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Everything posted by GuyYouMetOnline
Labramon: What she's trying to say is that if we expect it to be where we don't expect it to be, then we do expect it to be there, which means it will be where we expect it. But that doesn't mater. Blush: Let me guess what you're about to say. You have questions. Labramon: Of course. First, why are we in the real world? Second, why us? Third, why are those devils after us? Fourth, who sent them? Blush: Why do you think someone sent them? Wait. Let me guess... the odds of them stumbling upon the two of us are incredibly low. Labramon: Correct. There's no way this could be a matter of pure chance. Someone wants us gone. Someone wants to get rid of us. Why?
Well, the Insect Queen isn't that great on its own when compared to some of Joey's other cards. Its strength comes from its effect, which requires Insect cards to work.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(David secretly opens a portal. He stiffens, thae shakes his head) David: You aren't looking for me. You're looking for someone who goes by the name of Gemini. He looks exactly like me. ExDevaS@bermon: You lie! And your partner will pay for it! David: Gemini is controling you. He wants to destroy Guilmon to render me helpless. He feels that the situation is out of his control because of what Guilmon and I have done. And by know, he probably knows that I have some way of getting information on what he's doing. ExDevaS@bermon: That's not true! (ExDevaS@bermon charges at Guilmon, and straght through the portal. The portal promptly closes) David: Gotcha. Now for Diaboromon. Bahiumon, finish him off! Bahiumon: Kongou! (Bahiumon fires an extremely powerful energy blast at Diaboromon. The attack causes Diaboromon to dissipate. Baihumon seperates, and Rae grabs the stone. David looks around the room until he sees another riddle) David: This riddle says: "A combination of the former Ancients." tricky, but I know the awnser. Susanoomon. Jake: I see a picture. David: Touch it. (Jake touches it and has a vision of the data entering his Digivice) You now contain the data of Ebonwumon, another Soverign. Kyle, you're next. You will recieve the data of Azulongmon. -
David: We're only trying to save both worlds. The D-Reaper will destroy everything if we do not destroy it first. It's on it's way here. We're trying to activate the Destiny Stones to stop it. This is the last one, but it's in the soup spring that you've claimed. We need to access it. Digitamamon: I don't want to lose my soup, but the fate of both worlds is more important. Follow me. (He leads everyone to the soup spring) The stone is in there. David: Good.
OOC: What do you mean by calling upon the soul power? ----------------------- Iko: I need proof. Flare: What kind of proof? Iko: First, all apprentices of Kadilo are given an identification card. Show me yours. (Flare shows him the card) Good. Second, I need to see your citizinship card. Everyone from Listra is given one. (Flare shows him the card) Good. I'm convinced. [Kita, it's okay. You can come out. She's telling the truth. Kita: Are you sure? Iko: Yes. Kita: Okay. I'll come out.] (Kita emerges from her hiding place) Iko; Flare, this is Kita. Kita, this is Flare. She came here to look for us. Why?
