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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(David was watching the people as they woke up. He saw the giant snake, and almost immeadeatly recognised it as the work of Halo. He was the only one other than Halo herself who had ever been able to tell what she created apart from everything else) David: (To himself) Halo's here, obviously. And that means that she probably knows what those people down there are here for. Which implies that she got my message. Good. But she's underestimating them. Either that, or she's counting on me to provide backup. That snake of hers is certainly unexpected by them, but it won't be enough to get rid of them on it's own, I don't think. Not all of them, at least. I think I'll panic them a little. Lights out. (He focuses his energy through his sphere, the Sphere of Darkness. The area where the nine are is quite suddenly covered in black mist, which blocked all light from entering the area) Let's see how they deal with that.
Sign Up Elemental Spheres(only 10 Places Hurry!!)
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Sakura's topic in Theater
I'm in as a bad guy. Name: David Age: 16 Sphere: Darkness Weapon: Not sure. Can anyone give me ideas? Discription: 5'10'' tall with short, brown hair and brown eyes. The only unique thing about his appearance is that he never wears anything but shorts and a T-shirt(He just doesn't get cold). Bio: His parents couldn't support him, so the put him in an orphanage and never came back. He grew up in the orphanage, and wasn't adopted until he was 13. His adoptive father was arrested soon after, and his adoptive mother is on parole. He immersed himself in the world of computers to escape the pain. As a result, he's an expert with electronic devices. However, he doesn't feel many emotions. He's a very cold person, and he doesn't remember ever being any other way. He met a strange person once, and he learned from that person how to use the darkness within himself as a force, a weapon, and a tool. -
(BSkull had managed to keep hidden as he watched and listened) BSkull: (To himself) So, the Angel of Silence has appeared. Interesting. And that Faith thinks it's an omen. I've never heard that before. But she's right, it's nothing good. If Dark monsters are this far from home, it can only mean one thing: They've stoped thinking about hunting for the Exodia peices and started to actually look for them. I need to show myself to this group. They need to know that. ButI'll wait a litle longer and see what else I can learn.
Sign Up Pokemon: The conflicts of Team magma and Team aqua
GuyYouMetOnline replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
I've PMed the beginner, so hopefully this will start soon. I think the user just forgot about it. -
Red: Plasma Beam White: Ice Beam Yellow: Power Beam Purple: Wave Beam Name the bosses you fight in Metroid Prime (only the ones with health meters), the order in which you fight them, and the prize for beating each one. Bonus: Name the room each boss is in. (Hint: Check your map)
David: We're about to be attacked b a SkullGreymon. with all four of our Digimon fighting, we should be fine. However, I wouldn't let your guard down if I were you. We don't know what's going to happen, and don't forget, this is no ordinary Digimon. Keade: What do you mean by that? David: This is a test of some sort, I believe. We're trying to gain entrance to an underground chamber that might contain information on something called Equinox. We need that information, and we're trying to get it. We'll have to fight first, so get ready.
(David was leading the others. He had his digivice out, and had downloaded the program used to find the direction the chambers were in into it) David: It's here somewhere. Yami: There's a cave of some sort over there. (He points to it) Is it in the right direction? David: Yes. Let's check it out. (They enter the cave. After walking through a tunnel, they emerge in an extreamly large cavern with a very large tunnel entrance at the other end) Here we are. It's guarded, so keep an eye out. We'll need to defeat the guard to get what's here. Rokas: Who's the guard? David: It depends. I don't know which chamber this is. (A red glow appears in the large tunnel) Never mind. The color tells me all I need to know. Yami: Which is? David: The guard is Phenoixmon, a mega-level bird Digimon. Fortunately, I'm pretty tough, too. (Phenoixmon enters the chamber) Phenoixmon: Why are you here? David: We are here for what this chamber contains. Phenoixmon: I can not let you take it. David: Thought so. Very well, then. We'll fight for it. Excecute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->JagerLowemon Phenoixmon: What?! JL: Didn't expect this, did you? Phenoixmon: It doesn't matter. I can't allow you to have what I guard. JL: I know. I have to fight you for it. Very well, then. Let's do it.
