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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (Damian steps into view, followed by BA) Damian: I'm not afraid of a little danger. When you live on the streets like I do, danger is part of life. Just sleeping is risky; you never know if someone's going to sneak up on you and strike while you're asleep. And yes, I know that that happens. I've done it. Elyse: And just who are you? Damian: Damian. And this is my partner, BlackAgumon. BA for short. So what's happening is this f***ed-up evil basterd is trying to destroy Earth and we're the only ones who can stop him? Fine. I've needed a change of pace anyways. Just try not to get in my way. Elyse: You haven't fought Him before. I have. If anything, it's you who'll get in my way. Damian: Looks like the little girl's all riled up. Why don't you go home and leave the fighting to those of us who can handle it? Elyse: Why don't [i]you[/i] go home? Then we wouldn't have to put up with you. Damian: You'll have to make me, and i'd just [i]love[/i] to see you try. Elyse: If I tried to make you, you'd never sleep again. Damian: Big talk! And here I got the impression that you weren't able to handle getting your hands dirty. You're not as bad as I thought you were. I think we might just be able to get along. Unless you start crying, thst is. And I know you will. You girls always do. I'd say you'll start in no less then half an hour, and you won't stop untill tomorrow. That's how you girls always are. (Without warning, Elyse charges Damian and gives him a punch in the gut) Elyse: You shut up. I've been through more then you think, and I am [i]not[/i] going to start crying. Damian: D***, girl! You're not as soft as you look! Ouch! IYou know what? I think I like you. I don't think it'll be that bad working with you after all.
  2. GuyYouMetOnline


    I'll sign up. I need help, though. I can't think of a good name for my character (I have trouble coming up with names), and would like some suggestions. The rest of the needed information is below. Name: Coming as soon as I have one(see above) Species: Absol Age: 17 Bio: (Name goes here) had a normal childhood. Normal for an Absol, at least. He, like other Absol, seemed to be followed by natural disasters of various kinds(earthquakes, particularly intense thunderstorms, unusually dangerous blizzards, ect). Unlike other Absol, he believed that the reason was do to an untamed power within himself and other Absol. As soon as he came of age(15) he left his family and isolated himself while he tried to master it. He proved his theroy right when he did. Because of this, he is no longer followed by disasters, instead, he channels the energy into attacks((Insert name here) knows the moves he does because of this. Crunch is there because I wanted him to have a dark-type move). (Insert name here) does not know why he was unaffected by the waves. He does not know what's causing them, but he suspects the are psychic in orgin. He believes that the dark-type's immunity to psychic-types is the reason he is not affected. He is determined to find the source of the waves and destroy it. Moves: Thunder, Earthquake, Blizzard, Whirlwind, Crunch Is that okay?
  3. David: Actually, I don't want to fight. I thought you did, but I have no desire to. Tsurara: Then what do you want? There must be a reason you came to this world. What is it? David: We came here to find Ken, who you call Kaiyute, but I'm not concerned about him right now. My guess is that he's one of you, meaning that it's unlikely he'll be attacked. As for Arika-the Princess to you-well, I get the feeling that she's even safer than Ken is. Tsurara: then what [i]do[/i]you want? David: I want to know what's going on. Why did you attack our home? Why are you attacking Earth? And what's up with Ken and Arika? Why were they on Earth, and why didn't they seem to know who they are untill today?
  4. David: (Thinking)I do [i]not[/i] like this. Insisting that we come in in that tone with that look on his face, then locking the door on us. We might be able to take him, but I don't know how tough he is. There is one thing I can try. I just hope it works. (Out loud)You do know who she is right? Tsurara: The princess? David: Yes. I don't think she'd like it if you did anything to us. Tsurara: Like what? David: Like attacked us. Tsurara: And what makes you think I'd do that? David: Well, you insist that we come in, you have a very nasty look on your face, your tone of voice suggests that you're not exactly glad that we're here, and you lock the door. But aside from all of that, you're one of them. And they are the ones who destroyed our home.
