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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (Doraka appears in a room with several creatures of various types. He walks over to a Shacow Beast) Doraka: Any reports yet? Shadow Beast: Sir, Recon Alpha thinks they've found something. They're not sure what, but they think there's a good chance it's related to the Salkyutsi. Doraka: Did they send an image of the area? Shadow Beast: Yes. Doraka: Good. Shadow Beast: Also, Squad Epsilon sent a report just before you arrived. It seems that Acira and someone else were led underground by an unknown person. They chose not to follow. Doraka: Interesting. Maybe... maybe there's more to Baakuum Temple than I though. Well, it's not like it matters. The leader, Orion, couldn't do anything to stop me, and there's no way anyone else of Baakuum Temple can. The only thing that can stop me is the Salkyutsi. Shadow Beast: What are your orders? Doraka: Have Squad Epsilon track Acira. I want to know where he goes, what he does, the identities of anyone he meets, and anything that has even a small chance of being important. I'll expect hourly updates by Recorder. I'm going to investigate Recon Alpha's report.
  2. OOC: You're good, Wondershot. ---------------------- David: I think it's hurt. Let's finish it off. TJ: I'm not at full strength, but I'll do what I can. David: I'll distract it. You try and aim a blast into its eyes. TJ: Got it. (David runs at the creature, launching fire blasts. When they proove to be unaffective, he rolls under it and smacks it with his poles before rolling away from it. The creature is momentarilly stunned by the hit, allowing TJ to blast its eyes) David: Take that. TJ: We killed it, right? David: I thing so.
  3. My fave is Dingo Egret, who you play as in Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner. He's a frame runner(mech pilot) who used to work for Nohman, leader of BARAHM. He has a quite obvious intrest is Ken Marinaris, but also doesn't like some of the things she's done, which results in some amusing exchanges. Besides, he gets to kick Leo Stenbuck's ***. My least favorite is Leo Stenbuck, your character in the origional Zone of the Enders. He's just an adolecent male who hates killing of any kind. And I mean REALLY hates it. He doesn't even like it when people get injured. Not only is he this way with his friends(those that aren't killed in the opening sequence), but with his enemies, as well. He's better when you meet up eith him in The Second Runner, but Dingo's still much better.
  4. Another of the most memorable gaming moments is in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, right after you bust in on Peach's forced wedding with Booster. She says she'll give you(Mario) a kiss, then Bowser(who's on your side) complains that Mario's getting all the credit. Booster(who's a few corn dogs shy of a picnic) then says that he wants a kiss, too, and everyone moves in on Peach. Of course, Mario's between them and her, so things get a little confused. Someone always ends up kissing Mario, but it's normally not Peach. Sometimes two characters kiss Mario. This sceen is hillarious, epecially if Peach(and only Peach) kisses Mario, beacuse then Bowser and Booster end up kissing!
  5. Mine would have to be beating the crap out of Trinity in Enter the Matrix. There's something quite satisfying about that. Plus it was fun.
  6. David: I do [i]not[/i] like this. (He looks around and spots a street light. He drastically heats a few spots on it, causing them to melt and the street light to break into several peices. He grabs two of them, giving himself a pair of metal poles) Let's do this. Arika: You think that will help? David: Probably not, but I feel better when holding a weapon. Ki: Shouldn't we be fighting this thing? David: Correct. Let's do it.
  7. Nope. I've never even played the game(or the sequel). Any yes, Nefertimon, that's okay.
  8. OOC: Wondershot, your bio needs editing. Yours too, Nefertimon(yes, again). See the recruitment thread for details. ------------------------------------ David: This can [i]not[/i] be good. Christian: That's only obvious. Ki: Is it too much to ask for the two of you to get along for once? David: I hope not. Christian: Maybe. David: We have to. TJ: Well, we have to do something, right? David: Yes. We need to figure out what's going on, and how to stop it.