David: Okay, let's see here. The second energy signature has dissapeared. What the heck? the third one dissapeared, too! Mia: I thought that that only happened when we passed a test. David: It's back. Wait. It's gone again. Now it's back. I do [i]not[/i] like this. Leigh: What's happening? David: I'm trying to figure that out. Wait. The signature just combined with the fourth one. The new signature is out, and it's forming something... we have a major problem. Mia: What? David: The Digimon formed is SkullGreymon, a strong Ultimate. Working togeather, Maildramon and Growlmon could beat it, but I don't think we can risk another whatever that was right now. I'm going to have to try it. Growlmon, I need you to try a digivolution. I don't think we have another option. We're about to have company.
David: But we can't worry about that now. This is kind of a dangerous situation we're in right now. We need to hurry and get to those chambers. Yami: Let's go, then. David: There's one small problem. Rokas: What? David: I don't know the exact locations of these chambers, so I can't open portals to them. All I can tell is which way to go. Darigann: Well, it's better than nothing. Let's move.
David: This is [i]not[/i] good. Mia, do something! Mia: I can't. We We have to wait for this to end. David: We can't wait much longer! I don't think Growlmon can last for too much longer! Mia: there has to be something we can do! David: I can try digivolving Growlmon again. Mia: But last time you tried that, he reverted to his in-training form! He wasn't ready! David: I can't think of any other options.
It's not like I'm the first to do so. Besides, it's like I said before. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Takuya [/i] [B]Note: For those of you who object to me having HerculeseKabuterimon digivolve: Not having him digivolve would change nothing. Digimon can change form without digivolving under the right surcmstances. This happened in S1. When enough Black Gears entered Leomon, he changed without digivolving. The same thing happened to Devimon, but he also used Ogermon to increase his power. I just find a digivolution eaisier to work with, so I used one. [/B][/QUOTE] I could have done the exact same thing without using a fanmade. A few minor changes and he's still be HerculeseKabuterimon. Not having him digivolve would change nothing. I just find a digivolution easier to work with. If there are more objections, I'll change it so that he doesn't digivolve, but that will change nothing except a few words.
David: I'm still not convinced, but whatever. Go if you want. just come back as soon as you can. I don't know why, but I have this feeling that you have a role to play in what's to come. (Leigh leaves, and David looks at her digivice) Weird. Sahki: What's weird? David: I'm getting an odd feeling from this digivice. I can't explain it. It's like... (Pause) What the hell was that? Yami: What? David: I saw me. Me and Leigh, just after our mother died. (Pause) What the hell is going on here? I just saw something else. Leigh and I, right before she shot herself. (Pause) Okay, I am now offically freaked out. Darigann: Now what? David: Another vision. This one of what just happened, except with one differance. I didn't see her as some person, but as Leigh. Like she was actually still alive. Sahki: I've told you, David. I think she is. David: You know what? I can't think of any other explination.
I think everyone likes Pyrophobic's Devamon picture. I think we should use it. Here's my next part. There's a lot I felt I needed to explain, so I've inserted notes throughout it. I might have missed something, so tell me if you think I did. EDIT: I thought of something I missed. I put it at the bottom, so read it when you're done reading this story segment. --------------------------------- They were still in Hive territory, and still looking for the Devas. They hadn't encountered any Digimon since that first attack, and Yamaki was worried. "I don't like this," he said. "Didn't those bugs say that their leader wanted us? Why haven't they tried again?" "Henry beat them pretty badly," Rika replied, "but they all survived. They probably told their boss that they couldn't do anything against us, and so nobody else has been sent." Just then, a faint buzzing noise was heard. They stopped and listened. It was getting louder. "Whatever it is, it's heading this way," Tally said. "What is it?" Rika wondered. "Big trouble," Jeri said. The others all