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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. (The Vegitation force arrived just in time to see Puppetmon grab Haku. The commander, a Cherrymon, turned to the RedVeggiemon beside him) Cherrymon: Call Dantu. Tell him what happened. RedVeggiemon: Understood. (He walks over to a nearby Veggiemon, who has a communicator. He takes it and turns it on) Force 1 to Dantu. Force 1 to Dantu. (Dantu awnsers) Dantu: Dantu here. What's going on? RedVeggiemon: Sir, the force arrived just as the battle began. A lone Puppetmon fought through the Machine forces to a Mekanorimon. He tore open the cockpit and removed a human from it. Both of them dissapeared. Dantu: A human was in the Mekanorimon? RedVeggiemon: Yes. Dantu: ****. It must have been Haku. You said that a Puppetmon grabbed him? RedVeggiemon: Yes. Dantu: Puppetmon normally can't teleport. This one must have some special ability. Interesting. And what's the status of Haku's forces? RedVeggiemon: They are engaged in battle with Reptile and Bird Digimon. Do you still want us to engage the Machines? Dantu: Yes. They'll probably be disorganized due to Haku's dissapearance, so you might just turn the battle around. RedVeggiemon: Understood. Out. (He turns the communicator off and relays Dantu's orders to Cherrymon. The force moves to engage the Machines)
  2. You should probably stick to the actual names of the characters. It's much less confusing that way.
  3. Okay, now for the big question: Where did you get the names you're using from?
  4. Good story, but I'm having trouble with some of the names. I've figured out that Rush is Takato, Zeke is Henry, Keith is Kazu, Jake is Davis, Brian is Cody, and Yuna is Yolei, but I can't figure out Kent and Derek. What names are you using for these people? The names aren't the Japanese or American names, so what names are they?
  5. (Dantu's communicator beeps. Dantu turns it on) Dantu: Dantu here. (A Veggiemon responds) Veggiemon: Sir, we've detected a massive number of Digimon approaching the Reptilian domain. They appear to be Machine types. Dantu: Oh, ****. Haku's trying again. Veggiemon: What should we do? Dantu: Send all avalible forces to engage Haku's forces. I don't know if you can stop him, but keep him busy as long as possible. We need all the time we can get. Veggiemon: Understood. Dantu: Good. Dantu out. (He turns his communicator off) We've got a problem. Haku's attacking the Reptillian domain again. I told Veggiemon to send al avalible forces to help, but it may not be enough. Without knowing the composition of Haku's force, I can't say for sure. What I do know is that we're running out of time.
  6. This thread is about combos, so here's a fave of mine: When your opponent plays BEWD(or another strong monster card), play Change of Heart to take control of it. Immedeatly sacrifice it to play Summoned Skull(or another level 5 or 6 monster card). Then, use Monster Reborn to revive your opponent's BEWD, and attack with both cards. Try it. It works.
  7. (Dantu crawls out of the wrecked vehicle and spots the other two vehicles, also wrecked. Everyone crawls out and stands up) Dantu: Are you all okay? Furora: Feather and I are fine. Mushroomon: Chip, Palmon, and I are a little banged up, but we're okay. Peach is missing, though. Dantu: Keio, too. She was thrown out the back durring the crash. Furora: What do we do? Dantu: We need to find Keio and Peach. I saw several Digimon a few seconds before the crash. They appeared to be fighting, which is what that group over there probably is. Kyukimon was there. It's likely that she came here to find Keio. Keio may be over there, and if not, Kyukimon can help us look.
  8. (A beeping noise is heard. The Veggiemon pushes a button, and the noise stops. Dantu goes to the front and activates a map program. A map of the area athat they are in appears on a small screan in front of Dantu. The vehicles are green circles, and there ae three red circles following them and catching up. Dantu activates the comm system and contacts the other two vehicles) Dantu: We've got incoming! Machine Digimon at six o'clock. Three of them. I can't tell which Digimon they are, but the energy readings indicate that they are all three at the Ultimate level. Mushroomon: (Mushroomon is at the comm unit in the vehicle that he is in) What do we do? Dantu: We try and lose them. We want to avoid conflict whenever possible. Pilots, please tell the passengers to hold on to something. Lock your vehicles into order behind mine and activate the auto-pilot. Set it to follow this vehicle. Dantu out. (He turns the comm off) Pilot, I'll take the controls. Veggiemon: Understood. (Dantu sits in the vacant copilot's chair) Dantu: Keio, hold on to something. This will be a bumpy ride.
