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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
OOC: Remember, the Omega 2 project has just been compleated. Fit what happens in this post into where you are. ------------------------ Rokas: What exactly did we just do? David: That's right. You weren't there when I uncovered the information. Well, a long time ago, four very strong, evil Digimon ran wild: Diaboromon, Daemon, Apocylamon, and Armageddemon. They were eventually imprisioned in another dimension. The dimension was sealed off. The artifacts we found are the keys to unlock the dimension. We just did that, and now those Digimon are freed. It's time for phase two. I've programmed four sets of Dark Spores specifically for the task of controlling those four Digimon. They should appear shortly. We'll control them with the Dark Spores. From there, the rest is obvious. Darigann: Let's do this. David: It's time. (The ground in front of them explodes, and the four Digimon are seen) Now! (He pulls out a modified Dark Spore launcher and fires four times. One set hits each of the Digimon) Got you! (The gun, which is also used to instruct the Digimon that the spores it launched are in, begins to short out) What the?! (He throws the gun away just as it expoldes) Oh, ****. Daemon: Did you really think that would work on us? we gave you the technology. We led you to the artifacts. And we made sure you were able to use them. Darigann: What the hell does he mean by that? Rokas: He said that they were leading us to the artifacts. He said that they gave us he Dark Spore technology. I don't like where this is going. David: I don't, either. Diaboromon: We've been guideing you this whole time. Influencing your actions. Makeing you think that you could control us. All so that you would free us. Which you did. Armageddemon: You've been working for us this whole time. You and a few others worked directly for us, and the rest worked for you when under the influence of the Dark Spores. You all did your jobs well. David: So now what? Apocalymon: We have no more use for you. We would destroy you, but there is nothing you can do against us. You simply don't matter anymore. We'll leave you here. (The four Digimon dissapear) Darigann: Oh, ****. Rokas: This is [i]not[/i] good. Now what do we do? David: We find Sahki. She was able to resist the influence. We find her and whoever it is that she's with. Then we find those kids. After that, we try and stop those things.
(David was in his room, and his Digimon partner, Guilmon, was watching him. He was on his computer, which is where he always was when he didn't have anything he needed to do) Guilmon: What are you doing? David: You know that writeing we found? I'm trying to translate it. I think I'm making progress here. I've compiled what I think is a translation algorithm, and I'm ready to try it. Running program now. (He activates the algorithm, and the meaningless characters on the screed turn into English writeing. David reads it) Oh, ****. This is [i]not[/i] good. Guilmon: What? David: I'll explain later. I've got to contact the others. (He logs on to the Internet and writes an E-Mail. He sats the contents out loud as he writes, because it helps him concentrate) To: All people in address book. Subject: Urgent. New mission. Extremly Important. Body of message: I've uncovered information that allowed me to learn of something that could destroy theentire digital world. We need to meet. Come to my house as soon as you get the message. This looks like a long one, so come prepared. From: David. Send message. (He sends it) There.
He's a boy. All the guides I have refer to him as a male.
You're in, too. I'm going to start this up. I'll set the stage, and you introduce your characters. [color=blue]I've combined the double posts-Charles[/color]
(David and BA had found the artifact. he others had appeared, and they went to find the last artifact. When they did, they saw a map with the location they needed to be taken to marked. It was the site where the two groops had battled. The "Goths," minus Sahki, had gone there. They had found the entrance to the cafe and were in it) Rokas: Now what? Darigann: I don't know. David: The artifacts are supposed to react when they are in the proper area. (The artifacts begin to glow) See? (Five of the pictures fall off of the wall, and slots are revealed behind them. Each artifact is sucked into a slot. When all five are placed, the cafe begins to shake) Let's get out of here! (They run outside. There is an explosion as soon as they make it out) Rokas: Whoa. Darigann: All right. David: You guys ready for this? Darigann: Of course. David: All right. Here we go.
You're fine.
About the trendy saying, people in Dewford will ask what you think is trendy. Use the vocabulary system to create a phrase. It will become popular among the citizens of Dewford.
