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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
OOC: Character stuff is what I'll be doing for a few more posts, so don't worry about me. ----------------------- Mephistomon: (Thinking) This creature may be able to assist me. Maybe I can convince him to. Even though I might have to stretch the truth a little. (Out loud) I am Mephistomon, loyal servant of Millenniummon. I came to this world in an attempt to find a way into another. Damian: Who's Millenniummon? Mephistomon: He is the one who will rule, but he needs my help, and the help of his other followers. He has been imprisioned. His other followers are searching one world to find the crystals to free him, and i am attempting to get to another world and search there. Damian: So there are crystals here? Mephistomon: I believe that only one is in the world I am trying to get to, and this is not that world. My destination is not accessable from the world I began in. I need to find a way to that world from another, so I came here. but I do not know this world like you do. Will you assist me?
Damian: All right, I?m going in. Try not to get into any trouble while I?m gone. And if Takashi shows up, remember not to kill him. Untill Elyse?s crystal problem is solved, we need him alive. BA, let?s go. (Damian and BA enter the white House. inside, many of the doors are blocked off as Elyse predicted, but a few are not) Strange. Why are some of the doors not blocked off? BA: I don?t know. Damian: Something?s in here. Something unblocked those doors. BA: then where is it? Damian: Probably by the Oval Office, waiting for us.
OOC: The Infermon i used in my post wasn't meant to be your character. In fact, I didn't remember that you signed up at the time. ------------------------------------- (Mephistomon walked through a narrow passageway between two structures like nothing he had ever seen. He took in every detail of what he saw, looking for anything that might lead him to the digital world. Eventualluy, he came upon an unusual being) (Damian looked up at the sound of footsteps. When Mephistomon stepped into view, Damian's mouth dropped open in shock) Damian: Um... what the hell are you?
Damian: That's good. It means you can help us figure out what he'll do next. But We have more important things to worry about, like your crystal problem. We need to get that crystal to Takashi. Xander: Andjust how do we do that? Damian: Elyse, make sure he doesn't come back while I'm explaining how. Elyse: Okay. Damian: All right. Here's what we do. He wants Elyse, right? So we give him Elyse. We provide him an opportunity he can't pass up. We give him a perfect shot at Elyse. Only when he comes to take it, she throws the crystal to him and takes off. If that crystal is indeed Takashi's, Elyse's problem should be solved.
(Damian walks over to a garbage can, moves it, and walks down the narrow alley it blocked. At the end of it, he sits down) Damian: Every night I come back here. everynight I fall asleep right here. And every night I dream. buy why do I dream what I dream? Do my dreams mean anything? And why do I have them? What is the reason I have these dreams? Why me? it just doesn't make sense. Mephistomon: What is it that's happening here? Why are all of you gathered here? (An Infermon turns to face him) Infermon: there is something here. None of us know what it is. we are debating what we should do about it. Mephistomon: Let me have a look. (He steps toward the group, and sever of the Digimon step aside to let him see what they found) It looks like a portal of some kind. Not to the digital world. To somewhere else. from there, there might be a way to return to the digital world, where at least one of the crystals is undoubtably kept. i will go through. 9He steps into it and dissapears. It closes behind him)
OOC: David's the Master's nephew, which makes him Arika's cousin. ------------------------------ David: All right. we're far enough out. everyone, it's time to get off! TJ: How do we do that? David: We jump. TJ: [i]what[/i]!? David: We jump. Don't worry, I know what i'm doing. I've done it before. (He jumps off and appears to simply float there) Come on! TJ: What the heck, I'll do it. (He jumps off. the others see this and jump off, too. They all float) What's going on? David: Simple. Hot air rises. I've superheated the air beneath us, and concentrated it under each of us. It's a trick that I've found quite useful. And by slowly removing the heat, I can lower us. (he lowers them to the ground) See? Perfectly safe. And there's no way anyone saw us jump off, so everyone'll think we went back to Earth. They won't be ready for us when we get back to the palace. it makes our job a lot easier. Christian: How? David: I've got this feeling that the Master knows why the Princess, Ken, and I left. We don't want him to know we're still here. That way, he can't send anyone to kill us. Christian: I thought we were going back to Earth. David: Two reasons we can't: One, we have to save this world, and these people. They're not all bad. Also, we have to take out the Master to protect earth. He'll come eventually. He'll want to control it. Ki: Why didn't you tell us? David: Because someone loyal to the Master might have heard. Ki: Then how did you tell Arika the plan? She obviously knew about it. she's not suprised. David: Actually, I don't know how we do it. I couldn't until I was told who I am, and i think Arika and Ken learned how at the same time. Anyways, the three of us can communicate in a telepathic manner. We planned this in that way. Now let's move. And be careful. I seem to remember that this area is full of dangerous beasts.
Damian: If the ice crystal is Takashi's then we need to find him. He has to take it. Xander: You [i]can't[/i] be serious. Damian: Why not? Do you have a better idea? Xander: Um... no. Damian: And even if you don't think he should have it, there's a stratiegic advantage in giving it to him: Elyse. It's obvious the two met. Otherwise, he wouldn't have any reason to kill her, or even know she existed. my guess is that elyse knows him well enough to help us predict his actions, which is an enourmous advantage. you do what you want. I'm going to find him.And I'll start with where i'd be: in this area, watching us.
