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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
David: It's not your fault, Shiro. Shiro: W... what? David: It's not your fault. I was also possesed by an evil force. So was Halo. Neither of us could control ourselves; the creatures controlling us were too strong. It was only through an accident that I was freed from the control of the darkness: It made me grab the light crystal, which destroyed it. Halo's left her before the same thing happened to it, and because it was the cause of her mutated form, she became human again. Yours was forced to exit you because of a mistake, just like mine: it relied too much on the power of the Einlizers. When they were weakened durring the instant between when I took the crystals and when I duplicated them, it was unable to maintain control. It had to leave you to survive. Don't feel like this about what you did. There was nothing that you could have done to stop it. And besides, killing yourself would only make things easier for Meddigo to suceed. He could take your sphere and weapon effortlessly, which would bring him closer to his goal. Do you really want that to happen? Shiro: No, but... (Nobody had noticed Halo wake up, but she had heard the whole thing. As she spoke, everyone turned to see her standing there) Halo: But nothing, Shiro. there's no way you went through anything as bad as what I went through. Not only was my will no longer my onw, but my body had changed as well. I had only my mind left, and I believed that I could never have any of what I lost back. (Pause) I didn't even [i]try[/i] to resist, to stop myself from doing everything I did. You seem to have at least resisted, so you have less on your consinse(sp?) then I do. I've come to terms with myself despite that. It's time for you to do the same.
I can play a second, too. If I do, he'll be another In Between.
Halo; What [i]are[/i] you talking about? David: Don't play dumb with me. I know your secret. In a way, it's impressive. You've managed to maintain part of your true form, even though you're in another's body, right? Halo: All I know is that you've been crazy ever since you took the light crystal. David: It didn't make me crazy. I was crazy until I took it. Here, see for yourself. (He throws the light crystal to Halo, who catches it) Halo: What was the point of that? David: 3.. 2.. 1.. 0. (The light crystal begins to purify Halo, and does the same thing it did to David. But the darkness didn't just dissipate as it left. Instead, it formed into a copy of Halo. The real Halo was on the ground, and as the light faded, she looked quite different. The copy was of Halo's mutated form. The real Halo had become human again) That worked better than I thought it would. (He returns the light crystal to the Arigias) Well, I'll see you some other time, *****. Right now, Halo needs help. Halo Copy: How will she get that help? You can't teleport to Leigh, because I doubt you know where she it. David: But with the Arigias, I can teleport to the location of any sacred weapon that has been clained. Leigh has hers, so I can teleport directly to where she is, which should be with the rest of the group. (He makes sure Halo has the Crimson Sphere, then teleports himself and her to where everyone else is) Hello. Leigh: David! (Leigh's cry wakes up those who are asleep. Amber jumps out of the tree and walks over to him. She then notices the unconcious form of Halo in his arms) Amber: Who's that? David: This, believe it or not, is Halo. Leigh, she needs help. She's been through a lot, and what just happened to her is sure to have harmful side effects. Leigh: I'm on it. Amber: What happened? (David explains what he figured out, and what he did) Oh. David: The dark side is still out there somewhere. My guess is that it will head to where we left that... [i]thing[/i] that was in Shiro. As I said before, we need to locate the remaining crystals, as well as the rest of the sacred weapons. We don't have any time to waste. Let's get moving.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KiaraStarr [/i] [B]Ok, Sky Moonflow- you're in. I need 4 more heroes, 6 more Evil(at least two more leaders), and 4 more In-between. [/B][/QUOTE] Just a suggestion: don't wait for that many people to sign up before you start this. It won't happen(Well, it might, but the largest group I've ever seen in an RPG is 12, and some only posted once or twice). I can understand if you want more heroes, but even a lack of them can be handled(Pm me if you'd like to know how).My advice is to give it a couple more days, then start it. If people want to join, they will. If not, we can make do. But waiting for 14 more users to sign up will insure that it never gets started.
This one looks like it could be good. In Between: Name: David Age: Unknown Race: Human Weapon: He carries a black pole, which sometimes seems to give him special powers, but nobody really knows. Description: 5'10'' tall, with short brown hair and brown eyes. He always wears shorts and a t-shirt. He also has a backpack that he always takes with him. Bio: Nobody really knows. David appears seemingly randomly, and doesn't stop to talk. Nobody knows where he came from, where he lives, or even his age. He has been seen helping beings from both sides, and again, nobody knows why. Some believe he had something to do with the Apocalypse, but he knows that's not true. The only thing people know about him is that he's a computer expert. That good?
