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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline

  1. OOC: I meant that if I posted, it would be a double post. Trainer, you need to change your legendary pokemon choice. I looked at the choices today, and Ho-oh was taken before you signed up. Avalible choices are Zapdos and Entei. Choose one of them, and please edit your character's profile in Recruitment. ------------------
  2. Okay, I'm joining. I had to hunt for a type I wanted that wasn't taken, though, Master of Vegetation Digimon Name: David (I'd use Daisuke, except it was in the show (Davis's Japanese name)) Gender: Male Age: 16 Description: 5'10" Brown hair and eyes. Hair cut short. Always wears shorts and a t-shirt Bio: David's dad dies in a car accident when he was three years old. As a result, David has lived a rather lonely life. He has been home-schooled his entire life because his mom couldn't afford to pay for him to go to a private school, and she hated public schools. David has never had experiance interacting with others, and doesn't have any friends. He became interested in computers when he was 10, and immersed himself full-time in them. He used computers as a way to escape from reality. When David was 14, he discovered the digital world. His first adventure there resulted in him meeting two digimon, Mushroommon and Palmon, who currently live with him (His mom knows, and wasn't [i]too[/i] shocked to find out). The three of them had many more adventures togeather, and David began to study Digimon. He has learned a lot about Digimon and the digital world, and always seems to have the awnser. He always relies on the facts, and doesn't guess unless he has facts to base his guesses on. There. I hope the bio isn't too confusing, but I had a lot to say. By the way, what kind of digivices do these people have? If we can choose, then mine has a D-Power. I'll post the different Vegetation Digimon as soon as I can.
  3. You mentioned a sequel, S@bertooth. Let's do it. There's still a lot more I was going to do with these characters, and with DDavid and Olympus(we don't even know what Olympus is yet)
  4. Iko: Don't worry. She'll find her own way out. by the way, you might want to step back. Max: What are you talking about? Iko: She can do the same things I can. Flare: I don't see how moving the ground could help. Iko: It's more than just the ground. What she has to do will tire her out, but it's possible. Max: What will she do? Iko: She's going to open a path through the ground and come up. You'll see.
  5. Iko: We need to find her. Max: How? Iko: I have an idea. I've never tried this before, but it just might work. (He colses his eyes) Strange feelings. I think they're close. (Pause) They're underneath us. Flare: How do we get to them? Max: Iko, can you make the ground open up? If you can get us down there, we can rescue Kita. Iko: I don't know. Doing it with the ground requires a lot of energy. I don't know if I can do it right now, but I have another idea. I've never tried it at this range, but I think it will work. (He raises his hand, closes his eyes, and concentrates) Done. Now, let's hope it worked. [Kita, can you hear me? Kita: Y... yes.] Iko: Yes! [Kita, where are you? Do you have an image? Kita: Yes.] (Kita sends Iko an image of an empty room. She is chained to the wall) [The thing that was put on my head blocked our communication, and also blocked my ability. The person who did this chained me to the wall, and left. Iko: Free yourself. Now that the blocker is off, you can get yourself out. Do it] She's going to try to escape. Flare: What did you do? Iko: I'll explain later. We need to find a way down to her.
  6. Warx: I must admit, you suprised me. I thought it was this world that prevented you from digivolving. Cerberumon: Well, you were wrong. And this time, you won't escape. Warx: You said that already. Cerberumon: So? And while we're at it, why were we sent to this world. And more importantly, why us? Warx: You were all chosen because of your ability to digivolve on demand. Most digimon only digivolve occasionally, and stay at the new stage until they digivolve again, if they ever do. You can do it on demand, and always revert to your rookie forms. You were a potential problem because of this.
  7. OOC: Whenever anyone has mentioned DDavid by name, he has been called Gemini. DDavid is something I use to remind people that Gemini is an exact copy of David. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Takuya [/i] [B]OOC: David is Zhuqiaomon. He and Guilmon became Zhuqiaomon by using the hyperform biomerge, a process I invented for my upcoming fan-fiction story.[/B][/QUOTE] Please pay attention. ------------------------------ David: Oh, ****. MAJOR problem! Guys, let's do it. David, Rae, Jake, and Kyle: Hyperform biomerge activate! Guilmon hyperform biomerge to: Zhuqiaomon BladeGabumon hyperform biomerge to: Bahiumon Sphrinmon hyperform biomerge to: Ebonwumon Rraikmon hyperform biomerge to: Azulongmon S@bermon: What's going on? Zhuqiaomon: One of his backup plans. It had a very low chance of success, but it looks like it worked. DDavid: Absolutely correct, but how did you know that? Oh, well. It doesn't matter. What matters is that I've won. Zhuqiaomon: Not yet. I know what happened, and I know that the Stone still exists. I know what you can use it to do. You can use it to transfer its energy to someone else. DDavid: Correct. I can use it to have a much easier job of controling S@bermon, and I can make him do anything he could do with the Stone. S@bermon, you're mine! (He holds up the Stone, and a beam of light emerges and heads for S@bermon, but Zhuqiaomon blockes it) What?! Zhuqiaomon: The four of us are immune to the effects of the Stone, and we can protect S@bermon from it. You can't do anything, so you might as well give up.
