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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (The Dark army had been met by a large number of reinforcements. With them had come new orders. Those orders are being revealed by the army's generals. A Thousand Eyes Restrict(TER) is breifing the group BSkull is in) TER: Listen up! We are on our way to the Fire realm! Our spies there have seen a group of creatures carrying the Exodia peice lost earlier! They are going to make sure the group doesn't escape before we can arrive! When there, we will claim the Exodia peice from them, and then claim the one from that realm! Move out!
  2. OOC: Start near our groop, and meet us as we exit the chamber. ----------------------------------------- David: Well, that wall right there should help. (Everyone looks where David points. The wall is a huge map of the digital world) Leigh: It's a map! David: And look. Below it. Twelve sets of coordinates. Let's see here. (He takes out his laptop and calls up a map of the Digital world. He marks the sets of coordinates) Interesting. Mia: What? David: Watch this. (He pushes a few buttons, and the points become connected by lines. The lines form a symbol: A six-poined star with a circle set on it so that the circle intersects the star at every intersection of lines that is not a point of the star) The points form a symbol when connected. the same symbol on the floor and ceiling of this chamber.
  3. OOC: Baihumon confirmed, Gotenks. Ebonwumon is now the only one still open. --------------------------------------- David: You can stop with the hints already. I get it. You're alive. Yeesh. Anyways, color is blue. That means the guardian is Magnadramon and the sphere is Azulongmon's. Get ready. (Magnadramon appears) Magnadramon: I know what you've done, and why you are here. You must return the sphere now. David: I'm sorry, but we need it. Magnadramon: I can't accept that. Dragon Fire! (Magnadramon's attack is shot at David) Zephyrmon: David! No! BA: David! (He jumps between David and the attack. Suddenly, he begins to glow) What? David: BA! BlackAgumon warp digivolve to: BlackWarGreymon(BWG) (BWG takes the attack eaisily) David: Woah.
  4. Varia Suit: Sunchamber: Defeat Flaggra(Probably spelled wrong) Gravity Suit: Gravity Chamber: Navigate up cliff underwater Phazon Suit: Elite Quarters: Defeat Omega Pirate In Metroid Fusion, name the sectors the different suits are found in, and which boss you must fight to aquire each one.
  5. OOC: Blanko has taken Azulongmon. ------------------------ David: She's right. It's very close. (Pause) We have incomming! Yami: What? David: Diaboromon is headed our way. Sahki: What do we do? David: We need to find someplace to hide. (He looks at his digivice) That cave is where the sphere is. Let's move!
  6. I think it's in world two, on the second map screen. Get a hammer and use it at the top-right corner. you''ll reveal a path, and a new map screen. The whistle is found on that screen. Am I right?
  7. David: I screwed up, okay? But that's done. What's past is past. Let's get down to business. I was going to go after the Darkness Crystal next, because it's the only one I can get any use out of. However, I don't want these people to get too many crystals. We'll need to fight them eventually, so the easier the fight, the better. And the more crystals they have, the harder the fight is. So I think we should track them and get the crystals they're after, in the order they try for them. That way, they won't get any more of them.
  8. OOC: Okay, the group still has three spheres to find. Tell me which Sovereign's data you want. The data will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. If any Soveriegn's data is unclaimed, I'll assign it. Tell me if you don't want a Soverign's data. ------------------------------------ David: I actually think that the flash indicates that the correct person has grabbed it, but I'm not sure. Sahki: Whatever. Where's the next chamber? David: Let's see. (He looks at his digivice, which indicates the correct direction) This way. Follow me.
  9. (Halo carries David over the hill, David using his sphere to conceal them untill they are well away. Halo puts David down) David: Thanks. Halo: What were you donig?! David: I have a bad habbit of talking to myself. Normally it's next to impossible to hear it even if you're right next to me, but I was standing the cave where I found the Dirt Crystal, and I was holding that crystal. I think that has something to do with it. Unfortunately, they took the crystal, and my map unit. Halo: I took the map. They won't know it's gone. (She gives the map unit to David) I didn't know they had a crystal. David: We'll get it back.
  10. (David wathed te disagreement from inside the cave) David: (To himself) Very amusing. I hope Halo is seeing this. It's the perfect time to strike. But I can't risk loseing the crystal. I need to find another one. (He pulls out his map unit) (Still to himself) Let's see here. Which ones are close? We've got one that way, one over there, and that one right there, in the ruins of Dark City. I'll go for that one, because I can actually use its effect.
