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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. This is the first story I've enjoyed more the second time than the first time.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Digital Monster [/i] [B]Black Skull Dragon was at the beginning of the maze and because of the no-fly rule in the labyrinth, it couldn't move, so Yugi moved his Dark Magician to the end and used Monster Replace to swap the two round. [/B][/QUOTE] Correct. Your question
  3. OOC: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=crimson]As I remember, I described my current setting pretty damn well.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You did? Where? *Looks at Harlequin's previous posts in this RPG* I don't see any detailed description. The few bits of setting information I did find bring two images to my mind: castle and millitary encampment. Since it's not the former, I assume it's the latter. I'll edit my posts to reflect this. ------------------------------- (Damian walks through the encampment, muttering) Damian: He told me to come yesterday evening. He insisted I be here yesterday evening. And when I get here, he makes me wait until today. I could have been continuing my search, but nooooooo. God, I hate things like this. (He sees Ilmiwyrth and Rali fighting, and watches. When the battle ends he walks over) You wanted to see me? Rali: Who's this? Damian: I'm Damian. I'm basically an assasin, though I sometimes do soldier-type things. I believe Ilmiwyrth has as assignment for me. That's why you wanted to see me, isn't it, Ilmiwyrth? Ilmiwyrth: Yes. Damian: What is it? Ilmiwyrth: A few of Aidien's men have dissapeared recently. Apparently, those men were all sent to investigate a strange altar-like structure that has been discovered near Corock. The only member of the group who returned described, among other things, a strange symbol: a a circle set over a six-pointed star so that it crosses the star at every not-point intersection. Damian: It has the Mark? Ilmiwyrth: Yes. That is why I decided to send you to investigate. Damian: It's been found. Finally, it's time. Ilmiwyrth: Why have you been looking for it? Damian: It is the key. Inside me is the lock. Behind that lock is the knowlege I require. I cannot tell you why, because I do not know. I will return when I do.
  4. It moved on the wall, which had no spaces. How did Yugi and Joey defeat Para and Dox(Start with the summoning of the Dlack Skull Dragon)? Bonus: How did Yugi trick Para and Dox to get out of the maze after the duel?
  5. Even reading it again, this story's still as good as ever.
  6. I don't see why not. Just make sure not to write for a group that someone else is. Maybe write about the group Jeri, Henry, and Takato were seperated from. ------------------------------- "Okay," Henry said, "that is weird" "Impossible's more like it," Takato replied. "Certianly not normal. How'd she do that?" "I have absolutely no clue." What they were discussing is Jeri's transformation into the Digimon Ophanimon. They had never seen anything like it. The closest thing they knew of was biomerging, but they thought that was the closest one could get to being a Digimon. Obviously, they were wrong. Ophanimon rose on her ten wings and faced VenomMyotismon. "There is no room in this world for such as you!" she exclaimed. "Your evil, along with the evil of others, has tainted this world! I will rid this world of your evil once and for all!" "Big talk," VenomMyotismon replied. "Let's see you back it up." "With pleasure. Eden's Javlen!" Ophanimon fired a bright beam of light at VenomMyotismon. When it it, he was temporarily paralyzed, allowing Ophanimon to eaisily get another hit in, and another, and another. In fact, he didn't even put up a a fight. Not even Milleniummon had thought it possible for a human to become a Digimon, and so he hadn't bothered to take precautions against it. He knew that VenomMyotismon would lose, and there was nothing he could do about it. But he didn't care. VenomMyotismon was expendable. Losing him didn't matter. Besides, Milleniummon already had a new plan. Jeri's transformation into a Digimon had supprised him, but he now knew it was possible. He even had an idea of how it was done. Now he just needed someone to do it to. Someone the Tamers wouldn't destroy. Someone who he would use to get rid of them once and for all. The Monster Maker team was hard at work trying to locate the Tamers, but they weren't having much luck. Shibumi had provided specifications for the D-Powers, and they were using those to try and find them. Janyu was about to try a new section of the digital world when something caught his attention: a black dot had appeared in the center of his computer screen. Suddenly, a stream of black energy shot out of it and entered him. It stopped after a couple seconds, at which time the entire screen turned black. A portal opened, and he was sucked through. The portal closed behind him. After VenomMyotismon was defeated, Jeri, Takato, Henry, Lucemon, Guilmon, and Terriermon had walked through the tunnel the Drimogemon made, and eventually reached the surface. When they did, Henry turned to Jeri. "What happened back there?" he asked. "I'm not quite sure," she responded. "I just-" "What's that?" Takato interrupted. The others looked where he pointed, and were equally confused. What they saw was a distorted area ahead of them. As they watched, the distortion dissapeared, and a human figure appeared in its place. Henry was the first to recognize him. "Dad? What are you doing here?" "I don't think he'll awnser," Jeri said, "but I will. He's been corrupted. I can feel it." "Correct," Janyu responded. His voice was even, never varying in tone or speed or even volume. "You have become too much of a problem and must be eliminated." With that, he began to glow black, and underwent a transformation. "Oh, ****!" Jeri exclaimed. "We've got a problem."
