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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. He's a rock-type. To uproot him, you need to defeat Whitney. Then, get the Squritbottle. Go to where he is and press A. That starts a fight with him. Who are the new teams in Ruby and Saphire, and what does each want to do?
  2. (David had called in the comfermation of Rebecca as a target, and was looking for another opponent. He sees a girl taunting her opponent, and walks over to her) David: Would you like to duel? Girl: Sure. Name's Mai. David: I'm David. Let's duel.
  3. Darigann: You look for this thing. I'm going to go find those kids. Sahki: Me, too. David: You all go. BA and I will be fine. (He and BA start walking) bA: What's wrong, David? David: What do you mean? BA: We've been togeather a long time, David. I can tell that you're worried about something. What? David: It's this thing we're looking for. I felt a large amount of power coming from it. A [i]very[/i] large amount. BA: So? David: I had a little trouble controling myself as Duskmon, but I was able to do it. If I'm right, what we find will turn me into a much stronger Digimon. I'm mot sure if I'll be able to control it. BA: Is that why we left the others? David: Yes. Okay, we're here. Start looking.
  4. (David, Keio, and the Digimon with them watch the battle between Fuujinmon and Pheonixmon. Nadoka, Angemon, and the Animal army are all on their way to the battle site. Dantu's communicator beeps, and he awnsers it. Zassomon is on the other end) Dantu: Dantu here. Zassomon: Sir, the only thing written on the last two tablets said to fit all of them togeather. When I did that, the entire contents of all of them changed. I've translated a couple tablets worth, and I think you might want to know what they say. Dantu: What? Zassomon: The Trinity Digimon are not themselves. Apparently, there's something inside of them. Something called M.A.G.E. I don't yet know what it is, but that's probably in the new text somewhere. Anyways, this M.A.G.E. thing is somehow influencing the actions of the Trinity Digimon. The Prophecy also states that there is someone that M.A.G.E. was controling before the Trinity Digimon, but it doesn't say who. Dantu: It doesn't need to. I think I know who. Anything else? Zassomon: No. Dantu: Keep working. Out. (He turns the communicator off)
  5. Darigann: Whoever that is, she's a big chicken. Sahik: That Dinobeemon tore through us. Darigann: Only because it took us by suprise. Well, at least we can still destroy these losers. (He looks around, but Zach, Yami, and their Digimon are nowhere to be seen) Damn it!. (Duskmon becomes David again) David: They aren't our primary concern anymore. That girl is. Whoever she is. Darigann: Then let's find her and destroy her. David: Not so fast. Rokas: What? David: When I was Duskmon, I felt something... odd. Some sort of energy. It was like it was somehow calling to me, like it wants me to find it. I somehow know its location: coordinates X-23, Y67. Rokas: That's not too far from here. David: Correct. It felt like this object contained something very powerful. I think if I find it, I'll be able to become an even stronger Digimon. Let's go.
  6. Darigann I don't have any clue about what just hapened, but what I do know is that we'll win this fight. Yami: What makes you so sure? Sahki: You would have lost before David did... whatever he did. Now there's two Digimon faceing you, and both are very powerful. Zach: We'll hold you off long enough for Leigh to get here. Duskmon: I told you she's not coming. And even if she did, she can't help. Zach: I don't believe you. I think she'll come. Duskmon: Believe what you like, but she won't come. It's just you three.
  7. Gringy City, I believe. I'll ask if I'm right.
  8. 3500/4000 Rebecca: (Draws) I sacrifice my two monsters to play BEWD in attack mode. David: And I activate Trap Hole, destroying your dragon. You're out of monsters. Rebecca: I end my turn. David: (Draws Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress(WDGF)) I play WDGF in attack mode. (1400) And because Yami is still on the feild, I can wipe out your life points in one attack. I attack with both monsters, ending the match. 3500/0 Winner: David Prize: Three locator cards
  9. David: Do it. Darigann: And let them escape? David: There will be another chance. Just do it. Darigann: No. I won't back off. David: Do it, damn it! Do it! Darigann: No. Leigh: Then he dies. (She pushes the knife against David's throat) Last chance. Darigann: No. Leigh: Then he will die. (David's digivice begins to glow) what the hell? (The object David tripped over floats over to him and is sucked into his digivice) David: Woah. Leigh: Whatever happened, I don't think it matters. David: Yes, it does. (To himself) I hope this works. (Out loud) Execute! Spirit Evoultion! David->Duskmon Sahki: Woah. Yami: That can't be good. (Duskmon grabs the knife and throws it away. He then grabs Leigh and pulls her in front of him) Duskmon: Now, who are you?
  10. OOC: David has 10 cards, and is dueling for three more.
  11. OOC: Rokas is with them, too. --------------------- David: Darigann, would you like to do the honors? Darigann: Of course. (David steps back to let Darigann move forward. As he does so, he trips over something) David: Ouch! (He picks up the object he tripped over) I'd better analize this. Darigann: BlackGuilmon, let's do it. BlackGuilmon digivolve to: BlackGrowlmon BlackGrowlmon digivolve to: BlackWarGrowlmon Leon: Oh, ****. Darigann: You're dead this time. Zach: Only if you win before Leigh gets here. David: She's not coming. Her digivice is destroyed. Zach: Oh, ****.
  12. Dantu: I hate to say this, but there's nothing anyone else can do right now. We just have to watch and hope Phoenixmon can handle this. Keio: Maybe not. Look! (She points behind Dantu. Dantu turns around and sees Kyukimon leading an army of animal Digimon into the area) And look over there! (She points in a different direction) I think that's Nadoka! Dantu: You're right! It is her! Fuujinmon: Nothing you can do will help you now. Phoenixmon; Then I'll just have to do it myself.