Labramon: I don't know who she is, but she seems upset about something. Blush: She's upset about what I did. Labramon: No, not that. Blush: Then what? Labramon: I don't know. I have this feeling that she's hiding something. Blush: What kind of something? Labramon: I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with what happened to her partner. Why didn't you mention my role? Blush: You ran away before. I didn't want you to leave again. Labramon: I've come to terms with myself since then. I know that it was wrong, but I can't change what I did. Tallamon: What ARE you talking about? Labramon: I was once on their side, too. I led the mission that led to BlackGatomon's partner being taken.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
David: Stone #11 is next. Jake, you will recieve the data of Ebonwumon. But first, let me check on s@bermon's situation. (He stiffens for a moment, then shakes his head) Not good. Rae: What? David: Unfortunately, the enemy's opperation succeeded. S@bermon is as good as dead. Kyle: ****. David: We need to move fast. (He takes out his laptop and opens a portal. They enter it, and emerge in a large chamber) We are in a hidden chamber beneath the surface of the moon. It's fully pressurized. Jake: How do you know this? David: Ipm knew it, so know I do. Jake: Oh. David; The guardian of this one is Diaboromon, but that's not all. This Diaboromon has been strengthened somehow, just like MetalEtemon was. He is much stronger than normal. Piece of cake. Rae, why don't you take this one. Just do what I did. Rae: Okay. I'll try. (Diaboromon appears) Diaboromon: Who are you, and why are you here? David: We're here for the stone. Diaboromon: You won't get it. David: Do it, Rae. Rae: Right. (Rae and BladeGabumon step forward, and begin to glow blue) Hyperform biomerge activate! BladeGabumon hyperform biomerge to: Bahiumon Diaboromon: WHAT?! -
OOC: Two things. One: What is the purpose of capureing creatures' souls? And two: Please explain this ability that Kita and Iko have to bring things to life. ------------------------ (Iko was watching this newcomer. When she said that Iko and Kita were near, Iko ducked back down behind some of the rubble) [Iko: Kita, are you still safe? Kita: Yes. I'm well hidden. What's going on out there? Iko: Some girl showed up. She found something, said our names, and said that she thought we were near. Kita: What should we do? Iko: I'll keep watching her. You stay out of sight. Kita: Be careful, Iko.]
OOC: You just revived this thread. The crappy post doesn't matter. ------------------------ (David, Venna, and Impmon climb on Megidramon and head towards the last Destiny Stone) Venna: David, I have a question. David: What? Venna: Why hasn't Megidramon become Guilmon again? David: It has to do with experiance. I found Guilmon a year ago, and we've had many adventures. The experiance has made Guilmon stronger, and he is able to maintain his stronger forms for a larger amount of time. Venna: You seem to know a lot about all of this. David: I have a lot of free time on my hands. I've studied this world ever since Guilmon first appeared. Before that, I studied computers. That's how I know so much. Venna: What got you into computers? David: Long story. We don't have time for it now. There are more important things to think about.
OOC: Double posts aren't allowed. I needed to wait for someone else to post before I did. Also, I was on vacation. --------------------- David: It's already set. Just make sure that the green button is depressed. If not, push it to turn the device on. Don't worry about turning it off. The power supply will last for a couple years without a recharge, because these devices don't use a lot of energy. Bremma: Got it. David: All right. Let's do this. I know where Team Rocket's headquarters is, and so does Bremma. We need to get there fast. Let's move!
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