  7. What game(s) is it in? OT: [size=6]1000th post![/size]
  8. Since there's no question right now, I'll ask one. How did Yugi and Kaiba defeat Umbra and Lumis?
  9. (Damian fades back in, and stands over the man. He yanks the crossbow bolt out of the man's chest, walks back to the crossbow, loads it, and shoots the man in the head) Damian: Now I know you're dead. Can't take any chances, after all (He looks up at the moon, using it to determine the time) Good. It's night there. That means I can get there the quick way. (Damian closes his eyes, concentrating. He forms an image of where he wants to go in his mind, and in a few seconds he is there. He appears in the millitary encampment where Ilmiwyrth is, and there is a man standing in front of him) Man: What the... how [i]do[/i] you do that, Damian? Damian: I'll explain it one more time, David: I don't. The night does. I form a picture of my destination in my mind, and, provided it's night both where I am and where I want to go, the night takes me there. However, I can't be or or want to appear inside. I'm not quite sure why, but that's the way it is. Now, I believe Ilmiwyrth is expecting me. (He walks off) ------------ OOC: David is just a person Damian knows.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bent Metal [/i] [B]The wish bringer is Jirachi[/B][/QUOTE] Who is Jirachi?
  11. Damian: I was just doing my job. Man: I don't care. You did it, so you'll die. Any last words before I kill you? Damian: Yes, actually. You picked a bad time to try and kill me. The darkness of night aids me, protects me. Have you ever tried fighting the night? (Pause) Didn't think so. Well, you're about to. (Damian seems to fade out, and the man can't see him. He circles around the man while talking) The night hides me. This has it's limits, but is still very useful. It's hard to fight what you can't see. Unfortunately, I can't do this in the daytime. That's true for a few of my other abilities. At night, however, they work fine. That's why you picked a bad time. Even in the day, I could have easily killed you. At night, you can't even put up a fight. (He holds out his hand, still unseen, and the man's crossbow glows black. It floats over to Damian) Again, that is something I can only do at night. The darkness of night aids me. (He shoots the man in the chest with the crossbow, then drops it) And you can't fight the night.
  12. (Damian is walking through a forest, investigating a rumor he heard about an odd shrine of some kind. He sees in in the middle of a clearing, and instantly knows that it's not what he's looking for) Damian: Damn it! Where [i]is[/i] that thing? ???: You'll never find it. (Damian turns around, and sees a man standing behind him with a crossbow aimed at his head) Damian: Who are you and what do you want? Man: Who doesn't matter. What I want is your death. I spread the word about this place to lure you here, where I could kill you. Damian: What do you have against me? Mad: My wife's murder. You killed her, so I'll kill you.
  13. I'll just modify my sign-up. Name: Damian Age: Unknown Gender: Male Affiliation: Evil Power: Darkness Weapon: He carries a black pole. Appearance: Nobody knows. He is seen only in black, with a hood covering his head. Occupation: Assassin/warrior Bio: Nobody really knows. He just seemed to appear one day, and decided to work for Ilmiwyrth. He is very deadly, and not one you want as an enemy. If you survive after he strikes, he wanted you to live. He is very loyal to Ilmirwyrth, and carries out his commands without fail. He does his job well, but is sometimes hard to find, due to the fact that he's searching for something. Nobody knows what he's looking for, not even him. However, he'll know when he finds it by the symbol he knows is on it. Searching for it is what drives him, and is a goal he pursues obsessivly.
