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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. Warx: I must admit that took me by suprise. Anubismon: Of course it did. You never bothered to plan for the future, and you never thought about the concequences of your actions. Warx: Why shoud I have? It's not nearly as much fun that way. But it doesn't matter. You'll lose anyways. Anubismon: I don't think so. You never did bother to think about what you did. It never occured to you that others might be stronger. You never bothered to make plans. Instead, you rushed into battle. You've made that mistake one too many times, and now you'll pay for it. This time, you won't escape.
  2. I think 10, but I'm not sure. I'll ask if I'm right.
  3. I'm glad you're okay with what I did, Shadowdramon. I was afraid that you'd be angry about it. Okay, here's my next part. It's short, but it moves the story along quite a bit. ----------------------- Jeri, Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Suzie, Yamaki, Riley, Tally, and their Digimon had left the Mold. They decided to search for the Devas. Eventually, they had entered what appeared to be a forest. They were walking along when they heard a loud buzzing noise. "Uh-oh," Lopmon said. "Insect Digimon. This must be Hive territory." Just then, a LARGE group of insect Digimon appeared. There were Kuwagumon, Okuwamon, GranKuwagumon, Kabuterimon, and many others. "We have orders to apprehend you," one of the GranKuwagumon said. "Come with us, or we will use force." "We're not going," Jeri said. "Jeri, I don't think we have a choice," Henry told her. "Yes, we do," she replied. "You hold them off." "Jeri, I wouldn't last a second against them," Henry said. "You can defeat them," Jeri told him. "You know how. You don't have a choice. It's that, or go with them." [i]I don't like it,[/i] Henry thought, [i]but she's right. I don't have a choice.[/i] "I'll do it," he said reluctantly. "Get everyone else out of here." "All right," Jeri said. "Let's get out of here!" Everyone but Henry and Terriermon turned and ran back the way they came. "That won't help," GranKuwagumon said. "When you're gone, we'll find them." "You won't have the chance," Henry said. "I don't like having to do what I'm about to do, but I have no choice. Biomerge activate!" Terriermon biomerge to: MegaGargomon. Terriermon asked Henry. As soon as they were out of sight of the insect digimon, Jeri stopped running. The others saw that she had stopped, and they stopped too. "Do you really think that Henry and Terriermon stand a chance?" Rika asked. "I don't think that all of us combined could win against that many Digimon." "Henry can, and he will." Jeri said. "He didn't want to, and I can understand why." "What can he do?" Takato wondered. Just then, MegaGargomon landed in front of them and seperated into Henry and Terriermon. "They're gone," Henry said. "All of them." Everyone except Jeri was shocked. "[i]All[/i] of them?!" Kazu exclaimed. "Destroyed?!" "No," Henry said. "Not destroyed, but barely alive. They've been returned to their Fresh forms." "What did you do?" Rika asked. "I think we all want to know. Man! [i]All[/i] of them?" "Jeri doesn't want to know," Henry said. "She already does." He turned to face Jeri. "And I [i]won't[/i] do it again."
  4. Warx: Give up yet? Cerberumon: No. I'm nowhere near finished. Warx: Give up. I have the advantage, and you won't accept any help. Cerberumon: I've still got one more trick left. Warx: You're bluffing. Cerberumon; Nope. I didn't use it at first because I thought that I could win like this. I didn't count on you having become stronger. Warx: That's why I'll win. Cerberumon: I havn't been fighting with my full strength. Warx: (Laughs) Yeah, right. Cerberumon: I'll prove it. Cerberumon digivlove to; Anubismon Warx: What?! Anubismon: I told you, but you didn't listen. Too bad for you. You should have left while you had the chance, Warx. Now it's too late, and you're finished!
  5. OOC: Dantu does know what he's doing. He's been at this for two years. The rest will be explained in the story. One thing I'm confused about: Sage said that we would go by appearance, but now we're going by GinnyLyn's list, which was made based ot the cards. Which are we [i]really[/i] going by? -------------------- (Dantu, Mushroomon, and Palmon appear in Dantu's room) Dantu: That didn't go as planned. Mushroomon: Obviously. Dantu: I'm not sure what classification that personality is. He was a little more careful that ordinary classification 2s. Palmon: What should we do? Dantu: We need to monitor him. this may be difficult, though. My monitering software can't get a lock. We'll have to do it ourselves. (He turns to the computer) What the? Palmon: What? Dantu: I've lost his location!
  6. David: Uh... what the hell just happened? (Minarmon and Megidramon return to Teth and Guilmon) Teth: I have no clue. David: She's been dead since the wreck, but not dead... interesting. Teth: Impossible is more like it. David: Ironic that you would say that. Teth: Why? David: I have a question for you too, Teth. Why did you say that you're dead?
  7. OOC: I don't see it that way. Dantu was just stateing his beliefs. The way he did it is consistent with his character. He tends to think that he knows what's happening.