DDavid: (To himself) Perfect. He's looking for David, and he'll find me. And I'll be ready. (Out loud) Maintain monitering of the subject. I'm going out there. (He opens a portal, and dissapears. He appears in front of S@bermon) S@bermon: David! DDavid: I know what's happened, and I have a solution. S@bermon: Are you sure? DDavid: Yes. after I changed the stone so that it wouldn't control you, someone else changed it back. I took care of him, and now I'm in control of the device he used to change the Stone back. I used it to change the Stone again. It won't control you, I promise. I also added a function that will cause any other Digimon who holds it recieve an impulse to return it to you, just in case you lose it. S@bermon: Are you sure this time? DDavid; Yes. S@bermon: This isn't a lie? DDavid: No, and I didn't lie last time, either. You are cured of cancer, and can travel to the real world. That part worked. S@bermon: Good point. (Impmon shows up with the Stone) Impmon: This is yours, isn't it? Why else would I feel an impulse to give it to you? DDavid: Take it, S@bermon. It's okay. Take it. ---------------------------- (Jake holds up his digivice) Jake: Zhuqiaomon. Mega-level. It says he's something called a "Sovereign." His power levels are off the charts! And I mean WAY off! My D-Power can't fully display the power readings! Omnimon: This must be some sort of trick! You can't be Zhuqiaomon! Zhuqiaomon: But I am. Omnimon: No, you're not! You can't be! Zhuqiaomon: Accept it. Omnimon: You're an imposter, and I'll destroy you for impersonating Zhuqiaomon! Supreme Cannon! (Omnimon fires an incredibly strong energy blast at Zhuqiaomon, who lets the attack hit him. When the smoke clears, Zhuqiaomon is unharmed) WHAT?! Zhuqiaomon: I told you, but you didn't listen. Phoenix Fire! (Zhuqiaomon fires several blasts of fire at Omnimon. The attack hits, sending him flying accross the room. Zhuqiaomon attacks again, and Omnimon dissipates into data. Zhuqiaomon seperates into David and Guilmon) David: That was easy. Jake: How the hell did you do that? David: The data of Zhuqiaomon is inside me. That's what happened before. Guilmon an I can become him now. All right, let's see here. (He looks around the room) There we are. Another riddle. It says: "It's what you seek." Also easy. The Key. Jake: Nothing happened. Rae: Um... that's not true. There's a picture there now. David: We can't se it because this one is yours, Rae. Touch it. (Rae touches the picture, and has a vision of its data entering her digivice) Rae: Whoa. You're right, David. I'm not afraid anymore, either. David: You now contain the data of Bahiumon, another Sovereign. Jake and Kyle will have the same thing happen to them eventually. Now, enough talk. We've got a job to do. -
Labramon: We need awnsers. Blush: You never were patient. Tallamon: You know each other? Labramon: Long story. We don't have time for it now. We need awnsers. And soon. Before those three come back. Blush: I agree. Labramon: For once. Tallamon: Stop it, you two. Labramon: Sorry. (He looks around) Hey, where's BlackGatomon?
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
DDavid: Contact Olympus. (Flunkie 1 puts the call through, and the same image appears on-screen) Olympus: What is it? DDavid: Emergency situation 113. Olympus: Again?! DDavid: Yes. We are currently sending the impuls to grab it to an Impmon. The plan is to have the Impmon deliver the stone to S@bermon, and give it to him by force. Then, we will download the rest of the energy gathered from David and Guilmon into him, destroying what is left of S@bermon. The chance of sucess is 90% Olympus: Don't fail me. Out. (The screen turns off) ----------------------- David: I'll take us to the next stone. (He stiffens for a moment, then shakes his head) Well, then. Kyle: What? David: ExDevaS@bermon lost the stone again. An Impmon is recieving an impuls to grab it and return it to S@bermon. Then, energy will be transferred to ExDevaS@bermon, destroying what is left of S@bermon. The chance of success is 90%. We need to move fast. (He opens a portal, and they enter it) Stone #10. Guarded by Omnimon, an extreamly powerful Digimon. He'll be nothing. (Omnimon appears) Omnimon: I'll be nothing? Who are you? David: One who doesn't feel fear. I'll show you why. (David and Guilmon begin to glow red) Guilmon: Didn't we glow white before? David: We're becoming a different Digimon this time. Hyperform biomerge activate! Guilmon hyperform biomerge to: Zhuqiaomon (A LARGE red bird Digimon is formed from the hyperform biomerge) Jake: Whoa! Kyle: What the?! Rae: That was unexpected. Omnimon: Zhuqiaomon?! How can it be? -
Gcm: Something's wrong. Megidramon: What? Gcm: I don't know. It's something with Frankie. Megidramon: What do we do? Gcm: We need to find Renamon, like we promised. Then, we'll find Frankie. Megidramon :Right. So, where's Renamon? Gcm: I don't know. She's close, though. Very close.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
