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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Minor damage to the engines," Daego said. "Redundant systems only. No effect on performance."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Good," Kiva said. "Now, let's give him something to worry about. Drones are deployed. Open fire."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The [I]Exorcist[/I] was able to evade the majority of the [I]Transcendence[/I]'s fire, and what did hit wasn't enough to do much damage. So Kiva'd deployed drones packed with explosives. The drones were deployed in a wide area, and it was likely that the [I]Exorcist[/I] would hit a few in its evasive movements.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Contact!" Kiva said. "Looks like the drone did some damage."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Structural damage only. I'm not seeing a drop in perf- okay, now I am. Another drone hit."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Fire level has dropped. I think it took out a couple guns."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Some of the ECM gear, too. Target lock achieved. Commencing missile fire. Damn, their anti-missile systems are still in effect. Wait- one got through. Significant damage to the [I]Exorcist[/I]'s engines."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Excellent," Kiva said. "Let's swing around and take the engines out completely. We may be able to take them alive after all."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Missile launch! Wait, what the hell? Oh, shit!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What the hell did they do?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Drones," Daego said. "They packed drones with explosives just like we did, but they launched them from missile tubes. I don't think we can evade all of them- nope. Impact on the rear. Rear armaments down to 50%."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Target their forward launchers. Don't let them do that again."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Firing... okay, I think we hit something important. Chain reaction throughout the forward section of the ship. All forward defenses are silent."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Then they're vulnerable from the front. Take them out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Opening fire- civilian vessel incoming from the rear. Missiles inbound. Defenses are gettingthem... damn, one got through. Minor engine damage. Engines operating at 93% functionality."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That's a littl high for civilian warheads," Kiva said. "They must have obtained better weapons illegally. Return fire."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Ha! They may have better missiles, but their defenses are just as bad as they should be. That ship won't be giving us any more trouble."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Excellent. Status of the [I]Exorcist[/I]?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Forward section's beat to hell," Daego said. "Rear section's in better shape, but still damaged. Weapons functionality estimated at 37%. Engine functionality estimated at 52%."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Okay, but they may have more tricks in store. Let's not risk it. Destroy the [I]Exorcist[/I]."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Firing... major damage to the midsection. We've got another chain reaction in the rear area, too. Concentrating fire on the middle... all right! Blew it right in two!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Excellent. All right, the [I]Exorcist[/I] is down. Battle status?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Civilian forces down to 45%. Millitary garrison down to 45%. Fixed defenses down to 60%. Looks like we're winnig."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Let's not take any chances," Kiva said. "Join the battle. Let's get this over with."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]The battle was over quickly. About a quarter of the garrison was left, along with half of the fixed defenses. Two civilian vessels had escaped the battle, but the rest were destroyed. After making sure the facility was undamaged, Kiva reported to Stevens. "Mission complete."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What's the status of the [I]Exorcist[/I]?" Stevens said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Destroyed. Kuro's intentions were what I thought."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"All right, then. Status of the facility?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Undamaged. The garrison and fixed defenses have been substantially reduced, however. Four civilian vessels tried to escape. We got two, but we couldn't make it back over to the other two in time to get them. We sustained some damage durring the battle, mainly from the [I]Exorcist[/I]. There were a couple hits from the civilian ships, which of course didn't do much. Their warheads were above civilian-grade, however. It's likely that they obtained warheads illegally. From where, I don't know. They were on the lower end of millitary-grade weaponry, so they could've come from almost anywhere. Anyways, the garrison's facility here is sufficient to repair our damage. Repairs shouldn't take more than a day. We mainly need to replace damaged systems. Replacement parts are in our maintainance stores, and the facility hare can do the replacements. We'll return to sector 1 when repairs are complete."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"All right," Stevens said. "Good work, Kiva. Stevens out."[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=seagreen]It had been six weeks since Stonehenge, and Treana still had no answers. What had Liam wanted at Stonehenge? Why had he brought the new arrivals there? What caused the surge of spiritual energy? And what had happened to Liam? These questions remained unanswered, and one more question had been added to them. The other nine who were at Stonehenge were showing increased levels of ability. They were learning faster, and their overall strength was at a higher level that would be expected. Treana didn't have any standards to judge by, of course, but by observing the reactions of instructors and students it was easy to figure this out. Treana didn't need access to anyone's mind to see this; the surprise was evident on everyone's faces. But there was more to it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Everyone who'd been at Stonehenge displayed this increased level of ability. Everyone except Treana. Her level of ability hadn't increased. But why not? The increase was obviously connected to Stonehenge, but why hadn't it happened to Treana? [I]Was the spiritual energy responsible for this? [COLOR=royalblue]Liam said exposure would be fatal, but there's no reason to believe he was telling the truth. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]He probably was, just not the whole truth. It's likely that exposure would not be immediately fatal. Perhaps everyone's shields were sufficient for survival, but not able to keep the energy out entirely. We weren't affected, though. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Our shield was stronger, then. Makes sense. They've passed us now, but then, our combined abilities were far stronger than any of theirs. It's likely that our shield was sufficient to keep the energy out entirely. That's why our abilities haven't been boosted. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Not like the others' abilities, at least. Ours will be boosted in a different way.[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=seagreen]There were still questions to answer, but Treana knew enough for now. She couldn't expand the limits of her mind yet, but she believed she'd figured out how to properly merge her two selves into one that had their combined abilities. She would then attempt to duplicate herself again, making two selves, each with the combined abilities of her current two selves. After making sure she was ready, she began the process.[/COLOR] [COLOR=mediumturquoise]As her disorientation faded, Treana realized that she had succeeded. She was alone in her mind, but had the combined abilities of her two selves. The next step was to do what had let to the original duplication. Treana had been experimenting with creating a mental shield. She'd been trying to chield specific parts of her mind while leaving others unshielded, more to see if she could than for any other reason. She didn't know why, but this caused her mental duplication. So she repeated this shielding attempt. It took her a couple tries to get it right, but before long, she felt a sensation she recognized immediately.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#48d1cc]Treana sat down, extremely disoriented. The duplication took several minutes, but it felt like it was taking a lot longer. She was disoriented the entire time, unable to see or hear clearly, or even to really think straight.[/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen] And then, suddenly, the disorientation faded. Treana knew miiediately that she had been successful. She had two selves again, each with the combined abilities of her original two selves. She wasn't going to try it again, though, not until she knew her mind's limits and how to expand them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Treana tried a few things to verify that the reduplication had indeed increased her abilities as expected. She tested this both with various telepathic abilities and with abilities she'd learned since coming to Esper Hall. These included teleportation, basic elemental manipulation, and telekinesis, among others. They all seemed so much easier now. Treana found it hard to believe how much more difficult things were just a few minutes ago. The reduplication had indeed done what she'd hoped. But then the announcement came, so she didn't have any more time to think about it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Things had become... interesting. Some kind of spiritual energy force, the apparent deaths of powerful espers, the dissapearance of Stonehenge. Something was happening. Something that was seemingly related to the events at Stonehenge six weeks ago, which Treana had come to call the 'Stonehenge surge'.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=#2e8b57]Did Liam know this was going to happen? [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Maybe, maybe not. We know he hasn't been seen since the Stonehenge surge. Did something hapen to him, or was his dissapearance part of whatever he was planning? He's probably still alive. I don't think he died, and I don't think he turned into that new stone, either. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing. I think he knew what would happen next, and I think this is part of it. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Yes, and the best way to find answers is to volunteer for this mission. I'm not sure we should get involved, though. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Of course, we're already involved. Liam involved us when he took us to Stonehenge six weeks ago. This could be our only chance to learn what the hell he was, or maybe is, up to.[/COLOR][/I] [I][/I] [COLOR=seagreen]Treana stood. "We volunteer."[/COLOR]
  3. Well, I can't right now (I have other things I have to do), so maybe someone else could help? Anyways, I've gotten things going. Feel free to have some bizzare stuff happen to your characters. Just remember not to have them drop their shields.