  5. Edit: I deleated the link and attached a picture of Mephistomon. Human: Name: Damian Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: 6ft. tall with short, black hair and brown eyes. He has several scars in various locations, mostly his face. Bio: Damian is one of those people who always get the worst of everything. His life started well enough, but then his parents were killed when the house burned down. This happened when he was 10. He went to an orphanage to live, but that turned out to be a mistake. He chose one of those that looks nice until you live there. The whole place was horrible. Nobody ever cleaned anything, the adults all seemed to hate everyone living there, and the only way you could survive was to be tougher than those around you. After spending a year there, Damian chose the only other option: he ran away. Damian didn't want to live in another orphanage, so he turned to life on the streets. His time in the orphanage had toughened him up considerably, and that was probably the only reason he survived. Damian does whatever it takes to get what he needs to survive. He doesn't take any **** from anyone. He doesn't have any problem with killing people, as he's done it several times. Digimon: Name: Mephistomon Level: Ultimate Attacks: Dark Cloud, Black Sabotage Digivolutions: Keramon->Duskmon->Mephistomon->Gulfmon(Yes, it's a valid line. I checked) Appearance: See attachment Allegiance: Millenniummon Bio: Millenniummon's most faithful servant, he is the only one who didn't go into hiding when Millenniummon was defeated. Instead, he tried to revive him Not knowing about the crystals, he didn't know how to, so he searched for awnsers. Now he has heard about the crystals, and is trying to find them to revive Millenniummon.
  6. David: And I thought things were strange before. TJ: We're into impossible now. David: Man, what the hell is going on here? First Ken goes demon on us, then Arika, then it seems like Arika's some sort of demon princess, and then she says she's not, and then Ken, who's called Kaiyute around here, calls her a princess, then she says he's not Kaiyute, and that he's stronger than someone, and I don't think this will ever make sense. Ki: I just hope we all make it out of here alive. David: It's likely that Ken and Arika will stay. As for the rest of us, I don't know.
  7. (Damian had just read his note, which he had found on the ground and picked up when he noticed his name on it. A small, black dinosaur, BlackAgumon(BA) is beside him) Damian: What a bunch of bull-*******! What kind of sick joke is this?! And how the hell did whoever wrote this get it here in the first place? BA: There's only one way to find out. We'll have to go. Damian: At least I'll find out who the hell is behind this. Come on. We'll hide in the luggage area. We might even find something worth taking. (After a very long plane ride, they sneak out of the airport and follow the directions on the note) Damian: That was a good haul. BA: Who leaves his wallet in a suitcase anyways? Damian: Someone who's now out a driver's license and a couple hundred bucks. (They reach Maryland St. and hear Elyse say Veemon always thinks about his stomach. When they see Matthew approach, they duck behind a parcked car to listen)
  8. I'll sign up. Name: Damian Age: 16 Bio: Damian is one of those people who always get the worst of everything. His life started well enough, but then his parents were killed when the house burned down. This happened when he was 10. He went to an orphanage to live, but that turned out to be a mistake. He chose one of those that looks nice until you live there. The whole place was horrible. Nobody ever cleaned anything, the adults all seemed to hate everyone living there, and the only way you could survive was to be tougher than those around you. After spending a year there, Damian chose the only other option: he ran away. Damian didn't want to live in another orphanage, so he turned to life on the streets. His time in the orphanage had toughened him up considerably, and that was probably the only reason he survived. At first, he got what he needed from others living on the streets who weren't as tough as him, but it soon became clear that he'd need more to survive. That's when it happened. One night, when he returned to the alley where he slept, he saw two strange devices on the ground. When he picked them up, a strange creature appeared in front of him. Although shocked, Damian didn't run like most people would have. He didn't survive on the streets by running. instead, he tried to figure out what the thing was. He learned that it was the Digimon BlackAgumon, and about things like digivolution and the different levels a Digimon could be. BlackAgumon is the only reason Damian's still alive. He doesn't have to prey on the weak anymore. He chooses who he wants, and if they resist him, BlackAgumon digivolves and takes care of them. Damian doesn't take any **** from anyone. If you piss him off, you're probably dead. If he doesn't like you, you're probably dead. There are several people who do pretty much whatever he tells them to, just because they don't want him mad at them. And if he wants you dead, you're dead. Home Country: America Digivice and ComWatch color: Grey, but so dark that it's almost black. Digimon: Rookie: BlackAgumon(Looks like Agumon, but black)/Attacks: Pepper Breath Champion: RedGreymon(What Agumon digivolves into to fight Parrotmon in the first part of the movie)/Attacks: Nova Flame Ultimate: SkullGreymon/Attacks: Dark Shot Mega: BlackWarGreymon/Attacks: Terra Destroyer, Black Tornado
  9. (Everyone else jumps off) David: Okay, this is only [i]slightly[/i] weird. Slightly meaning impossibly. Ki: It's cold here. David: I wouldn't know. TJ: Shouldn't we be helping Arika? David: Let her handle it. For some reason, I think she knows what she's doing. It's possible that she's one of them, too. That's the only reason that I can think of for her being able to get us here so easily. I just wish that she had allowed us to fiind Christian and Destiny first. I have a feeling that we'll find some situation where we need their help.