Zhuqiaomon: Yes. We all attack. The four of us. (He then looks at Huanglongmon, who nods in understanding) Let's do this. Crimson Blaze! Azulongmon: BLue Lightning! Ebonwumon: Black Hail! Baihumon: Kongou! (All four attacks streak towards Milenniummon, who almost dodges but still gets hit. He is knocked a few steps back, but recovers quickly) Milenniummon: Nice try. Zhuqioamon: Congradulations. You fell for it. (Huanglongmon's attack hits Milenniummon square in the back. He falls over and dissipates. The data begins to form a new creature) Now for round two.
OOC: That Alpha and Omega weapon thing seems a little like godmodding. I know how to fix it, though. ----------------------- (After they all got away, they stopped. Shiro put David down, and Leigh walked over to him) Leigh: Should I heal him? Amber: I think we can trust him. Leigh: All right. (She heals David, who gets up) David: That is [i]not[/i] good. Not only do we have that [i]thing[/i] to deal with, but the Alpha and Omega have been proven to be real. Shiro: What do you mean? David: I mean that I didn't think they actually existed. I found some information on them in an underground chamber. It was written in aincent text, but I managed to write a program to translate it. Basically, it said that each is just like an Einlizer under normal curcumstances, except for form. They have the same abilities, power up the same way, everything. But when all the spheres, including the Light Sphere, are united, along with all the crystals and all the other sacred weapons, the energy from all of those items can be focused into them, unlocking their true potential, which is what that thing back there was talking about. Unfortunately, unlocking the potential of one does the same for the other. Also, there is a way to force the activation of one without the need for others focusing energy, but all of the crystals, spheres, and weapons are still required. Don't ask why. Amber: What are we supposed to do about it? David: Each one can be destroyed only when in the presence of all of the crystals, spheres, and weapons. Destroying one destroys the other. Oh, and Shiro, don't worry. When they are destroyed, the Einlizers will return. {OOC: Is that okay?} Shiro: I know. David: I expected that you did. So, all of you go after the remaining crystals. I have something-no, some[i]one[/i]-to take care of. Oh, Celestine, I almost forgot. (He returns Celestine's Sphere to her) I took that from Halo when we last saw each other. Celestine: Thank you. David: Leigh, I need your help. Your sacred weapon can locate sources of life energy. I need you to locate a body with two of those. Don't ask why. I have no time to explain. I'll tell you when I get back. Leigh: Well, okay. (She concentrates) What the heck?! I actually [i]found[/i] that! David: Good. Teleport me there. Focus on me, then change my location to where the double life-source is. Leigh: I'll try. (She teleports David to where the double life-source is. He appears right in front of Halo) David: Hello again, *****. (He smacks her with the Arigias, knocking her to the ground) You won't escape this time. You're through. (Halo tries to get up but David knockes her over again. She hides herself from sight, but David makes the black ring and Halo appears again) THat won't work. And this time, you won't escape. See, I'm not trying to kill you this time. Well, yes I am, but not both of you. Just one of you. (Pause) THat's right. I've figured it out. I know the truth, and I also know what to do about it. I also know that what I do will work. You see, it's worked before. It worked on me, and it will work on you.
OOC: It's the light crystal, not the light sphere. ------------------------------ David: I can. If the light crystal will kill him, we take it away. Even if it won't, we need to. We can use the crystal on him later. Right now, we need Shiro fight-capable. (He uses the Arigias to draw the crystal away from Shiro, making the force field dissapear) If he isn't holding it, it won't affect him. (He duplicates the four crystals and sends them to Shiro's Einlizer, which he kicks over to Shiro) The duplicate won't have that effect. Shiro, get up. You need to fight this... thing with us. Amber: It said only Shiro could kill it. David: That might be true, but I don't believe it. And even if only Shiro can kill it, we've already proven that we can hurt it. I know that we all need to fight this. Wait... of course. Of course! Amber: What? David: Later. Right now, we have that thing to deal with. ------------------------ OOC: Nobody reveal what David just realized. I have a plan for him, and I don't want someone making something else happen with David.