  4. [COLOR=seagreen]Treana looked around. Everyone seemed to have learned to make the shield. [I]Liam should return soon, then. [COLOR=royalblue]But what does he want with us? [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]It certainly involves some sort of danger. Why else would we need the shield ability? [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]There will most likely be danger, yes. So why are we the ones to face it? Liam surley has people more appropriate for whatever he has in mind, despite his claim to the contrary. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]The only one who knows is Liam, and it's not likely he'll tell us. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Then we can learn only by penetrating his mind. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]His shield's too much for us. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]We'll just have to get stronger, then. As soon as we're back at Esper Hall, we start working on how to properly merge ourselves. For now, we focus on the current situation.[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=gray]"Well, I see you've all learned the shield ability," Liam said, appearing in the middle of the group. "It's time to move to the next step."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"And what's that?" Julian said. "What the hell do you want with us?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"When we return to normal time," Liam said, "we will be at the real Stonehenge. Moments after our arrival, an interesting phenominon will begin. It's hard to explain, but all you need to know is that there will be a surge of spiritual energy. Without your shields, this surge will be lethal. I'v[/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]e seen your progress, though, and all of you are capable of creating shields sufficient to protect you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"Okay," Treana said, "so just why the hell do you need us?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"You don't need to do much, actually. Just survive. Oh, and I should warn you that surges such as this have somewhat unpredictable effects. Even with your shields, you may experience anything from disorientation to hallucinations. Just know that whatever happens, do not drop your shields. Keep your shields up, and you'll come out alive."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Liam returned everyone to normal time, and vanished. Treana looked around. They were in the exact same place, but it felt normal now. There was no trace of the strange sensation that had presumably come from being outside of normal time flow.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]"Okay," Treana said, "looks like we're straded here. I don't know what Liam wants, and there's certainly a shitload he didn't tell us, but what he did say is likely accurate. So we should probably do just what he said."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Yeah, and who out you in charge?" Vanyel said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"Oh, we're not in charge or anything like that. However, we do have an advantage. We have a much easier time dealing with the unexpected than most people."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Who's 'we'?" Tasha said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"I doubt there's time for a detailed explination, but essentially, there are two of me in this body. Two minds. The situation has its advantages. Anyways, we're out of time. I can feel something, and I'm guessing it's the spiritual surge. Shields up."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Treana raised her shield as the surge began, and saw that the others had done the same. The spiritual energy itself wasn't visible, but it was certainly having an effect on the surroundings, causing a significant wind. Dust was kicked up into the air, and small rocks were flying everywhere. Treana could barely see. She didn't try to do anything. She just sat down and focused on her shield. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Her other self was ready for any potential complications, such as the disorientation or hallucinations Liam mentioned. Now, there was nothing to do but wait and see what happened.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkslateblue]After beginning the data upload, Kiva took a concealed position and waited. She was hoping to be done before Kuro showed up, but she expected him to arrive before she was. And she was right. Kuro came into view, clearly in a hurry. He had to be; he didn't know how long he had before the data would be destroyed. Still, he was being careful. He clearly didn't intend to walk right into a trap.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslateblue]Kuro was fully equipped, and in full combat armor just like Kiva. Fortunately, Kiva was just as fully equipped, and though her preferred weapon was terrible at penetrating armor, she'd made sure to bring armor-piercing weaponry. Specifically, she was equipped with a pair of AP-PE.5s, the most recent model in the AP-E series and Daego's favorite weapon. AP-PEs were fully automatic pistols, though they did have a semi-auto mode. They fired specially-designed rounds. AP-PE rounds were designed to penetrate strong armor. The casing was built almost like a drill. When fired, each round was shot at a high velocity, and spun rapidly as well. The drill-like casing and rotational motion allowed for maximum penetration, after which the rounds exploded, doing substantial damage. AP-PEs weren't standard-issue, but Specialists had access to all the best weaponry. Kiva had a pair on her, which she drew as Kuro came closer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kuro was quick to notice that the computer terminal was active and running a routine. He didn't stop to investigate further, either. He'd figured out that it was an upload routine, so he knew that Kiva had to be around somewhere. But even if the data was uploaded to the [I]Transcendence[/I], Kuro could still accomplish his objective. He didn't have to stop the upload, just the destruction of the data that would follow. For that, he'd need to take out Kiva, who he guessed had been expecting him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva knew that Kuro wouldn't want to risk damage to the computer terminal; his objective required the terminal to remain intact. So her position had been behind it. Kuro seemed to realize that Kiva was hidden there, and drew two guns of his own. Kiva didn't let him act first. She dove out from behind the terminal and fired, her guns set to semi-auto mode. She fired one shot from each gun. Kuro had been expecting her attack, and reacted quickly when she dove out. One of her shots missed Kuro completely and impacted the wall, while the other hit the left leg of Kuro's armor, blowing a few pieces off but not harming Kuro himself. Kiva rolled back to behind the terminal.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Nice try, Kiva," Kuro said, "but don't think I'll make this easy for you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Whatever," Kiva said. "You and I both know this isn't the real fight. The real battle is between the [I]Transcendence[/I] and the [I]Exorcist[/I]."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You're right. Killing you here won't matter if my ship is destroyed. However, don't think that the outcome of our little fight here doesn't matter. I do have to kill you, you know that. If I don't, you'll destroy the data I'm here to recover. I am somewhat dissapointed that we have to be enemies, though. I had hoped you'd aid me. But I knew I couldn't trust you as soon as you told me you released the information obtained from Erica's arrest. You are the first Specialist in history to betray the High Council, and your treason will not be forgiven."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva laughed. "You're the traitor here, Kuro. I'm acting at the request of Fleet Admiral Stevens. You're acting of your own volition. Even just making an unauthorized copy of classified data is grounds for arrest. But since the data's destruction has been ordered, you are going against those orders, and that's treason."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I don't really care," Kuro said. "I'm still going to do what needs doing."