  10. Burt the Bashful, Salvo the Slime, Bigger Boo, Potted Ghost, the frog(I don't remember the name, but Kemek shrinks you and it swallows you, then eats several Shy Guys which you use to kill it), Navel(sp?) Pirahna, Marching Milde, the giant Koopa(Again, I forget the name, but you have to knock him onto his back and stomp on him thre times), Sluugy the Unshaven, Raphaiel the Raven, Tap-Tap the Red-Nose, and Baby Bowser(in two forms, first as Baby Bowser, then as way-too-big Bowser). What are the names of the Star Spirits in Paper Mario, and what Star Power does each one give you?
  11. Interesting. An alternate sequence of events following Ken's kidnap of Agumon is S2. Good story so far, too. I can't wait for more.
  12. Ki: Wait... what? David: What the demon said implies that Ken is one of them. I don't think he knows it, although he might by now. Arika: What do you mean? David: My guess is that he went to this Hirei place. I think that that's where these demons are from. If he is one of them, they'll definately tell him. TJ: Well, what do we do? Arika: We need to find him. TJ: And just how are we supposed to do that? David: I think I know where to start. Right before the demon told Ken that he knew how to get to this Hirei place, an image of what looked like a lake in the middle of a desert appeared in my mind. I don't know why, but I'd bet that that's where the gateway to this Hirei place is. Arika: Something's there. I saw Ken dissapear there. He made some kind of... of portal or something, and went through it. David: Can you show us where it is? (Arika nods) Good. Do we all want to try and follow Ken? (Everyone else nods) All right. We probably won't be able too, but we sure can try. But first, I wand to find Christian and Destiny. If we do manage to follow Ken, we'll be in what's probably the home of the demons. We'll need their help. If we do make it to Hirei, I expect we'll have to do quite a lot of fighting. We'll need all the help we can get.
  13. OOC: I'm back! Sorry about my absence. My family always goes away for a couple weeks in August, but I'm back now. --------------------------- David: Okay, this is getting [i]very[/i] weird. TJ: Like we didn't notice? David: There's more than you know. while I was with that demon, Ken somehow found us. The orb thing was supposed to be dormant until I died, so he probazbly didn'd use it. Arika: Well, he did. David: Well, in that case, it's probable that him doing that has something to do with what the demon said to him. Ki: What did it say? David: It called him Kaiyute, like it just did, and said something about him not recognizing it. It then told him that he was probably homesick, and that he knew how to get to what it called his home, which is another world. One called Hirei. That's when Ken left. rika: What does that mean? David: I don't know. I don't like the implications of what the demon said, but I can't ignore it. Based on that, it seems that Ken is one of them.
  14. (David, Ki, and TJ hear a noise behind them and turn around to see a large round black thing moving toward them) Ki: What is [i]that[/i]? TJ: A demon of some sort, but this one's different. I can feel... something. Something bad. There's something strange about that one. Ki: I don't feel anything. David: Neither do I. TJ must feel something because of his powers. Ours are different, so we don't. Ki: What do we do? David: We fight. Good thing I kept these poles from earlier. (David runs at the demon) TJ: David, wait! (David leaps at the demon and strikes with his poles. When the poles touch it, both the poles and David vanish) Ki: David! TJ: He's still alive. That thing transported him somewhere. It's some sort of teleportation thing. We need to find a way to get rid of it. (David appears in a strange place that is pitch black. He creates fire in several places to provide light, but nothing changes. Suddenly, he hears a noise behind him and turns around. He sees what looks like a person walking toward him, but instantly recognizes it as a demon) David: What do you want? Demon: You were brought here by coming into contact with my device. It's now inactive. When you're dead, it will activate and send another of you here. This way, you can't help each other. David: You woun't kill me. You're the one who's going to die. Demon: We'll just see about that, now, won't we?
