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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
David: Quickly! Let's hide and see who we're dealing with. (They hide and watch as Leigh and Wormmon exit the underground cafe) Rokas: That's Leigh! Darigann: What's she doing here? David: I don't know. (He notices Leigh's digivice) She has a digivice! Rokas: That means that that Wormmon is probably her partner. Sakhi: What do we do? David: We can't risk her messing anything up. Let's take her out.
David: Are the others here? BlackGuilmon: Right behind me. (Two other Digimon appear: BlackAgumon(BA) and Choleramon. BA is holding a backpack. He gives it to David, who puts it on) David: Thanks. Okay, let's do this. We need a location for the other humans. (He takes a laptop computer out of his backpack and turns it on) Let's see here. (He activates a program) I'm picking up an abnormal signature in sector D4. Rokas: Any of ours in the area? David: Yes, but I think we'll handle this one ourselves.
OOC: Darncoolguy1, you can introduce your character to the other characters any time, and several of the water Digimon (Gomamon, for example) can exist on land. ------------------------------- (Dantu's communicator beeps) Dantu: Already? (He awnsers it. Zassomon is on the other end) Dantu here. Zassomon: Sir, I've discovered something you might want to know. Dantu: Zassomon! I thought Cherrymon was contacting me. What's up? Zassomon: I've translated the first of the new tablets. It mentions something called the Trinity Project. It doesn't have any information on what the Trinity Project is, but I think that will be on another tablet. What I do know is it's location. Coordinates are 23A, 54Z. The Reptile domain, prettymuch right in the middle of the recent battles there. Dantu: Thatnks. Keep working. Dantu out. (He turns the communicator off) ****. Furora: What? Dantu: Finding something called the Trinity Project was probably Haku's reason for entering the Reptile domain. And I think it's part of the apocalypse. A "project" is referred to in a couple of the other tablets, and is part of the apocalypse. I think it's the Trinity Project, and I need to know for sure. (He takes out his laptop and activates a map program. A map of the digital world is displayed, and there are four dots on the map) This is a map of the digital world. The four dots represent the chambers. The chambers are evenly spaced, and they form a shape if you connect them, but there are two points missing. One of them is the Digital Fountain. (He pushes a button, and another dot appears) I haven't had any luck locating the other. Furora: And you think it's the location of this Trinity Project? Dantu: It is if the Trinity Project is the project referred to in other parst of the text. Coordinates 23A, 54Z. Entered and marked. (A sixth dot appears. All six dots are evenyl spaced in a pattern) Furora: It looks like you'd get a hexagon if you connected those. Dantu: Connect them a different way, and you get this. (He pushes a button, and lines extend, two from each dot, and connect with other dots. The pattern of lines forms a six-pointed star) A six-pointed star. But watch this. (He pushes another button, and a cirlce appears, positioned so that it crosses the star at every intersection of four lines) The chambers, the Fountain, and the Trinity Project's location are the points of a six-pointed star, which prooves me correct, unfortunately. There are also six... six beacons is the best term. Six beacons, one at each of the points where the circle crosses the star. If all six are activated, the apocalypse will be uppon us. And Haku can activate them. Anyone with the energy of a Digital Fountain can activate them, but only people with that energy can. Haku is currently the only one who can, and he will do it even if he doesn't know he is. If he doesn't do it intentionally, he'll do it in the process of doing something else. After all, he only needs to touch one to activate it. Furora: ****. Dantu: I agree. We don't have much time.
David: Others? When? Shadow: Just recently. David: How recently? Shadow: About half an hour ago. David: That Leon kid walked into the locker area at school about half an hour ago, didn't he? Rokas: I think so. David: And he wasn't there. His locker was open, almost like... almost like he dissapeared. Rokas: If he dissapeared about half an hour ago, and new people appeared here about half an hour ago, then... David: Then it's likely that he's one of the people that are here.
(Dantu's communicator beeps, and Dantu awnser it. A Cherrymon is on the other end) Dantu: Dantu here. Cherrymon: Sir, the Machines are withdrawing. Dantu: Are you sure? Cherrymon: Yes, and there are still plenty of them left. It's like they didn't care about winning at all. Dantu: Maybe they didn't. Did you bring any scanning equipment with you? Cherrymon: Yes. Dantu: Scan the area for anything that shouldn't be there. Contact me if you find anything. (He turns the communicator off) I don't like this.