So, what do you think of Smashmouth's latest album? Me, I like it. It's not as good as their others, in my oppinion(sp?), but that's still pretty good. Smashmouth is the one of the only bands my whole family enjoys, and it should be clear why if you listen to their music.
Damian: Well, we just aquired some very valuable information. Matt: Like what? Damian: One: one of the two behind all of this is Fleondramon. Two: Fleondramon is incredibly full of herself. Three: she gets angry very quickly when someone insults her. And four: she runs when things start to look bad. Ki: You got all that from just this battle? Damian: She said number one, number two was obvious, number three I got from number two, and she did number four. Not hard to figure out at all.
Damian: You think you can take us? Fleondramon: Of course I can! Damian: Well, i don't think so. You say you're so tough, but you didn't find us yourself until now. Sending others to fight for you is a sign of weakness. Fleondramon: For that, i'll take out your partner first. Flaming Tail Whip! (She hts RedGreymon right in the face, and he de-digivolves to BA) And now for the rest of you. Damian: I forgot one thing: You are the ugliest creature I've ever seen. Fleondramon: What did you say? Matt: Damian, what are you doing? Damian: You heard me. I said you're the ugiest thing I've ever seen. it's no wonder you think you're so tough. Everybody runs away from you because they don't want to have to look at you. Fleondramon: You'll pay for that! Flaming Tail Whip!9She aims her attack at Damian, who doesn't even try to move. Right before he's hit, BA jumps between him and Fleondramon, and starts to glow) BlackAgumon digivolve to: BlackWarGreymon(BWG) (BWG grabs the startled Fleondramon and throws her into a building) Damian: yes! it worked! Not so tough now, are you?
(Damian walks down an alleyway, looking hrough the contents of a purse he had just stolen) Damian: (to himself) D***, this is a good haul. A couple hundred bucks, credit cards-better use them soon, 'cause they'll be canceled as soon as she can do it. Cell phone-this'll be good for some nice cash at the right place. and the rest of this stuff is junk. (He takes the money, credit cards, and cell phone out of the purse, and dumps the purse in a garbage can) And that takes care of that. (Mephistomon flies through the skies of the Dark ocean, searching for signs of the crystals. He had recently learned that they contained Millenniummon's power, and he knew that they were the key to bringing him back. He spots some Digimon he recognizes as some of Millenniummon's other followers, and lands by them) Mephistomon: This loks like something I should be a part of.
Damian: You really like the no hope thing, don't you? 'I can't do this.' 'I can't do that.' 'I wouldn't have been able to.' You know what that'll get you? Nothing. Nothing at all. Now, I know you probably can't stop yourself from feeling hopeless, from feeling like you can't do anything. But you know what? Most people can't. Even I haven't always been able to. But did I let that stop me? Does everyone let that stop them? No! Don't let it stop you! Ignore it! Don't listen to it! You tell yourself that you can. And you tell that hopelessness of yours to fu** off, because it has no place in your life! Xander: D***, Damian! You can get a point across! Damian: I've given myself a variation of that speech.
Damian: Not again. This is part of the feeling hopeless, isn't it? What I said earlier applies here. You can feel hopeless as long as you don't let it influence you. That's the one advantage of having to hide and control your emotions. You know how to do it when you truly need to. I know how to, and it's the only reason I'm still here. Now, if you want to die, fine. But don't just die. You don't welcome Death. You fight him. You keep him back, you delay him, and above all, you spit in his face. You don't say, 'Take me,' you say, 'Come and get me, you ba*****!" You put up a fight, and when you go down, you don't go quietly, you go down fighting. Xander: You're quite the speaker for one who lives on the streets. Damian: It's mainly that I know what I'm talking about.
This just keeps getting better. Of course, I already know a few things about what will happen, due to my involvment in the RPG, but that doesn't cause me to enjoy the story any less.
Atari, Midway, EA, Rare, Sega Question: What is the name of the next James Bond game, and what's different about it? (Hint: it has to do with perspective(sp?))
Damian: I'm going after Elyse. I assume you're coming with me, Xander? Xander: Of course. Damian: Are you sure you'll be okay without us? Ace: We'll be fine. It's you who should be worring. This Takashi guy sounds tough. Damian: Don't worry. We can handle him. BA, we need some fast transport. You up for going Ultimate? BA: Of course! BlackAgumon digivolve to: SkullGreymon(SG) Damian: Let's go. (SG picks up Damian and Xander, and runs off in the direction Elyse went)
I'll ask one. Which system was Ikaruga first released for? Hint: it was released in Japan only(I think).
