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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
OOC: I don't mind not having a color picture, actually. I was just curious. --------------------------- Rokas: Um... I think I got that. One question, though. David: What? Rokas: Why bother with a complex data transfer? Why not have Darigann recieve the data directly instead of through Sahki? David: Good question. I think I have it figured out, though. Yami: Then tell us. Just [i]please[/i] make your explination understandable. David: Well, I said that Huanglongmon is the strongest Soverign. What I didn't say is that Huanglongmon is strong enough that the energies are quite difficult to control. Only one with the experiance of having a Soverign's power can do it. Sahki was probably chosen because of the extra difficulty of being Ebonwumon-after all, it can't be easy to have two different viewpoints. Anyways, enough talk. Let's do this. (Everyone except Rokas enters the chamber)
(Daemon falls to the ground beside Armegeddemon and begins to flicker) Zhuqiaomon: Two left. Crimson Blaze! (His attack his Diaboromon, who was preparing another attack. He goes flying into the ground beside the other two, also flickering) One more left. Ebonwumon: Thanks. Let's finish this. (Apocylamon sees that the other three Chaos Masters are flickering, and quickly moves over to them. The four Soverign stand facing him) Baihumon: You're the only one left. Give up. Apoclyamon: We're not finished yet. Zhuqiaomon: You soon will be. Apocalymon: That's where you're wrong. There's one thing we kept from you. You're about to learn what. (The four Chaos Masters dissipate into data. The data from all four flows togeather) Azulongmon: What is going on? Ebonwumon: I don't like this. Zhuqiaomon: Oh, ****! (Zhuqiaomon seperates into David and BA) David: we can't fight this. Everyone, drop your forms and get over here! Baihumon: What [i]are[/i] you talking about? David: Just do it! Ebonwumon: David tends to know what he's talking about. (The other three Soverings seperate, and everyone walk over to David, who has his laptop out) Yami: What's going on? David:I found information about this in the chamber for artifact number four. It said that this could happen, and what to do about it. I thought it was a trick at the time, but it seems it's true. Sahki: So what's going on? David: The four Chaos Masters are merging. They're combining into the Digimon Millenniummon. Millenniummon is too tough for even us to defeat, but there is a way. First, we have to get out of here. I've opened a portal to where the others are, which is fortunately where We need to be, too. I'll explain when we get there. (He opens the portal, and they all enter it just as Millenniummon finishes forming. They appear in front of the others) Helo. I've got bad news. (He explains about Millenniummon) We have to stop him, no matter what. Darigann: And how do we do this? David: The four of us must again enter the chamber where we recieved the data. Based on my information, Darigann must come with us. He fits the discription of the fifth. Darigann: The fifth what? David: There is a fifth soverign, Huanglongmon. Huanglongmon is the strongest of all the Soverigns, and our only hope against Millenniummon. With all five Soverigns fighting, we should be able to win. Darigann: And I'm going to recieve the data for this Huanglongmon? David: Actually, no. What will happen is this: Yami, Leigh, Sahki, and I will open a new passage by placeing our hands on the appropriate panels to verify that we have the data of the Soverign. Then, Darigann and Sahki will enter the new passage. At the end, Darigann will place his hand on the green panel, and Sahki will place one hand on the other panel, which will have all four colors on it. She will place her other hand on Darigann. Then, the data for Ebonwumon will be transferred from Sahki to Darigann, and the data for Huanglongmon will be given to Sahki. After that, the five of us will fight Millenniummon. we don't have a lot of time, so let's get busy. ------------------- OOC: Mina, if you don't like how I did that, tell me. Also, do you have a color picture of Huanglongmon?
David: I think there's more to what happened back there than i thought. But what he said makes sense. Halo: You believe that line about his "dark self?" David: You don't? it makes perfect sense. It explains pretty much everyting about him. His dark self, as he calls it, was in control when he joined up with us, but his light self didn't let him destroy those others. When I made duplicates of the crystals, the duplicates were unable to maintain the light-dark merge like the real ones did, so Shiro split into his light and dark selves. That's why he only had one Einlizer. The dark Shiro has the other. Halo: This is all very interesting, but what do we do about it? I noticed that he took the crystals. David: Unfortunately, yes. But if he comes back, i'll take them back. You see, the arigias bassically have a stronger pull to on the crystals then the other weapons, simply because they're what's used to duplicate the crystals. And as for he stuff light Shiro just did, if it looks like he'll do it again, we'll leave. As for what we do now, we continue to search for the other crystals.You still have Celestine's Sphere? Halo: Of course. david: Good. My guess is that light Shiro will try to rejoin theothers. He'll probably give them the crystals to convince them that he's telling the truth. They'll want to find us and get Celestine's Sphere back. After they try a few times, we'll offer them a trade: Celestine's Sphere for the crystals they have. That way, they won't know what I can really do. Also, I have to be close to the crystals to draw them to the Arigias, which will be dangerous. A trade will be much safer. But untill then, we'll find the other crystals. Let's go.
