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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. You nullified the question yourself. I moved on, just like you said.
  2. David: One small problem. Kyle: What? David: Gemini knows that he only has to delay us. He won't let up. He's going to send everything he's got at us. ---------------------------------- (Gemini watches them unseen) Gemini: (To himself) That's true, David, but even Olympus doesn't know my true plan. That fool wants to destroy the digital world. Fortunately, I hacked into his systems. He can't activate anything from there. Only i can trigger the activation, and I don't plan to do so. No, I have a much better plan, and not even Olympus can stop me.
  3. Keio: So what's the plan? Dantu: (He tells Keio) I need to contact the base. (He turns on his communicator and calls the base. A Veggiemon awnsers) Veggiemon: What is it? Dantu: Any reports on the readings I sent? Veggiemon: No. The analysis is currently under way. I'll call you when it's done. Also, Furora has showed up. Dantu: Send her to my location. Send the vehicles, too. Dantu out. (He turns the communicator off. A few seconds later, Furora, Feather, and three vehicles appear. The vehicles are on and hovering about 6cm form the ground, and each has a Veggiemon in the driver's seat) Hello. Furora, this is Keio. Keio, Furora. That's all the introductions we have time for. Everyone, get in a vehicle. We're headed for the Machine domain. The first chamber is there. We have to sneak in right under Haku's nose. This won't be easy. All right. Let's move.
  4. There's no question right now, so I'll ask one. In the Metroid series, who created the Metroids, and why? Bonus: What does the name Metroid mean?
  5. (Dantu watched the whole thing from above) Dantu: This is not good. Mushroomon: Didn't one of those tablets say something about a Digital Fountain? Dantu: Yes. I think this is the beginning. We need to do our part, and [i]now[/i]. (He turns his communicator on) Dantu to base. Dantu to base. (A Veggiemon awnsers) Veggiemon: What is it? Dantu: Has Furora arived yet? Veggiemon: Not to my knowledge. (Dantu pushes a button on his communicator) Dantu: I've activated my transponder. When she arrives, send her to my location immedeatly. Dantu out. (He turns his communicator off) All right. We need Keio. We're going in.
  6. David: Well, I wouldn't know. I never even knew that you two had a sister. Jake: Well, we do. Kyle: You remind me of her, David. She's a computer person, too. A great programmer. David A programmer. And this... this... this whatever it is looks like her. I wonder.... Kyle: Wonder what? David: No time to explain right now. We need to find a way to stop Olympus. Now. [2:21
  7. David: All right. The first of the chambers is in the city. It's under Digitamamon's resturaunt. Max: Back there? David: Yes. Once we get there, we'll be forced to battle. The opponent will be Digitamamon himself. He's been assigned to guard the chamber, but we'll easily defeat him. Once we do, we'll proceed to activate the force in the chamber. Venna: What force? David: I'll tell you when we get there. Let's move
  8. (David, Mushroomon, and Palmon appear in the throne room, which Kyukimon has just entered. As soon as he sees Kyukimon, Dantu, anticipating Kyukimon's attack, rolls to the side to dodge Kyukimon's reflexive strike) Dantu: Whoa, there! I'm not here to hurt you or Keio. Kyukimon: Where is she? Dantu: I don't know, exactly. I do know that she's likely in danger, as she has entered the machine domain. I came here to tell you this, then I was going to go find her. Kyukimon: Why? Dantu: Because I need her help. there's something that only she can do, and I need her to do it as soon as possible.
  9. OOC: Jake and Kyle are with David --------------- Jake: Yes, we're here. why? And how do you know who we are? I've never seen you before in my life. Kyle: And how do you fly? David: More importantly, what are you? It's obvious that you're the source of the mixed readings I picked up earlier, but how can you be the source of a compined signature? i recieved both human and Digimon signatures from you, and I want to know how that's possible. [2:19 a.m.]
  10. OOC: Kita's already out. Also, i don't think Roy found the rest of us yet.
  11. Dantu: All right. Keio is likely in danger or will be, because she's headed toward the machine domain. We'll need to make sure she's okay, and we'll probably have to rescue her. We could use some help. Mushroomon: What do you plan to do? Dantu: We'll stop at the castle first. Kyukimon needs to know, and we could probably use her help. Palmon: Are you sure? She was pretty angry last time. Dantu: She thought that I was trying to hurt Keio. This time, she'll know that we're trying to help Keio. (He opens a portal) Let's go. (He, Palmon, and Mushroomon enter it.