  9. OOC: I've had no response to my PM's for a couple days, so I'll just post here. JjRiddler, you have not yet given me a clear awnser. Am I in or not? And if not, then why not?
  10. We are playing as people whose ancestors lived in another dimension(this was centuries ago), but who have never seen it for themselves. You need to edit your bio to reflect that. Also, the other-dimensional humans have no technology beyond that of Earth humans. And, Nefertimon, our characters were born on Earth and will never leave. Plese edit your bio again.
  11. OOC: I should probably make sure this is clear: there is not going to be a true leader of the group. This is so that all characters have an equal role(if one is the leader, he/she would play a greater part than the others). And by the way, the Earth humans will not figure out what is really going on(unless an other-dimensional human tells them, but, since that would affect the story greatly, it's my decision if that happens or not). And Nefertimon, you still need to edit your bio. ---------------------------------- David: I don't think we'll be able to find any more information on what's happening by using computers. Scanning equipment won't be able to tell us any more than where the evil force is. If we want more information, we'll probably need to find it ourselves. (He looks at Destiny, who was just sitting there, and sighs) This isn't going to work. Arika? Arika: What? David: I don't think having Destiny as a "leader" is going to work. Arika: Or maybe you just want to be the leader yourself. David: Actually, I don't think there should be a leader. We're all equal in this. We're the only ones who can do anything, and we'll need to work togeather on this. AS equals, not as leader and followers. Besides, Destiny hasn't really said anything since I got here. You're the one who's been ordering people around. You say you think Destiny should lead, but you're not letting her. We can't have anyone trying to lead us, because someone will always be unable to accept a person's leadership. Arika: Okay, okay. I get the point. David: We knew this would happen someday. I don't think any of us expected it in our lifetime, but we knew that someday, the evil force that destroyed our race's home would find its way here. Unfortunately, it's here now, and we have no choice but to try and stop it. We have to do something. Or would you rather just watch this dimension die, knowing that you could have at least tried to save it? Christopher: You actually said something intelligent for once. Amazeing. (TJ opens the door and walks in) TJ: I thought you'd all meet here. Am I late? Destiny: It's polite to knock instead of just bargeing in. TJ: We don't have time for this, right? I mean, I'd guess that what I felt and am assuming you felt is the force that destroyed the dimension our race is from? David: Correct. And you're right. we don't have time to argue. We've got work to do.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Takuya [/i] [B][i]Togeather, they must face the evil and destroy it. [/B][/QUOTE] That should awnser your question. Oh, and Taki Ebina, you need to edit your bio. All of our characters know that their ancestors are from the other dimension.
  13. They are in the order you face them in SMW. I don't know about SMB3
  14. First, a story recap: [i]Alternate dimensions. People have long wondered if they exist. Scientists have debated the existance of them. Books, both fact and fiction, have been written about them. But nobody believed that the existance of other dimensions would ever be prooven. People never guessed the truth: beings from another dimension have been living among humans for centuries. Nobody has noticed, because these beings are human. They are identical to Earth humans in every way except one: these people have extrordinary abilities. They are able to control diferent elements: fire, water, wind, etc. However, these people are dieing out. There are now only a few left from the other dimension. They had traveled to Earth to escape a deadly force that was destroying their race, but only a few hundred made it. They attempted to settle down on the new world when the native humans were discovered. The other-dimensional humans were forced to conceal their exestance and live like Earth humans. Some were unable to refrain from using their powers, and were excecuted as witches and warlocks. Most tried to live without their powers, but found that they didn't know how to, and died. Only a very small number learned the skills needed to use their powers without being discovered, therefore allowing them to survive. Their decendants are the only other-dimensional humans still alive, but their numbers are steadily decreasing.