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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
(David was looking for a new opponent when he saw someone enter the cargo area. It didn't look like a crew member, and everyone else wasn't supposed to go down there. David decided to follow. He entered the cargo area. Half of it was full of supplies, and the other half was empty, except for a man standing in the middle of the open space) David: You're not supposed to be down here. Man: Neither are you. David: That doesn't matter to me. I wanted to know what you were up to. Man: I was lureing you down here, David. I was told that you possess something of mine. The one who took it said that you took it from him. I want it back. David: What [i]are[/i] you talking about? Man: You have what I want. Give it back. David: I don't have anything that's not mine. Man: I know you have it. If you won't give it to me, then we'll duel for it. David: On one condition. We each put up five locator cards. Man: Agreed. David: By the way, who are you? Man: I regestered for this tournament to get my item back from you. I knew Kaiba would never let me on, so I had Kemo regester for me. David: I remember Kemo. He's a basic thug. If he regestered for you, then he must currently work for you. Man: He used to work for me, but he did this unofically. David: Who are you? Man: My name is Maximillion Pegasus. David: Pegasus!! This will be good. Let's duel. 4000/4000
Do you mean in R/B/Y, G/S/C/, or R/S?
Writing The Return Of Daemon...Shaun's First Digimon FanFic.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
I saw that coming. More more more more more more more more! *Freaks out while waiting for more* -
David: Not so confident now, are you? Yami: I'm not done yet. David: I am. There's no more point to this. Yami: You're just afraid. David: Actually, no. I'm just bored. I only did this to show you that you're no match for any of us. Also, I think I should get rid of you before any help has a cance to arrive. This fight's over, but a new one's about to start. Rokas! (Rokas throws him the digivice) All right. Yami: Veemon! (Veemon throws him the digivice) You won't win, no matter what you try. I know what to expect. David: Or not. You've never seen this. Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->Velgmon Yami: That [i]can't[/i] be good. BA: It's not. Velgmon: I think a demonstration is in order. (He takes off and spots a group of Jagamon running toward the battle area. Everyone else sees them, too. A red circle forms around them, and they stop, curious about what's happening) Dark Obliteration! (The dome forms and dissapears, leaving nothing but a big pit) Sahki: Holy ****! Darigann: My god. Rokas: Holy crap! Yami: Oh, ****! Velgmon: And you're next.
David: Let's do this. (He opens a portal, and they enter it. They appear in front of Yami and Veemon) Hello. Yami: Oh, crap. David: Correct. There's no help for you this time. You're all alone. And nobody's coming out of nowhere to save you this time. Yami: How do you know? David: Your helper killed herself. I was there. Yami: I don't believe you. David: It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. She's not coming. And there's no way you can stop even one of us. You're weak, Yami. Easy prey. Yami: I am not weak! You're the ones who are weak. In a group, you're tough. But when alone, I bet you're no match for me. David: Let's just see. You and me, one-on-one. No Digimon, no digivices, just you and me, hand-to-hand. Yami: How do I know you won't cheat? David: Give your digivice to Veemon to hold. I'll give mine to Rokas. (He gives it to Rokas) Do you accept? Yami: Yes. (He gives his to Veemon. Everyone steps back and forms a circle to watch. Yami and David face each other) Let's go. David: Everyone, stay out of this! It's just him and me. Yami: You stay out of this too, Veemon. Veemon: Okay. Sahki: We'll just watch. David: Good. Let's do this.
Yes, Sakuramon, you were correct. The spelling was wrong, but you filled in what Lady Katana missed.
Next is [spoiler]Kaiba and Yugi vs Umbra and Lumis.[/spoiler] I can't wait!