I've decided to start a book discussion thread, and this seemed like the best place to put it. Basically, various books will be discussed. This thread will contain plot spoilers, so read at your own risk. The first book is the recently released Kaspar's Box by Jack L. Chalker. It's the conclusion to the Tales of the Three Kings trilogy, which concerns a mysterious solar system called the Three Kings, which is discovered durring humanity's decline. Nobody has ever returned after trying to get there, but ships have made it back. Mysterious gems, called Magi's Stones, are from this system and the main proof of it's existance. They cause strange reactions in the brain, and break apart if any analysis is tried. Eventually, the millitary finds it's way to the system, and the secrets of the Three Kings are revealed. I really liked this book, and was hooked from the beginning. Murphy was a great character, and I also liked the three girls. The whole demon-worshipping thing was a nice touch, and I also enjoyed the fact that the crew of the [i]Stanley[/i] returned. I was a little dissapointed by the ending, though. What are your thoughts?
Ultimate is WereGarurumon, there is no biomerge, and Other would be Omnimon. This will be a long one, so make sure that you're ready for it.
David: Whatever's going on, it can wait. Omega 2 must be compleated. After we're done with it, we can focus on Sahki and... whoever that other person is. BA: What do we do now? David: While we wait for the others to get here, we can find the artifact at this site. BA: How many more are there? David: Only one after this one. Then we have to place them in a certain area. I think we'll learn where at the last site. After we do that, the operation is compleate.
OOC: Sage, you're obviously not familliar with how Blanko and I work. Our characters always turn out to be related. By the way, don't end this RPG yet. Almost all RPG's go through a period like this. I've started to expect it. Some don't recover and eventually die, but I think this one could definately recover. Don't give up on it yet, Sage. --------------------------- Furora: But... but... but... but how? I mean, wouldn't I have recognized you? Dantu: We've been apart for several years. I didn't recognize you, either. there was something about you that I couldn't place, so I decided to ask about what happened to you. Your story comfirmmed my suspicions. You're definately my sister. Furora: I... but... how... I mean, I thought my brother was gone. I never thought I'd see him again. Dantu: I never expected to see my sister again. But it's true. It's true.
"Look, Henry," Rika said as they walked along, "Jeri's right. Juggernaut is the only way." "I can't accept that," Hanry responded. "There has to be another way." "I don't think there is, Henry," Takato told him. "Parelellmon took every attack thrown at him like he didn't even feel them. Nothing that anyone did had any effect. Juggernaut might be what we need." "I won't do it," Henry replied. "I can't take the risk." "You take a much larger risk by not doing it, Henry," Jeri said. "It's the only way. Everyone here sees it. That is, everyone except you." "I won't," Henry said. "I can't." The Kuwagumon was shaking with fear as he stood before the Hive lord, HerculeseKabuterimon. It was his job to report to the Hive lord, and HerculeseKabuterimon had been known to kill those who told him things that he didn't like. "Sir," the Kuwagumon said timidly, "The operation was a faliure. One of the humans merged with one of the Digimon while the others ran. The Digimon created by this process immeadeatly unleased a feirce energy storm. Every Hive soldier sent was returned to the Fresh form by this attack." "[i]WHAT?![/i]" HurculeseKabuterimon's shout made the entire room shake. "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" "I... I don't... I don't know, Sir." The Kuwagumon was shaking uncontrolibly. "None... none of us... none of us do." "THAT IS UNACCEPTIBLE! THESE [i]CHILDREN[/i] AND A BUNCH OF DIGIMON TTHAT ARE NOTHING MORE THAN [i]PETS[/i] WON'T DISRUP OUR SOCIETY! I WON'T ALLOW THEM TO!" The Kuwagumon didn't want to say it, but he felt he had to. "Sir... sir, I don't... I don't think that... think that there is... is anything you can... you can do." HerculeseKabuterimon was already infuriated, and Kuwagumon's statement was the last straw. "SUCH INSOLENCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! GIGA SCIZOR CLAW!" HerculeseKabuterimon sliced the Kuwakumon in half, and immedeatly loaded its data. "IF MY WARRIORS AREN'T UP TO THE TASK OF GETTING RID OF THESE INTRUDERS, THEN I'LL DO IT MYSELF!"