turned to face her as she told them what was coming. "The Hive Lord, HerculeseKabuterimon, is coming our way," she explained. "He probably decided to come to us when he learned about what Henry and Terriermon did. I believe that he has hostile intentions." "One Mega should be no problem," Kazu said confidently. But Jeri soon shattered that confidence. "I don't think so," she said. "HerculeseKabuterimon has loaded a ton of data durring his reign as Hive Lord. He is much, much stronger then he origionally was. I'd say that his current strength is about four times what it was when he first reached Mega level." Everyone had seperate reactions, but they all involved four-letter words, none of which Suzie knew, and all of which were not appropriate for someone her age. Only Jeri didn't have an outburst. She simply turned to Henry and said, "Please, Henry. Please." Unfortunately, Henry wasn't willing to comply. "I won't do it. I can't do it." HerculeseKabuterimon was determined to stop the intruders before they did anything. He was flying toward them as fast as he could. Every Digimon of the Hive that heard him coming made sure they looked busy, as they didn't want to make him mad. None of the Digimon of the Hive wanted to make him mad, because he was very violent when he was angry. They simply let him pass, then went bact to whatever they had been doing before he came. HerculeseKabuterimon wasn't paying any attention to them this time, however. All he cared about was destroying the intruders. And he was confident in his ability to do the job. After all, he had loaded a lot of data and increased his strength. He was sure that he could destroy the intruders. And he was determined to do just that. "It's getting louder," Takato said. "He's getting closer." "Brilliand deduction, Sherlock," Rika responded. She then turned back to Henry. "Come on, Henry. Do it." But Henry wan't going to change his mind. "I won't do it," he said. "I can't take the risk." They didn't have time to try and convince him, because HerculeseKabuterimon arrived. He landed in front of them, and wasted no time in getting down to business. "YOU ARE TRESPASSING ON HIVE TERRITORY!" he boomed. "LEAVE NOW, OR I WILL BE FORCED TO DESTROY YOU!" "We're just passing through," Jeri said. "We don't mean any harm." "LIAR!!!! YOU HAVE ALREADY DESTROYED A LARGE HIVE FORCE!" "They attacked us," Jeri responded. "We had no choice but to defend ourselves. Besides, nobody was destroyed." "THEY ONLY ATTACKED WHEN YOU RESISTED! THEY WERE COMMANDED TO BRING YOU TO ME, BUT YOU RESISTED! THEY HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO USE FORCE! LEAVE NOW, OR I'LL BE FORCED TO DO THE SAME!" "We need to pass through," Jeri told him. "We won't hurt anything, but we don't have time to turn back." "YOU WERE WARNED!" HerculeseKabuterimon thundered. "NOW YOU WILL BE DESTROYED!" But the Tamers weren't going down without a fight. The Digimon, except for Devidramon, Lucemon, and the megas all digivolved using various methods. Guilmon biomerge to: Gallantmon Terriermon biomerge to: MegaGargomon Renamon biomerge to: Sakuyamon Lopmon biomerge to: Kerpymon Ranamon matrix digivolve to: Calmarimon Gazimon digivolve to: Garurumon "IMPRESSIVE," HerculeseKabuterimon said, "BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH. MEGA ELECTRO SHOCKER!" He fired a very large energy blast at the Digimon. Several managed to dodge the attack, but Gallantmon, MegaGargomon, and Kerpymon were all hit. All three were sent flying backwards through numerous trees before hitting the ground. "Ouch!," Kazu said. "That must have hurt." "No kidding," Kenta responded. "MarineAngemon, attack!" MarineAngemon and Pearl flew in and launched their attacks. Unfortunately, they didn't do much. HerculeseKabuterimon responded by flying up, grabing them, and throwing them to the ground. By this time Gallantmon, MegaGargomon, and Kerpymon had recovered. "Gargo Missiles!" "Lightning Spear!" "Sheild of the Just!" All three attacks converged and struck herculeseKabuterimon as one. The blast knocked him back a little bit, but didn't do anything else. "Man!" Kazu exclaimed. "What does it take to beat this guy?" "Attack him togeather!" Jeri shouted. "Everyone hit him at the same time!" "Right," Gallantmon replied. "Sheild of the Just!" "Gargo Missiles!" "Amythist Mandala!" "Lightning Spear!" "Atomic Ray!" "Kahuna Waves!" "Kahuna Waves!" "Grand Cross!" "Acid Ink!" "Crimson Claw!" "Howling Blaster!" All 11 attacks converged