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]At that moment, a signal sounded from the computer terminal. It wasn't hard for Kuro to guess what the sound meant. "The upload's done already? How did you upload that much data so quickly?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I know a few tricks," Kiva said. "After all, computers are my specialty."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"And you were just talking with me to buy time until the upload was done. Damn it. I thought I had more time."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]'Yeah, but you're kind of out of time," Kiva said. She opened fire in full auto mode, shooting right through the computer terminal, destroying it and forcing Kuro to find cover. But he wasn't. He ran right through a transportation door that had appeared. [I]Damn it,[/I] Kiva thought, [I]he signaled for extraction[/I]. She signaled the [I]Transcendence[/I], and a transport door opened. She stepped through it and appeared on the ship's bridge.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"'Daego, Kuro showed up while I was down there," Kiva said as she took her armor off. "He escaped to the [I]Exorcist[/I]. I destroyed the computer terminal, but Kuro still has a chance to get the data. We have it on board. He'll come for us, but in addition to his inferior ship, he'll have the disadvantage of needing us disabled put not destroyed. Still, this could get interesting."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You don't know the half of it," Daego said. "I was going to contact you, but then you signaled for a transport door. Kiva, the civilian ships have arrived."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Shit. Okay, this is some unfortunate timing. All right, then. Daego, integrate us with the fixed defenses. They and the remaining garriso are to focus on the civilian ships. We'll deal with the [I]Exorcist[/I], then join them. All right, let's do this."[/COLOR]
  6. I should have a post up tomorrow. I'll be in control for the remainder of chapter 2, and maybe the start of chapter 3, depending on when the chapter break occurs, then I'll pass control back to DB. Shouldn't take too long. Depending on how active everyone is, it'll probably be just a week or two until DB is back in control.
  7. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Thank you. Oh, and let me clarify something. It's quite fine to include other characters in your posts. Just don't do anything major with someone else's character unless you've discussed it beforehand.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. See, that's why you're having problems. You get your ideas and act on them before you know what you're going to do with them. You don't have to have a detailed plan for the story, but it's generally a good idea to at least have a general idea of where it's going. Well, don't worry. I can handle things while you're on hiatus.
  9. Well, Indifference, what you just said is basically everything DB told me. He said a couple things about why Liam would need us, but he was pretty vauge. It was enough for me to use, though, and I've basically decided what I'm going to do. I've just got to get the details ironed out, and there's still something I may or may not do (and no, I won't tell you what), but if people are still interested in continuing this RPG, I'll post in a couple days or so. Oh, and those of you who aren't sure if you want to continue or not, well, let me tell you that what I plan to have happen is going to have some... interesting effects.
  10. Okay, so DB didn't tell me crap even about why we're at Stonehenge, so I'm trying to figure something out based on what little information I do have. I've got a basic idea at the moment, but I'm still putting it together. I've provided an activity for our characters while I'm figuring this out. We're all in Stonehenge, attempting to learn the shield ability Liam mentioned. If you want to post, use that as the framework, but don't feel like you're restricted to it. Feel free to have character interactions and whatnot. I'll post again as soon as I've got things figured out.
  11. [COLOR=seagreen]The ten new arrivals slowly found each other. Treana was facinated by the variety of abilities they had, from Tasha's charm ability to Thomas's creation ability. It was Thomas who Treana was most interested in. His creation ability was something that an esper god would have to have. And from his mind, Treana learned that Liam told him he had the potential to create entire worlds. Okay, I think this confirms it. [I]Liam definitely knows more than he told us.[/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Though Tasha and Treana didn't know any of the others, it seemed that the other eight had at least briefly met each other previously. So Tasha and Treana introduced themselves to the others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Now that you're all together, allow me to welcome you to Stonehenge." Liam appeared in front of the group.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Stonehenge?" Chloe said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]Liam nodded. "That's correct. This is Stonehenge. You may be familiar with this place already, but there is still much about it you do not know. First of all, this is not Stonehenge as you know it. Some of you have noticed a strange temporal sensation. This is because where we are right now is outside of normal time flow. Though you may be spending a while here, you will return to normal time not long after I brought you here."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"Yeah, that's all well and good," Treana said, "but why did you bring us here in the first place?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"There's a certain issue I will require aid for. Unfortunately, most of Esper Hall hates me, and of those who don't, none of them are really suited for this task. You all are much better choices, but as you are now you won't be of much help. And unfortunately, there isn't time for you to learn what you need to. At least, not within the normal flow of time. So I brought you here, where you will have ample time to learn what is needed."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"And just what is that?" Vanyel said. "And what the hell do you want us to do, anyways?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"I will reveal your role in due time. What this will require is a specific ability that none of you currently have. You will need the ability to create what is essentially a psychic shield around yourself. This shield will help you defend from attacks. It's a very useful ability to have, and one almost all espers learn eventually. It's the best means of defense against other espers. Though espers more powerful than you will be able to break your shields, any others will find themselves unable to directly manipulate you. For example, I know that some of you do not appreciate being teleported against your will. With a shield in effect, anyone who can't break it would be unable to teleport you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"Now that's something I'd like," Julian said. "How do I do it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]Liam indicated an odd-colored stone. The method has been imprinted on this stone. How that works is rather complicated, so I won't bother trying to explain it. Just know that is you open your minds and touch the stone, you will see the method for creating your shield. From there, you'll just have to try it until you get it right. Once you all have the ability down, I will return. Until then, just keep practicing. I advise those of you who get it down before the others to practice with the abilty, or with your other abilities. The more capable you are, the better." And with that , Liam vanished.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"Well, no point in just standing here," Treana said. "We don't like it, but it seems that the only way we'll be able to leave here is by doing what Liam wants." She stepped forward and touched the stone, opening her mind as she did so. The effect was just like reading someone's mind. She saw the basic method for creating the shield. She stepped away from the stone, walked a few steps away from the others, sat down, and began attempting to make her own shield.[/COLOR]
  12. Yes, I'll be taking over while DB's on hiatus. And yes, he didn't give me much framework, but I have asked him to tell me why we're all at Stonehenge, so that should go as he planned it.