  11. (David had managed to enter the cave, and he walked through a tunnel until he entered a large chamber with the crystal) David: Okay. Location is Rocky Mountain, so this is the Dirt Crystal. No use to me, but it's one of the keys that Halo and I need. And the guardian is busy with those morons out there, so I can just take it. (He takes the crystal and heads back out)
  12. (Archie, Saku, and Seion ran toward the volcano's crater. Suddenly, two Team Magma members step in front of them: Leigh and Kazumaki) Kazumaki: Stop right there. Leigh: We cannot allow you to jepordize our operation. Archie: I cannot allow your operation to succeed. Kazumaki: We won't let you pass. Archie: Saku, Seion, take them. I'll stop Maxie. Saku & Seion: Yes, sir! (Saku and seion take battle positions against Leigh and Kazumaki s Archie continues to run toward the crater)
  13. (Before David left, he had downloaded a program into his map device. The program was designed to determine the locations of the crystals. David had the map device out and was using it to find them) David: All right. Let's see here. It appears to be in some sort of cave, probably heavily guarded. No matter. I can take whatever guards it. But first I need to get there. (He reaches the top of the hill and stops. He sees the main group battleing a large creature by a cave entrance) Perfect. They'll keep the guard busy while I grab the crystal. (He begins to make his way to the cave without being seen) OOC: I'm guessing this will be one of the crystals found on mountains.
  14. (After the Exodia slab had been taken through the Typhoon, the Dark forces had fallen back. BSkull had gone with them, pretending to be one of the warriors that survived. He had been gone for a few months, but he felt he still knew his way around the Dark realm, which is where they were heading) BSkull: (To himself) If I can find out what the next target is, I can try and find people to defend it. I just hope I can find someone who will believe me.
  15. David: All right. Load... run program... show results... translate. Got it! Leigh: Got what? David: I'm reading the information. It appears to be a manual of some kind. I think it's for Equinox. It has a lot of stuff we don't need, seeing as how we want to destroy Equinox. Wait. Here's something. Keade: What? David: Equinox is a mobile weapon. It's extreamly dangerous. However, it needs a specail power source. It's hidden with the Equinox device, but requires a seperate key to enter. that's good. It means that we have an advantage. We only need one key. The enemy needs both.
  16. JL: I'll finish him. Dark Master! (JL's attack hits Phenoixmon right in the head. He dissipates into data, leaveing only a red sphere. GranKuwagumon de-digivolves to Wormmon, and JL and Zephyrmon become David and Leigh again) David: that sphere is what we're here for. Leigh: What's it for? David: It is one of four spheres needed to unlock the data of four very powerful Digimon: Azulongmon, Baihumon, Ebonwumon, and Zhuqiaomon. One of us will take each sphere. Once we have all four, we place them in the proper location. the holder of each sphere will recieve the data of the Digimon it represents. Yami: Can you tell which Digimon each sphere represents? David: Yes. The red color means that this sphere unlocks Zhuqaiomon's data. Darigann: Who gets it? David: I feel... like I should take it. Like I was meant to take it. I don't understand why, but I think I should take it. (He picks up the sphere, and a bright red flash occurs) That was unexpected.
  17. (david watches Halo fly away) David: And I thought you wore that outfit because you were horribly disfigured. But you're not even human. What are you, Halo? Well, I guess I'd better get to work. (He walks into his storage area and grabs a backpack from the wall. He grabs various items and puts them in) Laptop: Check. Map device: Check. Various cables: Check. Extra batteries: Check. (The last thing he puts in is an object that looks like a black sphere surrounded by a rectangular plate about an inch thick) Thing that I still don't have a name for: Check. He puts his hand in his pocket to make sure that the Sphere of Darkness is in it) Sphere of Darkness: Check. I'm ready. Time to go.
  18. OOC: Yes, you're in. ---------------------- (David leads the group down into the chamber) Mia: I can't see a thing in here! Amber: Are there lights in here? Keade: Don't be stupid. Of course there aren't. (The room lights up) Amber: You were saying? Keade: What? Mia: Where's the light coming from? David: Look down. (Everyone looks down and sees that the floor is glowing) Mia: Oh. David: Look at the walls. The ancient writing is all over them. Leigh: Can you understand this stuff? David: Not yet. I have to scan it, download the data into my laptop, and run the text through my translator program. I should probably get to work.
