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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
OOC: You should read what happened scince you last posted. A lot has happened, and it's hard to explain. -------------------------- Yami: Ummm... I think I get it, but I'm not sure. David: So I'm bad at explaining things. So sue me. Basically, what I said is that Rokas, Darigann, Sahki until recently, and I were essentially being controlled by the Chaos Masters. They stoped that when they were freed. Now we're doing the one thing that we can to stop them. Yami; I can understand that. David: Good. (They arrive at an elaborate tunnel entrance) Because we're here. You, Leigh, Mina, and I will enter. Everyone else, wait here. (The four and their Digimon partners enter the tunnel)
Gallantmon: Not yet... Now! Shield of the Just! Ophanimon: Eden's Javlen! (Both attacks are sent at the point where the energy leaves LK. They hit just as there is some leaving, sending LK staggering back, as well as disrupting the energy flow. SK flickers for a second, then dissapears) It worked! Gallantmon: All right! Now we can focus on LK. LK: I'm through playing games! I don't need the copy to defeat you! I can do it myself quite easily. Gallantmon: Why don't you proove it? LK: With pleasure. Insectoid Destroyer! (LK glows breifly, and then a large number of energy blasts thak look like various insect Digimon emerge from him and strike Gallantmon and Ophanimon. The two crash to the ground and seperate into human and Digimon forms) David: Oh, ****!
David: Good idea. Megidramon! Our turn! (Megidramon flies down and devolves to Guilmon) Guilmon: I'm ready. David: Good. Biomerge activate! Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon! Gallantmon: You ready for this? Ophanimon: Of course. Gallantmon: Good. Let's do it.
OOC: it's Mia, not Mai. -------------------------------------- David: Anyone bring a flashlight? (Silence) Thought so. I guess I'll have to pprovide some light. Excecute! Spirit Evolution! David->Agunimon Agunimon: Look for a computer using the light I provide. Mia: Can't you use yours? Agunimon: It's not connected to this complex's network. I need one that's connected to turn on the lights. Look for one now. pyro Darts! (Agunimon's attack provides breif flashes of light. he then becomes David again) David: Anything? Mia: I saw one. Follow me. (She leads them into an office, and David sits down at the computer in the room) David: Isolate light source... trace power flow route... assertain status of power folw... flow is off. Restore power flow... got it! (The lights turn on) Now I'll find Comis. (He takes out his laptop and runs a scan) I've got two hybrids in one area here, but I can't pinpoint their location in this area yet. Hang on. (He attaches his laptop to the computer in the office and transfers a map of the complex to his laptop, then disconects it. He loads the map on his laptop and runs another scan) Got it. Follow me.
I thought is was absolutely hilarrious. i especially liked Master Tang's naration. And yes, there will be a sequel
David: Keep that creation busy. The rest of us will focus on LK. Leigh: Got it. Saffire: Leave it to us. David: Good. Everyone else, attack LK! LK: I can easily take care of you, even without SK. I just wanted to test my new ability. David: I doubt that you can take us all. LK: Let's find out.
David: Sometime I'm going to have to scan those swords. I bet they have some simply amazing propetries. Not now, though. We need to find the remaining crystals. Also, I've been trying to come up with waya that we can conceal ourselves. Having Halo hide us didn't work, and neither id having Halo make copies of us. Halo: I did my best, okay? David: I know that. I'm just saying that it didn't work. Halo: You try it, then. David: I was thinking of just that. I can use my sphere to make us harder to spot, but it's not as good as what Halo can do. I'm not worried, though. Based on what just happened, I'd say there's nothing they can do.
David: Let me see... got it! Signal detected! Mia: Where? David: It's in the building. I don't know where in there it is, though. We need to get in there. If I can find a map of this place, preferably on a computer, i can get it's exact location in there. From that, we can locate it with the building's security cameras, which it definately has. with a computer hooked up to the complex, I can control the cameras and much else. I can use the ccameras to see what it's doing. then we can confront it. Stay togeather and don't let anyone see you. I can erase us from security camera records, so that's no worry, but i can't do anything if a person sees us. So don't be seen. Let's move.