(David, Darigann, Sahki, and Rokas arrive at David's house. David opens the door, and the four of them go to David's room. they are the only ones in the house. David sits down at his computer, and begins to activate a program he wrote) Rokas: Hurry up, already. David: I'm going as fast as I can. (He uses the program to open a portal to the Digital World) We'll emerge in sector 2, where our digimon were left with our supplies. Let's do it. (The four of them hold out their Digivices, and are sucked into the portal)
(David walks out of the gym to the lockers. He sees that some of them are open, but nobody is in sight. He walks back into the gym) Darigann: Did that doofus Leon fall for it? Sakhi: What did you do? You never told me. Darigann: It was David's idea. We put fish in his locker. David: And the result is very strange. No fish at all. No signs that there ever were any fish. And no mess at all. It's like the fish all dissapeared. Sakhi: What?! David: That's not all. A few lockers, including Leon's, were left open, but there's nobody in sight. Sakhi: Do you think that Leon... David: I can't see why he would go, but we can't ignore the possibility. We need to get busy. We'll go from my house like we always do. Sakhi: Got it. Let's go.
Iko: Obviously, you aren't aware of who we are, or if you do know, you don't know what we can do. ???: That doesn't matter! Iko: Yes, it does. ???: No matter who you are, I will defeat you! Iko: I don't think so. Blowing you away isn't my only trick, and my friends have some tricks of their own. ???: It doesn't matter! Iko: You want to fight? Fine. We'll give you a fight.
Digivice color is purple.
Dantu: While we wait for her, we can get ready. Two of the vehicles looked like they could still be used. (They go to where the vehicles sre) Furora: How do we get them upright? Dantu: Like this. Digivolution activate! Palmon digivolve to: Togemon. (Togemon turns the vehicles upright, then becomes Palmon again) Dantu: Thank you. We'll use these to get to the Machine domain. We'll walk when we get there because it's harder to see people when they're walking then it is when they're in vehicles, but we'll get to the Machine domain a lot faster.
Bad guy. Name: David. Age: 16 Hair: Brown. Eyes: Brown. Digimon: Rookie: BlackAgumon(BA) Champion: RedGreymon(RG) Ultimate: SkullGreymon(SG) Mega: BlackWarGreymon(BWG)
Dantu: I don't think that we have much time. We need to find the chambers. But first, let's get Keio. (They walk over to Keio) keio, we need to go. Keio: Dantu! Dantu: We need to find the chambers. Keio: Dantu, something happened with my Digivice. Dantu: I know. The Fountain's guardian, Nefertimon, showed up. (He explainns what Nefertimon said and did) We're safe from the Fountain's energy now, so Haku can't kill us with it. I think that that's why he wanted it in the first place, but I'm not sure. Anyways, we need to find the chambers. I think time's running out. Keio: What makes you think that? Dantu: The Prophecy is beginning to come true. It states that "The Fountain's energies will be awakened," and that's happened. It says other things that have happened will happen. I don't know how long we have before the apocalypse begins, but it's not long.
OOC: Actually, it was Gemini. ----------------- (Gemini and Aniox step into view) Gemini: Hello. Again. David; What do [i]you[/i]want? (He sees Aniox) It's you! Rae: You know him? David: I've seen him. Seven years ago, durring my first adventure, I kept seint some kid. I think he was following us. Rae: And this is that kid? David: Yes. Gemini: I didn't expect you to remember that, but yes, this is him. His name's Aniox. Aniox: We want your help. We want to get rid of Olympus, and we know you don't like the guy either. Jake: Do you [i]really[/i] expect us to believe that? Aniox: It's the truth. Believe it if you want to, but it's true.
OOC: Actually, I'm not really introducing too much. I'm mainly working with what has already been revealed. Besides, I can always make the four new slates be indeciphirable if necessary. ------------------------ Dantu: All right. Now we're ready to search for the first chamber. Furora: How will we know when we find it? Dantu: Remember the symbol I described? Furora: Yes. Dantu: Well, that symbol will be used to mark the chambers. It is on the walls of each of them, so if we see them, we're in the right place.
OOC: That should probably be in Recruitment --------------------- (Gemini is still watching unseen. Another person walks up beside him, and they talk in whispers) Person: Hello, Gemini. I take it you've had some problems. Gemini: Aniox! I haven't seen you for seven years. Aniox: I've been busy. I recently learned of your plan, and I decided to help. Gemini: You should have gone to Olympus. He's the boss of this operation. Aniox: I meant your plan. You know that you plan to kill Olympus and take control, and I want to help. Gemini: How did you know that? Aniox: I've known you for a long time, Gemini. You never did like taking orders. Gemini: That's understandable, but why do you want to help? Aniox: Olympus is basically my worst enemy, and I want him dead.