Mia: Why wouldn't we come? David: Because we're up against someone like us. This hybrid can't be nice if it's stealing data, and evidence supports that theroy. Comis: You think the hybrid is behind this? David: Think about it. We leard that there's a hybrid here, and the same day we learn about the data-stealing. It's very suspicious. And why did it leave this world? I can't think of another explination. ANd if I'm right, we'll probably have to fight. And that means destroying the hybrid. I think I can handle eliminating someone. If you don't think you can, don't come. Who's going? Decide now. The portal will close in about ten minutes.
David: Everyone, attack now! Megidramon: Pyro Destroyer! Blade&MetalGarurumon: Giga Missile! MegaGargomon: Gargo Missiles! Seraphimon: Strike of the Seven Stars! Omegadramon: Omega Flare! (The attacks combine and hit Harpymon, causing a large explosion) Saffire: Got him! David: Maybe, but we might not have. Keade: Are you sure? David: No, but I'm saying it's possible. (The smoke clears, and Harpymon is on the ground. It's hurd, but still able to fight) See? Always plan for the worst. Leigh: It looks hurt. It souldn't be too hard. David: Nope. (The Digimon all attack it again, and this time it dissipates into data) Now it's gone. All right. Now we need to fink LK and take care of him. Follow me.
OOC: Deleated. ----------------------- David: I don't know about this. Amber: Why not? From what I saw against Halo, you wouldn't like DS anymore, either. David: Yes, but I'm thinking that if we destroy him, a part of what I think of as the "true" Shiro will die. Amber: I don't think we have a choice. David: We might. When I took the three crystals Shiro had, he split into the two shiros we have now. If I give him the crystals back, Shiro might be able to unite his two selves. Of course, that will produce the dual personallity type effect we saw earlier, where he would act one way one moment, and compleatly different the next. Amber: And how do we fix that? David: I think what's happening to him is what happened to me. He seems to be able to fight it, but it will take full control eventually. However, it is no longer in me. The light crystal removed it, and it should be able to do the same for a united Shiro. So we ned to get the two Shiros to become one, then get that one to hold the light crystal.
David: No, it's not. But it only goes away when I make it. I'll get rid of it when I'm done with this *****. Halo: Why must you fight me? David: I think you know why. Halo: No, I don't. Ever since you found the light crystal, you've been acting crazy. I don't know why. David: Well, one out of two. Yes, the light crystal did something. No it didn't make me crazy. I was crazy before I found it. It fixed that. Halo: That makes no sense. David: Actually, I've just realized that it's the awnser to your problem, too. The light crystal purified me, and it can do the same for you. Halo: I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't think I like it. I'm out of here. (She flies off. As soon as she exits the circle, she hides herself from view as she leaves. David exits the circle and makes it dissapear) David: Damn it! She got away.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GunMetal [/i] [B]Damnit, I feel like the odd man out here. Yes, I love the game but I still have not completed it. x.x I am stuck where you have to find the raptor suit. I have gone through every level again and killed every enemy. I just can't find the damn thing. :p[/B][/QUOTE] It's in Town 2, right by the Sniper item box. There's also a crashed LEV near it. As for Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner, it's certainly a much better game. It's a lot harder, too (The fight against Anubis in compressed space (oarnge warp thing) is particularly intense), but in a good way. I do need some help, though. I've collected a bunch of EX Mission files (it says 92% unlocked when I load the EX Mission save file), but I only have like 5 more optinos then when I first unlocked the EX Missions after beating the game once(It said 50% unlocked when I did so). Does anyone know why? Edit: Never mind. I figured it out(I wasn't looking hard enough)
OOC: Sorry. I probably overreacted (I do that sometimes). Besides, that post gave me a really great idea. But first, I have to restore it. ---------------------------- (Shiro ran forward,and attacked DS) Amber: You stupid,idiotic.. Light Shiro: Shut up! Now,and now alone,will I fight him alone. He's my past! Amber: But..What?! (A dark force field formed around the two. Shiro threw aside the fake crystals,and they dissolved. Both Shiros smirked) Both Shiros: We Will End This! (Shiro charged forward, and Ds blocked. But,instead of an attack,Shiro called on the power of the sacred weapons. Shiro: Listen,we can get this back. I just need their power for awhile. (The sacred weapons flew for their owners and circled around the pair) I call on the joining of the souls.Make one Shiro,o great seals of the gods! (Bright flashes enthrew the area. As it died,one Shiro stood. The five sacred weapons scattered. The five's normal weapons appeared again. David smirked. He jammed his pole into the back of Amber, knocking her out cold. He them