  19. JL: You showed up just in time. This guy's tough. He's stronger than an ordinary Phenoixmon, and he was winning. i think we can win with all of us fighting, though. Zephyrmon: Then let's stop talking and get on with it. Phenoixmon: i can't allow you to have the data! JL: i don't recall giving you a choice. phenoixmon: You will not have it! JL: just try and stop us.
  20. (The digimon all returned to their Rookie forms. David went back to his laptop) David: All right. All four signatures are gone. i'm reading a reaction nearby. Let's see here... thought so. Amber: What? David: An entrance to the chamber just opened. we need any information on Equinox, and I think there's some in there. Mia: Then what are we waiting for?
  21. (BSkull had watchd everything. He had been content to remain watching, but they he saw a Giant Soldier of Stone emerge with an Exodia peice. As he watched, more monsters showed up to defend it. then, BSkull saw it. A group of Relinquished moving toward the Exodia peice. he knew what those Relinquished could do, and decided that it was time to enter the fight. He positioned himself behind the Relinquished. He was easily visible, but none of the Dark forced paid any attention to him, as there were Black Skull Dragons with the attack force. He was virtually ignored untill he made his move) BSkull: Hey, you Relinquished! Watch out! Relinquished 1: Why? BSkull: Turn around. Relinquished 2: Why? BSkull: Too late. (He activates Raigeki, destroying three Relinquished. He then falls back and loses himself among the Dark forces, looking for another target)
  22. (The location: Mount Chimney. The reason: Team Magma had stolen a Meteorite from the Meteor Falls south of Fallarbor (I think). They planned to use it to force Mt. Chimney to eurupt, spewing lava into the ocean where it would solidify and form new land. The mission: Stop Team Magma. Team Aqua leader Archie had taken his best people with him, determined to stop Team Magma no matter what. As the transport lands, they all unload. Most of the grunts immeadeately engage Team Magma's forces while Archie took Saku and Sion with him to stop Magma leader Maxie from useing the Meteorite)
  23. (As David led Halo back the way he came, he explained) David: Those people we saw earlier are obviously here to find the crystals. They might not know that yet, but that's their job. We can't let that happen. We have a few options. First, we can always take the head-on approach and confront them. However, they seem to be tougher than I anticipated, and we might not get all of them. There's always the turn them against each other approach, but i don't have any clue about how to do that right now. then there's the misdirection approach: give them incorrect directions. of course, they might not believe us. I think the best option is the multiple target method: Create false locations for the crystals. They won't know which ones are real, but we will. Halo: You mean illusions? David: Yes. Illusions, and in some cases actuall caves that we make look like good hiding places for the crystals. we find the crystals while those kids are busy trying to figure out what's real.
  24. OOC: It's fine. -------------------------- David: Here it comes. Everyone, get ready. And Mia, try to keep your partner under control, please. (SkullGreymon appears) Here we go. First priority: Don't get hit. David& Leigh: Digi-modify! Hyper speed activate! David: Growlmon, distract him. (Growlmon runs towards SkullGreymon. when SkullGreymon tries to hit him, he begins to literally run circles around SkullGreymon) Amber: Clever. Mia: Prepare to attack. David: Not yet. Not yet... (Growlmon stops, and SkullGreymon turns to face him, leaving his back to the others) Aim for the thing on it's back! attack now!
  25. JL: Ebony Blast! (Phenoixmon dodges the attack, leaving another indent on the wall) Phenoixmon: Haven't you learned that that won't work? JL: Probably not. Phenoixmon: Then it's time for you to learn. JL: Ebony Blast! (This time, Phenoixmon is hit by the attack. He's knocked backwards, and is clear that the attack did some damage. Unfortunately, it didn't do as much as it should have) What? That should have done more. Phenoixmon: Did you really think that ordinary-strength Digimon would be guarding the data? i'm tougher than other Phenoixmon. JL: I guess you have a point there. I'll just have to get serious, then. Dark Master! (Phenoixmon almost dodges the attack, but is unable to fully avoid it. He is hit on the wing, which causes him to crash into the ground) Not so tough now, are you?
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