First, to avoid confusion: Participants in Sage's Digimon Masters RPG might remember me mentioning an "Equinox Operation" in one of my posts. This RPG has no relation to that at all. Now that that's out of the way, down to business. the digital world is in danger. A discovery has been made concerning something called Equinox. Nobody knows what it is, but it is believed to be highly dangerous. If it gets into the wrong hands, disaster would befall the digital world. A year ago, sever people met. They all had Digimon partners. These people and their Digimon must work to prevent Equinox from being used. Sign-up information is as follows: Name: Age: (Max is 17) When you met Digimon: (How long ago you met your Digimon partner. It must be at least a year ago) Personallity: Background: Digimon Rookie: Champion: Ultimate: Mega: Biomerge: (Optional) Other: (If needed) Here's my information: Name: David Age: 16 When he met Digimon: Two years ago Personallity: Very determined. He doesn't back down unless he knows he can't do anything. Also very intelligent. He's an expert when it comes to computers. He makes decisions based on facts, and he doesn't like to make wild guesses. Background: David's parents divorced when he was six. He lives with his mother. His father moved away, and David never saw him again. David's mother couldn't afford to send him to a private school and absolutely hates public schools, so David is homeschooled. He immersed himself in computers as a way to avoid the pain that his father's absense gave him. Two years ago, he met his Digimon partner, Guilmon. His mom almost fainted when she found out, but she's adjusted. Since then, he has researched the digital world beyond belief. Digimon Rookie: Guilmon Champion: Growlmon Ultimate: WarGrowlmon Mega: Megidramon Biomerge: Gallantmon Other: Gallantmon Crimson Mode(From Gallantmon) There. Please sign up
(Velgmon was shocked when he heard Leigh. He stopped trying to reach GranKuwagumon and landed) Velgmon: Only Leigh and I knew that. We never told anyone else. Olny the two of us could know that saying. But you [i]can't[/i] be her. I saw her die. Leigh: I didn't die. Velgmon: That's not possible. It can't be true. Leigh: It is true. (Velgmon becomes David again) David: It can't be true. Ba: I don't have an altranate explenation. Do you? David: No, but I'm looking for one. Sahki, what's gotten into you? Sahki: She says you're corrupted. That all of us were. Shadow and I aren't anymore, but the rest of you still are. David: I don't believe you. I can't accept this. (He opens a portal, and he and BA enter it. They appear where he was supposed to meat the others, but nobody is there) It [i]can't[/i] be true. Can it? --------------------------- OOC; Don't have David become uncorrupted until the Omega 2 project is compleated.
David: Yes! Got you! Field is down! BA: Good job. David: All right. I've got the two signatures, but one of them has changed. It has a greater level of energy output. I think one of the Digimon has reached the mega level. BA: What do we do? David: Darigann! (Darigann walks over) Darigann: Yes? David: BA and I are going to go check this out. You guys stay here until the Omega 2 task force arrives. Get the artifacts from them, and then proceed to the next site at coordinates X54, Y78. I'll meet you there. Darigann: Understood. David: Good. (He opens a portal, and he and BA enter it. They appear in front of Sahki, Leigh, and their Digimon) Sahki! (He sees Leigh) What the hell? BA: Isn't that Leigh? David: We saw Leigh die. It can't be her. (To Leigh) I don't know who you are, but you're not Leigh. She died. Leigh: Not exactly. David: It doesn't matter who you are, or what you can do. I notice your Digimon is at mega level. Very good, but not good enough. Let's do this. BA, digivolve just in case. BlackAgumon digivolve to: RedGreymon RegGreymon dark digivolve to: SkullGreymon David: My turn. Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->Velgmon Velgmon: Whoever you are, give up now, and I might spare you.
David: Damn it! I've been hacked! I've got a virus! Let's see... that should work. BA: Could you describe what you're doing? David: I'll tell you what I think you could understand. I'm currently attempting to transfer the virus on to my laptop's second hard drive {OOC: Some computers do have multiple hard drives}, which I have set up as a virus storage area. I keep viruses there until I can deal with them. Yes! It worked. In fact, it was almost too easy. BA: What do you mean? David: My computer transferred it almost immeadeatly, which it normally can do only with programs I wrote on it. This is starting to make no sense, because the virus's effects are almost identical to the effects of one I once wrote for Leigh. If I didn't see her die, I'd say I'm up against her. That's not possible, though. Now for my turn. I've sent my own virus. It's my copy of the one I wrote for Leigh. It should slow down whoever this is. Wait... what?! Damn! Whoever this is is [i]good![/i] I've never faced a computer challenge like this! I do think I can handle it, though.
