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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Lowemon: Let's do it. Shadow Meteor! Zephyrmon: Hurricane Gale! (MM dodges the attacks) MM: Nice try. My turn. Crimson Mist! (Zephyrmon takes off and avoids the attack but Lowemon is unable to do that. He gets hit and is knocked to the ground. MM hits him again) Pathetic. You're no challenge at all. Time to finish this. Pandemonium Flame! Zephermon: No! Lowemon! (Zephyrmon pushes Lowemon out of the way, but she gets hit by the attacck instead. She becomes Leigh again) Leigh: Ouch. MM: How touching. Not that it matters. Well, i think I'll destroy her first. Lowemon: I don't think so. I'm not done yet, you bastard. MM: There's nothing more you can do. Lowemon: Watch this. Slide Evolution! Lowemon->JagerLowemon MM: What the hell? Darigann: Woah. Leigh. Both of his spirits were purified. JagerLowemon(JL): Time to finish this. Ebony Blast! (His attack, a dark purple energy blast, hits MM right on. He fires another, which also hits) Dark Master! (Energy the same color as his other attack forms a muck larger version of himself aroound him. He charges full speed at mM and goes right through him. MM dissipates into data, and JL becomes David again) David: Woah.
  2. OOC: My digivice is purple. ------------------------ David: It'll be a while before we can do that. We don't even know who the enemy is yet, only what they're probably after. And we don't know crap about what they're after, either. We only know that it's dangerous. We need more information, and that's why we're here. (A loud beeping noise is heard) Uh-oh. That's the proximity alarm. It goes off when a Digimon at the champion level or higher that isn't one of ours is in the area. Mia: Does that mean what I think it means? David: Yep. We've got trouble. Josh: Oh, great.
  3. There is no definate "strongest" god card. The three god cards are Obelisk the Tormenter, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the Winged Dragon of Ra. Obelisk is the only one of the three with set base attack and defense values. Slifer's values are based on the number of cards in your hand, and Ra's are based on the points of the monsters sacrificed to summon it. When Yugi dueled Strings, how high did Slifer's attack and defense points get, and what is Slifer's weakness? (Hint: Kiaba mentioned it)
  4. MM: Even though Velgmon is a very powerful Digimon, you're no match for me. Velgmon: That's not true. I can take you. MM: Maybe under normal curcumctances, but these are not normal curcumstances. You didn't know of the darkness within you. I had full knowledge of it. It made me stronger, and I learned to use it to become even more powerful. And I just obtained more of it from the Chaos Masters. Velgmon: Oh, crap. MM: So you're starting to realize that you can't win. Velgmon: I won't give up without a fight. (He begins to glow) What? MM: What's happening? Sahki: It's working! It's working! (Velgmon becomes David again, but he's still glowing) David; What the hell? (Pause) [i]That[/i] wasn't expected. MM: Whatever's happening, you can't win. David: I don't know about that. My spirits have changed. They're free of corruption. And they're stronger because of it. I'll prove it. Excecute! Spirit Evolution! David->Lowemon Lowemon: Now we'll see what you're made of!
  5. SG: Not good! Sahki: Now what? Duskmon: Everybody out! You don't want to be in my way. Rokas: I think I know what he's going to do. Let's move! (Everyone except Duskmon and MaloMyotismon(MM) run outside) MM: That will only make this easier. Duskmon: Deadly Gaze! (He aimed the attack up, and blew a hole above him. He leapt out of the hole) Slide Evolution! Duskmon->Velgmon Velgmon: Let's see how well you do against me now.
  6. You're both in. Blanko, the virus Kerpymon is called Cherubimon in S4.
  7. Master Ball. What are the legendary Pokemon in R/S, and what types are they? (Hint: There are 8 total, but only 6 appear in each version)
  8. Nadoka: I'm confused. You two are brother and sister? Dantu: Yes, we are. But we don't have time to talk about this now. We need to break this up. Keio's next. We need to settle this conflict. Nadoka: What is the conflict? Dantu: It's Haku. Remember, he was being controlled by M.A.G.E. Keio is the only one who thought that Haku wasn't in control of himself. Keio went to find him, and we followed her here. Unfortunately, Kyukimon thought that Haku had hostile intentions, and she's a little overprotective of Keio. She thinks Haku's after Keio, and sshe'll do anything to protect Keio. Including hilling Haku. We can't let that happen. Haku must know something about M.A.G.E. We need that information. And we also need Keio to recieve data. It's her turn, and we can't continue until she does it. I think it's time to crash this pary. (He runs toward Kyukimon, who still has hold of Haku) Break it up! Keio: Dantu! Kyukimon wants Haku dead! Dantu: Kyukimon, stop! Kyukimon: Why? You know what he did. Dantu: Actually, I don't. I know what something else did. Something called M.A.G.E. It was controlling Haku, but it's gone now. Haku: How... did you know? Dantu: An ancient prophecy that describes an apocalypse that will occurr. Haku must know something about M.A.G.E. That information is necessary if we want to save the digital world. Some of the prophecy is indecipherable at this moment. Any information that could be used to fill in the blanks is necessary. If you kill Haku, you could prevent us from saving this world!