Baen Books recently reprinted it, so it should be availible at most bookstores, in the science fiction section.
okay,that first one didn't get much intrest. Hopefully, this one will. The book is Midnight at the Well of Souls, also by Jack L. Chalker (Obviously I'm a Chalker fan). It is about a freighter captain called Nathan Brazil who must stop two opponents from reaching the Well of Souls. The world they are on is one you can't leave, and it changes them into new forms, makeing the task almost impossible. I really enjoyed this book. The true history of Nathan Brazil is extreamly clever. i especially enjoyed the run through Murnithel(I think that's how it's spelled), as well as Brazil's showdown with the Swarm Queen in Ivrom. And Brazil's change about halfway through the bok was extreamly well done.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]You should put the spoiler tag behind that remark. No, seriously though, just keep watchin, and IF they are brave enough to show it here, you'll know why I said that. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] If I've interpreted your meaning correctly, then there's absolutly no way that will be shown. And, truthfully, I'm glad that it won't be. Graphic violence does not make a show, and in my oppinion doesn't belong in Yu-Gi-Oh!.
WE could always use new writers. In this post, I'm splitting up the group I've been working with. I'm going to write for Jeri, Henry, and Takato, but you can take the others. And by the way, read the whole thing if you haven't already. You need to do so if you want to be able to contribute. Just know that it will take a [i]long[/i] time to read all of this. --------------------------------- The Tamers were again walking along, looking for the Devas. Henry was carrying Terriermon. None of them had any idea which way to go, except maybe Jeri. she had chosen a direction, and they all went that way. Henry was thinking about what had just happened. For once, he wasn't worrying about Juggernaut. He was actually wondering about Jeri. Ever since Jeri had sat on the Morpheus Throne during the battle with Metamormon, she had been different. She was acting like a whole different person. When Henry said this, Jeri tried her best to explain what had happened. "It's like... I don't know. Everything was clear to me when I sat on that chair. It was like there wasn't anything I couldn't do. You said I was a whole different person, and I think I am. Before, I would never have told you to use Juggernaut, but now... I just don't know." "Um, Jeri," Henry said, confused, "I never said that you were a whole different person." "You did, actually. Right before you turned to me and asked what happened." "I said that out loud?" "I didn't hear him say that," Rika said. "Are you sure you heard it?" "I didn't say that," Henry stated again, "But I thought it." This statement produced a chorus of confused "What?"s. "Are you suggesting that she read your mind?" Kazu asked. "Get serious here. There's no way that's possible." But Jeri wasn't convinced. "It might be what happened," she said. "When I sat ot the Morpheus Throne, it wasn't only my attitude and beliefs that changed. I've been able to sense things. I can feel the Devas somehow. I could feel the energy flow into HerculeseKabuterimon back there. I think I actually did hear what he was thinking. I don't know how, but it's the only explination I have. This is the first time it happened, and I'm not sure I like it. I don't think I want to be able to read minds." Before anyone could respond, she let loose with quite a few swear words. Everyone was so shocked that they all took a step or two back. Henry was the first to recover enough to speak. "What? What is it?" "It's him," was the reply. "When we left, the former Hive Lord was a Pabumon. He isn't anymore. He's coming our way, and he's mad. He seems to have returned to the form of SupremeKabuterimon again, but I don't know how." Now it was everyone else's turn to swear. Jeri waited for them to finish, then continued. "It's not as bad as it was last time. When he digivolved to HerculeseKabuterimon, he had only the power that is normal for that form. When he digivolved again, he only had the standard ratio of power increase for a digivolution. He's still very strong, but it's manageble this time." "Um, Jeri, Terriermon's still unconcious," Henry pointed out. "It doesn't matter," Jeri said calmly. "Takato, it's your turn this time. You're the one who has to fight." "Me? What can I do?" "You are the only one who has the strength to defeat him. You know what you