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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
Doraka: I realize that. But you don't have it yet. If you did, I'd be dead right now. nd I'm afraid you'll never have the chance to find it. You're going to die today, Acira, and you can't do anything about it. Acira: Why don't you proove it? Doraka: I didn't think you'd be so eager to die. Very well, then. Would you like a slow death, or a fast one? Acira: You won't kill me. Doraka: Why not? I'm quite capable of doing so. Acira: I won't give you the chanch. Doraka: I grow weary of this. Time to go, Acira. (He creates a dark energy wave that slams Acira into another tree. He creates another wave that sends Acira flying towards him. He catches Acira with more dark energy ropes, and Acira falls to the ground at his feet. The poles appear in his hands, and he charges them with dark energy) Time to die.
My fave is Jim Carrey, hands down. The man is just hillarious. I epecially enjoy the Ace Ventura films, as well as The Mask("Look, Ma! I'm roadkill! Ha ha!").
(Doraka manages to block Acira's strikes, but is unable to actually hit Acira. Eventually, he stops moving and lets go of his poles, which dissappear. Acira charges, but Doraka suddenly isn't there anymore. Acira hears a noise behind him, and turns around to see Doraka) Doraka: Like I said, this it too easy. There's no way you can win. You might as well give up now. Acira: Never. Doraka: I thought so. You still believe you can defeat me, even though nothing you've tried has worked. You have no idea of the extent of my power. I merged with the darkness that was sealed in the abyss. I expected great power, but the power I have is much greater than what I anticipated. You have no hope of defeating me. You're only alive right now because I haven't truely tried to kill you yet. Acira: You're not as tough as you seem to think. (He charges at Doraka again. This time, instead of teleporting out of the way, Doraka simply holds out his hand. Acira's slashes at Doraka, but the strikes hit what appears to be thin air and stop) Doraka: Your weapons mean nothing to me. They can't compeate with my power. Niether can you. (He creates an energy wave that sends Acira flying into a nearby tree. Dark energy ropes appear and bind him to it) Now what will you do?
(Doraka and Acira appear to be quite evenly matched. Acira takes the offensive, but Doraka doesn't let a single hit through. It's obvious that Acira underestimates Doraka's skill with the poles, as he constantly tries manuvers that are quite easy for Doraka to block. Eventually, Doraka makes his move. He suprises Acira by going on the offensive, then trips him with an expertly timed leg sweep) Doraka: Just because I have the power I do doesn't mean I can't win this kind of fight. I didn't start with the power I now have, remember. I had to fight in this manner. Unfortunately, it seems that you're no match for me. This has gotten quite borring. I think it's about time I finish you off.
David: Whoever that guy is, he's probably well protected. It certainly won't be easy to take him out. Besides, I expect that it will be nearly impossible to even get to him. At least, is would be if we tried now. Sky: WHat are you getting at? David: If we wait untill night, I can get us in easily.Night is when I'm at my best. I can basically control the darkness of noght. There are limits, but it's still quite useful. One thing I can do at night is hide us from view. Nobody will be able to see us if I do. We could still be heard, but that shouldn't be nuch of a problem. I say we find this water guy, then try and figure out where Mr. Big Bad Demon Commander is. Then we wait until it's dark. I get us to him, and we take him out.
David: I really don't like this. Where are they all coming from? Untill we know, we have no clue how many more demons there are. There could easily be more than we can handle, and there probably are. We should certianly help out the water dude, but then I think we need more information. Matt: Would you shut up? David: What is your problem? It's not like I did anything to you. Besides, I thought you liked fighting. I just said that we should go fight. Matt: Then shut up and let's go. David: Please try to be a little nicer, Matt.
