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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. David: Don't leave us out! BA, let's do it! BlackAgumon warp digivolve to: BlackWarGreymon David: I guess he still has enough energy to reach mega level. MagnaGarurumon(MG): It doesn't matter. You will not take the sphere I guard! David: You don't even know who your other opponent is. I'm not going to be left out, after all. MG: You? What can you do? David: I can do what she did. Excecute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->JagerLowemon JW: Let's do this.
  2. David: (Thinking) I didn't cheat! What's he thinking? (Out loud) I didn't cheat! You did! Shiro: Liar. David: It's obvious that you won't play fair, so I think it's time to blow this joint. We're out of here. (He grabs his backpack. Halo hides the two of them with her sphere and carries David off. She sets him down when they are well away) Damn it! I had her! (He reattaches the poles to the black sphere and folds them into the rectangular plate, which he puts in his backpack. He puts the Sphere of Darkness in his pocket again) That cheater! Damn it! Halo: Calm down. David: I had her! I would have won, damn it! (Halo took Celestine's sphere out) Where'd you get [i]that[/i]? Halo: That one you called Amber was holding it. I copied myself and took it unseen while you were fighting. I left them a duplicate of it. David: I guess that wasn't a total loss, then. We have two options now. We can either keep that sphere or use it as a barganing chip for the crystal. I say we keep it for now, which pretty much eliminates Celestine from the group for all practical purposes. We can trade it for the crystal later.
  3. David: I'm supprised that the chambers have been so close. We're here. (He points to another cave) Follow me. (They enter it, and emerge in another large chamber) Leigh: Who are we up against? David: Color is white. Opponent is MagnaGarurumon, and the data will be that of Baihumon. Let's do this.
  4. David: This isn't normal. This shouldn't be possible. Josh: It happened, so it must be. David: But it shouldn't be. Hold on. (As the Digimon attack AracArimon, David takes out his laptop) Leigh: What are you doing? David: I have a theroy. I think there's someone or something sending this creature energy. I'm attempting to locate it. Got it! Mia: What? David: An energy flow to AracArimon from over there. (He points to a large tree) Megdramon: I'll get it! Pyro Force!{OOC: I made up attacks for Megidramon because I don't like the names of the ones he was given, and I also can't find descriptions for them} [QUOTE]Pyro Force is a pair of red energy waves fired from Megidramon's hands[/QUOTE] (The tree is vaporized, and a creature falls to the ground) David: Who are you?
  5. That question was on page 1. This is page 23. As for the question at hand, I'm thinking Goldenrod.
  6. No, because you only gave it 2 hours. People haven't had much time to try it. I'm giving it a go, though. 1: Eevee (In Pokemon Yellow. In Red & Blue it was the starter yours was weak against). 2: He wanted the world's strongest Pokemon under his control. 3: No clue. 4: Red. 5: Nobody knows for sure, but in one episode (Clefairy Tales), it's implied that they came from outer space. 6: No clue. 7: I'm thinking Mew. 8: It dies. 9: 351. 10: In one episode, James was conned into buying a Magikarp because he was told it could make him rich.
  7. OOC: I was going to have an attack happen, but you beat me to it. ------------------------------- David: I do [i]not[/i] like this. Mia: You said it was just an ultimate. David: Because it is. Unfortunately, that's all I know. Also, this one is different. The data-combination thing is something I've never seen before. We could be facing a Digimon with powers around the mega level. Keade: Not good! David: I'm trying to figure out a way to do this. Leigh: Hurry up! David: Got it. Follow my lead. Hey, you big ugly bug! Over here, *****! Leigh: What [i]are[/i] you doing? David: Danger level style. It's risky, but I can't think of another option. Get the digimon ready. They need to jump in front of us when this thing attacks. (The humans keep insulting HyperKuwagumon, who eventually snaps and attacks. The Digimon jump in the way, and all begin to glow) Mia: What's happening? David: It's working! Guilmon warp digivolve to: Megidramon ShadowRenamon digivolve to: DarkHassenaimon Calicomon warp digivolve to: Symphanimon Salamon warp digivolve to: Magnadramon Gabumon warp digivolve to: MetalGarurumon BlabeGabumon warp digivolve to: MetalGaurumon{OOC: We'll call this one Blabe to avoid confusion} Patamon warp digivolve to: Seraphimon Lopmon warp digivolve to: Kerpymon{OOC: The vaccine version} (Terriermon didn't digivolve. Instead, Travis started glowing, too) Terriermon biomerge to: MegaGargomon David: And I didn't think that would actually work. The biomerge wasn't expected, but who cares? It happened, and now we have the advantage. ---------------------------- OOC: Some of you might think this is going a little too fast, but don't worry. I can think of a [i]lot[/i] to do to these people.