OOC: First of all, i realize that everyone gets a special weapon. David even [i]said[/i] that there's one for each person. And as for the "can't win in the end" thing, I've been one of the "bad guys" in other RPGs, and I know what I'm doing. I realize that the "bad guys" can't win in the end, so don't worry.
OOC: Thanks for naming the poles David found. ------------------------------------- David: Okay, now [i]that's[/i] weird. Halo: What? David: I sense one of the Einlizers nearby, but not the other. Halo: Only one? Are you sure? David: Yes. As to why even one is near, it seems my duplicates weren't as good as I thought. True, they worked to power up the weapons, but when I first found these poles-the Arigias, they're called according to the knowledge I recieved when I found them-and was near Shiro, there was something in the sense of the Einlizers that there isn't now. I think the crystals were doing something my duplicates can't, which is probably how he found out that I took the real ones. Anyways, it seems that Shiro is coming after us, minus one Einlizer. interesting, but the reason can wait. He probably has hostile intentions. (Shiro appeaers) Hello. What do you want? Shiro: You know what I want. David: You know, the duplicates I made power up your weapon just like the real ones. Shiro: Well, they sure didn't do everything the real ones did. David: So? It's obvious that you want the real ones back, and that you think that you can win. But you're at a major dissadvantage. Shiro: I thought you'd know I only had one Einlizer. I can still win, though. David: That's not what I meant. True, the crystal duplicates I made power up your weapon, but that won't help. Shiro: What is that supposed to mean? David: Look at the duplicates. (Shiro raises the Einlizer. He watches as the crystal duplicates dissapear) I made those duplicates, and I can easily destroy them, as you just saw. Now my Arigias are at 30% power, while your Einlizer is at just 5%. I suggest that you leave before you piss me off.
Zhuqiaomon: Crimson Blaze! (The attack strikes Armegeddemon, knocking him into a rock wall. He begins to flicker, and lies motionless) You won't matter in this fight anymore. I'll finish you off later. (he turns to the other Chaos Masters) Time to finish this. --------------------- OOC: Armegeddemon is out of the fight. the reason he hasn't dissipated will be revealed after all four Chaos Masters have been reduced to that state.
OOC: I'd prefer if you remained Ebonwumon ------------------------ Zhuqiaomon: Crimson Blaze! (He fires a large red energy blast at Armegeddemon, who dodges) Armegeddemon: Nice shot. Now it's my turn. Mega Flare! (He fires a large black energy flare at Zhuqiaomon, who counters with his own attack) Zhuqiaomon: Crimson Blaze! (The two attacks hit, cancelling each other out) Phenoix Fire! (He fires a blast of red flame at Armegeddemon, who again dodges.) Crimson Blaze! (This time, Armegeddemon is hit, and the force of the blast sends him inth the ground hard) Take that!
(David and Halo head for the nearest crystal: the Star Crystal at Star Palace) Halo: What happened back there? David: I'm trying to figure that out. I'm not sure. I've never seen anything like it before. But Shiro didn't pay enough attention to me. Halo: What do you mean? (David holds up his poles. The three crystals are embedded in them) David: I used my poles to take the crystals while he wasn't looking. Halo: But won't he notice that they're gone? David: Nope. See, each of these weapons-there's one that corresponds to each sphere-is powered up when any of the crystals are inserted into it. Obviously, each crystal can only be in one weapon at a time. Halo: Yes, but how do you know all this about the weapons? David: I recieved the knowledge when I found the poles, probably because it's needed to use the special power of them. You see, each weapon has a special power. For example, the Einlizers can destroy the crystals, and the spheres with them. Halo: How does that fit in to takeing the crystals? David: It was an example. Anyways, the special power of my weapon is duplication. It can create duplicates of the crystals that resonate properly with the other weapons. The duplicates have no effect besides powering up the weapons, but they look just like the real ones. Shiro will never know the differance. Halo: What if he decides to turn on us? David: I can destroy the duplicates as eaisily as I can make them. If he wants to fight, I'll do so, weakening the Einlizers. I'll then be able to get rid of him quite easily.