Writing The Return Of Daemon...Shaun's First Digimon FanFic.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
Woah. Awesome. More! Now! -
Sign Up Pokemon: The conflicts of Team magma and Team aqua
GuyYouMetOnline replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
This sounds interesting. Name: Archie Age: 23 Pokemon: Swampert Feraligatr Poliwrath Mightyena Gyarados Blastoise (Yes, I know most of these are Water-types. Archie [i]is[/i] Team Aqua's leader, after all) Position: Team Aqua Leader That good? -
OOC: Everyone, thank you for the advice, no mater how bluntly you put it. It helped. I'll try and do better. ----------------------------------------------- (Dantu, Furora, and the Digimon with them had noticed that Keio was missing. Dantu had realized that Keio took the transponder, and he had told Kyukimon what happened. They had used the transponder to locate Keio, and the Masters watched as the Animal Digimon confronted Haku) Furora: We have to do something. Dantu: Let them handle it. This isn't something we should interfere in. Let them work it out. (His communicator beeps) Besides, we're probably about to get something else to worry about. (He awnsers it. Zassomon is on the other end) Dantu here. Zassomon; Sir, we have a problem. Dantu: What now? Zassomon: The rest of the tablets make no sense at all. One is random words, and the rest are random letters. Dantu: That's not good. Zassomon: What should I do? Dantu: It sounds like a code of some kind. The words probably have some significance. We need the rest of what's written. Get to work. Dantu out. (He turns the communicator off) That's bad. Furora: No kidding. Dantu: This makes me wonder. Furora: Wonder what? Dantu: Remember the Equinox operation? Furora: How could I forget? The first ime all the Masters known at the time worked togeather. What about it? Dantu: Remember how, no matter how much we looked, we only found just enough information to keep us interested, but not enough to really learn anything? Furora: Yes. You think this is something like that? Dantu: It's a distinct possibility. ---------------------- OOC: There. The tablets are currently out of the picture. They can be deciphered later on, but I don't plan on doing it. You chose when to do it, Sage. If I want to, I'll ask you.
David: [i]That[/i] was weird. Rokas: Do you think it's true? David: No. I saw her shoot herself, and then fall a rather large distance. There's no way that she could have survived. Sahki: re you sure? She seems to have a knack at reappearing when we think she's gone. David: I wouldn't worry about it. Even if she isalive, she can't stop us. Let's stop talking about her and find those kids. I'm getting a reading at the standard battle site. We'll go there first.
OOC: The tablets are a source of information. If they didn't exist, only Haku woiuld know anything. And blame Rokas some, too. I hadn't planed on having anything else translated for a while, but he had Zassomon call Dantu. I had to have Zassomon explain something after that. Also, I am aware that there are 12 Masters, but you don't seem to be. What you appear to be saying is that I shouldn't have Dantu learn anything about what's going on. Two things: first, Furora and, until recently, Keio,were hearing everything Zassomon said, making a total of four Masters who know stuff about what's going on. Second, you say I shouldn't have David learn any of that stuff, but if he didn't only Haku would know, which would put your character where you think mine is. One more thing: How is stating what has already been stated "playing God?"
OOC: I don't like that part about the tablets being destroyed, but I can fix it. By the way, Dantu is adressed as "sir," not "Master" by the Vegetation Digimon. -------------------- Dantu: This is [i]not[/i] good. Furora: What do we do? Dantu: The first rule of being a Master: Always have a backup plan. I carry more then one communicator unit with me at all times. (He takes out another communicator unit and turns it on) Dantu here. Zassomon: Sir, what happened? Dantu: One communicator was destroyed. I'm using number two. You were saying something about M.A.G.E.? Zassomon: Unfortunately, Fuujinmon just destroyed the tablets. Dantu: Oh, ****. Now what? (Nefertimon appears in front of David)Nefertimon: Do not worry. These tablets have survived many things. Dantu: They didn't survive this. Nefertimon: I can restore them. (A beam of light appears and shoots toward the Vegitation Domain. It hits the spot in Dantu's base where the remains of the tablets are. The remains dissapear, and the tablets reform, connected and with the alternate text displayed) It is done. Dantu: Thank you. (Nefertimon dissapears) Zassomon, what do you have? Zassomon: The M.A.G.E. virus is highly intelegent, and highly dangerous. It learns quickly, and adapts to changing situations. I think it heard about the tablets and decided to destroy them. Dantu: From now on, use security channel Omega 6 to talk about them. Dantu out. (He turns the communicator off)
OOC: You like killing your characters, don't you? ------------------------------- (Velgmon lands and becomes David again) BA: That went well. David: Yes, it did. However, it was dissapointing in a way. I was hopeing for a fight. Oh, well. We'll find the others, and then we'll find those kids. That will be a fight. An easy one, yes, but at least it'll be a fight. (He takes out his laptop and activates a different scanning program, one designed to locate the others) Intresting. One of thme is in the Real World. We'll get the other two first. (He opens a portal, and he and BA enter it. THey appear in front of Darigann and Rokas) Hello. Mission successful. She's dead. Darigann: Who? David: It was Leigh. She rebuilt her digivice. She's dead now, though. She won't be back. Let's get Mina, and then we'll find those kids. (Mina and ShadowRenamon appear in front of them) Never mind. Hello, Mina. Perfect timing. Mina: I was using the scaning program you wrote me, and I saw you rejoin the others, so I decided to come. David: Leigh rebuilt her digivice, and the girl was her. She's dead now, so there's no way she can come back. We can easily destroy those kids now.