  8. David: It works like this: Only the four of us with spheres will be allowed to enter the chamber. There will be four different colored slots, one on each wall. Each sphere goes in the slot that matches it's color. When all four are inserted, a passageway will open up by each one. Go through the passage closest to your sphere. The test will be at the end. If you pass the test, you will receive the data. I don't know how to use the data, but that's supposed to be revealed to you after you pass your test.
  9. Thanks. I edited that into my sign-up post. BTW, Sakuramon, the Superior Hybrid form for that line is Beowolfmon, not MagnaGarurumon. For the attacks: Lobomon: Lobo Kendo. I think he has others, but I don't know them. KendoGarurumon: Lupine Laser, Howling Star. Beowolfmon: Beo Saber, Clensing Light, Frozen Hunter.
  10. David: Follow me. (He leads the others toward the next chamber. On the way, he decides to explain something) All right. I'll tell you this now. You'll probably need the time to prepare. Leigh: Tell us what? David: Those of us who have the spheres will each have to pass a test to calim the data of the Soverign our sphere represents. DOn't ask me how, but the tests are personallized. Also, they won't just be physical. Apparently there's a mental element involved, too. It's probably going to be something like faceing an event from the past that had a severe impact on you for that part, but I don't know. What I do know is that passing will get you the data. Failing, however, will kill you.
  11. (David and Celestine were locked in a feirce struggle. Celestine was very good with her sword, but David was prooving to be quite skilled with his poles. The two were very evenly matched. David has been focusing on Celestine's sword. He was obviously trying to do something to it, and he did. He managed to stick his pole under the curved blade, meaning that Celestine had to get it out to use her sword) David: You can't attack now! Celestine: I'll still win! David: I think not. (He pulls the pole loose, and immeadeatly thrusts his other pole into Celestine's stomach. She falls over) Just a little push, and you're out of the ring.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina Karusala [/i] [B]You can also be one of the real Hybrids, but that?s not too creative.[/B][/QUOTE] So what? I'm going to be one, anyways. Name: David Age: 16 Appearance: 5'10'', with short brown hair and brown eyes. He always wears shorts and a t-shirt. Bio: David's father died when he was ten. David has lived with his mother scince then. his mother hates public schools and can't afford to send David to a private school, so David is homeschooled. He can't bear to think about his father because he feels too much emotional pain when he does so. As a result, he immersed himself in computers, using them to escape the pain. At the age of 14, he recieved a strange E-Mail message that gave him directions to a deserted hotel. There, he found a written message that revealed that he was part Digimon, and he learned about the abilities of his Digimon forms. He instantly began studying the digital world in depth, and spends a good deal of time there. His mom knows, and has ajusted. Human Hybrid: Agunimon/Attacks: Pyro Punch, Pyro Darts, Pyro Tornado. Beast Hybrid: BurningGreymon/Attacks: Pyro Barrage, Wildfire Tsunami. Superior Hybrid: Aldamon/Attacks: Atomic Inferno, Solar Wind Destroyer.
  13. (David and Halo had been following the main group unseen) David: It looks like they've stopped. Halo: Obviously. David: They probably aren't suspecting anything. I say we strike now. Halo: We can't take them all. David: Don't worry. I have a plan. The one called Amber appears to be their leader. She's the target. Let's go. Hide us. (They walk over to the main group, Halo creating the illusion that there isn't anything where they are. They reach the group) Okay, reveal us. Amber: Who said that? (Halo drops the illusion) Shiro: You! David: Us. Amber: What do you and your compaion there want? David: Simple. I'm here to challenge you. Amber: Challenge? David: Yes. This group has something we need, and I want it back. Amber: It's not yours. You can't have it. David: All right, then. You and me, one-on-one. No Spheres, just whatever other weapon you have. If you don't have a weapon, I'll provide you with one. Amber: I can't accept your challenge. The crystal isn't mine. David: I know that. It belongs to... Celestine, isn't it? Celestine: How'd you know that? David: I was there when you got it. Celestine: Oh, yeah. David: Well, Celestine, I guess I'll challenge you then. You have a weapon? Celestine: Yes. David: Hand your sphere to someone else. (He takes off his backpack, removes his sphere from his pocket, and puts it in his backpack. Nobody sees him do that. He then takes the black shpere and rectangular plate device out. He pulls on two corners of the plate, which unfolds into a long pole with the black sphere in the middle, seperating it into two halves. He disconnects the two halves from the black sphere, giving him two shorter poles. He puts the sphere on his backpack, then picks up the poles, one in each hand) Halo, arena boundry, please. (Halo creates a large white circle on the ground) First one out of the ring loses. Ready? Celestine: I never agreed to this. David: I guess you're just a big wimp. Celestine: Am not! Halo: Are too. Celestine: Am not! David: Proove it. Celestine: Fine! (She puts her Sphere on the ground and draws her sword. Everyone else backs out of the ring) What do I get if I win? David: (He picks up the sphere on his backpack) You get this. Amber: Your Sphere? David: You won't be able to use it, but I can't use it if I don't have it. (He puts the sphere down) Celestine: Let's do this. -------------------- OOC: Everyone except Halo thinks that the black sphere on David's backpack is the Sphere of Darkness.
