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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. WARNING! This RPG is based on my upcomming fan-fiction story and will contain plot spoilers(big ones, too). [i]In the digital world, there was a great evil: Millenniummon. With three forms, each stronger then the last and each much more powerful than a standard Mega, there seemed to be no way to get rid of him. He destroyed unchallenged untill one day when his first form was defeated. The two who defeated him-a human and a Digimon-were able to keep his data from re-forming until the four Digimon Sovereign arrived, split his data into two halves, and sealed each half away in a different location. The threat appeared to be gone. A few years later, 16-year-old Damian located and combined the two halves of Millenniummon's data, thereby reviving him. Four humans and their Digimon partners aided the ones who had stopped him before, and togeather they were able to defeat even his strongest form. Again, the threat semed to be over, and again, it wasn't.[/i] The characters from my story who will appear in this RPG are: David: See my character profile. Eric: David's twin brother. He and David are almost identical in appearance, although they differ in personallity. Eric is less prone to wild theroys than David, and instead of extensive computer knowedge, he specilizes in mechanics. He can build, take apart, and repair almost anything. The most unusual thing about them is that their minds are connected. What one sees, thinks, and hears, the other knows as if he saw, thought, or heard it himself. Eric's partner is Lopmon(Lopmon->Turiemon(sp?)->Antylamon->Kerpymon). Brian: He's quieter than the rest. He doesn't say too much. He will sometimes jump to the wrong conclusions about people, and say the wrong things about them, but he always does his best to make things up. His partner is Veemon(Veemon->ExVeemon->Paildramon(DNA with Stingmon)->Imperialdramon->Imperialcramon Fighter Mode(IFM)). Mike: Mike's the kind of person you want to meet if you're a beggar. If you need help, he'll do his best to give it to you. But if you're mean to him, don't expect him to take it lying down. He'll want to get even, and he won't forget. He can hold a grudge for a long time. His partner is Wormmon(Wormmon->Stingmon->Paildramon(DNA with ExVeemon)->Imperialdramon->iFM). Alexa: Alexa and her partner are the ones who first fought Millenniummon. When she heard he was back, Alexa became determined to finish what she had started. She's the kind who won't back down from a fight. If you challenge her, she'll accept, and she'll proceed to kick your ***. Her partner id HyperRosemon(See below). HyperRosemon: A Mega-level Digimon who digivolved from Rosemon(who's also a Mega). After the first fight with Millenniummon, she ended up in a dimension called the Realm. When Damian revived Millenniummon, hyperRosemon was drawn back to the Digital world and reunited with Alexa, who had been endlessly searching for her. Here's what you need to sign up. My character(David) is there as an example. Name: David Age: 16 Gender: Male Bio: David(and Eric) are homeschooled. As a result, they have more free time(their learning is condensed into a much smaller period). David has used it to become a computer expert. if it's computer-related, he can do it. He's also good at figureing things out. Both he and Eric won't ever give up, although neither is as quick to fight as Alexa. Digimon: Rookie: Terriermon Champion: Gargomon Ultimate: Rapidmon Mega: MegaGargomon Biomerging is allowed, although Spirit Evolution is not(you can use those Digimon as partners, though). I will decide which Digivice your character has based on your sign-up. That's all.
  2. David: Okay, so how do we do this? Arika; Getting in should be easy. I'm allowed pretty much anywhere. So are you, David, althoug you probably don't remember. David: Nope, but I assumed it. Arika: It won't get difficult until we find the Master. He's very powerful, pluse he'll have quite a few guards. Now, Hirei can probably take the Master, but only if we take care of the guards. There's also the possibillity that only David and I will be allowed in. He knows who we are. He's never seen the rest of you. True, he's seen Ken, but Ken doesn't look or feel the same. anyways, if that happens, you'll all just have to bust in. When we're all in, Hirei takes on the Master while the rest of us deal with the guards. David: I like that plan. let's do it.