need to do, but you just haven't realized it yet." Takato was about to protest but couldn't, because at that moment there was a loud buzzing noise behind them. SupremeKabuterimon was closing in. After Milenniummon's veiw portal had dissapeared, SupremeKabuterimon had flown as fast as he could to catch up with the Tamers. He knew that there was nothing they could do to stop him, even though he wasn't nearly as strong as he was when they defeated him. The one who defeated him was currently unable to do anything, which meant that he would have an easy time. What he didn't expect was what he saw when he arrived. He thought that the Tamers would try and escape. They weren't. They were standing there, waiting for him. When he appeared, Jeri spoke. "I don't know how you can be here," she said, "but you should leave now. You're only endangering yourself." "YOU CAN'T FOOL ME! I KNOW THAT THE TERRIERMON IS UNABLE TO FIGHT!" "True," Jeri responded, "but there are others of us who can fight." Takato was still unsure of how he could win, but he knew how he could at least fight. "Biomerge activate!" Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon "I'M NOT IMPRESSED," SupremeKabuterimon said. "WHY DON'T I JJUST END THIS NOW?" Before Gallantmon could react, SupremeKabuterimon reached out and grabbed him, flew up into the sky as high as he could possibly go, and released Gallantmon. As Gallantmon fell, Takato could only think that Grani was all that could save him. Unfortunately, Grani had died during the battle inside the D-Reaper when it gave the last of it's energy to Gallantmon. Suddenly, Takato had it.
David: Woah. That was some preformance. And yes, I heard what you said. Shiro: How? David: A little gadget called a bug. I put it on you the first time I was held captive, right after Halo here freed me. We weren't togeather at that time, and I never thought we would be. I suggest you keep it on you, thougt. I can use it to find you, and it also helps in situaions like what happened now, where it saves time. And by the way, the destroyed crystals can be reconstucted, right? Shiro: Of course. I gave you my word. David: Good. Well, are you going to stick with us for this, or are you on your own?
You missed one. The traner son is training at Victory Road. Look for him there. Hint: He doesn't say he's a Winstrate, but he mentions his family.
(Halo didn't drop the illusion until they were well away) David: We'll get the sword for you first. Then, you'll get us the crystal. Right now, they're ready for us to try for it, so we'll wait until later. And by the way, I don't think they'll ever let you back with them, so you're pretty much stuck with us. Shiro: I knew that when I turned on them. David: Well, let's get going. I assume you know the way? Shiro: Yes. Follow me.
David: What changed me, you mean? It's simple. I was being influenced by the Chaos Masters, as were Rokas, Darigann, and, until near the end, Sahki. When they were freed, they didn't need us anymore, and we were freed from their influence. I was then able to realize the truth, which they had prevented me from doing. They also prevented us from doing what we're now doing because this is the one thing they fear. That's why we're doing this. It's the only way to stop them.
David: Everyone, prepare for battle. Guilmon warp digivolve to: Megidramon ShadowRenamon digivolve to: DarkHassenaimon Calicomon warp digivolve to: Symphanimon Salamon warp digivolve to: Magnadramon Gabumon warp digivolve to: MetalGarurumon BlabeGabumon warp digivolve to: MetalGaurumon Patamon warp digivolve to: Seraphimon Lopmon warp digivolve to: Kerpymon Terriermon biomerge to: MegaGargomon (LordKabuterimon(LK) comes into the area, and is supprised at the fact that everyone is ready for battle) LK: I see I was expected. David: Yes, you were. And I seriously doubt that you can stand up to this many mega-level Digimon. LK: Then you obviously don't know what I can do. DAvid: I know more than you think. I know your ability. LK: Then you won't be suprised when I use it. But there are insect Digimon that have been extinct for a long time. I can create copies of them, too. And my first one will be one of the strongest. Observe. (LK begins to glow. A new Digimon materializes in front of him. It looks like a totally black version of HerculeseKabuterimon, except three times the size) Meet SupremeKabuterimon(SK). David: I do have data, and it's not good. This thing is tough. It has a large variety of attacks, all of which are electricity-based, and all of which are quite dangerous. This is [i]not[/i] good.
