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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (they start walking) Mina: Any updates on Omega 2? David: They've found the first artifact. They still don't know where the Final Destination Zone is, but they're looking. Now, let's find some Digimon for you to fight. Darigann: How do you train? David: After a few warm-up battles against Rookies, I have BA go up against Champion=level Digimon. Now that he can reach Ultimate level, I'm going to start him fighting some Ultimates. Anyways, once Ba was having no problems with Champions, I had him take on groups of the weaker ones. the stronger he got, the harder the fights. Eventually, I put him against an Ultimate, which is when he became SG for the first time. Sahki: We warmed up in Primary Village, so let's find some Champion level Digimon. (She points to a group of three Monochromon) Are they a good choice, David? David: For starters, yes. Three of them against you three would be very good to start with. I'll let you guys do it. Darigann: Let's get busy.
  2. I'll guess 4. I'll ask if I'm right.
  3. John, Blue, and Gary. What are the names of the 3 starting Pokemon in Ruby/Saphire and what type is each of them?
  4. Dantu: We've got a lot more to worry about than that. I don't know how much time we have left, but it's probably not much. We need to unlock these chambers soon. Furora: Any idea what will happen if we don't? Dantu: Some. I think the reat of that information is on one of the two untranslated tablets. Furora: What do you know? Dantu: Not much. I know that the land will be ruined, a very small number of Digimon will rule, and all other Digimon will be enslaved. All that are left, that is. Most will be permenantly destroyed.
  5. (David and BA show up at Primary Village, where the others are still training) David: Hi, guys. We're back. sahki: How'd it go? David: My plan worked great. First, I lured them all to me with a trick message, and when they all showed up I showed them who's boss. Darigann: How? What did you do? David: I think my training strategy works better than yours. BA is able to digivole to his Ultimate form, SkullGreymon(SG). It's most likely because of the more dangerous training that he and I do. Anyways, SG was totally dominating. Those losers were barely able to fight SG. Rokas: So they're gone? David: Unfortunately, no. At the last second, Leigh found the Digi-Egg of Kindness and armor-digivolved Wormmon into Bucchimon, who used this really cheap trick to temporarily pacify SG while they got away. Sahki: Those bastards. David: At least they won't be convinced of their superiority anymore. Darigann: I'd like to train with you from now on. Sahki: Me, too. Rokas: Same here. David: Let's find some Digimon to practice on, then.
  6. David: Ouch. I should stand back a little more next time. Oh, well. I'll just watch the fight. (He relaxes and watches the battle. SkullGreymon is easily winning) Leon: Don't give up! Yami: You can do it! Attack togeather! ExVeemon: Right! ExVeeLaser! Kabuterimon: Electro Shocker! (Both attacks hit SkullGreymon, but they don't do much) Leon: ****! Yami: That didn't work. SkullGreymon: Pathetic!
  7. David: You really think that will help? You four are in for a serious butt-kicking. Leon: Did you forget this? Motimon, do it! Motimon digivolve to: Tentomon Tentomon digivolve to: Kabuterimon David: I don't know why you even bother. SkullGreymon is a very powerful Ultimate. Leon: It's three on one right now. David: It doesn't matter. You'll still lose.
  8. (David sees Leigh, Zach, Leon, and their Digimon. He and BA walk over and step in front of them) David: Hello. Where's the other guy? (Yami and ExVeemon fly over and land) Never mind. Leigh: Mind telling us why we're here? And while we're at it, where are the others? David: The others are training. I don't like what they do to train, so BA and I train in other areas. It's more effective. Leon: It didn't work any better than what they do. David: I was testing you. BA could have defeted you easily, but I wanted to see how good you were. Zach: Yeah, right. David: You're here so that I can prove it. Leigh: I knew it was a trick. David: And you came anyways. Now you'll see how weak you all are. BA, let's do it. BlackAgumon digivolve to: RedGreymon Yami: We've seen that before. David: But not this. Do it again! Dark digivolution! RedGreymon dark digivolve to: SkullGreymon Yami: Oh, ****. --------------------------- OOC: Blanko and I have worked out the conclusion to this battle, so nobody else end it, please.
  9. [spoiler]Kaiba and Yugi vs umbra and Lumis[/spoiler] will be totally awesome. I can't wait for that one.
  10. (Dantu's communicator beeps, and Dantu turns it on. Zassomon is on the other end) Dantu: Dantu here. Zassomon: More information on the Trinity Project. It seems that the project involves three Digimon: Raijinmon, Fuujinmon and Suijinmon. These Digimon are extreamly strong, and all are Machine types. Dantu: ****! Zassomon: It gets worse. These three Digimon are uncontrollable by any Master. Each one sees itself as master of air, land, or water. Raijinmon is air, Fuujinmon is land, and Suijinmon is water. And they have the power to back that up. Dantu: ****. Zassomon: One more thing. I was told that there was an energy surge at Thunder Plateau, one of the beacon points. It's also the site where Raijinmon, Fuujinmon, and Suijinmon are supposed to appear. I think they just did. Dantu: ****, ****, ****, ****. Zassomon: Two tablets are still untranslated. Dantu: We need that information. Get to work. Dantu out.
  11. David: The others are probably at Primary Village by now. BA: Why do they train there all the time? David: I don't know. BA: Why don't we ever train there? David: Because there's no point to training there. The Digimon there are so weak that training there is worthless. It's a good place for recruiting, because if you get Digimon when they're young, they're lees likely to try and resist. For training, however, it's almost worthless. That's why we look for stronger Digimon to train against. And that strategy seems to work quite well. After all, you can do something the others can't, and it's undoubtably because of the more difficult training that we do.