OOC: Edited. ---------------- BA: But... but... you destroyed your digivice! I saw it! Velgmon: I forgot to check our computer systems at our house. BA: Huh? Velgmon: Leigh and I are both very good with computers. I have more knowledge than her in that area, but she makes up for it with her skill in putting things togeather. She must have downloaded the digivice's data before she destroyed it. She must have used the data to tell her how to rebuild it. Then, she retransferred the data to her digivice. Leigh: Correct. But it doesn't matter now, does it? Velgmon: Actually, it does. We would have destroyed those kids, but you came out of nowhere and saved them. But you won't be around to save them anymore. If you don't kill yourself, I'll do it for you. In fact, I'll do it now to make sure you die. I have no more feelings for you, Leigh. You're nothing but an obsticle, nad I don't like obsticles. I'll be gald to see you go. I should have killed you earlier, but I'll make up for it by killing you now. (He takes off. A large red circle forms around Leigh)
Velgmon: Yes, I did. Now let me show you what I can do. (He takes off and looks for an area to use for his demonstration) I'll use the trees. (A large circle forms around many of the trees) BA: Watch this. Leigh: Shut up. Velgmon: Dark Obliteration! (The dome forms and dissapears, takeing the enclosed area with it. Velgmon lands in front of Leigh) Impressive, isn't it? Leigh: Woah! BA: That's what I said when I first saw it. Velgmon: I can do that to you just as easily. tell me who you are and I might not. Leigh: Yeah, right. Why should I believe you? Velgmon: You have no choice. You know I'll do it if you don't tell me, but you only think I'll do it if you do tell me. You know there's a chance that I'll let you live if you tell me, and you have nothing to lose by doing so. Who are you? I won't ask again.
David: All right. That girl had a Digimon with her. That means she has a Digivice. If I can locate its signature, we can use it to find her. (He takes out his laptop and activates his scanning program) That one right there. It's got an unusual reading. It might not be her, but it's certainly worth looking at. It's not too far from here, wither. Eaisily within the area a Dinobeemon could reach in the amount of time since we saw her. BA: Then let's go. David: They're inside a cave in a mountain. I'm putting us just outside. That way, I'll have enough room when I turn into Velgmon. BA: What if they don't come out? David: Then I'll destroy the mountain until there's no cave left. I actually hope that does happen. They won't have any escape route if they stay in the cave. Let's go. (He opens a portal, and he and BA enter it. They appear in front of a cave entrance) All right. Let's do this.
Mine hasn't been awnsered yet.
David: (Draws Ekibyo Darkmord) I play Ekibyo Darkmord on your stronger Harpie's Ladyr. It can't attack, and will be destroyed in two turns. At that time, Ekibyo Darkmord returns to my hand. Mai: (Draws) I attack with Harpie's Lady! 50/3700 David: (Draws Pot of Greed) I play Pot of Greed. (Draws Magicain of Faith and Remove Trap) I play one monster in defense mode. Mai: (Draws) I play Rose Whip on my weaker Harpie's Lady. (1150) I attack with it. David: Monster is Magician of Faith. I get to put a magic card from my graveyard into my hand. (Retrieves Monster Reborn) Mai: My turn's over. (Harpie's Lady is destroyed and Ekibyo Darkmord returns to David's hand) David: (Draws Ookazi) I play Ookazi to take you down 800 Life Points. 50/2900 David: I play Remove Trap to destroy your Mirror Wall. I then use Monster reborn to revive my BSD. (3200) I attack your Harpie's Lady. 50/850 Mai: (Places hand on deck in signal of surrender) I surrender. Winner: David Prize: 4 locator cards. David's total: 17 David: Good duel. I didn't expect a challenge from you. (To himself) Especially because you weren't a marked duelest.