  3. Damian: I really don't understand why you can't figure it out yourself, but fine. Ki: What is this plan of your s supposed to accomplish? Damian: I quess you can't all do it, then. Okay, Fleondramon and Fleonessmon are corrupted by something, right? Well, if we somehow get rid of that corruption, we won't have to fight. Not only that, but they'll most likely be more than willing to help us fight whoever or whatever corrupted them. Ace: And just how do we do that? Damian: That's the problem. I don't really know. all I can think of is that we might be able to use the digivices to do it somehow. I just don't know how.
  4. Damian: What the hell are you talking about? Takash; I think she's talking about your idea. Damian: What idea? Takashi: Trying to get rid of the corruption in Fleondramon and Fleonessmon. Damian: I never- how'd you-um-uh-what the hell is this? Takashi: Exactly what it looks like. Damian: No way. No f***ing way. That's not possible. Takash: It's possible, all right. It's also true. Damian: I don't believe this. I do [i]not[/i] believe this.
  5. OOC: Oops. Sorry about that. ------------------------------------- Damian: Let's go. Raidramon digivolve to: Imperialdramon (They load up and Elyse opens a portal to the real world. Imperialdramon flies trough it and heads toward Shemya) Damian: (Thinking) The reason we're going to this Shemya place is because it's a good battle area. But fighting isn't the only answer. There is another way we can solve the problem of Fleondramon and Fleonessmon, and that is to get rid of the corruption. There must be some way to do it. That method is almost undoubtably not as dangerous, plus if we save them, they'll probably be more than willing to help us. Not that Elys will think so. And none of the others will want to try, either. I'll just have to do this on my own.
  6. Damian: The first thing we need to do is wait. It's easier to move around unseen at night. Mephistomon: Why does it matter if we are seen? Damian: Because we don't want the cops called on us. Mephistomon: Cops? What are cops? Damian: Police. People who enforce the law. If you do something against the law and the cops get you, you're in trouble. and I've done a lot that's against the law. I'd be given a life sentence in prison-a place where people who break the law are kept-if not killed. As for you, the army-that's a- Mephistomon: I know what an army is. Damian: Okay. The army would come and capture you, then do experiments on you. Experiments that would eventually kill you. Mephistomon: I'm not afraid of death. Damian: Yeah? Well, I am. Besides, we'll have an easier time at night. besides, your mission isn't urgent or anything. We can afford to wait, and I need the time to figure out where to take you.
  7. Ki: You're normally the one who figures out what to do. David: I'm talking about TJ and Ke-Hirei. We'll need everyone we can get against the Master, but we can't afford to have any disagreements. Destiny: TJ will come with us. David: You don't leave any room for arguement, do you? Not that i disagree. We need him with us. (He turns to face Ken/Hirei) I know you're probably used to giving orders instead of taking them, but you've been out of it for a few hundred years, and things tend to change in that amount of time. We need someone who knows the current situation to command this. sinse you're in Ken right now, and I don't remember too much, the only one here who fits that is the Princess. I think we should listen to her.
  8. Damian: And I thought things were as confusing as they could possibly get. Ace: It made sense to me. Damian: Then you didn't listen well enough. You know what I'm talking about, Elyse. Elyse: No, I don't, actually. Damian: You should. You said it yourself. Fleondramon and Fleonessmon are corrupted. If that's true, and it's certainly possible, then someone or something corrupted them. Obviously, whoever or whatever did that is the real enemy. Sure, whoever or whatever it is could also be corrupted, but then someone something corrupted it. The chain has to end eventually, and whoever or whatever is at the end is the one we need to take out. Also, that someone or something is undoubtably aware of the connection thing. You can draw your own conclusions from that. I think that this trying to destroy the world-[i]our[/i] world-is just a diversion. True, I may be wrong, but I don't think so. If you do, then you tell me what's going on.
  9. Damian: (Thinking) I don't know where she gets her information, but there's no way she's right. There's no way even those two wouldn't know what would happen if they destroyed this world. So either they're a lot dumber than I think, or there's something Elyse doesn't know. i need to know which is true, or if the truth is something I haven't thought of. And the only way to do that is to ask. I must remember to do that the next time I see one of them.