  9. The reported Japanese title is Pokemon: Water City Gods. It is said to feature Latias and Latios.
  10. Jake: I don't like it. What if you go nuts like S@bermon did? David: The risk of that happening is low for two reasons. FIrst, S@bermon was being influanced from a specialy built complex. That complex was destroyed when the Stone overloaded. Second, it doesn't have my mark or a pre-ran program for me. Rae: Your what or a what? David: Sabermon has held the Stone, so it contains a mark of his identity. If S@bermon holds it again, it will know. A program was run on him while he held the Stone, so it has a pre-ran program for him. There is a small chance that those would lead to him returning the way he was when he first had it, but that chance isn't present for me. Kyle: I still don't like it. David: i don't see another way.
  11. I'm sure that there will be more. It's very popular right now, which means there's substantial profit potential in more of it.
  12. OOC: 1: Furora is with Dantu and Kieo. 2: They and their Digimon are in vehicles. ------------------- (Dantu and Keio are in one vehicle, Furora and Feather in another, and Mushroomon, Palmon, Peach, and Chip are in the third. A Veggiemon is piloting each one) Keio: Dantu? Dantu: Yes? Keio: I think that I understand what we have to do, but why did we leave Kyukimon behind? Dantu: Size. After we visit the fountain, we're going to enter the enemy's territory. We don't want to be seen. We'll be traveling on foot, too. Keio: WHy? Dantu: It's harder to notice a group of foot then it is to notice one in vehicles. After we visit the fountain, we need to get into the Machine domain, find the chamber, and get out. Haku's blocking portals in the Machine domain somehow, so we can't leave through poratls. We need to get in and out without being seen, and that means no large Digimon. ---------------------- OOC: Sorry if that was too controling, but Ben had Kyukimon looking for Keio already. I provided the reason for their seperation.
  13. Warx: You can't win. Anubismon: Watch me. Amemit! (He fires a large number of energy balls at Warx, who falls over when hit) Pyramid Power! (He fires a green pyramid-shaped energy blast at Warx. It hits, and Warx is knocked backwards) Now do you think that I'll lose? Warx: Yes. The devils are coming. I called them here when I saw you digivolve. They'll be here soon. Anubismon: Idiot. I've already digivolved. Those devils can't do anything about that. Warx: Um... oops. Anubismon: Another mistake. And this time, it will prove fatal.
  14. Iko: What's going on? Kita: Don't... can't... talk... [Iko: Tell me this way, then. What's happening? Kita: I don't know. I can't move! Iko: I'll try and help.] ???: You're mine. Iko; Who's there? Show yourself! (A man walks into the cave) Man: Okay. Iko: Who are you? Man: It doesn't matter. You've been captured, and I'll get Raid's reward. Iko: You won't take us alive. Man: I don't plan to give you a choice. Iko: I'll do everything I can to stop you. [Kita: What can we do? Iko: I have to try air. Kita: Iko, don't! Iko: I don't have a choice.] (He raises his hand, closes his eyes, and concentrates. After a few tense seconds, the man is thrown from the cave and carried out of sight by the wind. Iko collapses to the ground) I... did it.
  15. OOC: First of all, in this post, you will learn that Dantu doesn't know the exact locations of these chambers. He only knows the domains that they are in. Second, Dantu has met most of these people before in various situations. The new people, like Yami, he hasn't met because they just entered the digital world. Third, I'm not rushing to a conclusion. These chambers will take some time to locate, and other events can interrupt the search. Besides, they haven't located Nadoka yet. Fourth, Dantu has done extensive research to learn what he knows. He won't have awnsers as the story progresses.
  16. Dantu: All right. We need to make a quick stop before we enter the Machine domain. furora: Where, and why? Dantu: The Digital Fountain. If we infuse ourselves with the energy contained there, we'll be immune to the harmful effects of a concentrated stream of this energy. Right now, a concentrated stream is leathal to us, but once we infuse ourselves with the energy, we'll be out of danger. Keio: What about the Digimon? Dantu: The energy can't harm them. In fact, a concentrated stream temprarily boosts a DSigimon to Mega level. For us, it's leathal until we infuse ourselves with the energy. Let's move.