  9. There is going to be a sequel, so we'll get more of Samus on GCN. A Metroid movie is also in development, but I don't know much about either.
  10. Duskmon: Give up yet? Myotismon: Never! Crimson Lightning! (Duskmon leapt over Myotismon's attack and landed behind him) Duskmon: Nice try. My turn! Deadly Gaze! (The large eyes on Duskmon's body shot red energy beams at Myotismon, who was slammed into the ground by the attack) Devimon: Why do you fight us? Duskmon: Because you are now the enemy. You attacked first, and we're fighting back. Surrender, and you might be spared. Keep fighting, and you will be destroyed.
  11. David: Those two. Someone go get them. I think I've solved the problem. Chaos: What problem? David: There are ancient writings all over, but they're all in an underground tunnel network of some kind. The entrance is locked electronacly. The correct code has to be sent for it to open. I believe that I've just discovered that code. Chaos: Then we can enter? David: Yes. But we need to wait unti Mia and Salamon are back.
  12. OOC: You choose. David's got a D-Power, just so you know.
  13. Furora: I... I just don't know. It doesn't seem possible. Dantu: I'll prove it. You once told me that someone asked you to take a drug. A dangerous one that he called Ecstacy. You never found out who he was, and you were never asked again. I'm the only one you ever told. Furora: (To herself) Only the Dantu who is my brother could know that. (Out loud) Dantu? Dantu: Yes? Furora: It's true. It has to be. Dantu: I know. Unfortunatly, we don't have a lot of time right now. We can get caught up later. Right now, we've got a job to do.
  14. Question: How did you get the R/B/Y and G/S/C legendaries on Ru/Sa? You can't trade with the eairlier versions, and i don't think the R/B/Y and G/S/C legends are in Ru/Sa, so how did you get them?
  15. fanfic Bad Kitty by Devidramon. The only problem is that it hasn~t gotten a new chapter for a while.
  16. David: Hold on. I think I see the others. (The other people and Digimon walk up and enter. Travis and Terriermon are first, followed by Chaos and Gabumon) Travis: So, what's the big emergency? David: I don't know much, but I give you what I've got. i managed to translate that writing we found on our previous mission. It concerns something called "Equinox". I don't know exactly what Equinox is, but it's deadly. Whatever it is, it has the capability to destroy the digital world. Chaos: We've faced that problem before. David: But not like this. Equinox is a device. A machine of some kind. And I'm willing to bet that the missing wall peices were taken and translated by someone. there are probably others after Equinox. We need to destroy it, but I don't even know where it is. Our first goal is more information. Then, we need to find and destroy Equinox before anyone else gets their hands on it.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]BSkull (how would you pronounce that, by the way? o_o; ) [/B][/QUOTE] "B," followed by "Skull."
  18. David: They need help. BA, go help out. BlackAgumon digivolve to: RedGreymon RedGreymon digivolve to: SkullGreymon David: My turn. This place is too small for Velgmon, so Duskmon will have to do. Execute! Spirit Evolution! David->Duskmon Devimon: You, too? Duskmon: Yes. Us, too. Let's do this.
  19. This could be interesting. Name: BSkull Card: Black Skull Dragon Gender: Male Description: Looks like the one from the show. Bio: He wants to keep Exodia sealed up. Despite being a Dark monster, he has no feelings for the Dark realm's inhabitants. In fact, he has been exiled from the Dark realm, and is basically a wanderer. Specialties: Raigeki, Fissure Could you explain the system for using the specialties?
  20. Groudon is a legendary Pokemon. In fact, he's one of the ones this RPG will center on, as he's the Pokemon that Team Magma is after.
  21. You're in, Mina. It's up, so get your characters going.
  22. David: I don't know much. I'm trying to learn more, but I'm not having any luck. I think we'll need to go on an information hunt. We need to know more. Josh: What do you know? David: Not much. I'll wait until everyone else is here before I explain. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for information.
  23. (David takes out his laptop and begins to search for the others) David: All right. There's no time to waste. We need the others, and we need options. Darigann: What will we do, anyways? David: I've only been able to think of one option: Operation Theta 3. Rokas: Isn't that the one we considered but didn't do? David: Yes. It's the one with the underground chambers that contain the energies of Digimon. I don't know which Digimon, though. Darigann: I thought we decided never to do that. David: We were getting bad feelings whenever we discussed it in the past. Are you getting them now? Rokas: No. Darigann: Nope. David: Thought so. I believe the bad feelings about it were caused by those Digimon. They aren't influencing us anymore, so we aren't feeling those things anymore. That tells me that they don't want it compleated, which implies that it could be used against them. I don't think we have a choice, but first we need to find everyone. I've got Sahki's location. She's with two others. Let's go. (He opens a portal, and they all enter it)
  24. OOC: You're in, Tamer_Zach ---------------------------- (While they waited, David was on the computer, working franticly) Guilmon: What are you doing? David: Looking for more information. I'm in the digital world's own information network. The information I have isn't much, and I need more. unfortunately, I can't find anything. We need more information. This is the kind of mission where the unknown can destroy you. We need to know more.
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