  8. Iko: Man! No rest at all. All right. Stand back. [Kita: They're watching this time! They'll see it happen! Iko: Only you and I can see the symbol that marks it. They won't know what happens. Kita: Fine.] Iko: I'll handle this. (He raises his hand, closes his eyes, and concentrates. The ground appears to open up under the giant snake, which falls into it. The ground closes up) Done. Flare: How the hell did you do that? Iko: I'll explain sometime. I just hope I don't have to do it again. It can be quite tireing. Now, we need to get going, and fast. Hoplefully there won't be any more trouble.
  9. Gcm: I don't want to do this, but I have no choice. Crimson Stream! (Sakuyamon flips over the attack) Sakuyamon: Missed me! Gcm: You can't dodge everything we do. Crimson Stream! Megidramon: Pyro Force! (Sakuyamon dodges both attacks) Sakuyamon: Missed again! Gcm: Stop this! Sakuyamon: Why? Gcm: We're your friends. Sakuyamon: I don't have friends.
  10. Iko: That's too risky. They might have magic-users with them. I've got a better idea. [Kita: Are you thinking what I think you're thinking? Iko: Probably. Kita: I thought you said not to tell them. Iko: I said I'd do the explaining. Besides, they don't need to know what we do.] Stand back. (He raises his hand, closes his eyes, and concentrates. Suddenly, several screams are heard) Done. Flare: What happened? Iko: They fell into a hole, and the hole dissapeared. Flare: Okay, then. Iko: The process is complicated. I'll explain sometime. For now, let's get going. [See, Kita? They don't know what I just did, only that I did something with the ground.]
  11. Gcm: Major trouble. Something's seriously wrong with Renamon. She's gone nuts, and is rapidly digivolving. I can feel it through Frankie. Megidramon: What should we do? David: We need to stop her, and fast. (Pause) She's heading this way. She's already reached Ultimate. Megidramon: Should we fight? David: We have to. Maybe we can knock some sense into her. (Pause) Another digivolution. She's at Mega. (Sakuyamon arrives) Sakuyamon: What fun! Gcm: Stop it! We're your friends! Sakuyamon: Destroy!
  12. I think it's Iron Soldier, but I'm not sure. I'll ask if I'm right.
  13. OOC: DDavid is Gemini. Gemini is a code name I gave him. ------------------------- (Zhuqiaomon, Bahiumon, Ebonwumon, and Azulongmon seperate) David: Olympus will be impossible for us to find. I don't think he's in the digital world or the real world, but some other world. S@bermon: How will we find him? David: The only way is to make him come to us, but that won't be easy. Besides, he only created it. Gemini is the one who programmed it. S@bermon: He's dead, isn't he? David: Let me check. (He stiffens, then shakes his head) Nope. And he'll be hard to kill. This guy thinks of everything. He'll have a lot of backup plans. This was proven by the events that recently happened. He was prepared for absolutely everything. He started preparing five years ago by putting Guilmon and I in statis to gather energy from us, which was used for several different purposes. Rae: So, what do we do? David: The final battle over the Stone has ended. I don't know what's next, but the Stone is gone, and this crisis is over.
  14. Iko: Well, let's get going. (They start for the village) Flare: Iko, Kita, I've been wondering something. Iko: What? Flare: What does Raid want with you? [Iko: Kita, don't tell them what we can do. We can't take any chances. Kita: Okay. Iko: I'll take care of explinations.] Kita and I have abilities that Raid believes would be helpful to him. He's probably right. Flare: What kind of abilities? Iko: We would prefer not to talk about it.
  15. Okay. In the next team duel (There will be one), who is Yugi's teammate?
  16. OOC: David is Zhuqiaomon. He and Guilmon became Zhuqiaomon by using the hyperform biomerge, a process I invented for my upcoming fan-fiction story. ------------------- Zhuqiaomon: Wait. I feel something. Hold on... it's him. S@bermon: Who? Zhuqiaomon: Gemini. S@bermon: That wasn't a lie? Zhuqiaomon: No, it wasn't. He transferred himself into the Stone. I thought that he would be destroyed by that, but I guess not. His full being is inside the Stone. He exists inside of it now. S@bermon: Then he will die when the stone explodes. Zhuqiaomon: Maybe, but it's possible that the explosion will release him unharmed. Anyways, he's not the one to worry about. Someone called Olympus created the Stone, and I don't know who he is or even what he is. But what I do know is that he's the one we need to find.
  17. (DDavid is not in the control room) Flunkie 2: we've got a call from olympus. (He puts it through. The same image appears on-screen) Olympus: Where's Gemini? Flunkie 1: Sir, he has executed operation Omega 1. Olympus: He merged himself with the Stone? Flunkie 1: Yes. He told me to tell you that he gave me his part of the codes for Omega 5, just in case. Olympus: I wondered how ExDevaS@bermon digivolved. However, I don't think it will be enough. Execute Omega 5. I've authorized it from this end. You can do the rest. Olympus out. (The screen turns off) Flunkie 1: Verbal code: ADEBCGHTYR. Flunkie 2: Code has been accepted. Flunkie 1: Execute Omega 5. Overload the Stone. Flunkie 3: That will destroy this area! The battle is right above us! Flunkie 1: You heard Olympus! Do it! Flunkie 3: Fine. (He activates Omega 5) We have 10 minutes before the Stone explodes. Let's get out of here! (All of the people in the room run) -------------------------- Zhuqiaomon: I must admit that you caught me by suprise with that trick. However, it won't be enough. You can't fight all four of us, and your army is pretty much useless against us now. Give up.