(Before Saffire and Tigramon could finish biomerging, LK attacked) LK: Supreme Electro Shocker! (He fired a [i]huge[/i] electric blast at the biomerge-in-progress, cancelling it and sending Saffire and Tigramon to the ground. LK then turned his attention to the other Digimon) Now for the rest of you. David: Um... not good! Mia: What do we do? David: I'm readinga constant energy stream coming inbto this guy. We need to stop the energy flow before we can take him out. And that means finding and destroying the Harpymon acting as a conduit, which should cut off the flow. But right now, I think we should [i]get the hell out of here![/i]"
I thought the toung was one of the best targets for jokes in that movie. "What in God's name was that?" ROTFLMAO.
David: Okay, Shiro. I have something to ask you. Shiro: What? David: Why didn't you destroy them when you had the chance? You should know there's no hope of them forgiving you. Halo: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? David: Assuming that what you're thinking is that Shiro's not truly with us, the awnser is no. But I do think he's hiding something. Tell me, Shiro. Why didn't you get rid of them? And while we're at it, why did you say I couldn't tap the power of my weapon?
OOC: Yes. ----------------------- (The Digimon that Ebonwumon had attacked turns around. It's Diaboromon) Diaboromon: So, you managed to unlock the data. Zhuqiaomon: Very preceptive. Diaboromon: It won't matter. The other three are here, too. (The other three Chaos Masters arrive) We were unable to stop you from unlocking the data, but we can still destroy you. Baihumon: You're the ones who will be destroyed! Daemon: We'll just have to see about that. Zhuqiaomon: Bring it on.
David: All right. I can teleport us, but it's not something I'll do too often. It takes some energy. It's fine every once in a while, but too often will drain me. I'll do it now, though. (He teleports himself and Halo to the place where Shiro is fighting the others) Hello. Miss me? Celestine: You! Give me my sphere back right now! David: Better idea. I'll get rid of you. See these poles? They're my equivelant of Shiro's Einlizers. Now, you're bearly able to hold Shiro off. That means there's no way you can hope to defeat him and me. So give up now.
David: This shouldn't be happening. Leigh: Well, it is! Just get us out of here! David: Already on it. (He opens a portal, and they enter it. Ther emergy by the others, who are watching something) Hello. What's going on? Darigann: Turn around. (They all turn and look. The Chaos Masters are attacking the area where they just were) Sahki: Well, that explains that. Yami: I really don't like those things. David: Let's do this. You should know what to do. It's part of the data. Let's do it. David, Sahki, Leigh, and Yami: Hyperform Biomerge Activate! Guilmon hyperform biomerge to: Zhuqiaomon Wormmon hyperform biomerge to: Azulongmon ShadowRenamon hyperform biomerge to: Ebonwumon Veemon hyperform biomerge to: Baihumon Zhuqiaomon: Let's do this.
(David and Halo appear in an underground chamber in the middle of the Forest of Nature. There is an elaborate wood design in the middle, and the Nature Crystal is on it. There are two black poles sticking out of the ground near it) David: Why doesn't he want me to take the weapon? Halo: Are you sure we can trust him? David: I'm not sure. I think he's just misinformed. All of the evedince seems to indicate that what we will find here is mine. I'm going to take it and use it, no matter what Shiro thinks. (He grabs the crystal, then walks over to the poles) And I think that these poles are it. (He grabs them and pulls them out) And it would seem that I'm right. There is a [i]ton[/i] of power in these things, and I can use it. It seems that Shiro was wrong, just like I thought. I can se these, and the energy within them. And there's a lot of energy in these. Those people won't stand a chance. ------------------------- OOC: Vilearchangemon, please do not have the poles David found be destroyed. Also, they are not fakes, so don't have them be. Shiro can think that, but it's not true.
(David, Halo, and Shiro were heading toward the Forest of Nature to find the crystal there, hpoefully before Amber did) David: Shiro, are those Einlizers the only sacred weapons? Shiro: What do you mean? David: I mean, do you know if there are other weapons like the Einlizers. Shiro: Not that I know of, but I'm not sure. David: I may be able to find out. Shiro: How? David: The Einlizers have a certian energy signature. it resonates with the signature of your Sphere. I can use my map uint to scan for other signatures with energy levels similar to the Einlizers, and isolate any that resonate with my Sphere. If there is a weapon like that for me, I want it. (He inserts his Sphere into a slot on the map unit) Let's see... got one! Proper resonance, similar signature, it all checks out. And it's in the Forest of Nature, near where the crystal is. Just like the Einlizers. I can get the weapon while we're there.
Just becouse you don't know doesn't mean that nobody else does. I'll give people a couple days, then I'll post the awnser and a new question.