  10. David: This is not normal. Even by our standards, this is [i]not[/i] normal. TJ: You got that right. Christian: I'm lost. What just happened? David: Well, I've just realized what the thing I saw was, and I think I know why none of you could see it. I saw the heat it was giving off. I can do that. There was no form to it, so you couldn't see it. Christian: What was it? David: Based on what just happened, my guess is that it was the spirit of Master Hirei, which is now inside Ken. Christian: [i]What[/i]?! David: I know.
  11. Damian: You want me to help you get to this other world so you can free your master? Mephistomon: Yes. Damian; I do know my way around, but I don't know anything about reaching other worlds. Mephistomon: I do. I can not open a portal, but I know what to look for. If you can show me this world, I will know if there is a portal. Damian: Let's say I aggree to this. What's in it for me? Mephistomon: Millenniummon will undoubtably reward those who free him. If you aid me, you will have taken part in freeing him, and will be rewarded. Damian: What kind of reward? Mephistomon: I do not know what would be given to you, but it will be worth it. Damian: Well, it's not like I've got anything better to do. All right, I'll help.
  12. David This could be good. (He suddenly turns around) What was that? Ki: What was what? David: I thought I saw something, but I can't find it. I want to know what-there it is again! TJ: I don't see anything. Destiny: Neither do i, but it's there. David is going to go find it. david: You know I don't like it when you do that, but you're right. i'm going to see what it is. (He walks to where he saw it and looks around) Where is it? Why can't I see it? Where did it go?
  13. Damian: And I thought things couldn't get any weirder. That was really strange. Elyse: You'd best get used to it. Damian: I know that. And I also know that there's a good chance Fleonessmon knows where we are. Those crystals must have given off a lot of energy. He can probably sense it. even if he can't, I'm sure there's some way he knows where they are. And since they're with us, he knows where we are. I'm willing to bet either he or Fleondramon will show up soon. (Thinking) And I'm not sure what I'll do when that happens.
  14. Damian: Hurry up, will you? Elyse: Just be patient. Damian: That's not something I'm good at. You can't afford to be patient out on the streets. Elyse: We're not on the streets, are we? Just wait. Damian: I'm waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Matt: Shut up.
  15. (Damian leans against the house and is silent for a couple minutes) Damian I just can't figure it out. BA: What? Damian; After Xander mentioned helping Elyse figure out what her dreams meant, I asked him for help with mine. He told me that Elyse was a special case, because the dream she was having was a memory of the time her parents left her and drove off with two boys in the back seat of the car, looking out the back window. BA: Wait a minute. Aren't your dreams... Damian: Pretty much the same, except from the point of view of one of the two in the car. The only thing that makes sense is that I'm this third person, and Xander and Elyse are my siblings, but that's not possible. Okay, Elyse I can understand, but not Xander. I have no memories of being with him, and I would have been for a few years before the house burned down, at which point he would have been killed anyways, seeing as how I'm the only one who made it out. But I can't think of anything else. (Pause) Let's go back inside. We need to do this thing with the crystals.
  16. (David walks over to Destiny and leans in toward her) David: (Whispering) If the Princess wants to fight, I can't stop her, but we can't afford the concequences if she loses. We'll need everyone when we go up against the Master. Destiny: (Whispering) You want to stack the match? David: (Whispering) Yes. If it looks like the Princess will lose, I want you to do your time-freezing trick and do something to screw Alli up. Destiny: (Whispering) I do not know if I could do that here. This place is different then Earth. Strange. I don't think I can do the time-freezing trick here. And even if I could, I wouldn't. If Arika wins because I help her, she doesn't really win. This needs to be a fair fight, no matter what the outcome.