  17. I was close. That's a very clever strategy.
  18. I think he's going to [spoiler]continue killing the slime and making Strings draw cards while he somehow prevents Strings from attacking[/spoiler]
  19. (A beeping sound is heard) Dantu: Hold on. (He activates his communicator) Dantu here. (A Veggiemon responds) Veggiemon: Analysis complete. Dantu: Well? Veggiemon: The substane has [i]amazing[/i]properties. First of all, a concentrated stream of the energy is leathal to humans. On Digimon, however, it has a different effect. It temporarily digivolves Digimon to Mega level. Dantu: Any way to prevent it from killing me? Vegiemon: Yes. Only a concentrated stream is leathal. However, if you can get the energy inside you, say through your digivice, you will be immune to the effects. Dantu: Good. keio, Furora, and I will make a stop at the Fountain. Contact the other Masters and tell them what you told me about this energy. Dantu out.
  20. The name Metroid means Invincible Warrior. As for your question, random guess: 1990
  21. David: We need to foucus on what's happening. We need to learn what Olympus's plan is, and unfortunatly, I don't have a backup plan. Jake: What do we do? David: I'm not sure. Wait. Maybe I do know. Hold on. (He stiffens) Seiara: What is he doing? Jake: He's linking with Gemini. Kyle; He's done it before many times. Rae: Never for this long, though. (David shakes his head) David: Got it. Kyle: What? David: The plan will still work. Gemini programmed the Stone, so he knows exactly how to use it. I just learned everything he knows about it. I'll be the one to use it.
  22. Iko: Flare, you were a sorcerer's apprentice. Can you tell if anyone else in near? Flare: Yes. (Pause) Nobody. Iko: Good. It's time to tell you what Kita and I can do. Tou've seen us do some pretty amazing stuff, but you have nno idea of the power that you've witnessed being used. Not even Kita and I have unlocked our full potential. Max: Cut the suspense and tell us what you can do. Iko: Kita and I have the ability to bring inanimate objects to life and control them. (Stunned silence) Shocking, isn't it? Anyways, we can do a lot with that ability, but there's still a lot we can't do with it. For example, we have never done it sucessfully with air. The last time I tried, I was totally drained, and nothing else happened. Anyways, that's what we can do, and that's why Raid is after us.
  23. David: Well, we need to discover Olympus's plan. Gemini doesn't know, so we'll need another source of information. (Bahiumon seperates into Rae and BladeGabumon) Rae: What will we use? David: This is the riskiest plan I've ever come up with. There's a chance that the plan will seriously backfire. S@bermon: Nothing that can happen could possibly be worse then what I've been through. What's the plan? David: You won't like this one bit, S@bermon. The only option I can come up with is to find both halves of the Stone of Enlightened Endurance, bring them togeather, and use them to get the information. S@bermon: You're right. I don't like it. David: It gets worse. The only one of us with the necessary experiance is you, S@bermon. You'll have to be the one to use the Stone.
  24. Some of my favorites are from Digimon: The Movie. (Tai, Kari, and Koromon are in Tai and Kari's bedroom) Older Kari's voice: Once a Digimon truly becomes your friend, he'll do anything for you. (Koromon poops) [i]Any[/i]thing. (Izzy is adding flour to cake batter) Izzy: Do i have enough of this stuff? Tai's mom: Beats me. This is the first time I've used flour to bake a cake. Endigomon: [i]Destrooooooooooooooooy![/i] Davis: He has a lot of issues. Willis: Davis, you're a baby! Davis: Who are you callin' a baby, you baby? (Looks at himself) Ack! I'm a baby!
  25. David: As much as I'd love to see you in action, we don't have time for this. (The four Tyrannomon surround them) Jake: Well, we can't run. David: I wasn't planning on running. One of us could take on a group many times that size without a problem. Rae, you do the honors. Rae: Got it. Hyperform biomerge activate! BladeGabumon hyperform biomerge to: Bahiumon Seiara: Whoa. (The four Tyrannomon freeze in shock and terror, their mouths hanging open) David: I [i]love[/i] the reactions we get when we do that.
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