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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(Damian laughs) Damian: The worst you can see, huh? That's not as easy as you might think. I've seen things you never will. I haven't had a nice life. I've stolen, I've killed, and I've tortured, all in the name of survival. I doubt this Amazon wastland will be the worst thing I've seen. Elyse: You might be suprised. Damian: I don't think so.
I like it. I'm eagerly awaiting the next part.
(Doraka walks through Earth Temple, killing anyone who gets in his way. Eventually, he sees a man talking to a Recorder. As damian approaches, the Recorder dissapears. Damian walks up to the man and grabs him by the neck) Damian: Where did you send that Recorder? Man: I-I-I won't tell you anything! Damian: We'll just have to see about that. (He sends a small amount of dark energy through the man's body, causing him great pain) Do you want some more, or will you tell me where it went? Man: I-i-it w-went t-t-to Baakuum T-T-Temple. Damian: I was right, then. There was more than what I saw. I assume people from there will be on their way. Maybe even Acira. Thank you. You've been usefull. (He kills the man) But you have no further use to me. (He continues toward the center of the temple.
Release date is October 3. I'm looking forward to it. This one looks to be the best of the three. If you want to, you can view the trailer at [url]www.apple.com/trailers[/url]
I found out about this movie two days ago, and it looks absolutely hillarious. I've watched the trailer on Apple.com so many times I've practically memorized it, and I still can't stop laughing. This time around, the plot is a rip-off of The Ring and Signs. There's a videotape, and if you watch it, someone calls and tells you, in a creepy voice, that you'll die in seven days. Meanwhile, a mysterious crop circle(crop square, actually) has appeared in farmer Tom Logan's cornfeild(It has an arrow pointing to the house and "Attack here" under the arrow, which isn't very mysterious if you ask me). Add in a white rapper("I have a dream." "What is your dream?" "To have a dream."), a really paranoid President("You'll never take me alive!"),and a black couple, the male of it introducing himself as Morpheus("What are you still doing here?" "Please, Laquisha. I'm prophisizing." "Well, I'm prophisizing my foot halfway up your a**."), and you have, in my opinion, what promises to be one of the funniest movies of the year.
OOC: Absol can't use Shadow Ball. Absol's moves are Blizzard, Thunder, Earthquake, Whirlwind, and Crunch. Let's say Absol used Whirlwind. -------------------------------------------------- Absol: The thing's gone for now. That was [i]not[/i] a normal Pokemon. Wynaut and Wobbuffet shouldn't be able to use Psybeam or Psywave attacks. There's something different about that one. Tical: Well, I didn't think that Absol were able to use Whirlwind. Absol: I'm different from other Absol. Zan: So what do we do now?
OOC: I think both our posts can be used. Yours explains more about Hirei, while mine is more about the demons and our characters. ---------------------------------------- David: There are a couple inconsistancies in what he said. Ki: Like what? David: Well, he said that he didn't know how we-I'm one of them, remember-got to this world, but he also said that we came because we destroyed our home to avoid losing a war. Arika: Both could be true. TJ: How? David: I thought of that, too. How is simple: Master Hirei came before the world was destroyed, possibly at the start of it. He worked to make it habittible. Thismakes sense when you consider what their last resort was. If they thought they might need to blow up their world, they'd want somewhere else to go. I just would have expected Tsurara to tell us. TJ: We'll ask him when we get to his house. David: That's what I'm planning.
What are EV points, exactly?