  18. Labramon: Stay back, Warx. Warx: Why? You can't hope to win. You can't even digivolve. Labramon: Why not? Warx: You're still in the real world. Labramon: So? Those devils aren't anywhere near here. They're the problem, not this world. You never weere very smart, Warx. That's why we escaped, and that's why you won't. Blush, let's do it. Labramon digivolve to: Dobermon Dobermon digivolve to: Cerberumon Warx: I don't remember you being able to digivolve to Ultimate. Cerberumon: I've become stronger since we last met. And this time, you won't escape.
  19. The Sage is [spoiler] Saria [/spoiler] What kind of blood does Samus have other than her normal blood? If this question is too confusing, I'll reword it.
  20. OOC: First, Iko and Kita have been busy this whole time. Your charachter wouldn't be able to see them until she reaches the group. Second, normal conversation is not inclosed in brackets. When communication is enclose in brackets, it is telepathic, and only Iko, Kita, and some animals can hear it. Third, I don't think talking animals are allowed.
  21. David: It's almost time. (He poens a portal) Let's go. (They enter it, and emerge in another chamber) This stone doesn't have a guardian, but it can't be collected until all of the other guardians are defeated. Fortunately, we've done that. (Rae grabs the stone as David looks around the room) The final riddle. It says: "The goal of your current mission." Jake: Wouldn't that be the Key? David: The Key was the awnser to a previous riddle. This one has a different awnser. The Sovereign's data. Kyle: I see the image. (He touches it and has the data-entering-digivice vision. All of them are immeadeatly transported to the Blank Zone) What the?! David: Welcome to the Blank Zone. (They insert the stones into the wall. A bright light emerges from the wall and enters the digivices of the children) That was the Key. We're ready. The Key will allow us to win. Normally, ExDevaS@bermon would use the Stone of Enlightened Endurance on us, but the Key prevents that. We are now immune to its effects. Also, we are immune to the effects of the Spires, so we can digivolve anywhere. Jake: This is it, then. David: Not likely. If he begins to lose, ExDevaS@bermon will likely use the Stone to teleport away. This won't be the final battle. After this fight, we'll locate the control center that the other me has been using, and use it to destroy the Stone by sending an impule to ExDevaS@bermon. that will end this, but we need to make sure that ExDevaS@bermon knows that we can defeat him. Otherwise, he'll be brought in to stop us, and he might ruin everything. Understood? Rae: Yes. Jake: Understood. Kyle: I've got it. David: Let's go. (He poens a portal, and they enter it. They appear right behind ExDevaS@bermon) You're finished! (ExDevaS@bermon turns around and sees them) ExDevaS@bermon: You! David, Rae, Kyle, and Jake: Hyperform biomerge activate! Guilmon hyperform biomerge to: Zhuqiaomon BladeGabumon hyperform biomerge to: Bahiumon Sphrinmon hyperform biomerge to: Ebonwumon Rraikmon hyperform biomerge to: Azulongmon Zhuqiaomon: Let's see what you've got.
  22. OOC: I think I've got it. Tell me if I screw it up. ----------------------- Iko: Well, it's good to have you with us. I have all the proof I need to know that you're telling the truth. [Kita: What proof? Iko: The feeling from his diamond. It's no ordinary diamond. Surely you felt it. It's the same feeling I get from my bracelet. Kita: You mean that diamond is a capture device? Iko: Yes. Kita: I've never felt anything different from capture devices. Iko: I never knew that. Well, I guess the only ones we've seen are ours, so it hasn't mattered] Flare: You're so quiet all of a sudden. Why? Iko: Kita and I are talking. Flare: I forgot about that ability of yours.
  23. Labramon: Then we need to find a way to get there. But I believe that our current situation is more important. We need to find out what's going on, and we need to do it now. We need to find a portal to the Digital World so that we can defeat these devils and find out who they're working for, what they want, and basically what's going on. Blush: We need to find BlackGtomon's sister. She might know something. Labramon: She'll attack you and me if she ever finds out what we did. (Pause) You can look for her if you want. I'm going to find some awnsers.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]What I meant is that he can play Insect Queen wihtout the help of other cards. He'll need more stuff in order to get the Great Moth working. [/B][/QUOTE] I realize that. I'm just saying that it won't be a game-winner for Joey, the way some of his other cards are. By the way, am I the only one who thinks that [spoiler] Yugi and Kiaba dueling on a team [/spoiler] will be totally awesome? I've been hopeing for that to happen ever since I saw the Paradox Brothers episodes.
  25. Whatever you do, hurry up about it. These cliffhangers are starting to seriously annoy me.
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