  13. [COLOR=darkslateblue]"Okay," Kiva said, "we could easily retrieve and destroy the research data before Kuro can copy it, but that's not good enough. We need to catch Kuro in the act."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah, but how?" Daego said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well, remember that we don't actually have to catch him in the act. We just need evidence that he intended to copy the data. He'll certainly take measures against the facility's surveilance system, but we can put a drone down there. There are ways to beat drones, of course, but they're not as easy to do,, especially not without being noticed. Still, I think the best option is to set up a direct vision stream from a drone, get the recording sent directly to the [I]Transcendence[/I]. That way, there's no stored data to mess with, and our level of signal encryption is damn hard to crack. However, Kuro will likely notice this, so he'll know we're onto him. He'll gethimself back abord the [I]Exorcist[/I] and try to get the hell out of here. Either that, or he'll try to fight. Remember, he probably doesn't know we've got the advanced messenger ship, so he thinks his ship and ours are the same, and if he thinks he has a good strategy, he may very well try to take us, in which case we'll engage the [I]Exorcist[/I], disabling it if possible and destroying it if not. If Kuro tries to flee, we'll pursue him and disable or destroy the [I]Exorcist[/I]."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Sounds simple enough."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah, but remember that Kuro's a Specialist. He won't be easy to beat. He's better than the people we've been up against in the past. He may very well have a few tricks in store. Also, I think it's best if we've retrieved the data and destroyed it before Kuro goes down there. That way, there's no chance he'll escape with it. I'll head down there as soon as I can. Daego, you coordinate with the garrison and test the interface with the fixed defenses. I'll handle the data. Just be ready for action at any time."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]It was then that an incoming transmission was signaled. Kiva accepted it and was not surprised to see Kuro. "Okay, I'm done for now," he said. "I assume you'll want to set up the interface from your ship."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Yes. My crew's working on that right now. Also, I have to say that since we're here on an assignment, I have to insist that we be the primary interface with the fixed defenses. Your ship can serve as a backup."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That's fine with me. I still find it strange that you're here on an assignment, though. Why is Admiral Stevens willing to trust you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Because I'm the one who led the arrest of Erica Kendrick, and I'm the one who released the information that resulted in the surrent situation. And before you object, yes, I know that Specialists answer only to the High Council, but not even the Council is above the law."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Sometimes the law must be broken. The research being conducted in this sector is a good example. It's forbidden, but the result of such research would be beneficial."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva knew that Daego heard Kuro's remark, but Daego managed to control himself, and didn't say anything. Kiva did, though. "Funny you should mention that. See, I'm here to aid in the defense of this sector, but I have another objective, too. The mind-alteration research project is being cancelled. I am to retrieve the data and then destroy the data banks and equipment for the project."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kuro didn't show any signs of surprise or anything like that, but Kiva knew he was concerned. Now he couldn't wait. If he was to get the data, he had to do so before Kiva eliminated it. "I see," he said. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I didn't think you would be," Kiva said. "Now, I'd love to talk more, but I have work to do. Kiva out." She terminated communications.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That bastard better hope he dies," Daego said, "because if I get my hands on him, he'll wish he had."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah," Kiva said. "Anyways, you keep working. I'm taking a drone and going down to the facility. Oh, and contact Tessa Landers. Let her know that Commander Crystal on the [I]Tempest[/I] wants to speak with her, and tell her that she can use our comm drone to send her transmission."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]As a precaution, Kiva suited up in full combat armor before going down to the facility. If Kuro showed up before she'd finished uploading the research data to the [I]Transcendence[/I], she'd be ready for him.[/COLOR]
  14. Okay, I've posted with Kiva in sector 14. Since I skipped over travel time, my posts will probably be ahead of everyone else's for a little while. Hope that doesn't confuse anyone.