Hurry up, please! I [i]hate[/i] cliffhangers.
OOC: I assume you're referring to Dantu, Furora, and Keio being made immune to the Fountain's energy. I don't see it that way, because none of these characters are going to die anyways. If Sage doesn't like it, however, it's easy to reverse. The way I'd do it would be: They are hit with a concentrated beam of the Fountain's energy for an extended amount of time, which cancles out the effects of the immunization. But Sage, please don't reverse the immunization process unless it is impossible to continue the story any other way.
I don't think that there are any openings. Even if there were, your character profile doesn't contain some of the required information. I don't think that you can join, but that's Sage's decision, not mine.
OOC: Don't forget that Vegitation Digimon are also fighting the Machines. ------------------ (Suddnly, Nefertimon appeared in front of them) Dantu: What the heck?! Wait. You're that Nefertimon that we saw at the Digital Fountain, aren't you? Nefertimon: Correct. I sensed that you were near, and decided to make an appearance. being in close proximity to the Fountain for so long has given me abilities I never would have had otherwise. Anyways, I have information, and I chose you to recieve it because of the way you opposed the one who took the Fountain's energy. Dantu: His name's Haku, and he's the Master of Machine Digimon. By the way, I'm Dantu, the Master of Vegetation Digimon. This is Furora, Master of Bird Digimon, and that girl over there is Keio, Master of Animal Digimon. I believe that we are three of those mentioned in the Prophecy. The other is Nadoka, Master of Mythical Digimon, but I haven't been able to find her. Nefertimon: You will need her. Dantu: I know. I also need the rest of the prophecy. Furora: The rest? Dantu: The tablets that the prophecy is written on can be fit togeather to form what appears to be some sort of symbol. The symbol consists of a circle set on a six-pointed stap so that the circle crosses the star at each intersection of four lines. Unfortunately, there are four missing peices. Three of the star's points are missing, and there is tablet missing from the cirlce. Nefertimon: That is why I am here. I knew that you had found the tablets you have. I put them there for you to find, because I sensed that you could get them translated. Someone needed to know of the apocalypse. I waited to see what you would do after translating them. Once you began to search for the Chambers, I knew that you could be trusted, so I brought the other four tablets to you. (The tablets appear, and Dantu grabs them) take them and translate them. (Dantu hands them to one of the Veggiemon, takes out his laptop, and opens a portal) Dantu: Take those back to the base and have Zassomon translate them. (The three Veggiemon enter the portal, which closes behind them. Dantu turns to Nefertimon) Nefertimon? Nefertimon: Yes? Dantu: Furora, Keio, and I need to infuse ourselves with the energy form the Fountain. We need to enter Haku's territory to find the first chamber, and a concentrated stream of the Fountain's energy is leathal to any human not infused with that energy. Nefertimon: I know. That is the other reason that I'm here. (Three beams of light appear. One enters Furora's digivice, one enters Dantu's, and the other enters the digivice of Keio, who doesn't know what's going on) You are now safe from the energy of the Fountain. It's my gift to you. Dantu: Thank you. Nefertimon: You are the digital world's only hope. Good luck. (She dissapears)
Please use the actual names of the characters. Please.
Iko: Who... are you? ???: You have no need to know. Max: HELP!!!!!!!!! [Iko: Kita, I'm too drained to do anything. Can you try? Kita: I can't even talk the normal way. Iko: I know, but we need to do something. Try sending me your energy. Kita: You mean a transfer? I'll try] (Kita sends Iko some of her energy through their telepathic connection) [Iko: It worked. Thanks.] (He stands up) Whoever you are, I won't let you get away with this! If you want him, you'll need to get through me first!
(Dantu, Furora, and the Digimon with them run towards the battle. They stop when they see Kyukimon and Mikemon fighting Vermilimon) Furora: Who's that? (She points at Mikemon) Dantu: I've never seen that Digimon before. Let's see here. (He holds out his digivice) Mikemon. Champion level. No other data avalible. Feather: It looks a lot like Gatomon. Dantu: I saw that, too. Well, those two should be able to defeat Vermilimon easily. Keio's over there. Let's go.