Damian: Wait a minute. This Takashi guy wants to kill Elyse? Xander: Yes. Damian: sh**! (He attempts to contact Elyse) D*** it! She's not responding! sh**! Ki: What? What's going on? Damian: Elyse is in danger. This Takashi guy is after her. he wants to kill her. Xander: I don't think he'll find her alone. he doesn't know where she is. Ki: What if he's watching us? Xander: He would have tried something already. Damian: I don't think so. If you want just one person dead, you wait until that person's alone. you can lure him or her away from others, or lure the others away, or just wait, but you watch, ad you strike your target when nobody else is there. Elyse could be under attack right now, and probably is. Even if she isn't, can we take the risk?
Damian: I don't know if you're the right person to ask, but there really isn't anyone else. You said you helped Elyse with her nightmares. I've been having a recurring nightmare, and I don't know what it means. I think it's important, seeing as how I have it almost every night, but I don't know what it means. Xander: Elyse is my sister. Her nightmares were of the time when my parents left her. They kept me, as well as our brother, but got rid of her. In her nightmares, she saw herself being left as our parents drove off with me and our brother, who I don't have any clear memories of. Damian: That just sucks. (He walks a fey yards away from the rest of the group and sits down) (Thinking) Strange. Xander's description of Elyse's dreams is incredibly close to my own. I wonder why?
Damian: Don't go all hopeless on us, Elyse. It's not good for you. Elyse: And just what do you know about feeling hopeless? Damian: A lot. When I was just ten years old, my house burned down, and both my parents dies. Did I feel hopeless then? Yes. Did I let that keep me from looking for a way to survive? No. I found an orphanage, but it turned out to be a truly awful place. People were killed there, and I was sure I'd be one of them. Did I feel hopeless? Yes. Did I let that keep me from doing something? No. I escaped, and decided to try a life on the streets. I was unable to get enough food, and I knew I'd be dead soon. Did I feel hopeless? As much as I could possibly feel hopeless. Did that keep me from trying to survive? No. If you want to feel hopeless, that's fine, but don't let it get in your way.
Damian: Damn it! She terminated the connection! I guess I'll just have to call her myself. Let's see... how does this thing work? This button, I think. Yes! All right. Select destination. Straight to Elyse. That should do it. Elyse. Elyse, can you hear me? Elyse: Yes, Damian. I hear you. Damian: You offered to help me. I need the help. I do want to change. I don't want to be like this. I want my feelings back. And I deffinatly want a home.
David: I have a question for you, Tsurara. The awnsers you gave the Princess and the awnsers you gave me contradict eachother at a couple points. First, you said you didn't know how Master Hirei first got here, but you also said that you fled here to escape the world's destruction. Tsurara: Hirei went first. We don't know how he first got here, but he went to look for a place we could run to. We used a machine to get here. David: I thought it would be somewthing like that. Now, you've been here for several centuries. You also said that we were all around durring the war. How is that possible? Tsurara: If one of us dies of natural causes, such as age or a disease, his soul can be reused. Our souls are put into new bodies. Memory is also kept. If a person kills us, it doesn't work, but it's a useful process. It doesn't work for the Masters, because them must seal themselves away, like you saw. David: And the current Master is power-hungry. He'll want a new body. But the seal must be maintained. Tsurara: Correct. If he doesn't seal himself away, Hirei could be destroyed. David: Can others seal him away? Tsurara: Yes. David: Then we have to do it.
Damian: She does not understand what it's like on the streets. Emotion marks you as a target. Let your emotions show, and everyone will be after you. The weak are prey, and emotion is considered weak by most. Not me. I didn't want to hide my emotions, but I had to. Now, I just don't feel as much. There are times when I have no emotion at all. I don't like it, but it's for the better where I live. But now, I'm finding instances where I need them. Without them, I'm lost. Like when Elyse fell in the hole back in Cairo. Intellegance wasn't enough to decide. Emotion would go for trying to go down after her. I don't know how many more decisions like that I'll have to make, but I want to be able to make them. She thinks I'm a cold person, and that's true, but I don't want to be.
Here's one: In Mario Party 4, how many different Boards are there, and what is the name of each one? Bonus: Which character hosts each board?
(Damian loks around) Damian: This is a lot worse than I expected. Still, this is only a lot of dead stuff. It's all dead already. I've watched people die. I've [i]killed[/i] people. Seeing death, actually [i]causing[/i] it is worse. And I don't mean just one person. I don't think any of you can possibly imagine what it's like to be caught between two fully armed gangs and having to kill every last member of both to escape. That's happened to BA and I. We killed them all. Elyse, you said I had a lead body. In a sense, that's true. I've needed it. If I didn't have one, I'd be dead. Showing emothion is a sign of weakness, and the weak are the primary targets. No matter what you've done, if you show emotion, you're a primary target. i've blocked out my emotions to survive.I had to. That's how my life is. I don't expect you to understand. None of you will ever be able to understand. You have to live that life to know what it's like. (He walks off to the south, and BA follows) Elyse: Where are you going? Damian: To find Ki. Elyse: Flamon will look after her. Damian: There's danger here. I just know it. Sure, she might befine, but she might not. I've let too many people a could have helped die, just because helping is a sign of weakness. I'm not going to do that to her. (He and BA continue after Ki)