OOC: I'm back. Sorry, I was on vacation, and there was no Internet access where I was staying. ----------------------- [David: Guilmon, why do you want to fight him? We can't win. Guilmon: Are you sure? David: He's much stronger than we are. But don't worry. He'll get his soon enough] ExDevaS@bermon: You can't win. Ipm: I thought so. (He seperates into David and Guilmon) David: Now do you remember what I did? ExDevaS@bermon: You lied to me when I saw you last. David: To save your life. (He opens a portal) And if you were smart, you wouldn't destroy me. I might just save you again. (He and Guilmon enter the portal, and appear in the Blank Zone) That was close. Guilmon: Why are we here? David: It's the only place I'm sure he can't follow us to. (David then has another vision. He is surrounded by whiteness, and sees Ipm in front of him) Ipm: You have passed the test. Now, you will be shown the way to win. You have my form. Take my knowledge, too. (The vision ends, and David shakes his head. He realized that he knew what he had to do) David: All right. I know what to do now, so let's find the others. They're also needed. (He attaches the stone to his laptop and locates the energy connection) They've moved. They're at the location of stone #8. They've been busy. (He opens the portal, and he and Guilmon enter it. They appear right in front of Rae, who has just grabbed the 8th stone) Hi. Jake: David! Kyle: I thought you were on the run. David: A clever little trick helped me out. But there's some more important things to worry about. Rae: Yeah, like: why was there no guardian for this stone? The last one was guarded by Gcm, but this one had no guardian. David; That's because he's already destroyed. The guardian for this one was Gallantmon Chaos mode, but Sprindell destroyed him five years ago. Jake: How do you know that he was the guardian? David: Long story. (He opens a portal) This portal will get us to the location of stone #9. The guardian for that stone was Ipm, but he's inside of me now. He sacrificed himself to give us a chance, which is how I now what to do. (They enter the portal, and appear in a large chamber. The stone is in plain sight. While Rae grabs the stone, David walks over to one of the walls) Jake: David, what are you doing? David: Written on this wall is a riddle. I can see it only because of what Ipm did. It says: "All that I was is in you now." Easy. The awnser is: Imperialdramon Paladin mode. (A picture of a Digimon appears on the wall. Only David can see it. He puts his hand on it, and has a vision of that Digimon's data entering his Digivice) Woah. Kyle: What happened? David: A picture appeared when I answered the riddle. I now contain the data off yet another Digimon, but I never thought that I'd feel like this after getting its data. Kyle: What do you feel? David: Not what I feel. What I don't feel. Jake: What don't you feel? David: Fear. I don't feel fear anymore. I'll explain later. We have more work to do. --------------- OOC: Nobody reveal what happened to David, or what he knows. I already have that set. -
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
OOC: S@bertooth is right. Sort out your problems first. ------------------------- (David takes out his laptop and preses the F4 key, and then the F7 key. A portal opens) David: This portal will take us back to where we just were. Let's go. (David and Guilmon enter the portal, and apear right in front of RedWarGreymon, who was about to go looking for them) Rwg: Well, hello, there. Looks like I won't have to go looking for you after all. David: This time, things will be different. Rwg: You won't even have a chance to fight. Terra Incinerator! (Rwg throws a large red energy ball at David and Guilmon. David's digivice glows, along with David and Guilmon. David and Guilmon combine in a new type of biomerge) Guilmon hyperform biomerge to: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode Rwg: Uh-oh. Ipm: You're going down! Positron Laser! [QUOTE]Positron Laser is just like the attack Ifm has: a powerful laser. Ipm's other attacks are: Positron Sword, an energy-powered sowrd attack, and Positron Sheild, an energy barrier that can withstand a few attacks before dissipating.[/QUOTE] (Ipm's attack hits, and Rwg flies backwards) -
(Labramon watched BlackGatomon walk off) Labramon (To himself) Who is that? And why are others afraid of her? That Digimon she rescued was terified of her, even after she saved it. Could it be because of what she can do? I've never noticed it with me, but I'm normally alone. Maybe she can help me. (He follows her. She hears him behind her, and turns around) BlackGatomon: What do you want? Labramon To talk. BlackGatomon: Why would you want to talk with me? Do you know who and what I am? Labramon: Yes. I also have the ability to digivolve, just like you. I saw the battle. I'm curious. Why was the Digimon you saved frightened of you?