  15. [COLOR=darkslateblue]Just after arriving in sector 14, Kiva and Daego knew that something was going on. Everything they'd expected to find was there: the research facility, the remaining millitary presence, and the fixed defenses. But there was another ship in the sector, one that wasn't supposed to be there.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"The ship's been identified as the [I]Exorcist[/I]," Daego said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Interesting name," Kiva said. "Who's on board?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Let's see here... Elite Specialist Kuro Talmresec and his crew, Solara Tanner and Oles Esoth."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Send a transmission request."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Sending... sent."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Good. Deploy a communications drone. We need to contact Stevens."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]A signal sounded. "Request accepted," Daego said. "Opening channel." A man, presumably Kuro, appeared on the screen.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Greetings," the man said. "I didn't expect to see another Specialist here. I'm Kuro Talmresec."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I didn't expect to see another Specialist, either," Kiva said. "My name is Kiva Salqarian. Now, I'm going to be direct. What's your assignment?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I don't really have one at the moment," Kuro said. "I was on patrol when martial law was declared and the Council placed under house arrest. I was actually in transit when it happened, and didn't learn about it until my arrival in sector 12. At that time, I also learned of the departure of multiple armed civilian vessels, and evedence seemed to suggest that they would head here. I came here to aid in the sector's defense. I assume that has something to do with why you're here, too."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That's correct. Fleet Admiral Stevens requested that I come here to reinforce the sector's defenses."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Admiral Stevens? He actually made a request to you? And why'd you accept? You shouldn't have, you know. I took enough of a risk coming here without an official assignment. What if you're accused of participating in a cover-up?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I won't be," Kiva said. "I'd explain, but it would take a little while."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Then we'll talk more later. I'm occupied right now. We're testing the integration of the fixed defenses with my ship. I'll contact you when we're done."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Understood," Kiva said. She terminated communications. "Daego, what's the status on that drone?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"It's launched. Encryption protocol is set. The drone's on standby."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Good. We need to contact Stevens. Code Delta."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"On it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]A communication drone sent and received messages on a channel different from the main channels. They were most useful when the main channels were clogged with huge numbers of transmissions or when usage was regulated. They were also useful because it was harder to intercept comm drone transmissions. Daego used the drone to send a transmission, including the Code Delta. Code Delta had a simple meaning: treasonous activity suspected. Stevens responded quickly. "Kiva. What's happening?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I need the current status of Elite Specialist Kuro Talmresec. I know you have access to the Council databse. What is Kuro's current assignment?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]There was a pause while Stevens accessed the information. It didn't take him long; after all, Erica Kendrick's code was still in the system. "Kuro Talmresec's ship is the [I]Exorcist[/I]. No idea why he chose that name. His crew are Solara Tanner and Oles Esoth. They have a patrol assignment, sectors 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, and 14. Full knowledge of all operations within those sectors. They probably don't know that you have the advanced messenger ship, but they know it exists. They also know about the three research projects in sector 14. Patrol schedule shows that he would've been en route to sector 12 when martial law was declared. I'm sending you this information."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Damn," Kiva said. "His story checks out. Stevens, the [I]Exorcist[/I] is in sector 14. Kuro claims that in addition to learning about recent events upon his arrival in sector 12, he learned of the departure of multiple armed civilian vessels. He says that he guessed they were targeting sector 14 and came here to aid in its defense. With the timing as it is, it's likely he arrived yesterday, and I don't think his stated reason is the truth."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"What do you think his real objective is?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"LIkely the recovery of the research data from the mind-alteration project. It wouldn't be hard to guess that the project would be cancelled. I think Kuro's here to recover the data for the High Council. He won't have been ordered by them to do it, of course. He's probably doing it because he thinks they'd want it done, and he's probably right. But since his story checks out, we can't move against him."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I think you're right. Does he have the data yet?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I don't think so," Kiva said. "As I said, he probably arrived yesterday, and since his official reason for being here is the defense of the sector, he's been busy coordinating with the garrison. In fact, he's working with them right now. I don't think he's had time to visit the facility without looking suspicious. But he doesn't know our job yet. Once he learns that we're here to retrieve the data and then eliminate all traces of it, he'll have to act. Our presence here will force his hand. He'll have to get to the data before we do. Knowing this allows us to be ready for him. If he goes for the data, we'll know."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Do what you can," Stevens said. "You are authorized to use whatever means necessary, even if you haven't managed to aquire proof. If he aquires the data, do not let him get it out of the sector. If necessary, you may destroy the [I]Exorcist[/I]. Try to take Kuro alive, but he is secondary."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Understood," Kiva said. "Now, I've got work to do. Kiva out."[/COLOR]
  16. Okay, my latest post's up. Hope I did Liam right. If I need to change anything, DB, just tell me.
  17. [COLOR=seagreen]Treana had no idea what had happened. One minute, she was finishing her breakfast in the cafeteria, and the next she was in the middle of some kind of ruins. [I]What the hell just happened? [COLOR=#4169e1]I felt a mental presence just before it happened. Someone moved us to wherever this is.[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=gray]"That's correct," someone said. A man had suddenly appeared in front of Treana. "Greetings," he said. "I am Liam Eldrin."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"You're Liam?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"That's right, Treana. I am Liam. I see you wanted to meet me."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"Yes, I did. I assume, then, that you also know why."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Essentially, though I haven't been able to get the whole thing. Even after getting past your mental shield-which, by the way, is pretty impressive for a newcomer-it's far from easy to read your mind. Or should I say minds?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"So you know about my... unique mental situation."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Yes," Liam said. "I was able to figure it out, even though it's something I've never seen before. Anyways, there is a reason I brought you here."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"I assumed as much, and I'd like to hear it. First, though, I'd like you to tell me what you know about the concept of an esper god. We heard that you claim to be a messenger of god, so we figured you would be a good person to go to."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"I'm not sure I can be of much help. I really don't know much. Why do you seek this knowledge?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"Because we find the idea of an esper god fascinating," Treana said. "We learned that the most powerful esper is thought of as 'God'. We want to know if an esper could actually be god."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Anything is possible, but why do you want to know this? Do you desire it for yourself?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"We do not want to be God. However, it would seem that there's only one way we can truly know if such a thing is possible, and that is to try for the state ourselves. We do not want the position of god, just to know if an esper can actually attain that status."