and struck as one. HerculeseKabuterimon was slammed backwards by the force of the attack. "Yes!" Kazu shouted. "We got him!" But when the smoke cleared, he was still there. In fact, it didn't look like he'd been hit at all. "What?" Kazu exclaimed. "That should have finished him!" Kenta was also shocked. "Jeri, I thought you said he was only four times as strong as he was. That should have finished him!" "IF WHAT YOU WERE TOLD WAS TRUE, IT WOULD HAVE," HerculeseKabuterimon replied. "BUT I'M MUCH STRONGER THAN THAT! I WAS CONCEALING MY TRUE STRENGTH BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW IF YOU COULD SENSE IT, AND I WANTED YOU TO BE UNPREPARED FOR IT. I'M ACTUALLY MORE THAN 12 TIMES STRONGER THAN I WAS. MUCH MORE." (Note: I mentioned that he killed anyone who made him mad. What I didn't say is that he has a short fuse, and is angry more often than not) "It's true," Jeri said. "I can feel it." "YES, IT IS. BUT I HAVE MUCH MORE POWER THAN THAT!" "That's true, too," Jeri said, horrified. "He's becoming stronger. He's transferring energy from somewhere else. I think that's how he hid his true strength. "CORRECT. I'M ACTUALLY 30 TIMES AS STRONG AS I WAS. THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME. NOTHING!" Milenniummon was pleased. His plan to destroy the Tamers was working perfectly. Since his prison was weakening, he could do more. Soon, he would be free. But until then, he'd have others do his dirty work. He began the next phase of his plan to destroy the Tamers. The other-dimensional energy he was surrounded by had no effect on most types of Digimon, but it did affect insects. An insect Digimon given even a tiny amount would become unbelievably stronger. Milenniummon was going to infuse HerculeseKabuterimon with as much of it as he could possibly send. He would only be able to send a certain amount, but it would be more than enough for his plan. The power increase would be enourmus, but temporary, and not without a price. He would only be able to hold the energy steady for a couple of minutes before it dissapeared, but that would be all he needed. Also, some of his personality would be transferred, in order to make sure that HerculeseKabuterimon wouldn't back down, no matter what. HerculeseKabuterimonstood still as the Digimon attacked. Nothing they did had any effect. "FOOLS!" HerculeseKabuterimon exclaimed. "YOU CAN'T HURT ME! YOUR ATTEMTS TO DESTROY ME ARE PITIFUL! GIVE UP NOW!" "He's at 20 times normal strength," Jeri reported. '25. 30. What? He's still getting stronger! HerculeseKabuterimon was confused, too. "I HAVE NEVER FELT SO MUCH POWER! I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM, BUT IT'S A MASSIVE AMOUNT! NOTHING CAN STAND UP TO ME! NOTHING!" (Note: The massive power increase, as already stated, is temporary. The price for the amount of power increase HerculeseKabuterimon is recieving is greate than the benefit, which is the only reason I chose this plot line over the other ideas I had) Jeri shook with fear as she reported on his power. "He's at 50 times normal. 60. 70. 80. 90. My god! He's at 100 times normal strength!" "Oh, ****!" Kazu swore. "INCREDIBLE! NOW NOBODY CAN STOP ME! NOBODY!" "Henry!" Jeri shouted. "Do it, Henry! DO IT!!!!" "/I can't,\" Henry replied from inside MegaGargomon. "/I can't take that risk!\" "Damn it, Henry, do it!" Henry was shocked. He'd never heard Jeri swear before. "If you don't, he'll blow us all to hell! **** the risk! Do it!" "Holy ****!" Kazu said, amazed at Jeri's new attitude. Henry was equally shocked. "/Woah! That's not the Jeri I knew! You've changed.\" "And you haven't," Jeri said. "I thought you had, but you haven't. You aren't willing to fight, even if the fate od the world depends on you. But you have to fight. Everyone but you sees that. Why can't you see it? Why don't you realize that you have to? Why?" Why do I refuse, Henry thought. Why do I refuse to fight? I know I can control it, but I still refuse. Why? Why couldn't I see that I had no choice? I will do it. I must. HerculeseKabuterimon watched the exchange with amusment, not even noticing the attacks that were constantly hitting him, and astonished at his still-increasing power, now over 1000 times normal. But he was becoming bored. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" he bellowed. "I'LL KILL YOU NOW, AND THEN MOVE ON! I DON'T HAVE TO BE CONTENT WITH BEING HIVE LORD ANYMORE! I CAN RULE THE ENTIRE DIGITAL WORLD IF I WANT TO. WITH MY POWER, NO ONE CAN STOP ME!" "Henry, please!" Jeri pleaded. "Do it!" "We will," MegaGargomon said. "We will." "NO, YOU WON'T!" HerculeseKabuterimon shouted. "MEGA ELECTRO SHOCKER!" The blast he launched was massive. Fortunately, Kazu, Kenta, Jeri, Yamaki, Riely, and Tally were protected from harm by the Digimon. Unfortunately, the Digimon had no such protection. HerculeseKabuterimon's attack not only returned every Digimon that had digivolved durring the battle to their normal forms, but it obliterated the entire forest as well. "SEE? YOU CAN'T WIN! NOBODY CAN HOPE TO WITHSTAND EVEN ONE ATTACK FROM ME! AND I'M STILL BECOMING STRONGER! I DON'T KNOW HOW, BUT I DON'T THINK IT WILL EVER STOP! I CAN DO ANYTHING NOW, AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME!" "My god!" Jeri exclaimed. "He's over 100,000 times as strong as normal! And the speed he's becoming stronger at is increasing!" "What can we do?!" Henry exclaimed. "What can anyone do?" "Terriermon still has Juggernaut," Jeri said. "He might still be able to use it. We have to try." "Do it, Terriermon," Henry said. Terriermon stepped forward. He didn't strike right away, because he needed to gather power. He knew that he had to charge up Juggernaut in order to defeat HerculeseKabuterimon. HerculeseKabuterimon laughed. "YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME? I NOW HAVE OVER 10,000,000 TIMES THE POWER I ONCE HAD, AND I'M STILL GETTING MORE!" As soon as he had said that, he began to glow. "He's digivolving!" Jeri exclaimed in shoch and horror. "HERCULESEKABUTERIMON DIGIVOLVE TO...." .HerculeseKabuterimon transformed. He grew to about three times his previous size. The plateing he had became much thicker. He became black. He became much stronger and more muscular. "SUPREMEKABUTERIMON!" (Note: Yes, SupremeKabuterimon is a Digimon I made up. As a digivolved form, he has the same personallity as his previous form. The new form is used more as an indicator of his new power than anything else. The only other time I use him, he'll have a closer to standard power level. And he is a mega-level Digimon. Megas digivolve into stronger Megas(ex. Gallantmon to Gallantmon Crimson Mode. Both are megas)) Perfect, Milenniummon thought as he halted the energy transfer. SupremeKabuterimon is over 100,000,000 times as strong as HerculeseKabuterimon origionally was right now. The Tamers won't be able to hurt him. Milenniummon knew about Juggernaut. In fact, it was part of his plan. He knew that Juggernaut would be used to defeat SupremeKabuterimon, and he wouldn't do anything to stop it. In fact, he had it as part of his plan. He also knew two things aboiut the energy that SupremeKabuterimon didn't. One was that the energy couldn't be sustained for more than a couple of minutes. The other was that when the volume of energy that SupremeKabuterimon currently contained became unsustainible, it would be leathal to him. He would be destroyed by it. Every insect in the Hive knew that something was wrong when the forest was destroyed, and they were all flying to the battle site. When SupremeKabuterimon appeared, they all felt the dark energy within him, and they all attacked. The Tamers watched as SupremeKabuterimon obliterated every insect Digimon that appeared. "ELECTRO SPIN!" He became surrounded by electric energy as he spun rapidly. He collided with many insects as he spun, and every one he hit was destroyed. He stopped spinning and used a different attack. "ELECTRON SHOCKWAVE!" He spread his arms as he launched a massive electric wave at a swarm of insects, destroying every one. "ELECTRO BURST!" He held up an arm and fired an enormous electric energy blast. Every insect hit was obliterated. "ELECTRON PULSE!" He launched a rapid-fire stream of electric waves as he moved his hand. Again, every insect hit was destroyed. He destroyed insect swarm after insect swarm, but more kept coming. At one point, he stopped attacking and waited until a huge insect swarm accumilated. Every insect digimon used its strongest attack at the same time. But SupremeKabuterimon just raised his arm above his head. "ELECTRON SHIELD!" An electric barrier formed around him. He knew he didn't need to protect himself-he wouldn't even have been able to feel the blast-but he wantet to try out his shield ability. After the attacks hit the shield-doing nothing, of course-SupremeKabuterimon dropped it and used his last and most powerful attack. "SUPREME ELECTRO DESTROYER!" He held out his arm, and massive