David: Damn it, why must this happen now? I'm not nuch good durring the day, damn it! Matt: Shut up and fight, will you? David: Don't be so rude. (He holds out his hands, and a black pole appears in each one) Besides, I'm probably better than you. Matt: Just fight, for god's sake! Shut your mouth and fight! David: No need to be so nasty, man. Don't worry, I'll fight. (He charges at the demons and starts fighting)
No, he's saying that more than one person can sign up for the same spot, and he'll pick the one he thinks is the best. Season 4 Dark Sign-Up: Name: Damian Age: 16 Spirit Element: Dark Human Hybrid: Duskmon Beast Hybrid: Velgmon Is it okay if I don't have a Fused form? The "corrupted" Darkness spirits were never used for a Fused form, and Duskmon and Velgmon are powerful enough that one isn't needed(It took two to beat Velgmon). If I do need one, could you give me some suggestions for what Digimon it should be? Bio(The dark side thing confused me, so tell me if this is okay. If it's not, I'll change it): Damian is one of those people who always get the worst of everything. His life started well enough, but then his parents were killed when the house burned down. This happened when he was 10. He went to an orphanage to live, but that turned out to be a mistake. He chose one of those that looks nice until you live there. The whole place was horrible. Nobody ever cleaned anything, the adults all seemed to hate everyone living there, and the only way you could survive was to be tougher than those around you. After spending a year there, Damian chose the only other option: he ran away. Damian didn't want to live in another orphanage, so he turned to life on the streets. His time in the orphanage had toughened him up considerably, and that was probably the only reason he survived. At first, he got what he needed from others living on the streets who weren't as tough as him, but it soon became clear that he'd need more to survive. That was when he found it. He was returning to the dead-end alleyway where he slept when he saw a black object lying on the ground. He took it with him, and pretty much forgot about it. He was 12 at this time. Three nights later, he was attacked. Someone was trying to do to him what he had done to others, and he was caught unprepared. In desperation, he grabbed the nearest object, hopeing that he could use it to defend himself. That object tured out to be the black object. It was then that the object, a D-Tector, activated, transforming Damian into the Digimon Duskmon. He easily killed the man, then returned to his human form, shocked. He didn't think that what had just happened was possible, but he was smart enough to realize that he had found the solution to his problem. It would be quite easy for him to get what he needed. This continued for three years. Damian has been hardened by his life, and doesn't have any problems with murder. After all, he's done it several times. He is willing to do anything to get what he needs, and he won't let anything stop him. Country: U.S.A.
(David drops out of a tree) David: I say we kill it. It's a very dangerous creature, after all. By the way, I'm David. I know who you are, because I've been listening. I'm one of the ones you're looking for. My power is darkness. My abilities are limited to dark energy blasts of various types durring the day, but an night I am able to call on the darkness of night to hide myself and others from view, shield myself and others, and I can also use it as a weapon. By the way, you should probably know that I'm high-functioning autistic. If I offend you in any way, I did it accidently. Also, I have trouble interpreting things like tone of voice and body language. Matt: You also talk too much. David: Sorry. Anyways, we need to deal with this dragon. As I said, I think we should kill it.
(Doraka had recieved the visual image from the Recorder, and immedeately teleported to that place. He needed the image to knoe where he was going. Otherwise, he couldn't teleport there. He had watched as Acira and Serena approached the entrance to Baakuum Temple. He makes his move right after Acira gives Serena the daggers. He walks out behind the two) Doraka: Hello. (They turn around) Acira: Doraka! Doraka: You remember me, then. How irrelevent. Acira: You'll pay for what you did. (He draws his swords) Doraka: This could be fun. Very well, I'll fight you. Your friend will have to simply watch, though. (Ropes of dark energy appear and pull Serena to a tree, which they tie her to. Doraka then holds out his hands, and a black pole appears in each one) I've needed some entertainment. Let's go.
Name: David Age: 16 Element/Theme: Darkness(a variation of Shadow, which is listed) Element Ability: In the daytime, David is limited to the basic blasts of dark energy, but can fire the blasts in several different ways. It's at night that he is truly dangerous. At night, David is able to call on the darkness to hide himself and others from view and shield himself and others. He is also able to use the night itself as a weapon. He's weaker durring the day, but at night, he's almost unstoppable. Weapon: Two black poles infused with dark energy. On each pole is a symbol: a circle set on a six-pointed star so that it crosses the star at every non-point intersection of lines on the star. Appearence: 5ft 10in tall with brown hair and eyes. On his back is the same symbol that's on his poles. Nobody knows why it's there. Bio: David's parents went missing when he was 9. He was adopted by a single woman. This, along with his autism, made him a constant target at school. In an attempt to forget his problems, he immersed himself in aincient legends. He's become an expert in that area. He has always felt like a part of himself is missing, and believes it has something to do with his powers. Nobody else knows about them. He trains whenever possible, and has become very skilled with them. He knows exactly what he can do and what he can't, and will never exceed his limits. Note: As mentioned, David is autistic. He's high-functioning, which means that his intellegence is in no way impared. However, he is unable to interpret things such as tone of voice and body language, which frequently results in the wrong message being sent.