  15. (David, TJ, and Ki appear in front of Arika and Ken) David: Hello. Arika: David! You startled me! TJ: We needed a fast exit, and I know this area well enough for a direct teleport here, so we I transported us out. Ken: Did you get the tape? David: Yes, but then a newswoman rushed in, saying something to the camera crew behind her about more reports of attacks. We had no choice. We destroyed all the broadcasting equipment-without using our powers-but the newswoman called security. TJ was disableing the security cameras and saw us on a monitor. He got us out before we had to fight.
  16. (Doraka walks into the underground chamber and looks around. Spaced evenly around the chamber are four symbols, each the same shape but a different color. The shape is a circle set on a six-pointed star so that it crosses the star at all non-point interections of lines. One symbol is blue, one is red, one is brown, and one is yellow. Below each symbol is a circular indentation. On the ground is a huge map with four markings on it, one of each symbol color) Doraka: This isn't that hard. There are four symbols, each one the color of a different one of the basic elements in this world: water, fire, earth, and air. The markings on the map must refer to temple locations. Two certianly do. I lnow where the earth and water ones are, and two of the marks correspond with their locations, meaning that the others probably also do. The indentations below the symbols indicate that an object must be aquirred from each temple and placed ion the corresponding slot. The indentation shape suggests spheres. I must go to each temple, get the sphere from it, and bring it back here. Then I will see what happens next. I will probably not find the Salkyutsi, but another clue or goal. But I will find it eventually, and nothing can stop me.
  17. Guardian Name: David Age: 21 Weapons: Two black metal poles Description(Human): About 6 feet tall with brown hair and eyes. Of average build for his size. Is almost never seen wearing anything but shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: David was the target for bullies at school, so he had to learn how to defend himself. He studied various forms of marshal arts, and eventually nobody tried to pick on him anymore. Of course, all of this had a major impact on who he is. He came to enjoy fighting. He didn't start bulling anyone around, but he did try to find some action, and he did. As soon as he was old enough, he joined the army. He didn't get any action there, but he was first in line for the Gaurdian enhancement when the alien threat was explained to him. Descrption(Guardian): Your basic dragon, which fits with David's preferred method of charging straight towards the enemy. In that form, he can take a lot of ounishment, and dish out quite a bit, as well. Speacial ability: He can drain the energy from others to increase his strength, making him extreamly deadly(Of course, when in Guardian mode, he can do the standard dragon things, like fly and breath fire)
  18. David: Are we there yet? TJ: Almost. David: It can't be too much further, can it? TJ: Nope. We're at the broadcast office now. This is where you two get off. Be careful. I can't hide you if I'm not with you. Ki: You be careful, too. TJ: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. (David and Ki return to the normal world)
  19. EDIT: Why has this thread been unstickied? Would someone please re-sticky it? "It seems like this is targeted at you, Henry," Jeri said. "You just noticed?" Henry snaped. "No, but there's more than you know," Jeri responded. "I can tell what's happening. Like me, he recieved the data of a Digimon, and is somehow becomming that Digimon. The Digimon is Cherubimon, a very powerful virus Digimon and a possible mega form of Lopmon." Henry's response was exactly what Jeri predicted: "[i]What?![/i]" "Don't worry, Herny. I don't think Suzie's partner will reach that form. It sems to require something other than a standard digivolution. My guess is that it involves some form of corruption, as Cherubimon is, well, not a very nice Digimon." Henry decided to focus on the problem at hand, rather then a possibillity that they had no reason to worry about at the current moment. "So what do we do?" he asked. "We can't fight him, and-" "Actually," Jeri interrupted, "fighting him is exactly what I have in mind. If we do enough damage, the data will become unstable, and he will return to human form. Also, it's likely that this will get rid of the corruption within him." At this time, Janyu's transformation into Cherubimon was compleated. "Correct," he said. "However, that will only work as I am now. My master knows that you can easily defeat me right now, but not for