lightning bolts shot out from his hand. Every insect Digimon was hit, and every one was instantly obliterated. SupremeKabuterimon loaded all of the data. "INCREDIBLE! NOT EVEN THE MIGHTEY SOVERIGN COULD HOPE TO SURVIVE ONE HIT FROM ME! THE ENTIRE DIGITAL WORLD WIL BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!" SupremeKabuterimon turned back toward the Tamers. They had made him angry, and he would destroy them for it. But he got a suprise. When he faced them, Terriermon was glowing. Sparks were flying from him. The Tamers had all backed away, and it wasn't hard to see why. The sparks exploded when they touched anything. Some landed on Terriermon, but he appeared to be immune to the effects of the explosions. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" SupremeKabuterimon thundered. "TELL ME NOW!" "Why don't I show you instead," Terriermon replied. The sparks stopped appearing, and Terriermon's glow intensified. "Juggernaut Force!" Terriermon stopped glowing, and an immense storm of the Juggernaut energy flew from Terriermon to SupremeKabuterimon in the form of lightning bolts. SupremeKabuterimon was invelopped in the energy, which surrounded him before it dissapeared. When it did, a Pabumon was all that remained of the former Hive Lord. Terriermon managed to walk bact to Henry before he fainted. Jeri saw henry's facw and said, "Don't worry, Henry. He'll be fine. He just has to rest. He used a lot of energy to do what he just did." Pabumon stared in disgust as the Tamers walked away. He couldn't understand how he was defeated. He was about to follow and try and find out when a screen-like view of another dimension appeared in front of him. A Digimon was visible through it. "Who... who are you?" Pabumon asked. "I am Milenniummon," the Digimon replied. "I am the one who increased your power,but I didn't know about the ability that the Terriermon had. I can give you the power I did before, but you must destroy the Tamers for me first. I will give you enough power to do so, and the rest when you do it. The Terriermon is weak now, so it can't use the ability on you. Do you accept?" Pabumon was ecstatic. He could have all that power again! "Of course I accept! I'll do it!" "Good. I now give you the power you need." A stream of digital energy-the data from some of Milenniummon's former underlings-flowed into Pabumon. He glowed, then digivolved until he was once again SupremeKabuterimon. The power increase over the previous form's power was normal for a digivolution, but still very large. "I will go now," SupremeKabuterimon said. The dimensional veiw dissapeared, and SupremeKabuterimon flew off after the Tamers. Excellent, Milenniummon thought. [i]He doesn't even suspect that once he's done, I'll withdraw the energy I just gave him and leave him as a Pabumon. He'll destroy the Tamers, and I'll be unopposed when I return to rule![/i] Note: For those of you who object to me having HerculeseKabuterimon digivolve: Not having him digivolve would change nothing. Digimon can change form without digivolving under the right surcmstances. This happened in S1. When enough Black Gears entered Leomon, he changed without digivolving. The same thing happened to Devimon, but he also used Ogermon to increase his power. I just find a digivolution eaisier to work with, so I used one.
David: You should have told me this, Mia! Mia: Sorry! David: I don't think Turuiemon can hold off Maildramon by herself. Maildramon is one of the stronger armor Digimon. Guilmon, I think it's time you joined the fight. Guilmon: Right. Guilmon digivolve to: Growlmon David: Just hold Maildramon off until this fit of rage or whatever it is ends!
David: We can talk about that later. I've got a program to send. (He attaches the digivice to his laptop) All right. Transfer now. Loading... loading... done! Okay. Let's hope this works. (He gives the digivice back to Leigh) The program's in, and it should activate right... now. (Leigh's digivice begins to glow) Leigh: What's going on? David: I actually don't know. I've never done this before. The theroy behind it says that it should work, but I don't know how it will work. And by the way, I don't think your computer program for digivolving Wormmon will work. I tried the same thing once when Rokas couldn't come with us, and it didn't work. We can try, but I think there's something that a program doesn't have. I think the actual presence of the partner is necessary. We can try, but I doubt that it will work.