(A Shadow Beast enters the room where Doraka is) Shadow Beast: Sir, the force you sent has located Acira at Baakuum Temple. They've decided not to attempt an attack at that location. Doraka: Good. They couldn't hope to do anything at Baakuum Temple. If even half of the rumors are true, it would take a huge force to assault it, and many would be lost. Acira's not worth that. (Pause) Is the force sure it's Baakuum? Shadow Beast: Yes. What are your orders? Doraka: In a way, I'm actually pleased that Acira is safe from them. I want the pleasure of killing him myself. Did the force send the location? Shadow Beast: Yes. The Recorder has an image. Doraka: Those things are quite useful. Shadoe Beast: What are you planning? Doraka: I think it's time I did something myself. I'm going to go there myself. In a way, it's ironic. Baakuum Temple is the one place I've never been able to find, and Acira leads me right to it. I'll be sure to thank him before I kill him. Send the Recorder in. Shadow Beast: Yes, sir. (It leaves the room) ------------------- OOC: In case you're wodering, Recorders are creatures that can store and transmit messages, as well as images of certain places. They are also able to teleport, allowing nearly instantanious delivery of the message, and they are somehow able to determine the location of whoever they are looking for. They are unable to fight in any way, because they can always leave if they are in danger. Their sole use is as messangers, and they are used by everyone. One always seems to be there when a message needs to be sent.
Name: David Age: 17 Gender: Male Description: 5ft 10in tall with brown hair and eyes. He is almost never seen wearing anything other than shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: David's parents were killed in a car accident when he was 9. He was adopted by a single mother. This, along with his autism, made him a constant target at school. In an attempt to forget his problems, he immersed himself in computers. He's become an expert in that area, and is the first person someone goes to with a computer problem. Extra: As mentioned, David is autistic. He's high-functioning, which means that his intellegence is in no way impared. However, he is unable to interpret things such as tone of voice and body language, which frequently results in the wrong message being sent.
Playing the game adds a lot to the experiance. You get to blow up the power plant, for one thing. Also, when you complete the game, you get to see a preview for Revolutions, which looks just plain awesome. I'm espicially(sp?) looking forward to the Neo vs Agent Smith showdown.
South Park, definately. Oh, and wild thang, kenny's back(unless he left again. I missed the last couple episodes)
(There is a door at the end of the tunnel, which Damian enters. He finds himself on a hill over Aidian's army. He looks behind himself for the door, but doesn't see it) Damian: Okay, this is officailly the strangest thing I've ever done. (He sees Aidian) What the hell? He can't be here! Or maybe he can. This might just be real. I might just actually be where I appear to be. It probably doesn't matter. What matters is the goal. What am I supposed to do here? It probably involves Aidian's attack on Corock, so that's where I'll go. (He attempts to use the night to take him there, but it doesn't work) Okay, so no instant transportation. I'll have to move fast to get there in time. It looks like he's ready to move. (He runs into Corock, then stops and looks behind him. He sees that he was correct about the army being ready to attack, because that's what it's doing) The assault has begun. (He looks around) What am I supposed to-holy ****! What the hell are those people [i]doing[/i]? You don't run [i]inside[/i] to escape this kind of attack. You have to leave the area. (Pause) Oh, ****. They're not trying to hide. That's a nursery. They're trying to save the children. This must be my task. I must need to protect them while they evacuate the children. (He uses the darkness of night to hide from view as he prepares to fight)
(He is in a dark room. Very dark. He likes it that way. His name is Doraka, and he is the leader of the Dark forces. In front of him is a Shadow Beast, a creature that lives in shadows and can become invisible in them. Invisible to everyone but Doraka, that is) Shadow Beast: Sir, the first has been spotted in the forset near Woldorn. Doraka: Good. Is he being dealt with? Shadow Beast: He's in combat with a golem, but it's believed that he'll win. Doraka: He must be eliminated. Squad Epsilon is in the area. Have them take him out. Shadow Beast: Yes, sir! (The crature leaves)
Okay, Acira says I can, so here goes. Name: Doraka Age: 21 Gender: Male Weapon: Two black poles Bio: Nobody really knows, not even Doraka. He had amnesia when he was 16, and has never recovered. When he first lost his memory, he began searching for something. He didn't find anything for five years. Unfortunately, when he did find something, it was the abyss. He discovered how to unseal it, freeing the darkness within. He then entered it himself, searching for the source of the darkness. When he found it, he merged with it, becomming the new leader of the dark forces.
