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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(Another beeping noise is heard) Dantu: Signal at the main entrance. I think it's Furora. Let's take a look. (He pushes a blue button with a 1 on it, and an image of Furora, Hawkmon, and Biyomon appears in the top-left corner of the screen) Good. The cameras still work. And yes, it's her. (He pushes a yellow button, which contacts the security cheif, a RedVeggiemon) We have guests, a human and two Digimon, approching the main entrance. Please have someone escort them to the main control room. RedVeggiemon: Understood, sir. Dantu: And please, make sure whoever escorts them is gentle about it. The human is my sister, and I don't want her harmed in any way. Dantu out. (He terminates contact)
David: I don't like this. Whatever's going on isn't natural. Well, at least we're not in the streets. This will cause one hell of a panic, I'm sure. Trace: It didn't start until we started walking toward... wherever it is you're taking us. Are you sure you know what you're doing? David: Not really, but I don't have any better ideas. Besides, this is my chance to get some awnsers. Elli: Awnsers to what? David: Someone sent the message containing the legend to me. I bet that same someone is the one who gave me the coordinates. I want to know why.
(A beeping noise is heard) Dantu: We have incomming from Keio's area. Palmon: Is it her? Dantu: I believe so. There's certainly a digivice signal. I think it's her, but- Palmon&Mushroomon: There's no proof. Dantu: (Laughs) Exactly. Mushroomon: You haven't changed at all. dantu: Actually, I've changed quite a bit. The changes just haven't revealed themselves yet.
David: Let's see here... Command: display mark Sigma. (Pause) Okay, now [i]that[/i] is strange. Sakura: What? David: I opened the file I have the legend saved in, but it's not there. Instead, the file contains four sets of coordinates. Trace: Do you know the locations they indicate? David: No, but I can find oud. Command: activate mark Alpha. (Pause) Command: Coordinate placement, four sets. Set one: x23,y45. Set two: s34, y3. Set three: f20, x01. Set four: x45, x07. (Pause) All right. I've got the four locations. The first one is actually in the park here. Command: Save current display as mark Zeta. (Pause) All right. follow me.
OOC: Don't worry. I'll make sure she approves what I do. Besides, it'll be a while before Damian actually finds the key. ---------------------------- (Damian walks through the tunnel until he enters a large chamber. On the floor in the middle is the Mark. There are 13 tunnels in the chamber, including the one he entered through. They are evenly spaced around the chamber, and each one except the one he entered through has the Mark above it. He is trying to figure out what to do when he hears a noise behind him. He spins around with his pole out, expecting a fight. Instead, he sees David) Damian: David? What the hell are you doing here? David: Fulfilling my purpose. I am to be your guide. My job is to make sure that you know what you're supposed to do, and also to prevent others from interrupting you if they somehow reach this place. Damian: I always wondered how you knew so much about me. So, what an I supposed to do? David: You'll notice that each tunnel other than the one used to reach this chamber has the Mark over it. Through each of those tunnels is a challenge. Some involve combat, while others involve finding something. There are a couple that I am forbidden from telling you. Damian: I assume you can't tell me why you're forbidden? David: Correct. Now, I have more to say. You must compleate all twelve challenges. Only then will you recieve the key. I will wait here. I'll have more to say when you compleate a challenge. Now, get to work. Damian; I will. And I [i]will[/i] get the key. (He walks down one of the tunnels)
Writing Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Creative Works
In my oppinion, this is the best book in the series so far, and also the best I've ever read. Why? Here's a few reasons: [spoiler]1: Harry's new attitude. He gets angry a lot more, he's upset about being left out, he feels sympathy for Sirius being stuch at Grimmauld Place, and a lot more. It realy makes him more like a real person. 2: Fred and George Weasly. Those two were at their best in this book, epecially when they set off all those magical fireworks. Their escape was also quite funny. I'm going to miss those two(though I'm sure they'll make appearances again). Hogwarts won't be the same without them. 3: Characters from previous books making appearances. In the book, we saw Remus Lupin, Gilderoy Lockheart, Alastor Moody, and rita Skeeter, among others(I'm not counting those like Sirius, who make regular appearances, or those like Voldemort, who just had to be included). 4: Development of other characters. In the previous books, most of the characters, aside from Harry, Ron, and Hermione, didn't get much development. In this one, we have Neville, Ginny, Luna, Angelina, and Cho, among others.[/spoiler] There are a lot more reasons, but it would take [i]way[/i] too long to type them all. -
It should be said that you are not required to go to the Abandond Ship in order tot compleate the the gane
(Damian had trained hard untill about noon. After lunch, he had slept{he sleeps a lot durring the day, as he's stronger at night] until sundown. At that time, he immedeately traveled to Corock with the aid of the night. Once there, he had immedeately set out for his destination. He is there, examining the structure. When he sees a blach circle, he touches it and is transported to an underground tunnel) Damian: Yes! I found it! Finally, I found it. I don't care what I face now. I [i]will[/i] find the key, and nothing can stop me.