  17. OOC: I didn't intend for Damian to say that out loud. I don't reaaly want you to change what you posted, but for future referance, the word "thinking" in parenthasies(sp?) indicates that what follows is not said, but thought. -------------------------------- Damian: I'm going to step outside. It's been so long since I've been inside for longer than it takes to steal something, and I'm just not comfortable(sp?) inside for longer periods of time. (He walks back through the house and out the front door, followed by BA) BA: Why did we come out here? Damian: Takashi thinks it's because I'm not comfortable inside, but that's not the real reason. BA: It's about what you said earlier, isn't it? About there being no point in resisting him? Damian: Actually, it's about Takashi. You heard it. he suddenly comes out with this guy's name, like he's known it all along. That's a warning sign, remember? If someone knows more than he should, that's a warning. A warning not to trust that person. BA: You think Takashi's working for Fleonessmon?" Damian: It's a distinct possibillity. I'm also thinking about it. You heard what I said. I can't see a point to fighting Fleonessmon. Think about it. This is the third time. if you can't kill someone after trying twice, a third time probably won't change anything. (Pause) I don't know what to do anymore. I just don't know.
  18. Damian: (Thinking) What is it with her all of a sudden? I tell her that it's a good idea to fight him outside of his own terrain, and she goes nuts on me. And why does she think luring him to the ocean will do any good? it's obvious to me that he didn't mean the ocean when he said his own terrain. No, he meand something I've always thought was impossible: Another dimension. But Elyse does have a point. Fighting him on land probably won't do any good, if she's done it twice already. But if this guy's been beaten twice already, and he's still here, then can anyone stop him? Is there even a point to trying? Maybe I should be with him instead of against him. If he's been taken out twice already, then I don't think doing it again will accomplish anything. And even if it would, can we do anything? We'd need to fight him on his turf, for sure, but can we? He can screw the world up beyond belief now. There's no telling what he can do at full strength. Is there any point to resisting him?
  19. Damian: Nope. Weird, yes. Important? Yes. Dangerous? Yes. Insane? No. People think they know what insane is, but they don't. Ace: And I assume you do? Damian: Nope. I don't. I don't think anyone truly does. But we don't have time to think about that. We have more important things to worry about. Like that a**hole back at the White House. He's the enemy, right? That means we need to kill him. Now, he's not at full power here. He said he couldn't fight with his full power unless he was in his own terrain. That means we need to fight him somewhere else. Of course, he won't be willing to do that, so we have to make him. I'm just not quite sure how.
  20. Well, it depends on the situation. I'll need more information if I'm going to help you with this. Can you PM me with some?
  21. Damian: We've just learned something very important. Ace: What? Damian: We now know what to look for. It's always easier to get rid of someone when you know who that someone is. Thanks to a tactical error on his part, we now know who he is. Matt: I don't understand. Damian: Simple. When we first fought her, Fleondramon mentioned that she was working with someone else. Now this fake Justimon shows up and sics her on us. It should be obvious. The fake Justimon is the one we're after.
  22. Damian: You shut the fu** up, a**hole. Fake Justimon: And who are you? Damian: That doesn't matter. I have never seen anyhting like what you did. You're just sick. I can not stand those cowardly a**holes who don't fight their own battles. If you want to kill someone, do it yourself. Now, if you want Elyse dead, fine. Kill her. But do it yourself. Now, if you don't want to fight, then fu** off. If you do, then you'll get such an ***-kicking it's not even funny. Your choice.
  23. David: You might want to listen to her. I reccommend you do what she says. (Pause) You should probably do what I say, too. I do believe we both have the right to tell you what to do. Alli: The Princess does, but why do you? David: I... (He holds out his hands, and the poles appear in them) ...am her cousin. Of course, her commands override mine, so what happens now is determined mainly by what she wants. (To Arika) What do you want?
  24. Damian: Wrong, a**hole. You're the one who's going to die. BA, do it. BlackAgumon digivolve to: BlackWarGreymon Beelzemon: You think that scares me? Damian: Actually, I don't. And you don't scare me, either. Beelzemon: You should be afraid. Damian: Bulls***. BWG can take you no problem. Beelzemon: Oh, yeah? Damian: BWG, show him what you can do.
  25. BA: Which way do we go? Damian: Um... this way. (Damian walks through one of the unblocked doors, and BA follows) BA: Why this way? Damian: I don't know. It felt like I should go this way, so I did. BA: What do you mean, felt? Damian: i mean, something was puling me this way. I think it's the crystal.
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