long. He has extra data he's collected from... various sources, and has no use for it. He plans to send this data to me, which will make it child's play to defeat you." Suddenly, a black rift appeared in the sky above him, and a dark stream of energy emerged from it. The stream entered Cherubimon's forhead, and he started glowing black. "This is [i]not[/i] good," Takato commented needlessly. "What should we do now?" Henry asked. "I have a plan," Jeri replied. "Listen closely, because there's no room for mistakes. And don't worry. He can't hear us right now." "You want me do do [i]what[/i]?!" Henry exclaimed after Jeri had finished explaining the plan. "That's suicide!" "The only other option is Juggernaut," Jeri said. "Which would you prefer?" "Okay, fine, I'll do it. Just make sure you catch me." "Don't worry, Henry. I won't let you hit the ground," Takato assured him. At this time, the rift closed and the black energy stream dissapeared. Suddenly, Cherubimon was enveloped in dark energy. When it faded, he was standing there, same as before. The only differance was that he was [i]much[/i] larger. "That was unexpected," Jeri said, "but it won't matter. It was a change in appearance only. Let's do it." With that, she transformed into Ophanimon, and Takato and Henry biomerged with their Digimon Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon Terriermon biomerge to: MegaGargomon Gallantmon mode-change to: Crimson Mode "Do whatever you like," Cherubimon said. "It will make no difference." Again, Milleniummon was pleased. His plan was working perfectly. The Tamers he had targeted would not be able to defeat Cherubimon without using Juggernaut, and there was no way Henry would use Juggernaut on his father. And even if they did find another way to defeat Cherubimon, they wouldn't do it, because it would put Janyu at risk. This time, they wouldn't survive. "Let's do this," Ophanimon said. "We need to give Henry a chance to hit his mark." "I'll go in from the front," GCM told her. "You circle around behind." "Understood," she replied, and that's what they did. "Crimson Blast!" GCM fired the energy blast right at Cherubimon's face, but he didn't try to dodge. Instead, he just stood there and took the hit. GCM attacked over and over again, and each blast hit. "Take that!" GCM exclaimed. But when the smoke cleared, Cherubimon was unharmed. "Fool!" he said. "You can't do anything against me! And I can easily defeat you! Lightning Blast!" A very large lightning-shaped energy blast formed in his hand, and he threw it at GCM, who dodged it. The blast hit the ground behind him, forming a large crater. Cherubimon therw Lightning Blast after Lightning Blast, but GCM somehow managed to dodge them all. "Enough!" Cherubimon bellowed. "Time to end this! Terminal Judgement!" A large number of lightning blasts were fired at GCM, who did his best to dodge. He wasn't completely successful, however; one of the blasts connected with his leg. "Give up," Cherubimon said. "You can't do anything against me!" "Maybe not," Ophanimon said from behind him, "but I can. Eden's Javelen!" Her attack connected, and although it didn't do any damage, the temporary paralyzing effect still worked. While Ophanimon and GCM were fighting Cherubimon, MegaGargomon was in the sky, looking for his chance. When Ophanimon paralyzed Cherubimon, MegaGargomon dove down toward him. When he was about 500 feet above Cherubimon, MegaGargomon seperated into Henry and Terriermon. Terriermon's large ears allowed him to float slowly down. Henry, however, was in a freefall. As he fell, Henry held his D-Power in front of him. At a disance of about 200 feet above Cherubimon, a beam of white energy shot out of it and entered Cherubimon in the exact same place the data from Milleniummon had. As Henry continued to fall toward Cherubimon, the Digimon's form began to fluctuate. When Henry fell into Cherubimon's head, the data Milleniummon had given Janyu dissipated, leaving Henry's father lying on the ground with Henry falling toward him fast. He was about to hit the ground when GCM caught him and set him down safely, then seperated into Takato and Guilmon. Ophanimon landed and became Jeri again. Henry walked over to his father, but stopped when he saw a small amount of Cherubimon's data gather between the two of them. Henry was shocked when the data formed a Digimon, but that was nothing compared to the suprise he felt when he recognized the Digimon: it was Lopmon. But even that wasn't nearly as suprising as what happened next: a purple D-Power appeared in Janyu's hand. "Okay," Henry said, extremely shocked, "that did not just happen, did it?" "Yes it did, Henry," Jeri replied. "Janyu's a Tamer, and that Lopmon is his partner."