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"I see. Well, I can only say to overlook no possibility Now, on to other things. As I said, there's a reason I brought you here, but I will not yet tell you what it is. See, you are not the only one I brought here. You were one of eleven espers to arrive at Esper Hall yesterday. All eleven of you are here. When you are all together, I shall say more."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Before Treana could speak again, Liam was gone. [I]Well, that didn't tell us much. [COLOR=royalblue]I do think an esper as god is possible, though, and I think that Liam knows this. He certainly knows more than he said. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Most likely. It is possible that he doesn't know anything more, of course, but I doubt that's the case. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]I wish he'd said more. How could someone like us reach the state of being a god? [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]It is incredible. Even if the esper god just used the universe as it is to create it, that would take an enormous mental capacity. I doubt any mind could stand anything even remotely close to that level. Even combined, our capacity is likely nowhere close to that level.[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=#2e8b57]And then she had it. [I]Of course. One person has a finite capacity. We are two, so we have twice the capacity. More of us would mean an even greate capacity. [COLOR=royalblue]But that many selves would be almost impossible to deal with. There has to be someway to combine the capacity of multiple selves into a single self. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Yes. Having two selves doubles mental capacity. Perhaps two selves could be merged into one self that still has the doubled capacity. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]And then the new self is duplicated into two, each with the doubled capacty, for a total of four times the capacity. Then those two are combined into one with the four times capacity, which duplicates itself, etc. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Okay, so that's a method. It's probably not the only possible method, but it's one we can use. It won't be easy though. First, we'll have to know how to merge ourselves into one self with our combined capacity. We'll also have to know how to cause the duplication effect again.[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue] Yeah, but we can just repeat the action that let to it happening in the first place. And since it's happened before, getting it to happen again should be quite possible. We'll also need to develop our abilities as an esper. A boosted capacity won't do much if we're still learning the basics. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Not to mention that the mind can only handle so much. We'll have to figure out how to expand those limits. Okay, now we know what we need to know. It may not be much, but it's enough to get us started. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Yes, but first let's find the others Liam brought here.[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=seagreen]Treana's interior dialouge ceased, and she began wandering through the ruins, searching with both her eyes and her mind for any sign of the others.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkslateblue]Kiva wasn't surprised when the signal sounded to indicate an incoming transmission. And she wasn't surprised that it was Stevens calling, either. "Ah, Fleet Admiral Stevens. I've been expecting to hear from you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes. First of all, allow me to thank you for your aid in recovering Kerstin and Daniel, and for capturing Blaine. I understand you have him on board your ship."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "That's correct. Would you like him transferred to the [I]Creator[/I]?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"That's correct. I also have another request to make of you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Another one already? What is it this time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Well," Stevens said, "I want you to go to sector 14. You would have two objectives there. First, you would ensure the safety of the facility. In all the confusion, it seems that several armed civilian vessels have departed for sector 14. We believe they have hostile intent, and with the need for millitary units elsewhere, the garrison there has been significantly reduced. The civilian vessels seem to be organized, coordinated. We don't think the remaining forces in the sector will be sufficient to repel that force. Also, none of the remaining vessels have systems that can coordinate efficiently with the fixed defences, so as things are, they wouldn't be of much help.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I want you to proceed to sector 14. The [I]Transcendence[/I]'s firepower will be a significant aid, and your onboard systems can properly interface with fixed defences, so your aid would boost the sector's defences to a level that should be more than enough to repel the civilian attack."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Got it," Kiva said. "Now, you said there were two objectives?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes. The decision has been made to terminate the mind-alteration research being conducted in sector 13. While you're in the sector, I want you to collect all data related to the project, then destroy that project's computers and other equipment."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"About damn time," Daego said. "That project should have never been started."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Perhaps that's true," Stevens said. "However, it may have had a beneficial result. Commander Crystal tells me that a Tessa Landers there may know how to counteract the mental alterations."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I remember her," Kiva said. "We met her when we were there tracking down the traitor."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yes, well, Crystal needs to communicate with her, but communication lines are tied up. However, if you're in the sector, we can use one of your communication drones to receive Crystal's transmission and relay it to Tessa."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Understood," Kiva said. "Consider your request accepted."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Excellent. In that case, you will need to transfer Erica Kenrick as well as Blaine. We need her to remain in the sector so Crystal can properly treat her illness."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva nodded. "Understood. Daego, you heard him. Get down there and get the prisoners transferred. I'll set our course."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said, heading down to the confinement cells. Kiva turned back to Stevens. "Will there be anything else?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"No. Stevens out." The transmission ended, and Kiva plotted the course to sector 14. As soon as Daego got the prisoners transferred, they were off.[/COLOR]
  19. Okay, looks like I'm the first to have their character done for the day. Come on, people! Let's get to day 2!
  20. [COLOR=seagreen]Treana got her food, found an empty table, and took a seat. While she ate, she listened to the conversations around her, both what was spoken and what was in the minds of those whose minds were open. It was from this that she learned of the common Esper views about God.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]It was a discussion between two people at a nearby table. They were engaging in the standard debate of creation versus evolution. There was no hostility; the two were friends who just happened to have different beliefs. Treana'd heard similar discussions before, but the topic under discussion wasn't what interested her. Both of them had open minds, and whenever god was mentioned, Treana was able to pick up an association. It seemed that to both of them, the mention of God suggested not a supernatural being, but an esper. From their minds, she learned that it was common among espers to view god as simply the most powerful esper ever to exist.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Treana found this fascinating. She'd never believed in any supernatural beings, not even after she discovered her abilities. She didn't see the abilities of espers as supernatural. To her, the supernatural was something completely outside the natural world, which espers' abilities were clearly not. So although she never believed in god as a supernatural being, the idea of god as an esper was different.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=#2e8b57]God as someone like us? Fascinating. If an esper is the creator, than that would explain a lot. some sort of temporal control would be necessary, of course, as would a general level of ability that was extremely high. But could anyone possibly be able to create everything? [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]No, but this person wouldn't have to. They'd already know what the universe is like. They'd already know what the creation is. With the universe's current state as a template, all that would be necessary would be to copy everything to the origin point. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]It's still hard to imagine. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Of course, we didn't pick up anything referring to the esper god as the creator of everything, just as the most powerful esper ever. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Still, I have to wonder if it's possible to achieve such a state. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]It is a fascinating idea.[/COLOR][/I] [I][/I] [COLOR=seagreen]The tow depating espers were still talking, and Treana's internal dialouge hadn't fully taken her attention away from the pair. [/COLOR][COLOR=gray]"But you're right about one thing," one of them said. "That bastard is not a messenger of God"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"I never said that. I just said I wouldn't expect God to choose someone like Liam. To be honest, I'm not sure what to think about him."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]"Oh, come on! He's clearly nuts."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]The two continued talking, but neither Treana was paying attention anymore. [I]This Liam may know something about concept of an esper god. We should try to find him tomorow.[COLOR=royalblue] If anyone here would know how an esper would reach such a state, he certainly seems a likely candidate.[/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen] He probably doesn't know how to do it, though. If he did, he would've attained that state himself. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Unless there's some reason he can't. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]That's certainly a possibility, but it's more likely that he doesn't know. Still, speaking to him couldn't hurt. We'll find him tomorrow.[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR] [I][/I] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Treana hadn't expected to come across something like the idea of god as an esper. It was a concept she found fascinating, and she intended to look into it more tomorrow. For now, however, she returned to her room. It was earlier than she usually went to bed, but she didn't have anything else to do. She'd explore Esper Hall and find this Liam tomorrow. For now, she lay down on her bed and went to sleep.[/COLOR]
  21. All right, about time chapter 2 started. Okay, my post's up. Hope I got Joe right, DB. Also, since I forgot to mention it in my sign-up, I'll be using [COLOR=gray]this color [/COLOR][COLOR=black]for the speech of characters other than Treana. I hope this whole thing with the two selves and all the switching between them isn't too confusing. Just remember that when I change between the two colors, I'm changeing between Treana's two selves.[/COLOR]
  22. [CENTER][COLOR=gray]6:40[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=royalblue]When the van came to a stop, Treana stepped out and tok a look around. [I]Hmm. Smaller place than I expected. Seems inconsistant with the information we picked up. The buildings must be larger on the inside than they are on the outside.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]The woman getting off behind Treana had almost been problematic during the journey to Esper Hall. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Treana hadn't noticed it at first. She was homosexual, so she didn't think it was odd that she found a woman attractive.[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue] But Treana'd detected unusual mental activity from the girl.[/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Treana's atraction was being caused by an ability the girl had. She was attempting to supress it, but wasn't able to fully do so. So Treana switched control with her [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]other self, who knew what was happening and thus was able to guard against it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]A man was standing nearby; he'd obviously been waiting for the pair of new arrivals. [/COLOR][COLOR=gray]"Hi, and welcome to Esper Hall. My name's Joe."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Treana Selmokar," Treana said. The other girl introduced herself, but Treana wasn't paying attention. Both selves were focused on Joe. Treana'd wanted to get into his mind to get more information on Esper Hall, but Joe had a very strong mental shield. [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Not even Treana's coordinated second attack was enough to get through. It did take Joe off guard, but it wasn't enough to get through the shield.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Okay, you can stop trying to get into my mind," Joe said. "You won't be able to."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Noy yet, anyways. I must say, you do have an impressive shield. It'd be easier on you to lower it at least partially, though, and better for us, too. We don't really want to take the tour. We'd prefer to get that information as quickly as possible, and the best way to do so happens to be through telepathy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"You both want this?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Oh, you mean her?" Treana said, indicating the girl. "I wasn't talking about her. I meant myself and myeslf."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]"[/COLOR][COLOR=gray]Uh, whatever. I'm not letting you into my mind, but if you think you can handle it, I can send the info telepathically. IBut I warn you, receiving a large clump like that is harder than it sounds."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"We can handle it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"If you're sure, then I'll do it. You'll need to lower your mental shield."[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Sure, but I recommend you don't try to read our mind. You would likely find it impossible to make sense of."[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray][COLOR=royalblue]Joe didn't know what Treana meant, but he didn't seem to care. He clearly just wanted to get the introductions over with[/COLOR]. [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]That's how Treana knew he'd be willing to do the introduction telepathically; it was much faster to do it that way. So Joe sent the information directly to Treana's mind.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1]Joe was right; receiving the information was harder than Treana'd expected. Or rather, making sense of it was. Actually receiving the information was as simple as having her shield down, but having that much information enter her mind at once was extremely disorienting.[/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen] [COLOR=royalblue]While she sorted it all out, h[/COLOR]er other self took over. "Well, that was indeed harder than we thought," she said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"You've recovered already? Not many newcomers are so quick to bounce back from something like that."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"No, she hasn't recovered yet, but why waste time while she recovers when I can handle things just as well?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#2e8b57]Again, Joe clearly had no idea what Treana was talking about, but he didn't seem to care that much. He just wanted to be done with the newcomers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]"Yeah," Joe said, handing a paper to Treana. "Here's your map."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"Thank you," Treana said. "Now, since we have no further questions, we'll leave you with the other newcomer."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2e8b57]Treana walked off, looking at her map. Her room was marked on it, and she stopped by it first to deposit her belongings. She then made her way down to the cafeteria for some dinner. And in addition to eating, she'd be paying attention to the people around her. After all, what beter way to learn about a place was there than listining to the words and thoughs of those living there?[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkslateblue]When the assult began, drones from the [I]Transcendence[/I] that had been on standby activated, producing a disruptor field that would prevent the usage of transport doors to escape. This field was different from shields used by the Resistance bases on Earth, which simply didn't allow transport doors to be opened in the covered area without the proper [/COLOR][COLOR=darkslateblue]code. The disruptor field generated by the drones simply didn't allow transportations from inside to outside unless you had the proper code. You could transport into the field from outside, but not to outside from inside. The range for broadcasting was short, which was why three drones were needed to cover a sufficient area.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]When the field went up, Daego double-checked to make sure it had properly activated. When he confirmed proper activation, he joined the group at the nearest entrance. Team Gamma had split up to cover all the possible exits. Their weapons were on stun, and if anyone tried to run, they would make sure that the runers didn't get far.