I get it. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
(DDavid appears in the control room) DDavid: Contact Olympus. (Flunkie 1 puts the call through. The same image appears on the screen) Olympus: What is it, Gemini? DDavid: The operstion was a complete success. I used my appearance to fool him into trusting me. The energy transfer was successfully completed, as well. Unfortunately, the Spires that he uses here in the digital world won't have any effect in the real world. He'll need to be a little more forceful there, but he can handle it. Olympus: Very good. Olympus out. (The screen turns off) ------------------------- (Gcm and Rwg are engaged in a fierce battle, and Rwg is winning. He attacks Gcm from behind, and that proves to be the final blow. Gcm seperates into David and Guilmon) Rwg: That was easier than I thought it would be. (David quickly takes out his laptop, and begins to work at opening a portal to a new location) David: He's lieing, you know. Rwg: Who? David: ExDevaS@bermon. He'll destroy you when you're done with me. Rwg: I don't believe you. I will destroy you, just as he ordered! (David finishes opening the portal) David: Not yet. (He and Guilmon enter the portal, and appear in a large chamber with no visible entrances or exits. The walls are solid metal, except for a door with 12 depressions on it. David tries to open it, but can't) Found it. Guilmon: Found what? David: The Blank Zone. Nobody has ever been able to get in here before. We're the first. I believe that we'll bring the others here at some time, because this is where the stones go. Behind that door is the Key. Also, we're safe here. No scans of any kind can penetrate here. It's pure luck that we made it here intact, but we had to try. Now that we've been here, I can get us back easily. Guilmon: Good. (David notices an image of a Digimon on the wall. He walks over to it) David: What's that? (He touches it. Immedeatly, he sees pure whiteness all around him, except for the Digimon whose image he touched. It looks like Imperialdramon Fighter Mode with more armor and a large sword. He holds up his D-Power) Imperialdramon Paladin Mode(Ipm) One of the strongest Digimon. He's even stronger than Gcm! (He watches as Ipm dissipates into data and enters his D-Power. One word appeas on the display: Hyperform. Suddenly, he is back in the Blank Zone) Whoa. Guilmon: What happened? David: My digivice now contains the data of Ipm, a digimon even stronger than Gcm. If I can figure out how to use it, and I think I have, then we should be able to become him. Guilmon: Great! How do we do it? David: Whenever I step in front of an attack aimed at you, my digivice activates. If I do it now, we shold activate the Hyperform process, and become Ipm. -
I'm in. I normally use Guilmon, but I'm going to try something a little different for this one. Name: Labramon Level: Rookie Attacks: Cure Liquor, Retreiverg(Anyone know what they do?) Evolutions/Attacks: Champion: Dobermon/Attacks: Emerald Blast: A green energy beam fired from his mouth. Ultimate: Cerberumon/Attacks: Emerald Blaze: Green fire fired from mouth. Mega: Anubismon/Attacks: Pyramid Power: Pyramid-shaped energy blast fired from the hands. Amemit: Energy balls fired from the hands. Personality: He has problems getting along with others. At times he can seem insensitive, bossy, or just about anything else. He never gives up. He is very intellegent, and can always be counted on to have some kind of a plan.
I think it was 62 without the symbols. I'll ask a question if I'm right.