  20. (Doraka uses the image sent by Recorder to teleport himself to that area, where Recon Alpha is waiting. The squad leader pauses nervously, then approaches Damian) Squad Leader: Sir, what are- I mean, we didn't expect- Damian: I don't care what you expected. What did you find? Squad Leader: An underground chamber of some sort with the symbol accociated with the Salkyutsi by the entrance. None of us has attempted to enter. Damian: Why not? Never mind. It doesn't matter. You probably wouldn't be able to use what's in there anyways. Squad Leader: Do you think the Salkyutsi is in there? Damian: No. That would be too easy. No, it's something else. It'p probably one of three things: a clue to the Salkyutsi's location; a clue to the location of another clue, either to the Salkyutsi or to yet another clue; or something that must be found to aquire the Salkyutsi. I'm going to find out which.
  21. David: Man, this always creeps me out. Ki: I think TJ's the only one who it doesn't freak out. David: Well, he knows his way around here. I'd bet he's as much at home in this realm or whatever it is as anywhere else. Ki: I don't think I can ever get used to this. David: It's different for him. His powers allow him to have control here. We're just along for the ride.
  22. The strategy I used for Brawly was to skip him, go find Steven(Yes, without using Flash), then proceed to Slateport(You don't need to defeat Brawly to do so. Just deliver the letter to Steven and talk to Mr. Briney). After I collected the two other badges you can get before fighting Norman(your dad), I returned to Dewford and kicked Brawly's ***.
  23. OOC: TJ hasn't been mentioned, so I'll have him at David's house, too. ---------------------------- David: We need to find some way to get that footage away from the news station, as well as make sure they don't find out anything else. Arika: How do we do that? Ki: If it's stored electronically, David and I can hack in and delete it, but they'd still have the origional tape. We'll have to go get it. Arika: how do we do that? David: This news station has pretty tight security, but it still has its holes. TJ: And those are? David: There's no way a news station security team would have infared vision devices. If normal vision can't see us, we can get in easily. Look out the window. (Everyone does so, and sees that the sun is setting) By the time we get there, it sould be dark out. That'll let you get us in, TJ. then, we'll find the tape, make sure we get rid of any copies, then get out. We need to go now. We'll leave a note on the door instrucing the others to wait here. Ki: Good plan. Arika: I don't like it. Ki: Actually, it's probably better if someone stays here. David, TJ, and I will go. Arika: Agreed David: Good. Let's go.
  24. David: Well, I'm gping home. Let's meet sometime tomorrow. We'll decide when and where tomorrow by phone. I just need to relax. See you tomorrow. (He walks to his house. When he getsw there, he unlocks it, goes inside, sits down, and turns on the news like he normally does. He is shocked at what's on the news: A newscaster talking while footage of the battle with the sea monster is played) Newscaster: Fortunately, one of our cameramen was in the area and managed to catch this supposedly impossible event. If you look, you'll see that people are battling this creature, and- there! One of them just shot fire at it! Now watch. He rolls under then back out, and another- there! Anopther perso just shot what appears to be a kind of energy at the sea creature. Scientists are baffled by this impossible display of what can only be called supernatural powers. We'll have more on this story as soon as possible. (David turns the T.V. off and runs over to the phone. He dials Ki's cell phone, and she awnsers) Ki: Hello? David: Where are you right now? Ki: Where you left us. We've been discussing when and where to meet. We didn't want to leave it untill tomorrow. I was going to call you as soon as we were done. I'm sorry you aren't able to have any say in this, but- David: Forget it. It's good they're all still there. Tell everyone to get over here as quickly as possible. We need to talk. Ki: What? What's going on? David: I'll tell you when you get here. And get here quick. This is serious. (He hangs up) Oh, ****! **** **** **** ****!
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