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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Let's stop the history lesson. Mabey we can start writeing stuff, huh?
  2. Dark Magician and Black Luster Soldier, I believe. If I' m wrong, then ignore my question. Why couldn't Joey attack Mako's Legendary Fisherman?
  3. I found it at Target the first time I looked.
  4. (David and Halo were making good time toward Angel's Pond, but they were still within the range of the wind) Halo: what's going on? David: they're trying to find us. The debris blowing in the wind will hit us, giving our location away. Halo: That won't work. I'll just make it look like they pass right through us. David: yes, but if you miss just one, they'll find us. I have a better idea. Drop the concealment and make us visable again. Then, make duplicates of us. tHey won't know which ones we are, and we'll be able to gather the crystals while they look for the real us. Halo: Why didn't I think of that? (She does what David said) Good plan. David: Thanks. Let's move.
  5. David: Yami, use your Digi-Egg on Veemon. Flamedramon can keep the surrounding area off us while we focus on Rosemon. Yami: Got it. Digi-Armor energize! Veemon armor digivolve to: Flamedramon David: BA, let's do this. BlackAgumon warp digivolve to: BlackWarGreymon David: Now it's my turn. Excecute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->JagerLowemon JL: Let's do this. (Rosemon appears) Rosemon: You must give me the spheres you posses, or i will be forced to destroy you. JL: We need the spheres, as well as yours. Rosemon: You will not get mine! JL: Then we'll have to fight.
  6. David: I'd say it's likely. Mabey even more for ourselves. Mia: What do you mean? David: I've been doing research. We each have two forms currently. One is stronger, but the other uses less energy to hold. I think there's at least one more possible form for each of us. The potential's there, but we just don't have the energy. Mia: What do you mean? David; there appears to be a way to combine both forms to create a new one, but the first time requires a great deal of energy. We'll need some energy source to do it the first time. After that, we should be able to do it normally.
  7. (BG decends from the clouds as he nears Paonmon and Lobomon, who don't notice him untill he lands) Paonmon: Who are you? BG: That's right. You've never seen me like this, have you? Hold on. (BG turns into David) David: There. Paonmon: Oh. Hello, David. David: Hello yourself. This whole thing is very unusual, isn't it? Lobomon: It's certainly not what most people call normal. David: It's strange. I've discovered this other world, and it... it feels like I belong there. You know, you should probably return to your human forms when you have no need of using your Digimon forms. It wastes energy to sustain them when you don't need them.
  8. David: I'm starting to get something. Sahki: i thought you said it was far away. David: It was. It's now moveing towards us. I think I know why, too. Yami: Why? David: I'm detecting a different kind of additional energy in this one. I think it's coming towards us to engage us in this area because it would be easier for it where we are. I think it can manipulate the plant life here. Leigh: Any clue what Digimon it is? David: Just a second... got it. The Digimon is Rosemon.
  9. Just because the country that Latins came from doesn't exist anymore, it doesn't mean there are no more Latin people. For a while there was no Germany, but there were still Germans. No Polland for a long time, but there were still Polish people. The same is true for Latin people. No country, but still the people. And Revenge-2, if you don't think that thiss will work, you don't have to participate.
  10. Dark Vileplume. The non-holo version has a Fighting weakness instead of Fire like the holo version. Why dose Team Magma want to make Mt. Chimney erupt?
  11. I like Light of Intervention. It prevents flip efects from working by preventing monsters from being played face-down. It also prevents you from loseing life points by attacking a face-down monsetr that turns out to have a higher defense than your monster's attack. Just don't put many flip effect monsters in your deck if you plan to use this card.