Okay. I've posted requests for help on Devamon's appearance. Hopefully, we'll get some good options. --------------------------------------------------------- After Alice left the others, Piedmon had demanded that he be paid. The others didn?t know what to do, until Jeri told him where Metamormon stored his jewels and other items (she had gained the knowledge when she sat on the Morpheus Throne). Piedmon immediately dumped everyone and went to look for the jewels. They started walking, and Alice and Takato found them before anything major happened. Alice and Takato had explained what happened in the other dimension. ?Adiran?s information came in the form of two riddles,? Alice said. ?The first one is: The energies of the One can still be used, but alone won?t be enough. The Twelve must be united, and their energies combined. Only then can the Twelve and the One reverse what has already been done. The second one is: The method they have used before against their greatest challenge can be used again against their toughest foes. But will the only two who can do it be willing to take the risk?? ?Bizarre,? Rika said. ?We don?t know what they mean,? Alice said. ?A few bits of information are needed to solve them. For the first one: Who is the One? Who are the Twelve? What energies do they have? And what can they reverse? For the second one: What is the method? Who or what was it used against? Who can use it? And what?s the risk?? ?I think I can answer a couple of the questions for the first one,? Jeri said. ?I think that the One is Lucemon. That would explain why we might think he wasn?t a catalyst anymore. I think the catalyst power is the energy mentioned, which means that the Twelve are probably the Devas. I don?t know what they can reverse. As for the second one, I only know that the greatest challenge mentioned is probably the D-Reaper.? While Jeri was talking, Alice noticed that Henry looked like he knew something, but didn?t want to say it. She was about to ask him what it was when Takato exclaimed, ?Hey! That?s Ryo!? He pointed to the portal he saw Ryo through. ?I?m going through,? Alice said. ?And don?t try and stop me. Everyone, stay here. Don?t come with me. Look for the Devas. We?ll need them if they are indeed the Twelve.? She ran through the portal Takato had pointed to before anyone could protest, and appeared in the vehicle Ryo 1 (her world?s Ryo) and Hopmon were boarding. ?What the? It?s you!? Ryo 1 said. ?Yes,? Alice said. ?Now, would you please tell me what?s going on here?? Ryo 1 managed to convince Janyu that Alice (Alice 1 for future reference) was on their side. Dolphin didn?t have any doubt. They were on the way to Hypnos as Ryo 1 explained the situation. ?You said that this Pururumon is our world?s Zhuqiaomon?? Alice 1 asked. When Ryo 1 confirmed it, she realized something. ?That?s it!? she exclaimed. ?That?s the answer.? ?What are you talking about?? Ryo 1 asked. Alice explained what had happened to her and Takato, and about her Reaver problem. Dolphin, the driver, was sufficiently shocked. She explained about the riddles, and what Jeri had figured out. ?I think I just realized what Lucemon and the Devas can reverse. Working together, they might be able to restore the Sovereign to their original forms.? Just then, Dolphin said, ?News from Janyu. And it?s not good. Pururumon is having second thoughts. Any ideas?? ?Tell him that if he does what we ask, we can help him with his biggest problem,? Alice said. ?Tell him that once Ryo and I return to our world-with him, of course-we?ll help him return to his true form. We think we know how.? When Dolphin told Janyu, and Janyu told Pururumon, Dolphin told Ryo 1 and Alice 1 that Pururumon accepted, and was suddenly displaying a large amount of enthusiasm about the whole thing. ?Obviously, he believes you,? Dolphin said. ?Is it true? Can you really return him to his true form?? ?No,? Alice said, ?but I know who can.? IceDevimon immediately entered the room where Masahiko, Tanemon, Gatomon, and BlackGatomon were. ?We?re under attack!? He said. ?The Outcasts are here in force. We think they want Tanemon.? ?Don?t worry,? Gatomon said. We?ll protect Tanemon. You go save this place.? IceDevimon left. ?Do we have to fight again?? Masahiko asked. He didn?t want to fight. ?Yes,? BlackGatomon said. ?I don?t think we?ll have a choice. At least this room is big. We?ll be able to fit.? Masahiko was scared. ?I don?t want to fight,? he said. ?I?m scared.? ?Don?t be,? Tanemon said. ?You can do this. I know it?s a little strange, but don?t worry. Your partners will protect you.? ?Partners?? Masahiko said. ?You mean Gatomon and BlackGatomon?? ?Yes,? Tanemon said. ?They are your partners. The three of you can do a lot if you believe in yourselves.? Masahiko didn?t understand that, but he knew that Tanemon was right. He would need to fight. ?Don?t worry,? Gatomon said. ?We?ll take care of you.? Just then, another alarm sounded. ?Alert! Alert! The enemy is in the fortress! Alert! Alert! The enemy is in the fortress!? ?Uh-oh,? BlackGatomon said. ?We?d better get ready.? ?How?? Masahiko asked. ?Believe in yourself and your partners,? Tanemon said. ?You can do it.? ?I?ll try,? Masahiko said. Suddenly, the door exploded, and several Harpymon entered the room. ?Now!? Tanemon said. ?You can do it. Do it now!? Masahiko ran towards the Harpymon, and Gatomon and BlackGatomon were close behind. The three of them began to glow, and they combined in a new type of biomerge. Gatomon/BlackGatomon DNA biomerge to: Magnadramon Masahiko said. Gatomon replied. BlackGatomon said.