David: Okay, this is getting complicated. First, there's Meddigo, then the whole Alpha and Omega thing, then me and Halo, and now Shiro survived that somehow? Shiro: What's this about you and Halo? David: Later. Halo: He's my brother. David: Or now. Shiro: [i]What?![/i] David: Long story, and we don't have the time. I know Meddigo's gone-well, he probably is-but he wasn't the only problem. The creature possesing Halo escaped, which means we have it to worry about. Also, I think the one controlling me died, but I'm not sure.
Dantu: Incomming message. It's from the Bird Domain. Palmon: Is it Furora? Dantu: Yes. She says she arrived in the Bird Domain. She also says she doesn't think it's safe there anymore, and she's leaving. Unfortunately, she doesn't know where she'll go, so she's just going to take off in a random direction. I may be able to locate her. Let's see here... start at Bird Doain HQ... radius 30... scan for digivice. (Pause) Got her! Activate transponder... transmit signall... we're good. Her digivice should now be directing her here. I just hope she realizes that.
David: I'm not against experimating with our powers, but if we keep it up, we're bound to attract atention. Besides, I believe we have a job to do. Trace: I know. I'm just not sure if I can handle the responsibility. David: It is quite a weight we have on our sholders, isn't it? I mean, it's up to us to save the world. That's a heavy responsibility. Trace: I know. David: Well, I think we should get going. Like I said, we have a job to do.
Trace: I'm having trouble believing this is happening. David: I know. I never thought anything like this was possible, but it looks like it is. And we're stuck in it. Trace: I need proof. David: So do I, and I know just what to try. If this is really what I said is is, then each of us will have power over one of the Elemental Forces, which I think is true. After all, don't forget about the fact that we don't get cold. And that girl, Sakura, who is seemingly followed around by rain that most other people don't seem to notice. Or Elli, who believes she changed the wind. I think if we look at our pasts, we can find out which force each of us has power over. For example, you and I aren't affected by cold. That implies control over fire, because fire produces heat. Hold on, I want to try something. (He holds his hand out and concentrates. A nearby tree begins to smoke, then bursts into flames) Holy ****! Come on, come on... (The fire goes out) Yes! got it! (He looks around. Everyone is stareing at him) Well, I think that proves it.
OOC: Is Shiro actually dead? ------------------------------- David: And I've recently had something to think about, too. Several things, actually, but one that is more important to me than anything else right now. It's about Halo. I don't know if it's true yet, but I plan to find out. (He walks over to where Halo is. She's lying on the ground, awake) Hey there. Halo: David, I... David: Don't worry about it. None of what you did was your fault. It happened to me too, remember? Halo: I know. I was actually going to thank you. You freed me from that... that [i]thing's[/i] control. I can't thank you enough for that. David: I'd like to ask you a question: what's your full name? Halo: Why do you want to know that? David: Please, Halo. It's very important to me that you tell me. Halo: It's Halo Mercedes Tanelli. David; My god. My god, it is you. There's no way anybody who looks like you could have that name. I remember you being teased about it all the time. It's one of the reasons you ran away from your home. Halo: How did you know that? David: I never told you this, but I have a sister. She ran waya a couple years ago. Her name is Halo Mercedes Tanelli. Halo: But that means... David: It means that I'm your brother.