(Sahki emerges to join the others) David: You're done, too? Sahki: Yes. David: Good. Now we just have to wait for Yami. (Yami and Veemon walk out of the white tunnel. Yami is visibly shaken) Yami! What happened? Yami: I saw you, David. You told me that you had lied, that your story was false, and that I had fallen for it. Then, you spirit evolved and attacked. David:The me you encountered changed into Duskmon? Yami: No. You became Lowemon. I almost gave in to what was being said. Veemon managed to snap me out of it, but I then had to face the fact that I didn't know if you told the truth. But I believed you enough to pass. David: Good. Everyone, you'll see different colored panels on the wall. put your hand on the panel that matches the color of the sphere you had. (They place their hands on their respective colors, and four bright flashes light up the room, one of each of the four colors) You may now remove your hand. It's done. Yami: Now what? David: We get out of here, and then we find the Chaos Masters.
I'd have to say that althought Jackie is funnier, I like Jet Li better. He seems to have more action. The One was awesome. The best part was hat you didn't have to think to enjoy it. You just had to like action-packed physical fight scenes.
The other one is under 2 hours with less than 100%. I'll try a different game. In Paper Mario, name the seven star Spirits in the order you find them, and which boss you must fight to free each of them.
OOC: Basically, yes, although the way you do it is up to you. I chose to include a battle, but not really as part of the test. It's more of a way to provoke things, to make things happen. --------------------------------- Duskmon: I know every move you can make. I know your mind. I am you, and you can't defeat yourself. Lowemon: That's not true! Shadow Lance! (He lunges at Duskmon with his lance, but Duskmon jumps over him. He turns around to face Duskmon again) Duskmon: See? I know what you will do. I know that because I am you. You say that's not true, but there's a part of you that knows it is. Lowemon: (Thinking) He's right. There is a part of me that is him. I was controled for so long that I've been conditioned to act certain ways. I've changed some, but I'm still not ready. Not if I can't cast him out. If I want to succeed, then I have to get rid of the darkness that remains. I have to ignore it. I can't listen to the darkness. (Out loud) You're correct. There was a part of me that was still you. But now that I know, I will cast you out! Shadow Meteor! (Duskmon was shocked enough by what Lowemon said that he was unable to react in time, and ws hit by the attack. He dissapeared, and Lowemon became David again. Suddenly, he appeared where Leigh, Wormmon, and BA were waiting) David: That was [i]not[/i] fun.
Well, i'd say that if [spoiler]someone's memories are uploaded into a computer, the the computer essentially becomes that person. [/spoiler] Anyways, the new game sounds cool. One question, though. Will it have any form of multiplayer?
Adam? Do you mean [spoiler]the ship's computer in Metroid Fusion[/spoiler] Adam? And if so, is this game set before or afetr Metroid Fusion ([spoiler]Meaning is Adam a person or a computer?[/spoiler])
Duskmon: Yes. You remember me, right? You should, seeing as how I'm you. Lowemon: No, you're not! Not anymore! Duskmon: But I am. I always have been, and I always will be. Lowemon: That's not true! Duskmon: Yes, it is. You know this is true. You were once me. You've been me. And you still are me. Lowemon: I was you, once. But not by my own choosing. Duskmon: Don't be a fool. You know it's your fault, what you did. Lowemon: I had no choice. I was being controled, therefore I am not responsible for what I did! And you can't change that! And you! You're not who I am now! I'm not you anymore! Duskmon: Soon you won't be anyone! Deadly Gaze! Lowemon: Shadow Meteor! (The two attacks collide and cause an explosion) You want me? Come and get me! Dusxmon: With pleasure.
(They enter a large chamber with four passageways, one at each corner. There is a blue bar over one, a white bar over another, a green bar over another, and a red bar over the last one) Leigh: Where's the light coming from in here? David: It seems to come from the walls. All right. This is it. Leigh, you go down the blue-marked path. Mina, you take the green one. Yami, you take the white one. I get the red one. When you reach what appears to be a dead end, insert the sphere into the slot. You will be given instrouctions telling you what the rules are. Then you'll take the test. When you pass, you will be given the data. Clear? (Everyone nods) Good. Let's do this. (They all walk down the appropriate passageways. When David and BA reach the end of the one they take, David inserts the sphere into the slot, and writeing appears. He reads it) It says here that you need to just watch, BA. It also says that I must not use my beast spirit. I better get ready. Excecute! Spirit Evolution! David->Lowemon (The end wall dissapears, revealing another chamber. Lowemon enters, and another Digimon appears. Lowemon steps back in shock over which Digimon it is) Lowemon: Duskmon!