OOC: I think I forgot to mention it, but Nadoka and Angemon are with Dantu and Furora, and they've been filled in on what Dantu knows and suspects. -------------------------- Dantu: Furora, let me ask you something. Furora: What? Dantu: If this is too personal, don't tell me. You once said that you only live with your father because the two of you were seperated from the rest of your family. How did that happen? Furora: He and I were on a campilng trip, and we were stranded by a feirce storm. We found our way to a city, but it had been a couple weeks and we had been given up for dead. My mother and brother had moved away to escape the memories of us that our old house brought, and the pain that came with them. We never saw either of them again. Dantu: I thought so. Furora: What do you mean? Dantu: When I first saw you, I felt that I knew you, and now I know why. I read the story you just told me. I found it online on a news site. It was quite the story. Anyways, I was looking because my father and sister were lost when camping. Furora: But what does that have to do with... you have [i]got[/i] to be kidding me. Dantu: I'm not. I'm your brother.
David: Where are they? I [i]know[/i] there were two signals here. Rokas: They must have left. Darigann: Where are they? David: I'll work on that. You guys find the Artifact. Look by the water. There should be a hidden entrance to an underground chamber. Rokas: Got it. (Everyone but David and BA begin to look. David takes out his laptop and activates his scanning program) David: What the hell? BA: What? David: I've scanned this world and the real world, and there are two digivice signatures less than there should be. Something's hiding them. BA: What do we do? David: Hold on. I've got something to try. (He works for a minute) Thought so. BA: What? David: As you know, the digital world is made of data. I scanned the digital world and compared it to the scan I made before we arrived at this location. There's an extra clump of data in a forest area. It's probable that someone programed it to hide them. Our two missing signatures are probably there. BA: What do we do? David: I'm going to try to hack the program. The programmer of this undoubtably has skill, but I'm confident that I can beat that person's security. Time to go to work. ---------------------------------- OOC: I've set this up for a computer battle: David's trying to hack into the force feild program, and Leigh's trying to keep him out.
David: All right. I've contacted the current operatives, and they're going to meet us near the site of the next Artifact. It's in the middle of a desert. (He takes out his laptop and activates his map program) Input coordinates X58, Y49. Interesting. Rokas: What? David: Two digivice signatures in the destination area. Probably Zach and Leon, but one might be Sahki. I don't think Yami could have made it that far, though. Darigann: What do we do? David: We pay a visit. (He opens a portal, and they enter it)
OOC: Well, the Manga is only out in apan, at least to my knowledge. I don't stick to information I don't know because it's not possible. If you can proove that he's dead, I'll change it. If not, then I don't see a problem with it.
First, defeat Tate and Liza. Then, use Dive to enter the ealed Chamber. At the back of the room is a message in code. Decode the message to discover that you need to use Dig. Do so, and you'll enter another room. Put a Relicanth in your lead position and a Wailord in the rear. approach the northern mound, and three chambers will open up across Hoenn. One of the three is in each chamber. They are Regirock, Registeel, and Regice. Name the R/S Gym Leaders and the Badges each one gives you.
Writing The Return Of Daemon...Shaun's First Digimon FanFic.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
Just hurry up, please. I don't like cliffhangers. -
OOC: Question: What makes you think he's dead? I know he was last seen being carried away after Bakura took his Eye, but that doesn't mean he's dead.
Writing The Return Of Daemon...Shaun's First Digimon FanFic.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
You are good at this. -
OOC: In the show, Zephyrmon's attacks are Hurricane Gale, a blast of wind with some sort of pink shards in it, and Plasma Paws, an attack where her hands and feet glow red and are used to attack. ------------------------------- (Velgmon becomes David again) David: Damn it! Rokas: They're good at escaping, aren't they? David: Yes, but they can't always run. And the fact that they do run means that they know we're stronger then them. (He looks around) Where's Sahki? Darigann: She and Shadow think Leigh is still alive. I heard them talking. They're looking for her. David: She's dead. She couldn't possibly have survived that. Oh, well. Let them look. Rokas: What should we do? David: We're waisting time going after those kids. They can't stop us. I say we work on Omega 2. We'll probably bump into them sooner or later, and we can get some work done.