David: Actually, I tried to find him. He's a good trainer, no matter what anyone else thinks. Also, he has had many run-ins with Team Rocket, and he also has seen more legendary pokemon than anyone except us. Shinobe: Are you serious? David: Yes. But that doesn't matter. We don't have much time. I'd say a few days. (A beeping noise is heard) They're back. (David runs outside with all of the translators. He turns the red/black and yellow/black ones on) Raikou! Entei! Over here! Have you been told what's happening? Entei: Yes. We have agreed to help. David: Good. Now, we'll need a plan. ---------------------- OOC: Before everyone leaves, they will all get translators. A character will get the translator for the legendary pokemon chosed when signing up, including Bremma, because the translators are also communicators.
RPG DIgital Destiny: Stone of Enlightened endurance.
GuyYouMetOnline replied to TheShinje's topic in Theater
OOC: Keep it up. Others will come back. Most of the rpGs tht I've been in have had low points like this, but they got back up. Just give it time. -------------------------- DDavid: Contact Olympus. (Flunkie 1 puts the call through, and the same image appears on-screen) Olympus: What is it, Gemini? DDavid: Emergency situations 012 and 113. Olympus: 012 AND 113? DDavid: Yes. the cancer caused him to get rid of the stone. we have 1 day before S@bermon regains control of himself. Olympus: What do we do? DDavid: To correct for 012, the cancer, we need to infuse ExDevaS@bermon with the energy we gathered from David and Guilmon while they were in stasis. this will also allow him to enter the real world. However, he needs the Stone for us to do that. Olympus: So, how should we correct for 112? DDavid: I'll deliver the stone to ExDevas@bermon myself. Olympus: Do it. Olympus out. (The screen turns off) DDavid: Is the portal-maker ready? Flunkie 3: Yes, sir. (He hands DDavid a complicated-looking device) Here it is. DDavid: Good. (He uses the device to create a portal, enters it, and emerges in the real world, right where the stone fell through to. He grabs it, and opens another portal. He enters it, and appears in front of S@bermon) S@bermon: David! DDavid: I know about your problems, and I can help you. there is one way out for you. S@bermon: What? DDavid: I have changed the Stone of Enlightened Endurance so that it won't control you. It was actually a very simple modification. Anyways, you will be able to survive, but you won't lose control. S@bermon: what about the cancer? DDavid: Even simpler. I know how to infuse you with a certain kind of energy. This energy will cure the cancer, make it impossible for the Stone to make you ill ever again, and allow you to travel to the real world. S@bermon: I don't know. Do I deserve to live? DDavid: You weren't in control of yourself. it's not your fault. You do deserve to live. (He holds out the Stone) Take it. S@bermon: (To himself) Should I? Should I risk it? DDavid: (To himself) Take it. Take it, and retrn to how you were. ------------------------- OOC: S@bermon does NOT know about the two Davids, and thinks that DDavid is the David he knew. He doesn't think that DDavid is lieing (DDavid is lieing about S@bermon not being controlled by the stone (S@bermon would become ExDevaS@bermon again, and lose control of himself again), but he isn't lieing about being able to cure the cancer and prevent future diseases), but he doesn't know if he should risk takeing the Stone or not. S@bertooth, you decide what S@bermon does. If he takes the stone, the story can continue. If he doesn't, it will soon end. I think you should give it another chance. give it some time. People will come back. Besides, if they don't, you can always end it later. -
OOC: I believe that OOC means 'Out Of Context.' ---------------------- David; No, it means that Team Rocket trieds to trick us. And I almost fell for it. Shinobe: Oh. David: If Bremma was a traitor, I didn't want her to know that I knew, so I sent her with Rei, who was there just in case she was. With her gone, i could investigate further without her knowing. I found out that it was a trick, and that Bremma is on our side. Shinobe: That's good to know.