Name: David Age: 16 Gender: Male Weapon: Two metal poles. Power: Electricity Bio(I know you didn't ask for it, but I need to have it): Nobody knows. David comes and goes, and frequently seems to appear out of nowhere. He has been seen with the general(Somebody should play as the general) several times, and many believe that he's allied with the general. Sure, being seen with the general doesn't meen David's allied with him, but David has been seen helping him. He even told the general where to find the Devil's Soul Gem. Nobody knows why. The mystery surrounding David is made more complicated by the fact that he has also been seen resisting the general. Because of this, David's intentions are unknown, and nobody even has a guess. People only know two things about him: one, he's a computer expert; and two, he always keeps his word.
OOC: Actually, no. The four Elemental Forces I got from the Dragon Quartet books(all of which are excelent), the date, December 23, 2021, is when the Mayans believed the world will end, and the rest I just made up. ----------------------- David: I don't see anything strange. Trace: Niether do I. Sakura: I do. Everything's different. Glenn: I can see it. Saina: So can I. Alex: Me, too. Trace: Why do all of you see it when David and I don't? David: Maybe there's nothing different to see. Jacen: You two are the only ones who don't see it. David: That's why I don't think anything's actually different. Think about it. What do Trace and I have in common? Elli: The only thing I know is that you both have power over fire. David: Exactly. In the legend, each chamber represents one of the four Elemental Forces. Only the people with power over that force could take the Elemental Orb within. I think that each chamber has some way to make it impossible to enter without those with power over the force it represents. I believe that we are near the Fire chamber, which is why only Trace and I don't see anything strange. We're the ones that match the chamber. Jacen: Are you sure? We can't help you with this one. If you think that's true, I don't see any reason not to believe you, but that means we can't come with you two. David: Why not? Trace: David and I can still see where we're going. David: Just follow me, and you should be fine.
Dantu: That's not what I'm worried about right now. Furora: Why not? Dantu: I have a visual on the group approching from the Animal domain. Furora: Keio's coming close? Dantu: It's not Keio. Furora: What? Dantu: It's not Keio. It's someone else. Furora: You're serious, of course. Dantu: Of course. Something even more bizzare is the presence of Kyukimon. She never let Keio out of her sight. Furora: Why would she do so now? Dantu: I don't know, but I plan to find out. Come on.
Could I sign up as Doraka?
That their Gyms were pathetic(Something like that, at least. I don't remember the word that he used). What does DMA stand for, and what does that device do? (Hint: See Pokemon Heroes)
I'd say Airheads is one of the funier ones I've seen. The only problem with it is the fact that the first 5-10 minutes are kind of borring. I also like Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask, Liar Liar, and Bruce Almighty(I'm a Jim Carrey fan). Kung Pow is also great.
Dantu: It wasn't odd at all. They brought you in here because I told them to. Furora: Dantu! I didn't see you there. Dantu: Well, I'm here. I see you got the signal. Furora: You sent the signal to my digivice, directing me here. Of course. Why didn't I realize that? Dantu: I don't know, and and it doesn't really matter, does it? You're here, after all. Furora: I guess you're right. Dantu: Also, I have reason to believe that Keio is on her way here. There's an incomming digivice reading from her area, and I don't know who else it would be, but- Furora: But you don't have any proof. Dantu: (Laughs) You know me too well.