Tsurara: In the past, there was a war. A war betwen the Master and his followers, and those who stood against them. David: A civil war. Tsurara: Correct. The war was brutal, whith the two sides evenly matched. Princess, you and your cousin were with the Master, of course. So was Kaiu- Ken. but not everyone working for him was. David: Spies.\Tsurara: Very good ones, too. They gave the other side the information they needed to catch us off guard and gain the upper hand, which they did. They forced our armies back to the castle, where they laid seige to us. TJ: This Master dude is still alive, right? That means he escaped somehow. Tsurara: Supplies were running out for us, but not for the ememy. They would have outlasted us. There was no hope of victory. That's when the Master revealed his last resort: a weapon so powerful that if used, it would destroy our world. David: You used this weapon and fled here. Tsurara: Correct. our world was destroyed, but we had won. A few of the enemy had excaped to yet another world, earth, but they were few enough that there was no threat from them. David: that still doesn't explain Ken, the Princess, and I. Tsurara: I do not know about you. we all thought that you had died in the war. Ken and the princess left a few years later. We had a new Master after the war. He bacame power-hungry, and sought to enslave all other races. Ken and the Princess knew that they would be killed if they defied the Master, so they went to Earth instead. I'm the only one who knos this. Everyone else thinks it was an accident, and a search was set into motion. David: That explains everything about them except why they lost their memories. Tsurara: That I don't know. David: Thought so. Well, i don't know about all of you, but this Master guy sounds like someone who needs to be taken out, and i think we can do it. Who's with me?
What is the Pokerus? My mokemon in Ruby have it, and the only thing the Pokemon Center nurse said what that Pokemon that have it tend to grow better. Does anybody know exactly what it is?
That would be correct. Either of you may ask a question
I believe the dirves in ETM are: A, B, Virtual, and ROM.
Damian: BA, let's do it. BlackAgumon digivolve to: RedGreymon(RG) Damian: Go kick some ***! Matt: You do seem to know what you're doing. Damian: I've got another trick up my sleave in case things get nasty. If I need to, I'll have RG digivolve to the Ultimate level, but I only have him do that when I have to. It tires him out quitye a bit. I don't think he'll need to digivolve again this time. He and Raidramon should be more than enough.
Absol: This is not normal. Tical: Nothing these days is normal. Absol: I've seen a few Wynaut since the trouble started, but none of their eyes turned red. I don't like this. Rayne: It's just a Wynaut. What can it do? Absol: Normal Wynaut can't do much, but I don't think this is a normal Wynaut. Normal Wynaut's eyes don't turn red. Alaris: What do we do? Absol: Wait and see what it does. If it attacks, we'll fight back, but I won't make the first move. Besides, it can't do anything unless we attack, can it? Rayne: True. Absol: Then we'll wait and se what it does.
(Absol had ran off when he saw the Scyther approach. He had wanted to avoid a fight, because he doesn't like hurting the Pokemon who can't control themselves. When he saw that the Scyther wasn't going crazy, he hid and watched, hoping to learn something. He heard about Psy5, which confirmed his long-time belief that the reason most pokemon were going crazy was psychic in origon. When the Charizard leaves, he decides to show himself. He walks out from behind a particularly dense colum of bushes) Absol: Normally, others try to avoid our kind. Nobody looks for us because nobody wants to find us. Rayne: Well, we're different. Absol: That's only obvious. I've been listening to you. I always thought the problem was psychic in origon, and i believe that's why i'm not affected. Dark-types are immune to psychic energies. Why do you think you're not affected?
(David charges Tsurara, rolls to the side at the last second, and attempts to trip the demon with his poles. Tsurara blocks the attempt) David: Not bad. Tsurara: You havn't seen anything yet. David: Neither have you. (He rolls to the side, and Tsurara hears a noise behind himself. He sees that a tree with a part burned off is about to fall on him, and moves just in time. The next thing he knows, David knocks him to the ground) Not so tough, are you? (He thrusts a pole downwards, but Tsurara roll out of the way and springs to his feet) I guess you are. Tsurara: You don't have a chance. Give up. David: I don't know how to do that. Tsurara: Then you'll die. David: Good luck. (He charges again, rolls to the side, and attempts a leg sweep. Tsurara blocks and shoves David into a tree. Tsurara walks over to him and points the gunblade at his chest) Tsurara: You lose. (He pulls the trigger, and David suddenly finds himself behind the demon.) I win. David: Not quite yet. (He slams Tsurara's arms with his poles, then knocks him over with another leg sweep) Not so tough now, are you? Tsurara: How- how did you [i]do[/i] that? David: I don't know. That was the first time it happened. I- what the hell? (The two poles David's holding dissapear, and two fancy-looking golden ones appear in their place. There are several designs on them, and David is shocked when he sees one he recognizes) What the *******?! What the hell is this?! Tsurara: Now what? David: Only the biggest f***ing shock of my life. And my guess it that you should give up before you almost kill me again. Of course, you might know what would happen, but I don't. TJ: What are you talking about? David: Take a look at Ar- I mean, the Princess. Ki: Why are you calling her that? David: The symbol on her crown is on these poles. Ki: [i]What[/i]?! Tsurara: But- no- it can't be- no- it's not possible! You're dead! David: I don't know why you think that, but I'm certainly not. Now, would you mind telling me why you think I am? Tsurara: Only the rightful owner of those can use them, and that person is dead. David: And who might that person be? Tsurara: That person would be the Master's nephew. The Princess's cousin David: Holy ****! I didn't think I'd be [i]that[/i] important! Ki: Um, David? Is he saying what I think he's saying? David: Yes. Tsurara: My apologies, sir. I didn't know. David: Well, neither did I. Now, please explain who this Master is.