  12. Gemini: Besides, I still have a few tricks up my sleave. Zhuqiaomon: Let's see about that. (He stiffens, then shakes his head) Clever. Gemini: What the hell did you just do? Zhuqiaomon: I learnd your tricks, and I must say that the one you just pulled was extreamly clever. Gemini: I don't believe that you know what you're talking about. Zhuqiaomon: It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. What matters is that I know. Gemini: Whatever. I'm out of here. (He opens a portal and enters it. The digimon seperate into their normal forms) David: We need to find S@bermon. It's possible that he has the same experiance with his double that I do. He might know something that we don't. Rae: We destroyed his double. David: Nope. That's the trick he pulled. Gemini opened a portal where he was, and he entered at the last second.
  13. Dantu: All right. Time for some hunting. (Woodmon and Togemon return to their rookie forns. Dantu opens a portal, and the three of them enter it. They emerge in a room in Dantu's base. Most of the room is filled with computer terminals. Dantu sits down at one and brings up a map of the digital world. He then runs a program to locate Digivice signatures) Let's see... that cluster would be the battle site, that one in the animal domain must be Keio, and this one here wold have to be Nadoka. We'll go for Keio first. (Pause) What the heck? Where is she going? (He runs another scanning program) Kyukimon isn't anywhere near her. She [i]never[/i] lets Keio out of her sight. After that monolouge she gave me it was obvious. But that doesn't matter. Kyukimon must not know that Keio's going somewhere, which probably means that Keio didn't tell her. That implies that Keio didn't want her to come. But why?
  14. Zhuqaiomon: I know what you know about it, but not the reason. I will say that there's no way that you'll keep us busy for 24 hours. Bahiumon: What [i]are[/i] you talking about? Gemini: He's talking about the plan. Zhuqiaomon: Olympus is planning something that will take 24 hours total to do. Gemini doesn't know what it is, only that he needs to delay us long enough. Gemini: I don't know how you know that, but it doesn't matter. There's nothing that you can do.
  15. OOC: Is SuperStarmon an actual Digimon, or one you made up? Sage has said that user-created Digimon are not allowed.
  16. Stern Mystic and De-Spell work well togeather. After the Stern Mystic's effect, which lets you see all face-down cards, activates, use De-Spell to destroy a face-down Magic card, preferably one like Dark Hole, Raigeki, Change of Heart, or Monster Reborn.
  17. Dantu: I know. The sooner we do this, the better. If you don't like groups, that's fine. I'm kind of a solitary person myself. Anyways, you're the person who unlocks the first chamber. When we're done there, you can leave. Furora: Fair enough. Dantu: Meet at my base. You've been there, so you know where it is. I need to locate Keio and Nadoka. Furora: Don't expect me to socialize with them. Dantu: I won't.
  18. OOC: 1: Keio has been in the digital world for a while (See GinnyLyn's cahracter profile in Recruitment). 2: At some point, it will be revealed that Dantu and Keio met previously. 3: Dantu doesn't know everything. He knows about the current situation, and about most of the Masters (Remember, he'd never seen Haku before). As the story progresses, he'll have fewer and fewer awnsers. Besides, he doesn't just know this stuff. Later on, the amount of work he's put into knowing what he knows will become clear. ------------------------- (Furora is watching the battle and doesn't see Dantu come up beside her) Dantu: It's going well, isn't it? Furora: Dantu! I didn't see you come up. Dantu: Sorry. Furora: You never talk to someone without a reason. What do you want? Dantu: A few months ago, a RedVeggiemon discovered several stone tablets in what appeared to be some sort of ruins. He brought them to me. They were covered in some sort of ancient writing, and I couldn't make any sense of them. Fortunately, one of the Zaasomon at my base is an expert on ancient writing, and he was able to translate them. They tell of an apocalypse that will befall the digital world, and the method to prevent it from occuring. Unfortunately, the most important part of the procedure, the identities of those who can do it, was incomplete. What we translated is: "The energies of the strongest of Digimon will be used by those who can control them. The energies of the four were sealed in chambers, waiting to be unlocked. The first is unlocked by the one of the sky, ______________. The second is unlocked by the ruler of beasts, ______________. The third is unlocked by the one of the trees, Master of plants. The fourth is unlocked by the one who talks with legends, ______________." I think I've managed to fill in the blanks, and it's so obvious that I hate myself for not seeing it sooner. The first blank is probably "Master of birds," the second, "Master of animals," and the third, "Master of mythical creatures." The Master of mythical creatures is Nadoka, the Master of animals is Keio, I am the Master of plants, and you are the Master of birds. The four of us need to locate four chambers and release the energies of the Four. When this battle is over, I plan to begin the search, but I'll need you, Keio, and Nadoka.