  14. (Dantu appears in the main control room of his base in the Vegetation Domain. He looks around) Dantu: Everything seems to be in order. Wait... Furora? Furora! Where is she? (He finds a chair, sits down at the computer terminal in the room, and starts to work) Let's see here... that's odd. it looks like there were two portals instead of one. Furora must have entered the other one. I hope she's okay. (The door opens, and Mushroomon and Palmon enter. Dantu turns around and sees them) hey, guys! Good to see you.
  15. OOC: How was that controlling? Oh, JJRiddler? Just a suggestion: Don't make us wait for everyone to introduce their character. If you do, this RPG will almost undoubtably die out before it even gets going.
  16. I think I'll sign up as the main villian. Name: Damian Age: Unknown Gender: Male Affiliation: Evil(Duh!) Power: Darkness Weapon: He carries a black pole. Appearance: Nobody knows. He is seen only in black, with a hood covering his head. Bio: Nobody knows. He just seemed to come out of nowhere one day, and proceeded to gather an army. Nobody expected to face anything like him, and he quickly acheived dominance. Now he is preoccupied with searching for something, but nobody knows what..
  17. (David had followed Sakura to the number 6 train. When she had boarded the train, David had ra to the back and entered through the door back there. He didn't know why he did any of those things; he was just following instructions. He had been sent a message asking if he wanted to find his purpose, and he had said yes. He had then been told to go to Kanta Station, where he was instructed to follow Sakura and board the train she got on through the door on the back. He did that, then awaqited further instructions. However, his phone was silent) David: Come on, you stupid thing! Work! (Pause) Well, I guess I'm on my own from here on out. Well, maybe not. What about that girl I followed here? She's on this train. I'll find her. Maybe she knows what to do next. (He walks through the train until he sees Sakura. He sits down beside her) So, do you know why we're here? Sakura: What the?! Who are you? David: I'm David. Sakura: I'm Sakura. David: As I just said, do you know why we're here?
  18. David: It's probably too late to stop them from taking the gem. Eric: But we might be able to get it back. David: That depends o the layout of the area where the gem is. Eric: Are there any ways to get out of that area other than through this room? Aqila: No. David: Good. Eric: That means we have a chance. David: I'll stay here to make sure they don't get out. Eric: I'm going in after them. David: It's possible that he can stop them, but not likely. Eric: Which is why nobody must pass through this room. (He runs into the passage Tala and Sahki had entered)
  19. (Dantu is at his computer, and Furora is standing behind him) Dantu: ...but when I loaded my nwe program, I received a message. It was sent through the program. Furora, it's from the digital world!. Furora: Are you sure? Dantu: I only checked it about a million times. It's for real, and it's from the digital world. Furora: Any clue who sent it? Dantu: All I know is that it was sent from my old base. Makes sense. After all, it had the most advanced computer network in the digital world when I was last there. It's a logical site for trying to contact this world. The message gives a basic explination on the status of the different domains-they're all getting along rather nicely at the moment, it seems-and a link. I anilized the link, and it appears to lead direcly to the main computer at my base. It's quite likely that, if I click on it, a portal to the digital world will open, and we'll appear at the link point, which is the main computer. Furora: Let me guess: you're going to click on it. Dantu: Of course. Are you coming? Furora: Yes. Dantu: Good. You go tell mom. I have to get my stuff togeather. (As Furora tells their mother that they're leaving, Dantu grabs his backpack. He looks through it to make sure he has everything, then puts it on. He walks back to the computer and brings up the link, just as Furora returns) Ready? Furora: Yes. Dantu: Good. Here we go. (He clicks the link. A portal opens, and the two of them are sucked in)