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]As Kiva had expected, team Alpha encountered little resistance as they made their way through the facility. Because the alarm had been disabled, nobody knew they were under attack, and Kiva and team Alpha were able to take down anyone they saw quickly. But eventually, it seemed that someone had gotten an alert out, as the team was met with a somewhat organized resistance. They couldn't do much to a fully armored assult force, though, and they went down without a fight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]As Team Alpha was closing in on Blaine's location, Jared reported the successful recovery of the captives. "Okay," Kiva said to Team Alpha, "the captives are secure. Now it's our turn. I believe Blaine's still in there, so let's go pay him a visit."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva didn't bother with subtlety. She could've gone in through the door, but instead, she had one of the team blow a hole in the wall. Blaine was caught by surprise. He seemed to know about the attack, as he was armed and looked to be preparing to make a run for it, but he hadn't expected anyone to come in through the wall. He raised his gun, but Team Alpha had its weapons trained on him almost instantly. Blaine dropped his gun.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Smart move," Kiva said. "All right, Blaine. You're under arrest. I assume I don't need to tell you the charges."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I know why you're here," Blaine said. "I must say, I didn't expect you to find me so quickly. The millitary normally isn't that good, so- wait, that's not millitary armor you're wearing. You- are you an Elite Specialist? What the hell are you doing here? This isn't an arrest, is it? This is a cover-up. But I don't know anything, I swear!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Shut up. This is no cover-up operation. This is my current job."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You can't fool me. I know damn well that the High Council is under house arrest."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"True. This was an official request from Fleet Admiral Stevens. You kidnapped a woman under the millitary's protection, and they weren't happy about it. Stevens requested that I participate in the investigation."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Bull****! Stevens wouldn't trust a Specialist right now!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva laughed. "Oh, he knows he can trust me. You see, I'm the one who arrested Erica and released the information."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]blaine looked surprised, but pleased. The pleasure faded a moment later, though. "And just why does your assult team seem passive about this?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Because they all know already. They were all informed before joining the assult team."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Nobody would trust a Specialist who betrayed the Council!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Oh, but not even the Council is above the law. Besides, evidence suggests that only a small minority of Councilors knew, so my actions actually did not go against the Council as a whole."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Yeah, yeah. We're all impressed at your abilty to rationalize. So, you're here for the millitary. Well, you might not want to be so hasty."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"And you might want to shut up," Kiva said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Oh, but I have information you might be interested in."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"I don't care."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"You probably should," Blaine said. "Daniel Timbers has been taking excessive measures to protect Kerstin. His actions are consistent with either someone who has an emotional attraction or an officer of the millitary. He claims that it's the former, but I'm wondering if it's the latter."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"And I'm wondering why you're still talking."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Can you afford to trust this 'Daniel'? What if he is a millitary officer? What if-"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Shut up," Kiva said. She shot Blaine at full stun, then grabbed his unconcious body. "Fan out and sweep the facility," she said. "Coordinate with Daego. He's in charge now."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]Kiva contacted Daego. "This is Kiva. Blaine has been captured. I'm taking him back to the [I]Transcendence[/I]. You're in charge of the force now. They are to sweep the facility. Upon completion, signal for pickup."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#483d8b]"Got it," Daego said. Kiva ended the transmission and signaled the[I] Transcendence[/I]. The ship transmitted the code to the disruptor drones and opened a transport door. Kiva carried Blaine through it, emerging in front of a cell on the [I]Transcendence[/I]. She put Blaine in the cell, then removed and stored her armor before heading to the bridge to report the operation's success to Stevens.[/COLOR]
  24. Okay, Indifference, in case I didn't make it completely obvious, your job is to rescue Kerstin and Daniel. I'll be taking care of Blaine.
  25. [color=darkslateblue]Kiva and Daego were far from idle in the hour leading up to the attack. Their first task was sending a stealth drone down to the location of Blaine's hideout. Kiva relayed a signal through it to hack her way into the place's computer network. She first copied a layout of the facility, setting Daego to work on devising the plan of attack. She then located various electronic systems within the facility. The transport door shield was seperate from the main network, so she couldn't deactivate it, but she was able to insert a routine into the sensors[/color] [color=darkslateblue][/color] [color=darkslateblue] The facility's sensors were strictly short-range, meant to detect approaching individuals or anyone using a transport door nearby. They couldn't detect the stealth drone, and Kiva's routine would disable them entirely. Such a routine was easily detected when active, so it was only useful for blocking sensors for a short period of time. Kiva set the program to activate fifteen minutes before the attack began. Unless Kiva was unlucky, the routine wouldn't be detected before the attack had begun. Kiva inserted a similar routine into the base's alarm system. It was also easily detected when active, but it would be active for an even shorter time. It would activate five minutes before the attack began, disabling the facilty's alarm system. Kiva only wished she could've done this with the Resistance bases on Earth, but those had their sensor and alarm systems seperate from the main network for just that reason. It was a standard set-up in most large facilities, but this one wasn't of that size, making it much easier to take by surprise.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]Kiva and Daego transported to the site about ten minutes before the attack was to begin. Jared and the assult team were already there. Daego tried to avoid looking at Jared; he knew he had to work with the man, but he wasn't happy about it. Kiva, seeing that everyone was present, decided to get started.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Okay, listen up, everyone!" Kiva announced. "As I'm sure you all know, we have two objectives: the rescue of the captives Kerstin Anderson and Daniel Timbers, and the apprehension of Blaine Uratak. You will be divided into three teams. Your team assignments have been sent to your helmet HUDs. I have also uploaded a map of the facility."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"I will be leading Team Alpha. Our objective is the capture of Blaine Uratak, who should be located here." She tapped the relevant area on the map displayed on her handheld. The location blinked on the HUD maps of the assult team. "Allow me to place emphasis on 'capture'. Do not kill Blaine Uratak. All weapons are to be on stun settings unless absolutely necessary. This goes for all three teams.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Alpha, we will proceed to Blaine's assumed location. In the event that he is not there, we will attempt to locate him. In the event that he manages to escape the facility, it will be up to Team Gamma to capture him. I will get to that momentarily.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Jared will be leading Team Beta. Beta's objective will be the rescue of the prisoners, who are being detained here." She indicated the relevant area. "In the event that they are elsewhere at the time, they will likely be undergoing interrogation in this location, so proceed there. If they are still absent, do your best to locate them. If they are taken outside the facility, it will be Team Gamma's duty to intercept the escape party and rescue the captives. Also, know that Kerstin Anderson is to take priority over Daniel Timbers.[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]"Team Gamma will be led by my crew, Daego Kelse. Gamma's objective is to secure the surrounding area. We have identified all normal and emergency exits. You are to secure each exit, ensuring that nobody escapes. If Blaine exits the facility, Team Gamma is to ensure that he does not escape. If the prisoners are brought outside, Team Gamma is to rescue them. In either case, notification is to be sent to the relevant team immediately."[/color] [color=#483d8b][/color] [color=#483d8b]At that moment, Kiva's handheld beeped. "Okay, that means it's time," Kiva said. "You have your assignments, everyone. Form into your teams, and let's get this done."[/color]
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