Okay, time for a new question. In what locations have Ash and Misty battled, and who has won each battle?
OOC: Since I don't have a name for my character yet, I'll just refer to him by species name until I do. ---------------------------- (Absol walks through the forest, following a Croconaw he spotted earlier. Croconaw usually aren't seen in the forest, and he wonders what this one is doing) Absol: (Thinking) What is it doing here? Is it lost? Passing through? Looking for someone? I've never seen a Croconaw in here before. What is it doing? And why isn't it in a mindless rage like most are these days? I don't think it's a Dark-type, so why isn't it affected? And should I ask it to help me figure out what's causing the problem and stop it? I'll need all the help I can get, but I can't have anyone attack me whilw we're trying to stop the problem. Can I risk having the Croconaw with me, or not?
Damian: Damn, this thing's fast. Matt: The constant swearing is getting annoying. Damian: Tough. So, what do we do when we reach Cairo? Ace: I'm guessing we look for clues. Damian: No ****, Sherlock. But where do we start? What are we looking for? Ace: I thought you knew your stuff. Damian: I do, but this isn't anything I've done before. Elyse probably knows what to look for, but I don't.
Not bad. The code names for the masters are pretty clever(I think I've figured out who has which name), and I have a feeling that there will be some interesting character relationships(besides the one you told me about).
Ki: Now what? David: We have three options: trying to get back to Earth, waiting here for Ken and Arika, or looking for them. Now, I don't want to leace yet, because there's still a lot we don't know. I'm hoping that either Arika or Ken can give us that information. I say we try to find them. TJ: Fine with me. Ki: I don't like this place. i want to go back to Earth. David: Well, we don't know how. I'm willing to bet that either Ken or Arika do, however. Ki: Then let's go find them. David: Let's go, then. Arica went this way when she ran off. come on.
Damian: Cairo in five minutes, huh? And how do we do this, exactly? Seems impossible to me. Then again, it's not like any of this is exactly normal. Well, it's not that strange for me, actually. I've been with BA for a few years. He's the only reason I'm still alive. Matthew: Aside from looking for sympathy, is there a point to you saying that? Damian: I don't need or want sympathy. I just wanted you to know that I know more then some of you probably do. anyways, the Cairo thing. How exactly do get there in five minutes?
My current favorite is Absol. He has a really good abillity(Pressure, which doubles the opponent's PP usage), the potential to learn some good moves, plus he looks cool. He also helped out my Blaziken against Tate&Liza(Their Pokemon are both part Rock, and all of Blaziken's moves were either Fire or Normal, both of witch are weak against rock. I couldn't win until I used Absol).
I'll ask one. In Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, where did Mallow come from, and why is he specal to the people there? Bonus: What did Valentina do to his parents, and why?
Doraka: I need to get busy. Earth, first. My memory of it's location should be sufficient. (He teleports himself to the Earth Temple, and appears in front of the main enterence. A man walks out, sees him, and steps back) Hello, Damian. I havn't seen you in a while. Damian: D- D- Doraka! W-w-what do y-y-you w-want? Doraka: I believe there is an object I need here. It should be a sphere. Damian: I-i-it's in t-the c-c-c-center o-of the t-temple. I-i-it's heavily g-g-guarded. Doraka: Thank you. (He grabs Damian and sends dark energy through his body, killing him) I should have done that a long time ago.