blasted the others with Dark energy. Shiro was left standing. He fumed with anger,and charged forward) David: What the hell? (He had watched as what appeared to be the sacred weapons had scattered, and what appeared to be the normal weapons appeared instead. He had then watched as what appeared to be him attacked the others, and as Shiro charged it. He then looked behind him, where the two Shiros could be seen battling) Those two are making noise. They're the real ones. But how'd she... of course. She hiched a ride on my warp. Clever. Of course, the only wat to convince the others that none of what they saw and are seeing is real, I'll have to destroy the illusions, which means breaking her concentration. (He looks around, and spots Halo standing on top of a hill) There she is. (He teleports in front of her) Hello, *****. (He kicks Halo in the stomach, breaking her concentration. The illusions dissapear, leaving the others, except the two Shiros, who didn't see any of the illusions, extreamly confused to see what they thought was David dissapear, and the sacred weapons to appear to reappear{OOC: The weapons were never gone, of course. Halo just made everyone but David think they were}) No more illusions now. And you'll not be making any more. Your time is up, *****. Halo: Even with the Arigias, you can't win. David: Not if you keep making illusions, no. So I'll just have to stop you from making illusions. (He holds the Arigias above his head, and they glow black. A large black ring appears on the ground around David and Halo) No sphere powers will work inside the circle. Halo: How did you do that? David: It's the power the rigias gain with four crystals: they become able to disable all sphere and sacred weapon abilities within a certain radius, which is marked by the ring. Unfortunately, it affects me, too. But that won't matter. I don't need special powers to win. Halo: Niether do I. ------------------------ OOC: If there's something you don't understand about that post, tel me and I'll clarify it.
David: That would make sense. This is where I detected the hybrid signature. Mia: Can you tell when it was opened? David: No. That would involve anylizing the energy frequency of the portal for changes, and I don't know what it looks like at first. I can tell which world it was opened from, though. (He takes out his laptop and loads a scanning program) The reading is fluctuating inwards. The portal was opened from this world. I say we go through it. Don't worry, it's safe. We need to find that hybrid that was here, and it went through the portal. I'm following it. You can come with me, but you don't have to. Your choice.
OOC: We're fighting Harpymon right now. ---------------------------- David: All right. Download data... transfer command program... activate. Deletion in progress. Leigh: Took you long enough. David: We're not done yet. When deletion is compleated, it's likely that Millenniumon will immeadeatly reestablish it. What we need to do is eliminate Harpymon before that happens. Keade: That's easy. David: There's a catch. True, there will be no more constant energy supply, but Harpymon will still be a lot stronger than it should be. We'll certainly be able to win, but we have to do it in five minutes or the connection will be reestablished. Chaos: That should be simple. Leigh: David, how strong will Harpymon be? David: I don't have an exact figure. All I know is that it will be somewhere between one and five times that of a standard Mega. But we'll have an advantage, too: numbers. There's more of us then of it. I'm sure that we can win. (A beeping noise is heard) Deletion compleate! Everyone, attack Harpymon! Finish it off!
Desbreko is correct: Caterpie was caught without any help from anyone or anything, so the awnser to that question is Caterpie. Krabby was caught without any help, but Caterpie was first.
Keade: What's takeing so long, David? David: The stream has better internal protection than I anticipated. I don't think I can do it. Leigh: Hen what do we do? David: The Digimon keep fighting, and I keep trying. My guess is that in order to better protect the stream from Harpymon to LK, security measures were transferres from the stream from Milleniummon to Harpymon. That stream should be simple to delete. Let's see here. Isolate complementary flow... transfer data... insert probe... I'm in! And I was right. This won't take long.
(David appears near Dark Shiro. He looks at everyone) David: Oh, ****! Celestine: You! I'll get you! David: I do [i]not[/i] need this. What I do need is some advice: which Shiro is which? Amber: I'm not telling you! David: Then I'll just have to guess. (He points to DS) And I think that's the one I'm after. DS: Then you're wrong. The one you want is the other. I'm the one who was on your side. David: Was is right. Thank you. You've confirmed that I'm right. It's time to take you out. But first, I have something I need to do. (He uses the Arigias to draw the crystals from Light Shiro's Einlizer, powering them up. He does the same with the Light Crystal. He then duplicates all four crystals four times, and sends one set of duplicates to each weapon except DS's Einlizer) Now I'm ready, and so's everyone else. You're going down, DS.