  13. David: It's working. I've got Yami. Leon, too. And Zach, as well. Darigann: Good. David: Their Digimon are coming, too. Darigann: I'm ready this time. David: Good, because here they are. (Yami, Zach, Leon, and their Digimon appear in front of them) Leon: What the hell just happened? Yami: It's the goths. Darigann: Please don't call us that. David: You won't escape this time.
  14. OOC: You obviously misunderstood what I did. A data-reinforcement biomerge is a biomerge where specially tranferred data of a Digimon is used to make the resulting Digimon stronger. Peach currently doesn't have any useable data. A regular biomerge would work in that situation, however.
  15. (David looks at his starting hand: Komouri Dragon, Dragon Treasure, Trap Hole, Dark Hole, Polymerization) Rebecca: I'l go first. (Draws) I play one monster in defense mode. David: (Draws Summoned Skull) I play Komouri Dragon in attack mode. (1400) and attack your monster. (Which of the Black Forest is destroyed) Rebecca: Now I can find a monster! Yay! (Finds a monster and shuffles deck. Draws) I play another monster in defense mode. David: (Draws Monster Reborn) I sacrivice my dragon to play Summoned Skull in attack mode (2500). I attack your monster. (Mellenium Shild is revieled) Rebecca: You fell for it! Now you lose 500 life points! 3500/4000 David: I set two cards face-down. Rebecca: (Draws) I equip my shield with the Ring of Magnetism. That lowers it's defense points by 500 but forces you to attack it. I also play Cannon Soldier in attack mode. I then place two cards face-down. David: (Draws Blackland Fire dragon) I play Blackland Fire Dragon in attack mode (1400). I also play the feild card Yami, raising my Summoned Skull's attack strength to 2700. I attack your shiled. Rebecca: I activate Mirror Force! It negates your attack and destroys all of your monsters! David: I play Dark Hole. Rebecca: Magic Jammer! DAvid: I play Monster Reborn to revive Summoned Skull. 3500/4000
  16. OOC: I deleated the last story post I made, changed it, and reposted it. It's a little bit more confusing, so ask me if you have any questions. ---------------------------------- Dantu: I think that time is about to get here. Furora: What's that? (She points at a Digimon flying towards them) David: That must be it. It's flying, so it's probably Fuijinmon. (Fuijinmon lands in front of them) Fuijinmon: Who are you? Dantu: I don't think that matters. Fuijinmon: Tell me! Dantu: Calm down. I don't think you have a right to know. Fuijinmon: I command you to tell me! Dantu: I don't think you can do that. Fuijinmon: Do you know who I am? Dantu: Probably, but it doesn't matter. Besides, only one of us should matter to you. Fuijinmon: And who is that? Dantu: It's her. (He points to Furora) Fuijinmon: And who are you? Furora: Um... he's the one who knows the most about what's happening. Fuijinmon: Awnser me!!!!!!!!!! (Fuijinmon prepares to attack Furora) Furora: I think now's when it's needed! Dantu: It should happen. It will. Furora: It's not happen- (Pause) It just did. Dantu: Do it! Furora: Data-reinforcement biomerge activate! Hawkmon data-reinforcement biomerge to: Phenoixmon Dantu: And that's how it works. Keio: Phenoixmon is a mega level Digimon of average strenght. I thought you said something about the strongest Digimon? Dantu: I said that we'ed get their energies. That Phenoixmon is a lot stronger than an ordinary Phenoixmon. That's because the soverign Zhuqiaomon put some of his energy in the data for Phenoixmon.
  17. (David had not gone home. All of the "Goths", except maybe Sahki, had slept in the digital world. After they found some food, David had checked the results of the program he ran overnight) Darigann: Any luck? David: I've got the exact locations of all of them {OOC: not Leigh}. I'm ready to bring them through. Rokas: Why did you run this program overnight? David: It needed time. It needed the exact locations of the targets in order to work. I'm activating now. Yami, Zach, and Leon will be pulld to us if this works, which it has about a 90% chance of doing. Activating now. (He activates the program)
  18. Interesting. I wonder if that will develop into anything. More more more more!!!!
  19. Are you sure that's the right Recruitment thread? This RPG's Recruitment thread is "Another Digimon RPG by Yours Truly 2"
  20. Well, I would like you to join, simply because i've never done one with you before, so I wouldn't know what to expect. Part of the reason why I joined is because there were a couple people I've never been in one with. Anyways, Tamer Zach should make the final disision, because it's his RPG. By the wat, I was expecting you to use Impmon. you took me by suprise in oyur sign-up.
  21. A picture would be nice, but write the next part first.
  22. David: It doesn't matter if you're here now. Wormmon can't help you. And even if ha can digivolve, Bucciemon was the only real problem, and you certainly can't use him.I'm not going to hurt you. What I will do is leave you here. And that's just what I'm going to do. And don't try and follow, Leigh. I've got work to do, and I can't have you getting in the way. If you follow me, you won't survive. So don't follow. And by the way, shut up. This is me. There's nothing more to me than this. So don't say that crap anymore. I'm out of here. BA, let's go. (they walk off, leaving Leigh standing there) Now, we'll take care of the others. Without Bucciemon, they're helpless. (He takes out his laptop and activates a scanning program) There they are. (He opens a portal. He and BA enter it and appear in front of Rokas and Darigann) Hello. Darigann: David! How'd it go? David: Complete success. Leigh destroyed her digivice instead of giving it to me, not knowing that I would have destroyed it anyways. The others are helpless without Buciemon to bail them out, so let's get rid of them. Darigann: Sounds good to me.
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