  12. (BSkull watched as Valkyrion sacrificed himself. After the explosion, he realized that he was lucky to be alive; Indeed, the only reason he survived was because he was behind other monsters, who took the blast instead of him. With everyone else gone, the two TERs focused on getting the Exodia peice out of there and back to the Dark realm) TER1: We need to return this peice to the Dark realm. TER2: Yes, and we need to do it now. TER1: Yes. After all, there's no way to know if those others will return or not. TER2: We must not allow them to reclaim the peice. BSkull: I'm afraid that they're the least of your worries right now. TER1: Why? BSkull: They aren't here right now. TER2: So? BSkull: You're among the weakest monsetrs without captured creatures to use the power of, right? TER1: Yes. BSkull: That means that currently, almost any monster could defeat you. TER2: Only if it struck before we could react. BSkull: Okay. (He attacks and destroyes the two TERs before they can react) Thank you for that information. (He grabs the Exodia piece and follows the others out, hopeing that they don't attack him)
  13. (David sat down at his computer. As he worked, he said what he was doing out loud. There was no reason for it; it was just a habbit) David: Load map program... Display map of city... Scan for specified signatures... Two located. Display locations... They're in the same place. Interesting. Run secnod scan... display results... those two. I wonder what's going on. I should probably chech it out. Display coordinates... They're there, then. I better go. (He grabs his backpack, makes sure that he isn't forgetting anything he wants to take, and yells that he's going somewhere to his mom, who he told about the fact that he's part Digimon (She took it amazingly well), then exits through the back door. It's a very cloudy day) I'll get there faster if I fly, and I should be able to make it into the clouds before anyone sees me. Well, no point in just standing here. Excecute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->BurningGreymon(BG) (BG quickly flies into the clouds before heading for the area where Paonmon and Lobomon are)
  14. David: It looks like this one's a bit of a hike. The signal's quite weak, but I've still got it regestered. Follow me. (He leads them out of the cave and towards a large forest) A forest. Makes sense. It's probably in here. Leeigh: Why does it make sense? David: THe last sphere contains the data of Ebonwumon, who looks like a freaked-out tree. Yami: Oh.
  15. OOC: Yes. Post the attacks of Calicomon's other forms, too.
  16. David: They're probably looking for us. Make sure they don't find us, Halo. Halo: You didn't ned to tell me that. (She uses her Sphere to hide the two of them) There. They can't see us now. David: Good. Now, while they're looking for us, we can find the crystals. Then we'll trade that Sphere for the crystal they have. that will get us all of them. Let's move.
  17. David: What the hell was that? Mia: You're the information source. You tell me. David: I've got nothing. No information on that thing at all. (Pause) energy flow has stopped. We can kill that creature now. Everyone! Combine your attacks! The energy flow to AracArimon has been cut off, so we can kill it now! Attack it togeather! Megidramon; Right! Pyro Destroyer! [QUOTE]Pyro Destroyer is a powerful red energy beam fired from Megidramon's mouth[/QUOTE] Blade&MetalGarurumon: Giga Missile! MegaGargomon: Gargo Missiles! Seraphimon: Strike of the Seven Stars! Magnadramon: Fire Tornado! Kerpymon: Lightning Spear! {OOC: I don't know the attacks of the ficdigi's but they also attack} (The combined attacks destroy AracArimon, and the Digimon return to their rookie forms. David turns to Salamon) David: You seened to know that thing. why?
  18. Actually, having different people post with different characters doesn't mean that there will be many seperate, unconnected plots. It Tamers: V2, we've each taken a different group of characters and made our own plot threads, but they've all been connected. It doesn't take much effort to do. Also, there can be points where these characters meet up with each other, but it's not really requiered for a connected story. Trust me, I've got experiance with the different-people-writeing-for-different-characters method. It works if people try.
  19. the effect is a changing of the music so that the drum-like sounds are more noticable. It was first used in Super Mario World. In Star Fox Adventures, why is Krystal imprisoned?
  20. Well, according to Tamer_Zach, each writer will be focusing on the characters he or she creates, which solves not only the problem of managing all those characters, but also the problem of who writes about which characters. if people can handle development of larger numbers of characters, then let them do it. I couldn't, which is why I don't have many.