[/i] The year is 2012, and the remaining other-dimentional humans have sought out each other. They are hopeing to find a place where they can live as they were meant to, without anyone fearing their powers, forcing them to be cautious in their use. They must also ensure that their race continues to exist, as they are the only ones left. They know that the only hope for the survival of their race lies with them. They must find a safe place to live and raise children of their race. That is their only hope for survival. December 23, 2012: They have all felt it: a great evil is coming. The same evil force that destroyed their home is coming for Earth. Since the dimension-crossing technology was lost, there is no escape. The only hope for the survival of both types of humans lies with them. Togeather, they must face the evil and destroy it. Here's a list of who signed up as each character and what element that character has power over(I'll add any others that sign up): Me-David-Fire Ohkami-Kimana(Ki)-Nature Arika-Arika-Sun/Moon YashamonMaster-TJ-Darkness SJchan Mayran-Destiny-Fate Nefertimon-Eurobatt-Water terra-Christian-Electricity Taki Ebina-Vance-Wind(Pending) Wondershot-Ken-Gravit0y Here's a description of the abilities of each element(I'll add those chosen by any others that sign up): Fire(Me): Contorl over fire. Can also cause most objects(not living things) to burst into flame, and can create blasts of fire. Is immune to freezing and being burnt, and is not affected by temperature changes. Water: Control over water. Can also cause rain, and can create blasts of water. Can breath underwather. Electricity: Control over electricity, Can also cause anything that runs on electricity(including batteries) to short out, and can create blasts of electricity. Is immune to electric shock. Darkness: This one's a little different. At night, the character with control over darkness is able to use the darkness of night to hide himself and others from sight, and sheild himself and others from attacks. He is also able to use the darkness to take things like weapons from others. Of course, he is also able to create dark energy blasts. Durring the day, he is limited to the dark energy blasts. Can see in the dark just as well as durring the day. Nature-Control over trees and animals.Can summon vines and animals and can make them do what she wants.She can make balls of vines and fire them at people and instead of exploding they cacoon the person in the vines of the ball.She can talk to animals and the trees and they answer to her.Whenever she calls they come to help. Sun/Moon: In the day, Sun is the strongest: can create exploding balls of fiery light, can alter weather when her power is at its strongest, create strong heat waves, can call upon creatures of day, has incredible healing powers, can be invisible at times when time is right, can cause a blast of blinding light, also has certain psychic skills. At night, Moon is strongest: can create daggers of darkness, can creates think fogs/mists that can be poisounous when power is at its strongest, create veils of darkness, can call upon creatures of night, also has incredible healing powers, can walk among shadows without being detected, can cause large balls of darkness, also can use moonlight for direction, also lots of unknown abilities both Sun and moon Fate: Able to stop time for everyone else very breifly, and determine the fate of a person, within limits(can not tell when people will die). Wind: Able to create cyclones and other things like that, though not as large as the real thing. Can also make huge gusts by placing hands together and aiming them at someone or something. If there is a strong wind, can control it a directed it to where it is needed, though this takes more energy then forming his own. Gravity: Can create small black holes and crush enemies by increasing their density. Also can float for a short time, but controlled flight is impossible. Here we go: (Ki is with David at his house. The two are in his room, which is filled with computer equipmennt. The two of them are attempting to increase the efficincy of their private network{they managed to set one up that just the two of them can use. They use it to exchange information and help each other when not togeather}) David: Don't put it there! Put it [i]here[/i]. Good. Now, if I connect this here, it should allow a seperated interface with our network. (Pause) What was that? Ki: I felt it, too. David: I don't like this. That... whatever it wasw felt [i]evil[/i]. There's no other word for it. Ki: I know. What do we do? David: We need to figure out what's going on.