  12. (Dantu stops) Dantu: All right. We'll leave the vehicles here. Let's go. (They exit the vehicle. The others exit the other vehicle) Furora: Where are we? Dantu: About to enter the machine domain. This is the hard part. If Haku discovers us, he'll send everythinghe's got at us. We need to be unseen. Furora: Let's get this over with. Dantu: At right. Follow me. (They start walking)
  13. David: While we're waiting, let's check on Omega 2's progress. (He activates another scan program. A large number of dots appear on the screen. He clicks on one, and a Devimon appears on-screen) Status report. Devimon: We've found the first artifact, and we're on our way to the second. David: Good. Any clue as to where the final position zone is? Devimon: Not yet, but we're looking. David: Make sure you don't screw this up. David out.
  14. Anubismon: You're mine, Warx. There's no escape. Not this time. This time, you're going down. Warx: You won't win! You can't! Anubismon: Watch me. Pyramid Power! (The attack hits and does serious damage) Warx: I'm not... not out... yet. Anubismon: You almost are. Pyramid Power! (The attack hits. Warx starts to flicker) Warx: I... I can't... can't lose... not to you... Anubismon: Yes you can. Amemit! (The attack hits Warx, who begins to dissipate)
  15. David: But we also need to take care of those kids soon. Right now, they're probably really confident. It's the perfect time to strike. If we show up and kick their butts right after they defeated us, it would be a major blow to their confidence. Sahki: What is your plan anyways? David: A little trick BA learned recently. It will allow him to take those kids down like nothing. Sahki, you and the others go to Primary Village. BA and I will find you later Sahki: Are you sure about this? David: Yes. Sahki: All right. (Everyone except David and BA head for Primary Village. David takes out his laptop and runs a scan) David: Nothing! I can't find them. BA: Maybe they're in the Real World. David: That's what I think, too. (He runs a different program) Got them. They're all in different locations. All right. (He attaches his digivice to the laptop and runs another program) Channels ready. Opining communicaations. (He pushes a button, activating the communication program. He sends what he says to the digivices of Leigh, Zach, Yami, Leon) I know you can hear this. I wish to speak with you. Meet me where the battle was in thirty minutes. It's urgent. (He terminates communications) That should work. Anyone who comes is in for a nasty suprise.
  16. Tyrogue doesn't evlove through happiness, and he evolves at level 20.
  17. (Kyukimon runs up as Dantu is about to board the vehicle) Dantu: Kyukimon, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be with Keio? Kyukimon: She told me to get a device I could use to track your location, and then get the best of her forces and find you. Dantu: I would say no, but I think that a large force entering the Machine domaid would help greatly. Let's see here. (He opens up his backpack and looks through it) I know I brought something like that. Here we are. (He takes out a small device with a screen on top, and hands it to Kyukimon) This is set to detect my location. THe transponder is active, so it'll work. By the way, where's Keio? Keio: Right behind you. Dantu: What are you doing here? Keio: I'm coming. Dantu: Good. All right. Mushroomon, you ride with Furora and Feather. Make sure they've set the autopilot up correctly. Everyone else, we're in this vehicle. (They board the vehicles. Dantu takes the driver's seat in the one he's in, and heads for the Machine domain. The other vehicle follows)
  18. Sahki: I can't believe that they won. David: Only because we let them. Rokas: What do you mean? David: I have one trick that I didn't use. Rokas: Why not? David: Because I wanted to test those people. I wanted to see how good they were. You see, this soon after arriving, they were acting no instinct. I wanted to see how well that worked for them, and making it virtually impossible for them to win isn't a good way to do that. Don't worry. Next time, they'll lose. I can garuntee that.
  19. David: Attack! RG: Nova Flame! (RG breathes a blast of white fire at Kabuterimon, scorching him) David: Take that, you big ugly bug! (Sahki runs over to Yokoumon) Sahki: You okay? Yokoumon: Barely. Sahki: Can you still fight? Yokoumon: Yes.
  20. David: You guys are tougher than I thought. BA, it's time. BlackAgumon digivolve to: RedGreymon(RG) Sahki: You too, Shadow. ShadowRenamon digivolve to: Youkomon Darigann: Let's do this. BlackGuilmon digivolve to: BlackGrowlmon Rokas: Time to rock. Choleramon digivolve to: Moskitomon David: Now, let's kick some butt.
  21. David: You really don't have a clue, do you? You don't know anything about this place. Leon: We know more than you think! David: Probably not. And even if you do have a clue as to what you're doing, it doesn't matter. You see, you've just arrived in this world, while we have been coming here for a long time. We know more than enough about what to do to take you out. Leon: Proove it! David: Okay. You asked for it.
  22. OOC: Actually, the portals currently don't work, remember? ------------------- Dantu: We can't afford to wait for Keio. Kyukimon, Mikemon, stay with her. Furora, you and I will proceed to the first chamber. We'll find Keio afterwards, but we can't wait around. I don't know how much time we have. Kyukimon, make sure Keio's safe. Kyukimon: I will. (Kyukimon and Mikemon go to find Keio) Dantu: All right. Furora, you and Feather get in that vehicle. Press the blue button, then turn the blue dial so that it points to the number 2. That will set your vehicle to follow mine. Furora: Got it.
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