  19. Dantu: Okay, guys. We need to find Furora, Nadoka, and Keio. They're the ones we couldn't decipher. Woodmon: Why them? Dantu: Furora is the Master of bird Digimon, Nadoka is the Master of mythical Digimon, and Keio is the Master of Animal Digimon. The types match perfectly. I think I've got it figured out. Ryouka! Ryouka: What? Dantu: It's likely that another force of machine Digimon will pass through this area! You'll need to handle them. I've got to go find Furora. Can you handle it? Ryouka: Sure. Why do you need her? Dantu: No time to explain. I'll tell you some other time.
  20. OOC: Sory about that. I changed it so that it concerns my character, but not yours.
  21. OOC: This post might be confusing, so ask me if you have any questions. -------------------------- David: Hold on! I thought I was the only male child! And I doubt that I'm dead. Teth: Obviously you were misinformed. Daleth: True, but you don't even suspect the rest of the story. Teth: Does that mean what I think it means? Daleth: Probably. David: Well, I have no clue, so could you please fill me in? Daleth: Certainly. After your parents had you, they divorced. See, your mother was having an affair. You stayed with your father, who was soon killed - I don't know who did it - resulting in you being sent to an orphanage. You were adopted. You might not remember this, but it's because you were only 3 years old at the time of the chrash, and 5 when you were adopted. David: I don't think I like where this is going. Daleth: I didn't think you would. Anyways, you were adopted by Frankie's parents, obviously. Meanwhile, your real mother married the man she was having the affair with. They'd already had two children - the affair had been going on for 15 years. The children were me and Teth. David: Holy ****! Teth, is this true? Teth: I never heard the whole story, but everything I knew has been said. David: Holy ****! That means that you and Daleth my half-brothers. Holy ****!
  22. David: Did I miss something? Guilmon: I'm confused. David: Teth, what is going on here? I can understand the part about Frankie - and it explains the connection you two have - but not the part about having let go. Teth: The other vehicle. I was there. I was in the other vehicle. Not the driver, but I was there. David: That doesn't explain much. And if it's not your fault, then why did you have to let go, as you put it? Daleth; He felt that he could have prevented the driver from hitting the car you were in. David: How do you... holy ****! It was [i]you,[/i] wasn't it? Teth: And it was deliberate. He tried to kill you. I don't know why, but he almost succeeded.
  23. Dantu: What the hell was that? Woodmon: What the hell was what? Dantu: I don't know. I felt something. Something incredibly strange. It was like I could feel someone else's emotions. But that's not the weirdest part. Togemon: What is the weirdest part? Dantu: I got a sense of where this person was. He's with Haku and Keio. Woodmon: That doesn't sound [i]too[/i] weird. Dantu: It gets weirder. I heard this person try to say something, and I recognized the voice. It was Haku speaking, but from a different body. Woodmon & Togemon: [i]What?![/i] Dantu: I agree. I didn't expect this. It's never happened before. Woodmon: You said the program wasn't working. Dantu: It wasn't, but it did something. Now we just need to figure out why, and what what I heard and saw means.
  24. (The battle was fierce. The four Soverign were about evenly mached with OmegaDemon, but they had one major advantage: There were four of them and only one of him.) Bahiumon: Kongou! (He fires a powerful blue energy blast at OmegaDemon from behind. It hits and sends him flying) Zhuqaiomon: Let's finish this! (The four of them launch their strongest attacks. They all hit, and when the smoke clears, OmegaDemon is gone) We win. Gemini: What happens now doesn't matter. He served his purpose, although I was hopeing that it would take you a little longer. Oh, well. You won't stop the new plan. It's not like it was last time. You'll lose.
  25. (Dantu watches the battle, waiting for the other force he expects to appere. As he watches, he thinks) Dantu: (To himself) This fight is only the start. There will be more. I hope I'm right, because if not, this will be a whole lot harder. (He takes out his communicator) (Out loud) Dantu to base. Dantu to base. (A Veggiemon responds) Veggiemon: Yes? Dantu: Prepare the vehicles we found. When I return, I'll need to search physically. Veggiemon: What's the object you'll be looking for? Dantu: I'm going to try the Omega Option. Veggiemon: You don't know the other three garbled sections! Dantu I think I've found what's in them. It fits. I'll need three vehicles ready. Dantu out. (He turns the communicator off and puts it away)
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