JL: Let's finish her off. Dark Master! BWG: Terra Destroyer! Zephermon: Tornado Slash! Flamedramon: Fire Rocket! (All of the attacks hit Rosemon, who dissipates into data. The green sphere that remains falls, and Sahki catches it. There is a bright green flash when she does so. Grankuwagumon lands, the Digimon return to their Rookie forms, and JL and Zephyrmon become David and Leigh again) David: All right. Follow me. It's time to get the data.
Wally. Name all of the Winstrates. Hint: There are 5 (The four in the house and the son mentioned by them).
You missed one. Also, the over 2 hours with 100% looks like a full-body shot to me.
OOC: Okay, I'm introducing a Digimon that's going to be the equivilant of one of the major villans on the show, meaning that he won't be defeated in this first encounter and will cause trouble for a while. ------------------------------ (A loud beep is heard) David: Never mind. Trouble. Mia: What kind? David: Let me check. (He runs another scan) Got it. Leigh: What is it? David: A double energy transmission. The method is the same as last time, but the stream is different. Also, the energy is flowing from an unidentified Digimon, probably Meliniummon, to a Kabuterimon. However, a Harpymon is acting as a conduit for the energy transfer. Keade: Forget the technical stuff. What's happening to this Kabuterimon? David; Is't gaining energy. (Pause) Oh, crap. It's just digivolved into a new mega-level Digimon called LordKabuterimon. The thing looks like a black and red version of HerculeseKabuterimon, except about twice the size. Also, it has the ability to essentially create copies of insect Digimon. He can only sustain one at a time, but he controls them. He can make another when the one he has is destroyed. And worse, he seems to be working for Melinniummon. That's why he got the new form. And he's coming our way.
Rosemon: No more playing around! Let's see how you handle [i]this![/i] (Several trees fly out of the ground and start zipping around the battle area. Everyone is kept busy dodgeing them) Not bad. But there's more. (More vines move around trying to grab them. Distracted by the trees flying around, they are unable to avoid the vines, and all are ensnared. The trees stop moving and fall to the ground) How's that? Flamedramon: This won't hold me! Fire Rocket! (Flamedramon's attack burns away the vines holding him, and he falls to the ground) Rosemon: You think you can do anything? Even if you can burn through the plants eaisily, you can't do that with me. And I can eaisily take you down.
Actually, you only need a medal on Venom 2 to get the tanks in multiplayer. Get a medal there on expert mode to unlock the option to play on foot in multiplayer. For the question, he arrived on a Warp Star. What are the three ways to make Samus remove her entire suit (Not just the helmet) at the end of Metroid Fusion?
Does it really matter what will happen to the losers? I mean, it's not like these things add anything. We know who's going to win, we just don't know how. I say ignore the lost violence and blood (Would haveing those things really make it a better show? I think not) and focus on the story and duels. And yes, I was dissapointed with what they showed today, but I think the rest of the duel will make up for that.
JL: Don't underestimate her. This won't be easy. Roesmon: Actually, I think it will be. Easy for me, that is. Thorn Whip! (She lashes at JL with a thorn-covered whip. The attack knocks JL into a nearby vine-covered tree. The vines qickly wrap around him, pinning him to the tree) That takes care of you! Now for the rest of you. Flamedramon: It won't be that easy! Fire Rocket! (Flamedramon launches his attack at the vines, but Rosemon dives in the way and takes the attack like nothing) What?! Rosemon: That would have burned through the vines quite eaisily, so I blocked it. Even though you are a fire Digimon and I a plant Digimon, I'm strong enough to withstand your attacks no matter what you try. BWG: Try a mega's, then. Terra Destroyer! (BWG's attack would have hit Rosemon, but she blocked it with more vines) Rosemon: No thanks.