David: I know what you mean. I-(He is interrupted by a beeping sound) Hang on. (He takes a pocketbook-sized metal object out of his pocket and pushes a button on the side. A screen on it turns on) That noise signals an incomming message. Trace: What is that? David: It's the latest model Portable Computer Terminal. Since there's no room for a keyboard, it works by using a voice recognition program to interpret verbal commands. Command: Display newest message. (A message is displayed, and David reads it. After a few screen's worth he stops) Weird. Trace: What is it? David: An ancient legend about a group of eight people who had powers over the four Elemental Forces people believed in back then. The balance of the forces was dissrupted, and these eight had to fix it. Trace: I know that story. David: I never thought I'd meet anyone else who had read it. There aren't many left who have, you know. (Something on the screen catches his eye) What the? (He reads for a minute) No. No way. No. Trace: What is it? David: Hold on. (He reads some more) Holy ****! Trace: What? David: Everyone! Listen up! This is important! (Everyone stops talking and looks at him) In ancient times, there was a legend about a group of eight people who had powers over the four Elemental Forces people believed in back then. The balance of the forces was dissrupted, and these eight had to fix it. Alex: I know that story! (Everyone else nods in agreement, saying things like "me, too!") David: You all know this story? Trace: Looks that way. But why does the story matter? David: The eight people in the legend met in a park. If the date is translated to our calender, they met on December 23, 2012. Saina: You have [i]got[/i] to be kidding. David: I'm not. But there's more. Each of these eight people, before they knew about their powers, felt a connection to another one of the eight, who felt the same about that person. Just like us. Trace: Are you saying what I think you're saying? David: It sure looks that way. I can't be sure, but it appears that the legend is comming true, and that we're stuck in it. I don't think it's 100% accurate about what will happen, but we can trust it for the basics. In other words, I don't know what challenges we'll face, but I do know that we probably have powers over the Elemental Forces, which probably exist. I think we should find out which force each of us has power over. Trace: You mean you actually believe that we have to save the world? David: It sure looks that way.
First, a recap of the story: [i]In our world, a delecate balance is maintained between the four Elemental Forces: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. If this balance is disrupted, the ensuing chaos could wipe out the human race.[/i] In ancient times, there was a legend. In the legend, someone or something disrupted the balance between the four Elemental Forces. Eight young men and women went on a quest to locate the four Elemental Orbs that, when united, would restore balance to the Elemental Forces. To do so, they had to brave many chalenges, and eventually face off with the one who caused the problem. Their task would have been impossible, if not for the powers they possesed. Each of the eight had power over one of the Elemental Forces. Since there were eight, that meant that there were two with power over each force. Alone, each one possesed great power, but it wasn't enough. But when the two with power over the same Element were togeather, their powers increased, allowing them to survive even the most difficult chalenges. By working togeather, the eight were able to vanquish the one who disrupted the Elemental Forces, and restore balance to the world. December 23, 2012: The ancient legend has been all but forgotten, known only by those who study ancient cultures. Among these are eight people who have several things in common besides their intrest in ancient civilizations: 1: They all live in New York City. 2: They all live within walking distance of Central Park. 3: They have all memorized the ancient legend, and are the only eight who have done so. 4: Each one of them feels incomplete, as though a part of him or her is missing. These eight meet, seemingly by random chance, at 2:30pm in Central Park on December 23. They are about to discover that their meeting is no coincidence, and as the events of the ancient legend begin to take place, they will discover that they are the ones who must use the Elemental Forces to gather the four Elemental Orbs and restore balance to the world. Here's a list of the characters, and which Elemental Force each character has power over: (User-Character name-Elemental Force) Me-David-Fire Avalon-Traclyni aka Trace-Fire Ohkami-Sakura-Water T man-Jacen-Water Wondershot-Glenn-Wind oekakiotaku-Knoelle aka Elli-Wind dayday-Saina-Earth Dmitri_Dragoon-Alex-Earth ------------------------------ (David is walking through Central Park, thinking. Recently, he's been feeling like something's wrong. He senses that soething is about to happen, and is trying to determine what. While walking, he sees a group of seven others and walks over) David: What's going on? I thought I was the only one crazy enough to be out in this weather. Trace: And I thought I'd never see anyone dressed like that in this kind of weather. David: I dress like this because I don't get cold. I can't explain why, because I don't know. (Pause) Okay, now [i]that[/i] was weird. Trace: You felt it, too? David: Probably. And that's not the only weird thing. I've just met you, and yet I feel... something. Like something's drawing me to you. I'm David, by the way. Trace: I'm Trace. These are Sakura, Jacen, Glenn, Elli, Saina, and Alex. We've all just met each other, yet we're all experienceing the feeling you described. David: You and the others feel drawn togeather? Trace: Yes. Sakura and Jacen are drawn to each other. So are Glenn and Elli, as well as Saina and Alex. I wonder why? ------------------------------ All right. Post your introductions. I'll get the plot going tomorrow, hopefully.
I didn't actually think I'd get enough people for this. I'm going to start it now. BTW, Ohkami, you need to go with Water as your character's Elemental Force.
Dmitri_Dragoon is correct. Only one elemental force per character, and two people per force. For Ohkami and T man, I suggest going with Water, and I suggest that dayday go with Earth.