  20. (Just after Sahki and Tala leave the chamber, David and Eric appear where they were standing. Both immedeatly bow in greeting) Aqila: Well, this is quite a pleasure! It's good to see you again. David: Good to see you, too. Eric: Unfortunatly, we don't have time for pleasantries. David: We believe the forces of the Apocalypse are after the mystical gems, one of which you have kept here somewhere. Eric: they will do almost anything to get it. David: If they don't get it, their enemies eventually will. Eric: Which brings them one step closer to doom. David: They will do anything to stop that from happening. Eric: Which includes disguises. David: We know you don't want to give it up, but we need it. Eric: You can have a little time to make up your mind. David: Until you do, make sure that absolutely nobody goes to where it is. Eric: Anyone could be working for the forces of the Apocalypse. Aqila: Even one of us? David: Even one of you. Aqila: One of us, Tala, just went back to where it is with a human stranger. (He describes Sahki) tala promised me that nothing would happen. David and Eric: Oh, ****! Aqila: It's fine. Tala gave me her word. Eric: Tala's not the problem. David: The human you described is an assasin who goes by the name Sahki. Eric: She frequently works for a general of the Apocalypse forces named Rath. David: We met her on one of our visits to Rath. Eric: The same one where we learned about your capture and planned excecution, by the way. Aqila: But Tala would never cooperate with such a person! David: Unless she had no choice. Eric: She must keep her promises. Aqila: A gryphonic vow. The must have made a vow to this Sahki. Either her or Rath. Now she's fulfilling it. This is [i]not[/i] good.
  21. Random guess: Gardevoir(sp?)?
  22. OOC: The group Comis is with is currently in a city in the digital world. Comis has been fully aware of what's happened. ----------------------- (They all land and begin to look for the hybrid. Bg simply starts walking toward a very dark alley, but stops a few feet in front of it) Comis: What is it? BG: The hybrid should be in there. (A voice is heard, and is coming from the alley) ???: I don't know how you figured that out, or even how you tracked me through the portal in the first place. Excelent job. BG: Just who are you? And while you're at it, what are you doing here?
  23. Selketmon: You'll pay for that! (Ophanimon notices GCM behind Selketmon) Ophanimon: You might want to watch your back. Selketmon: Why?. GCM: Here's why! Crimson Blast! (GCM holds out his weapon, and a large energy blast is fired from it. It hit's Selketmon in the back of the head, and the force of the blast knocks her over. GCM flies in close) Crimson Strike! (GCM's weapon begins to glow, and he strikes Selketmon in the head with it) And now to finish you off. Crimson Blazer! (GCM starts to glow. He spins around very rapidly, with his weapon held out. He spins right into Selketmon, who is knocked into a nearby tree, kicking up quite a lot of dust) Take that! Chaos: I thought you said that that thing was feared by even the strongest Digimon. Saffire: He has a point. That didn't look too hard. GCM: That is strange. (The dust settles, and Selketmon is seen standing there. She looks like she was never in a fight) Selketmon: Although I [i]am[/i] incredibly powerful, that is not my true strength. My true strength comes from the ability to instantly heal all damage dealt by any Digimon that is not of either the Evil type or an Angel Digimon of the Virus type. Scinec none of the Digimon here are of that type, you can't destroy me. (GCM seperates into David and Guilmon) David: That's not quite true. Guilmon, do it. Guilmon warp-digivolve to: Megidramon David: Megidramon is classified as an Evil Dragon Digimon, and therfore is quite capable of harming you. Saffire: Do you think he can handle it? David: No, but he might not be alone. Selketmon: Megidramon isn't even worth my time. Whatever you have planned better be good. I want to have some fun. David: You'll get more than you can handle. Leigh, listen up. Leigh: What? Is there something I can do? David: I want you to focus on all the hate you have. It shouldn't matter what the hate is directed at, only that you focus on it. Leigh: What good will that do? David: It might be enough to change what Lopmon digivolves into. Lopmon has and alternate Mega form. Lopmon should be able to reach that form if you focus enough hate. That form is an Angel Virus. Leigh: Okay, I'll try. (After a few seconds, Lopmon begins to glow) David: It's working. Lopmon warp-digivolve to: Cherubimon Selketmon: This will really be quite entertaining.
  24. Before anyone asks, I believe that is legal. Ben had special permission from Sage to do that in the original, and I see no reason why he can't do the same for this one. Let's get this started, shall we?
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