  8. As far as characters go, I like Davis better than T.K., but I think that Takari is better that Dakari.
  9. Weevil Underwood's Killer Needle. What was the first crd Yugi played against the Rare Hunter?
  10. David: STOP!!!! (Everyone looks at him) This can't continue. Sakuyamon, you have to stop this! Whatever's wrong with you, fight it! This isn't you! Sakuyamon: Nothing's wrong with me anymore. David: Anymore? (Pause) Oh, ****. Minarmon: What? David: Daleth. This is Daleth's fault. He did something to Renamon to make her believe that we're her enemies. Sakuyamon's personallity has been changed by this. She thinks that she was being controlled before, but isn't anymore. Minarmon: ****. David: Sakuyamon, fight it! Fight it!
  11. Haku: What [i]are[/i] you talking about? Datsu: I know what's happening. Basically, you have two personalities inside you. Normally, each personallity has a different name. I want both of yours. Haku: I don't know what you mean, but I do have two names. Datsu: And they are? Haku: I'm Haku, the DigiMage. Datsu: Classification 2. Haku: What? Datsu: Your current personality is likely in classification 2. Haku: And what is classification 2? Datsu: Classification 2 personalities feel a need to prove themselves. They are normally angered by something. [i]And they usually go by titles.[/i] Haku: What makes you think that you can [i]classify[/i] me?! Datsu: It's my job. Haku: What? Datsu: I go around sorting out problems in this world, from plots to destroy it to territorial disputes. You fall under the Delta 2 catagory: a split personality. Your other personallity probably called for help. The call was picked up by my monitering software, and I'm here to help.
  12. Gcm: I'll wait till later to make sense of that remark. Sakuyamon's gone nuts, and I don't know why. We can't risk seriously injureing her, so we need to snap her out of this. And I can only think of one way. (He becomes David) Minarmon: What are you doing?! David: I can't believe that Sakuyamon would hurt me. Sakuyamon, stop it! Sakuyamon: why? David: I can't believe that you'd hurt me. If there's any of the real you left, you won't. It's your choice. Sakuyamon: what are you talking about? David: We're all the same. Something's wrong with you. Fight it.
  13. Interesting. I've never seen anything quite like that.
  14. Dantu: Palmon, Mushroomon, we've got a problem. Code Delta 2. Mushroomon: I [i]hate[/i] Delta 2s. Palmon: So do I. Dantu: Well, I don't like them either. Unfortunately, we don't have a choice. This looks important. (He grabs his backpack, looks through the contents to make sure he doesn't forget anything, and walks over to the computer) Portal's set for the coordinates. Let's go. (The three of them dissapear. they appear right in front of Haku) Haku: What the?! Datsu: Who are you? And I want both identities.
  15. Actually, I think that Sage should awnser the question. It is his RPG, after all.
  16. OOC: I'll post my question here, too. Are we goind by appearance or by the cards for Digimon type? ----------------------- (Dantu is on his computer) Dantu: Not again. Mom! Dantu'a mom: What? Dantu: I need to go. Dantu's mom: Again? Dantu: Yes. There's a problem. Dantu's mom: I wish problems didn't happen so often. Dantu: I can't do anything about that. I'll be back as soon as I can.
  17. Datsu's fine, but you didn't awnser my other question.
  18. [Kita: It's not something I can tell them, but I'll tell you. It has to do with our ability. Iko: What? Kita: He was able to tell that it was used. I don't know how he did it. Iko: We need to tell the others about this. Kita: I thought we were going to keep our ability secret. Iko: We can't do that anymore. The others need to know why the Dark Souls are after us. Kita: Are you sure? Iko: Yes. But first, we need to find somewhere where we know we ane't being listened to. Kita: Why? Raid's med already know. Iko: Because we don't want every criminal trying to capture us and force us to use our ability to help them. They wouldn't succeed, but we don't want to waste energy to stop them.]
  19. Don't forget that Alice is there now. I'm sorry if I screwed up anything you were going to do by putting her there.
  20. I think I'll take the group that just left the Mold, if that's okay with everyone. I have some great ideas for that group.
  21. S@bertooth made one mistake. DDavid is working for Olympus (I should know. I made those two characters up). Digimon: Guilmon Level: Rookie Tamer: David Other stuff of note: 1: David has occaisonally seen things from DDavid's point of veiw. At first these times were random, but David has learned to control when they occur. 2: The hyperform biomerge is a process I invented. It involves using the data of a digimon in a biomerge to become that digimon. Only data transferred in a special way can be used. 3: David's history is complicated, so ask me if you need clarification on something that happened to him in the previous stories.
  22. Mztik_Gohan10, I was looking for the English name. Circéus, you only gave the English name of the item, not the person.
  23. For digimon type, are we going by what the card says, or by appearance? I know Sage said eairlier that we were going by appearance, but GinnyLyn went by what the card says, and some of those don't make too much sense.
  24. I've beaten the game in 3:53 with 100% of the items, and the fastest I've done it is 1:43.
  25. And the other is Boar Soldier. I'll ask a question: Who is Marik's sister, what Millenium Item does she have, and what does it do?
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