Halo: Which crystal's next? David: Well, I think we need to find as many as we can, as quickly as we can. It doesn't matter how many the others find, as I can easily take them. The problem is that they've probably found a few legendary weapons by now. So what we need to do is find crystals as fast as we can, then take the ones they have. Because of this, I've decided to change the next target. You see, I need to know the exact location of something to be able to teleport to it. I only know the exact location of one crystal: the light crystal. So that's where we're going. Halo: Sounds logical. Let's go, then. (David teleports himself and Halo into the chamber where the Light Crystal is. David walks over to the crystal and grabs it. He stands still for a moment, then starts to scream. He is enveloped in white light. After a few seconds, the light dissapears, and David falls to the ground) David: Holy ****! Halo: What happened? (David picks up his sphere and puts it in his pocket. He stands up, looks at Halo, then picks up the Arigias) What are you doing? (David looks like he's about to do something, but stops and looks at the Arigias) David: Should I? (Pause) oh, what the ****. Darkness doesn't have to be evil. (David turns to face Halo) Halo: What are you doing, David? David: I'm doing what's right. I hope you die, you *****. Unfortunatly, I don't have the time to take you out myself. But I'll find you again sometime. And when I do, I'll kill you. That's a promise. (He then uses the Arigias to determine the location of the Einlizers) Both togeather, and with other weapons. Good. I just hope they don't kill me. (He teleports away)
OOC: There's only one Harpymon ------------------------- David: Guilmon, go! Guilmon warp digivolve to: Megidramon (Megidramon engages Harpymon with the others as David activates his laptop) David: Signal isolated... transfer stream located... just as I thought. The stream has increased. Isolate indavidual component... download data... insert probe... I'm in! Now for the hard part: stopping the flow.
David: That's convenient. Leigh: What? David: Harpymon is very close to where we are now. It will be simple to disrupt the flow. Or it would be, if not for a pretty large problem. Mia: Now what? David: The energy flow has made Harpymon much stronger than normal. While we could easily take him right now, it's probable that the energy flow will be temporarily increased, meaning that Harpymon will be even stronger. Keade: So, what do we do? David: We disrupt the energy flow from Harpymon to LK. Problem is, Harpymon can reinforce the stream. So we need to distract Harpymon first. Leigh: So what's the plan? David: All the Digimon will engage Harpymon. While the battle is in progress, I'll work on disrupting the stream. Saffire: And how will you do that? David: Simple. This world is made of computer data. This means that I can basically hack in to the program for the energy stream and essentially deleate it. You'll just have to keep Harpymon busy while I do so. And no, I can't delete Digimon. i don't know why, but it doesn't work. Anyways, let's do this.
He uses the Mystical Elf to increase his revived BEWD's attack power. In "Tag Team Takedown", what cards with "Mask" in their name have been played so far (first two eps)?
Darigann: Well, here goes nothing. Hyperform biomerge activate! BlackGuilmon hyperform biomerge to: Ebonwumon Rokas: Of course, I'm left out. I'm always left out. Then again, that might not be a bad thing this time. Well, good luck. You'll probably need it. (The five Sovereign head to Milenniummon's location) Zhuqiaomon: Milenniummon won't be easy. He'll seem that way at first, though. Unfortunately, when defeated he will transform into MoonMilenniummon. After that, he becomes ZeedMilenniummon. Ebonwumon: [i]Three[/i] different forms? Zhuqiaomon: Yes. It won't be easy, but I believe that we can do this.
(Everyone watches as Sahki struggles to control herself) Yami: Um, David? David: Yes? Yami: is Sahki supposed to have problems controlling herself [i]before[/i] she becomes Huanglongmon? David: I though it meant that she'd have problems once she became Huanglongmon, but it didn't say that specifically. All it said was that she'd have problems controlling herself. I guess it meant now. (He walks over to Sahki and fgrabs her, forceing her to look at him) You can do this, Sahki. You can do this. Don't let it control you. You fought the control of the Chaos Masters, and you can fight this. So do it. (There is silence for about a minute) Darigann: Is she okay? Sahki: I... I think I've got it under control. David? David: Yes? Sahki: Will I have to do that again? David: You shouldn't have to. Well, are you ready for this? Sahki: I think so. David: Then let's get with it.