  21. (JW watches as AeroVeedramon attacks MG. He also watches Yami. AeroVeedramon's attack knocks MG into another wall, and it's clear that the attack did more damage than it should have) JW: Interesting. They acted in sync with each other, and that made the attack stronger. Very interesting, but I unfortunately can't think about that now. Let's finish him off. Dark Master! Yami&AeroVeedramon: V-wing Blade! BWG: Terra Force! (All of the attacks hit, and MG dissipates into data, leaving only a white sphere. The Digimon return to their rookie forms, and JW becomes David again) Yami: I think this one's mine.(He grabs it, and there is a bright white flash) David: That seems to be correct. All right, people. One more to go.
  22. OOC: That is not true, KiaraStarr. The creature is the same one that was watching Mina and Mikemon earlier, and is [i]not[/i] the "gaurdian of the chambers". I have to ask that you deleat that post.
  23. Check out Tamers: V2. I've done some work there recently. Warning: If you only read my stuff, which is on the most recent few pages only, you won't understand a lot of the plot. Other warning: If you read te whole thing, it will take an [i]exreamly[/i] long time.
  24. MG: You're strongen than I tought, but that won't make a difference! Magna Rockets! (He fires several rockets at Zephyrmon, But JW jumps between her and the attack, and is hit instead) JW: Ouch. Zephyrmon: Why did you do that? JW: That attack would have taken you out. I've noticed that the form I'm in is strongen then the form you're in, so i took the attack for you. Zephermon: well, I... um... thanks. MG: It won't matter in the end. I can't let you claim the sphere I guard, and I must reclaim the spheres you already have. I will not let you defeat me. JW: You don't have a choice. MG: You will not claim the sphere! I won't let you! JW: Whatever. By the way, look behind you. MG: What? (He turns around to see BWG behind him) BWG: Terra Destroyer! (He throws a large black energy ball at MG from point-blank range, which sends MG flying across the chamber and into the wall at the other side) Jw: That's gotta hurt.
  25. Well, it's been placed in the fan fiction section, but that's where I think it belongs. I'm only going to have two human characters, which makes it easier to do more with them. Also, I don't have to allow as much time for character development, allowing me to focus on the story more. These two live in Redmond, Washington, which is where I'm going to start them. David: Born in Redmond, he has lived there all his life. At the age of 10, he developed an intrest in computers. He has the answer to any computer-related question you could ever ask him. However, he has problems explaining the answers to people who don't know a lot about computers. Some of the words and phrases he uses in everyday conversation make what he says hard to understand at times. David is 16, and is homeschooled along with his twin, Eric (Their parents can't afford to send them to a decent private school and hate public schools). Eric: David's twin brother. He doesn't look exactly like David, but he's close. While David became interested in computers at the age of 10, Eric got into electricity. He is to electricity as David is to computers: Ask him a question about that subject, and he'll know the awnser, even if you can't understand it when he explains it to you. Eric and David have basically the same personallity: Neither will back down from any challenge unless their lives depend on it. They are very determined, but neither is very good in social situations. They rarely leave their house, and as a result live very isolated lives. People who visit the family are confused by the fact that David and Eric almost never talk to each other. The two have been so close that they don't need to say anything; they have an almost telepathic bond, and seem to be able to tell what each other is thinking. David and Eric met their Digimon partners two years ago. They immeadeatly told their parents. Their mom almost fainted, while their dad had to be prevented from getting his gun and shooting the creatures. scince then, their parents have adjusted. David began studying Digimon and the digital world, while Eric was curious about the devices found with the Digimon. After David did some research, he discovered that the devices, called D3s, could be used to travel to the digital world. They go there often, and have learned a lot about the abilities of their digimon partners. They've learned about digivolution, and their digimon are able to digivolve to the ultimate level. Terriermon: David's partner. Terriermon is very couragous, and won't back down from a challenge no matter what. He is also very protective of David. Lopmon: Eric's partner. This Lopmon is a male. He is to Terriermon as Eric is to David: The two are twins, don't speak to each oher for the same reason as David and Eric, and have nearly identical personalities.
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