OOC: I thought it was clear, but I guess not. I'll be sure to make it clear in the future. ---------------------------- Mai: (Draws) I play the magic card Shadow of Eyes, which forces your BSD to attack. That activates my trap card, another Mirror Wall. (3200->1600) I then switch my Harpie's Brother and Harpie's Lady to attack mode. My Harpie's Brother attacks your BSD, destroying it. That allows my Harpie's Lady to attack your life points directly. 3150/3700 David: (Draws La Jinn: Mystical Gieni of the Lamp) I play La Jinn in attack mode! (1800) I equip it with the Sword of Dark Destruction, raisind its attack points by 400 and lowering its defense by 200. (2200/800) I then play Offerings to the Doomed to destroy your Harpie's Brother at the cost of skipping my next draw step. Mai: (Draws) I play another Harpie's Lady in attack mode, and equip it with the Rose Whip! (1800) David: I pass. Mai: (Draws) I play the magic card Fissure, destroying your La Jinn. I attack with both of my monsters. 700/3700
(David sees something on the ground and picks it up) David: This must be it. (It is sucked into his digivice) Yep. BA: Now what do we do? David: we test it. (Hee looks around and sees a Triceramon nearby) And that Triceramon should do just fine. (They run over to the Triceramon) Let's do this. Remember yourself, David. Remember yourself. Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! David->Velgmon BA: Whoa. Triceramon: Uh-oh. (Velgmon takes off and circles Triceramon) Velgmon: Dark Vortex! (He fires an energy beam from his middle eye. The attack knocks Triceramon to the ground) Time to finish this. (A large red circle forms on the ground around Triceramon) BA: I have a feeling that it's a bad idea to be in that circle. Good thing I'm not. Velgmon: Dark Obliteration! (A dome forms, enclosing the area that the circle enclosed. The dome vanishes, leaving nothing but a big hole in the ground) BA: Holy ****! (Velgmon lands and becomes David again) David: Woah. BA: You're telling me! David: With that knid of power, that girl won't stand a chance against me. And I was in complete control of myself, too. BA: She won't even put up a fight. Woah! David: Let's go find her.
OOC: Summoned Skull was on the feild, and as a Feind monster, is powered up by Yami. Yami powers up Feinds and Spellcasters, and weakens Faries.
David: How many locator cards? Mai: Four. David: Fine with me. 4000/4000 (They draw their starting hands. David's hand is: Blackland Fire Dragon, Sword of Dark Destruction, Offerings to the Doomed, Malevolent Nuzzler, and Change of Heart) David: I'll go first. (Draws Red-Eyes Black Dragon(REBD)) I play Blackland Fire Dragon in attack mode. (1400) I equip it with Malevolent Nuzzler, raising it's attack points to 2100. Mai: (Draws) I play Harpie's Lady in attack mode. (1300) I then set one card face down. David: (Draws Polymerization) (To himself) I've seen her play before. She always uses Mirror Wall. I shouldn't attack. At least, not with my monster) I play Change of Heart on your Harpie's Lady to take control of it for one turn. I then attack you with it. Mai: Activate trap card! Mirror Wall! It cut's every attacking monster's attack points in half. (1300->650) David: I thought so. I end my turn. Mai: (Draws) I switch Harpie's Lady to defense mode and play Harpie's Brother in attack mode. It's your turn. David: (Draws Remove Trap) I play remove trap on your Mirror Wall, destroying it. I then attack your Harpie's Brother with Blackland Fire Dragon. It's destroyed, and you lose 300 Life Points. 4000/3700 Mai: I play one monster in defense mode and one card face-down. David: (Draws Summoned Skull) I sacrifice my Blackland Fire dragon to play Summoned Skull in attack mode. I then use Polymerization to fuse it with my REBD from my hand to create the Black Skull Dragon! (3200) Your turn. 4000/3700
OOC: Yes, but you didn't ask one. Besides, it was my turn for a question anyways.
I'm a male. You got the idea correct, and yes, it's Magma and Aqua. By what they want to do, I mean what are their goals?