses it with the right Digimon. And you already knew about the data thing, Elyse. You told us that when we first met. Is the thing with re-directing it what you don't know, or is what you don't know something else?
David: I don't think it'll work. remember when you tried before? The darkness refused to do what you said. Now, I think that's because Nika has a higher rank to it than you, who to it would have no rank. Now, if it thought Arika or I wanted it to do what you're telling it to, it should work unless someone higher up-like, say, the Master-doesn't want it to. I'm willing to bet that he has it not allow anyone to use it near him. You can try, but I don't think it will work.