  15. Terra, you're in. Arika, you're good now, too. Nefertimon and SJchan Mayran, you two need to change your character bios. You appear to have a missunderstanding of the background. The characters we play as have never seen the other dimension. Their ancestors lived there, but nobody currently alive has ever been there. Also, the other-dimensional humans no longer know how to travle to other dimensions. Change your bios to fit with that, and you're in. SJchan Mayran, you're in. Nefertimon, you still need to edit your bio. I'm going to go start this now. If you want to sign up, you still can. [font=gothic][color=indigo]Please use the edit function. - The Harlequin[/font][/color]
  16. Doraka: Maybe so, but they aren't as powerful as the Salkyutsi. With that, you might actually be able to put up a fight, but you wouldn't win. But I don't think you're worth my time. Orion: You won't get away, Doraka. Doraka: You can't stop me. Besides, I'm not going yet. I still have work to do here. (He teleports to the front of the temple, then around it in increments when he is able to see where he's going until he gets behind it. When he does, he concentrates for a few seconds, forming what looks like a dark vortex of some kind. Dark energy emerges from it and collects in Doraka. When that's done, Doraka walks over to the wall of Baakuum Temple, outs his hands on it, and lets the energy flow into it. The outer walls are destroyed by it. More dark energy collects in Doraka, and he fires it as an energy beam at the temple)
  17. All three of you are in. Arika, you'll need to remove the summoning from your element abilities, as it doesn't fit. Also know that since your element combines the powers of two others, they won't be as strong.
  18. [i]Alternate dimensions. People have long wondered if they exist. Scientists have debated the existance of them. Books, both fact and fiction, have been written about them. But nobody believed that the existance of other dimensions would ever be prooven. People never guessed the truth: beings from another dimension have been living among humans for centuries. Nobody has noticed, because these beings are human. They are identical to Earth humans in every way except one: these people have extrordinary abilities. They are able to control diferent elements: fire, water, wind, etc. However, these people are dieing out. There are now only a few left from the other dimension. They had traveled to Earth to escape a deadly force that was destroying their race, but only a few hundred made it. They attempted to settle down on the new world when the native humans were discovered. The other-dimensional humans were forced to conceal their exestance and live like Earth humans. Some were unable to refrain from using their powers, and were excecuted as witches and warlocks. Most tried to live without their powers, but found that they didn't know how to, and died. Only a very small number learned the skills needed to use their powers without being discovered, therefore allowing them to survive. Their decendants are the only other-dimensional humans still alive, but their numbers are steadily decreasing.[/i] The year is 2012, and the remaining other-dimentional humans have sought out each other. They are hopeing to find a place where they can live as they were meant to, without anyone fearing their powers, forcing them to be cautious in their use. They must also ensure that their race continues to exist, as they are the only ones left. They know that the only hope for the survival of their race lies with them. They must find a safe place to live and raise children of their race. That is their only hope for survival. December 23, 2012: They have all felt it: a great evil is coming. The same evil force that destroyed their home is coming for Earth. Since the dimension-crossing technology was lost, there is no escape. The only hope for the survival of both types of humans lies with them. Togeather, they must face the evil and destroy it. In this RPG, you play as an other-dimensional human. Here's what I need from you: Name: Your character's name. Only first name is required. Age: Your character's age. The acceptable range is 16-30. Gender: Your character's gender. The other-dimensional humans have the same genders Earth humans do. Description: What your character looks like. Other-dimentional humans look like Earth humans. Bio: Your character's background. Remember that he or she has knowedge of his or her powers and knows how to use them, but is aware of when it is acceptable to and when it isn't. Also, your character's parents aren't necessarily dead(I just wanted to make sure that was clear). Your character has met all the other characters, as well. Element: The element your character has power over(One per character). See below for the list of elements. Only one character can have power over each element. Element list: Fire(Me): Contorl over fire. Can also cause most objects(not living things) to burst into flame, and can create blasts of fire. Is immune to freezing and being burnt, and is not affected by temperature changes. Water: Control over water. Can also cause rain, and can create blasts of water. Can breath underwather. Ice: Control over ice. Can also freeze most objects(not living things), and can create blasts of ice. Is immune to freezing and being burnt, and is unaffected by tempurature changes. Electricity: Control over electricity, Can also cause anything that runs on electricity(including batteries) to short out, and can create blasts of electricity(senseing a pattern here?). Is immune to electric shock. Earth: Control over earth. Can also cause earthquakes, and can create blasts of dirt and rocks(bet you expected that). Suffers no loss of visibility in sandstorms. Light: Control over light. Can also cause any area to become bright, and can create blasts of light(but you knew that). Has no loss of seeing ability due to it being too bright. Darkness: This one's a little different. At night, the character with control over darkness is able to use the darkness of night to hide him/her and others from sight, and sheild him/her and others from attacks. He/she is also able to use the darkness to take things like weapons from others. Fo course, he/she is also able to create dark energy blasts(did I even have to tell you that?). Durring the day, he/she is limited to the dark energy blasts. Can see in the dark just as well as durring the day. (Just a note: the person who chooses darkness is [i]not[/i] evil. There is a difference) Feel fre to use an element other than the one listed. Just be sure to describe what your character's abilities are. Here's my character: Name: David Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: 5ft. 10in. with brown hair and eyes. He always wears shorts and a t-shirt(he is immune) Bio: David's parents(Both, like him, having control over fire) decided to give him his education an home, rather than send him to an Earth-human school, as they didn't want to risk him accidently(or purposefully) using his powers where others could see him. They also trained him in the proper use of his powers, and taught him how to keep them under control. David spent his free time either with the other other-dimensionsal humans his age, or learning about computers. He is a computer expert, and can awnser almost any question about them. He has made a good deal of cash helping people with computer problems. David's parents were killed in a car crash a year ago, but David has managed to live without them. He makes his living as a computer support person, and also writes programs that are custom-made based on what a buyer wants. Element: Fire There. That's probably the longest post I've ever made(not counting the posts in Tamers: V2, which is an actual story as opposed to an RPG).
  19. OOC: JJRiddler, am I in? You've read my message(I know by PM tracking), so you know I agreed to what you said, but you didn't reply(I checked). So am I in or not?
  20. That would be correct. Your question
  21. Sorry. For some reason I wasn't notified of a PM. I've sent you one back.
  22. David: Okay, this is weird even by my standards. I'm talking to this guy who says he's one of these gods who defeated some evil spirit, but that he became much weaker. Now it seems like this evil spirit dude has returned, and we, who are decendants of the gods who beat it last time, have to stop it. Then we learn that Xaru is actually one of these gods instead of just a decendant of one. We have officially left reason behind. This is not possible. Matt: It's happening, you idiot. That means it's possible. David: Shut up. I know it's happening. Matt: Then don't say it's impossible. David: I said shut up. Xaru, we need information. What exactly can this evil spirit dude do?
  23. Doraka: Who are you? Orion: I don't think that matters. Doraka: True. The names of those who are dead, as you soon will be, don't have any real significance. Orion: You're the one who's going to die. You mada a big mistake comming here, Doraka. Doraka: And just what do you plan to do about it? (Orion acts extremly quickly, throwing several daggers at Doraka, who blocks them like he did Acira's swords) Sorry, but that won't work. (Orion draws a pair of swords and attacks, but Doraka blocks with the same invisible energy barrier) Neither will that. (Doraka hits Orion with several dark energy waves, then binds him with dark energy ropes. He falls to the ground beside Acira. More ropes appear around Serena) Three to kill, but not yet. I want you all to see the destruction of Baakuum Temple first.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JJRiddler [/i] [B]Open Slots Season 1 and two Darkdestine 1 spot Season 4 Digi Destine 1 spot Season 4 Darkdestine 1 spot [/B][/QUOTE] Could you please explain why I was not accepted for this RPG(I signed up for Season 4 DarkDestine)?
  25. Incorrect. For Giga Bowser, beat Adventure mode on normal difficullty or higher in 18 minutes or less. You may use any number of lives. For Crazy Hand, get to Master Hand in under 12 minutes without continuing on normal difficulty or higher. Take out half of Master Hand's HP, and Crazy Hand shows up. In Super Mario World, what are the names of the eight levels in the Special World, and what happens when you complete them? Bonus: How do you access the Special World?
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