He's the new Magikarp. He's absoultely awful, but his evolved form, Milotic, is the new Gyarados: one of the strongest Pokemon out there. Suggestion: Catch a Feebas whose nature makes him like Pokeblocks that raise Beauty.
Mia: I thought you were homeschooled David: I am. I havn't gone to school for a couple years now. The money "Mom" won from "Dad" was enough to pay for me through middle school, but no further. "Mom" hates public schools, so I'm homeschooled? Mia: Why do you say mom and dad in that tone? David: I never told you, did I? Mia: No. David: I'm adopted. My real parents put me and my sister up for adoption. We never saw each other again after we were adopted. I don't know what happened to my real parents, but I've always hoped to find them one day.
David: Got it, and it's not anything I've ever seen before. It appears to be some sort of combination of several different computer viruses. Yami: Computer viruses? Wouldn't those have no effect on us? David: Normally, yes. But in this world, we're all data. Computer viruses will be quite effective on us. Fortunately, I've done a lot with computer viruses in my life. i should be able to compile an antivirus program that will work. I just need to take the target data for the viruses that make up the one infecting leigh and insert them into the all-purpose one I wrote a while ago. Let's see here... that goes ther, that one ther, this one here, and that one over there. Done. Hand me your digivice. I need to use it to transmit the antivirus program to you.
(BSkull was walking along when he saw a Blue Eyes White Dragon fly overhead) BSkull: I wonder where he's going. (He followed the BEWD, being sure not too be seen. He was very good at it for such a large creature. He'd had to be to escape the Dark realm. He followed the BEWD to the Earth realm and watched as it was confronted by a Buster Blader. When the dragon flew on, he continued to follow. He managed to avoid being seen by the Buster Blader by flying as high as he could)
David: Crap. Leigh: David, help me. What can I do? David: Let me see. I'm still not sure if I can believe you, but I'll do my best to help no matter who you are. leigh: Thank you. David: First, I need to determine the nature of the virus. I'll need to scan you. Hold on. (He pulls a long cable with a complicated device at one end out of his backpack. He attaches it to his computer) Ready. You won't feel a thing. At least, I don't think so. Leigh: Great. Well, I'm ready when you are. David: Scanning is in progress. This will take a few minutes.
OOC: Actually, I was planning on communicating with the digivices themselves. --------------------------- David: All right. What are we up against? Mia: Isn't that what you're trying to find out? David: I am. I tend to think out loud. Let's see here. Isolate signature... analyse form... enhance image... got it! Mia: Good. What's the enemy this time? David: The next enemy is a Greymon. We can take it easily.
(BSkull was walking across a plain. He had heard a rumor that the Dark forces were after the peices of Exodia, and he wanted to stop them) BSkull: it's been four years since I was in that realm. I've been exiled for four years. And I still hold my opinions. I still see it as a discrace that I''m from that realm. I can't let them gain control of Exodia. I can't.
David: All right. Let me take a look here... what the? Mia: What? David: Four energy signatures in the underground network. What the? Chaos: Now what? David: One just dissapeared. Mia: I don't like this. It might be a trap. David: Another one just split into two. One part is nearby. What the? It just became a Digimon! Mia: What?! David: I bet Tuskmon came from the signature that dissapeared. orget a trap. We're being tested.
Dantu: Even I didn't expect anything like that. I almost never feel anything towards anyone, but that story is very sad. Haku: It's... all my... all my fault. Dantu: We don't have time for this. Haku, there's a way to stop this. Haku: W... what? Dantu: I said, there's a way to stop this. The M.A.G.E. virus has controled the Trinity. I found that out by translating part of an ancient prophecy. Unfortunately, about a third of it is in some sort of code, but I know what the rest says. It tells of an apocalypse that will befall the digital world. What's happening now is the start. i don't know what's next. What I do know is how to stop it. (He explains about the chambers) We need to do it now.