[i]In our world, a delecate balance is maintained between the four Elemental Forces: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. If this balance is disrupted, the ensuing chaos could wipe out the human race.[/i] In ancient times, there was a legend. In the legend, someone or something disrupted the balance between the four Elemental Forces. Eight young men and women went on a quest to locate the four Elemental Orbs that, when united, would restore balance to the Elemental Forces. To do so, they had to brave many chalenges, and eventually face off with the one who caused the problem. Their task would have been impossible, if not for the powers they possesed. Each of the eight had power over one of the Elemental Forces. Since there were eight, that meant that there were two with power over each force. Alone, each one possesed great power, but it wasn't enough. But when the two with power over the same Element were togeather, their powers increased, allowing them to survive even the most difficult chalenges. By working togeather, the eight were able to vanquish the one who disrupted the Elemental Forces, and restore balance to the world. December 23, 2012: The ancient legend has been all but forgotten, known only by those who study ancient cultures. Among these are eight people who have several things in common besides their intrest in ancient civilizations: 1: They all live in New York City. 2: They all live within walking distance of Central Park. 3: They have all memorized the ancient legend, and are the only eight who have done so. 4: Each one of them feels incomplete, as though a part of him or her is missing. These eight meet, seemingly by random chance, at 2:30pm in Central Park on December 23. They are about to discover that their meeting is no coincidence, and as the events of the ancient legend begin to take place, they will discover that they are the ones who must use the Elemental Forces to gather the four Elemental Orbs and restore balance to the world. Here's what I need from you: Name: Your character's name. Only first name is required. Age: Your character's age. Noone older than 21 or younger than 16. Gender: Your character's gender. Description: What your character looks like. Bio: Your character's history. Include why he or she is at Central Park. Elemental Force: Which force your character has power over. The fprces are: earth, Water, Fire, and Air. No more than two per force. Here's mine: Name: David Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: 5 feet 10 inches tall, with short brown hair and brown eyes, and of average build. Bio: When David was 10, his father died in a car crash, which he believes is the reason for his feeling of incompleteness. David, who has plenty of free time due to the fact that he's homeschooled(his mother can't afford to send him to a private school and hates public schools), began to look for a way to esacpe the emotional pain caused by his father's absence, and he found two. One was immersing himself in the world of compters, and he has become an expert in that area. He is the first person people come to when they have computer problems. The other was ancient civilizations. By focusing on the distant past, he can ignore the problems of his life. An unusual fact about David is that he always wears shorts and a t-shirt. You will never see him wearing anything else. Evne in winter, he wears nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. The reason: no matter what the temperature is, he never gets cold. He constantly wonders why, never suspecting that the reason was the powers he doesn't know he has David frequently takes walks in Central Park as a way to get excersize, and also as a way to help himself think. He was taking a walk in the park at 2:30pm on December 23, when he met the other seven, and began the journey that would change his life forever. Elemental Force: Fire. There. If you have any questions, feel free to pm me.
Writing Remember this? The Return of Daemon
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
I'd forgotten just how good this story was. -
Writing Remember this? The Return of Daemon
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
Why am I the only one replying to this? the first time you posted it, there were several replies. Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. It's a great story, and I'm looking forward to finally reading the end of it. -
Writing Remember this? The Return of Daemon
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
I'm still wondering if that develops into anything. -
(After the reunion with Mushroomon and Palmon, Dantu went right to work) Mushroomon: What are you doing? Dantu: Trying to locate Furora. When we came through the portal, we were seperated. I'm also trying to establish communications with the Animal and Mythical domains. Hopefully, Keio and Nadouka are in this world, too. If they are, I think it's important that the four of us meet up. The four of us had to work togeather last time. We might have to this time, too.
Writing Remember this? The Return of Daemon
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
I didn't even remember the digi-egg thing. THat's why I like re-reading stries: there's always something I don't remember. -
(Damian goes to the combat training area and walks over to David, who is in charge of it) David: I thought you had to see Ilmiwyrth. Damian: I already did that. He gave me an assignment, and I plan to leave tonight. My destination is near Corock, a city I've been to. I plan to appear there as soon as I can, which is when night falls here. Until then, I thought I'd train. I don't want to die on this one. David: What, is there an object with this mark you keep talking about? Damian: Yes, actually. I'm so close now, and I am [i]not[/i] going to die when I've almost found the key. David: Whatever. Anything special you want to do for training? Damian: Not really. I do want suprises, though. I don't know what I'll face tonight, so I need to be ready for anything. I need to test my ability to react to suprises, so whatever you set up for me, give me some. David: Got it.
Some of the cards from the new Legacy of Darkness expansion set mention "Spirit" monsters. Does anyone know what these are?