  14. Yami: And that was supposed to help us understand? David: I think I get it. Yami: How could you actually understand that? David: Because the same thing could have happened to me. She said that there were two of her. In a sense, there were two of me, two of Sahki, two of Rokas, and two of Darigann. The thing is, both were in the same body, one of them-the true one-being controlled by the other. I think Leigh was somehow able to resist the other her's control. she killed it when she shot herself, but she still survived. Of the rest of us, only Sahki resisted it with any success. The rest of us were basically controlled by it until it was taken away when the Chaos Masters were freed. Yami: I think I got that. David: Good. All right. Let's get moving.
  15. OOC: I didn't remember that part. ---------------------------- (David was leading everyone to one of the Equinox key chambers) David: I can only think of two options for fighting Milenniummon when the time comes. One is to use Equinox against him, but I don't like that option. Leigh: I don't, either. What's option two? David: Something. Something that is connected in some way to the Equinox key chambers. I'm hopeing for more information when we get there.
  16. Awesome story. WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. OOC: Only one partner. I said that already. Change the post so that Renamon is a Digimon Saffire met. Also, ask me before you introduce a major plot point. I can work with it, but ask next time. ----------------------------------- David: I do [i]not[/i] like this. Leigh: What? David: Hold on. (He takes out his laptop and brings up the translated writings from the chamber they just left) Something I saw in the writeing I dismissed, because it didn't seem relevant. Mia: What? David: Oh, ****. Oh, ****. Keade: What? David: The symbol I showed you? In the middle of the open space enclose by the symbol is where Equinox is. The six points are where the keys to unlock it are. The intersections of the star and circle are where the keys to unlock the power source are. And halfway between each of those is a chamber with one peice of a different key. One that unlocks a very nasty Digimon. I think that Digimon is behind this. The Harpymon mentioned probably located the six pieces to unlock it, and was given this new power as a reward. Leigh: Which Digimon is it? David: Milenniummon.
  18. (Magnadramon dissipates into data, leaving only a blue sphere. The Digimon return to their rookie forms, and JW and Zephyrmon become David and Leigh) David: Good job, everybody. Leigh: I think this one's mine. (She grabs the sphere, and a bright blue flash occurs) David: Well, Leigh, I think that confirms it. The sphee's yours. It represents the data of Azulongmon. Leigh: Did you just call me Leigh? David: Yes. I think I was being blocked from seeing the truth. It's the only reason I can think of for ignoring all of the evidence. I've accepted you surviving, even though I don't know how it's possible. I've seen a lot of impossible stuff in this world, after all.
  19. David: Oh, and about picking them off? Don't target that one who was held captive with me. Halo: Why not? David: He's my information source. Right after you cut me loose, I bugged him. A friend of mine supplied me with a few bugs, and I decided to use one. Let me check it. (Pause) They're headed for Angel's Pond. That crystal will assist in healing, so it could make it very hard to fight them. We can't let them get it.
  20. Magnadramon: You will not gain my sphere! Fire Tornado! (She spins around as fire surrounds her, knocking everyone off. She stops the attack) David: Not bad. Not bad at all. My turn. Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->JagerLowemon JW: Dark Master! (He hits Magnadramon right below the neck, causing her to scream in pain) Magnadramon: I can't allow you to win! JW: We never gave you a choice.
  21. 3. In Metroid Fusion, name the upgrades you get from Data Rooms in the order you get them.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]I'm only disturbed by the fact that you HIDE things too much: I want to know who Aidan is!:bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] I know I know I know I know! At least, I have a pretty good guess. Solo, do you mind if I post what I think (i'll use spoiler tags, of course)?
  23. And i thought this couldn't possibly get any better. This is excellent!
  24. i must say that it looks great. A couple questions, though. First, who is that woman? You know, the "bad guy" in the film. Second, when will it come out? By that I mean what day, or even what month.
  25. (Archie ran as fast as he could toward the crater, determined to stop Team Magma. He was getting close when Chaos stepped out from behind a rock and into his path, forcing him to stop) Archie: Out of my way. Chaos: Well, well, well. If it isn't Archie, leader of Team Magma. It sucks to see you again. Archie: Shut up, Chaos. I can't allow Team Magma's plan to succeed. Chaos: You don't have a choice. Go, Pidgeot! Archie: Go, Swampert! (Both Pokemon appear) Chaos: Let's do this.
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