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Everything posted by Lord_Otaku88

  1. I like summoning a ritual monster on the first move of the duel, for example Crab Turtle. That makes most duelists I face freak out and play stupid moves that just gets them into a deeper hole.
  2. Well I hope there isn't already a thread on this, but I was just wondering what your best opening move on Yu-Gi-Oh! was. Mine would have to be when my friend and I had just started and it was his turn first. He placed Muka Muka down equiped with Horn of the Unicorn, an attack power was 2300(there were 3 cards in his hand). I then summoned Battle Ox equiped with the Sword of Deep-Seeted. I also played Change of Heart, and attacked him directly with 4500(battle ox=2200) I then played Dark Hole and then Last Will, and set Labyrinth wall,well what do you guys think of that? [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Give me a bit- I'm trying to figure out if this can fit anywhere. There's [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19460]Your weirdest move?[/URL], but I'm not sure that'd count. Hmm... -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. I can't seem to get rid of Red Moon Baby...... though i've only killed one monster with him out of the hundred or so duels i have done.
  4. I usually just listen to music and then ideas just start poping up. But i have to have already thought about what kinda direction i want the story to take.
  5. That was the episode mztik gohan10 was talking about, session 8: waltz for venus, one of my personnal favorites.
  6. I don't think you can go ssj3, but i don't really have all of the details on it yet
  7. well Gokents, Saiyanman is in the game as a secret character. You can change his outfit to the thing he wears when he is Mystic.
  8. Here's some saying's i made from my fanfic of GG guys acting like GW guys. Mobile Fighter G Wing Gundam Domon: i'll self-destruct to destroy the Dark Gundam! Rain: No! Domon come kill me instead! Schwartz: Rain, im really not Domons' brother, i am yours! Sai: Master Asia! Is this your sense of justice?! Argo: I am the God of Death! George: I didn't do it alone, Sandrock helped me Rashid!
  9. well i guess you can call me lucky, why? Because i am borrowing the entire series from a friend. Whose your favorite character?
  10. yeah i am going to finish the last episode when i am done here. I LOVE that series so much. Another good thing is that the story doesn't seem to repeat itself. for example DBZ, the good guys always seem to lose in the begining, all hope is lost, the universe is on the brink of destruction(yet again), then bam, goku comes in kicks some *** and its over. There's nothing wrong with DBZ, but it just seems overly repeated. (now back to the subject) The down side is there is only 26 episodes, so enjoy while you can!
  11. well i was just wondering what every's thoughts were about Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 were. I personnaly love the series.
  12. The Guyver seris rocks! That brings back fuzzy memories(wipes a tear out of his eye and sniffles) I hated the American version though, way too much like power rangers.
  13. Trowa and Heero(together): Lets give up fighting and go plant a garden! They skip down the street singing christmas songs and nursery rhymes
  14. well i hope this hasn't been done yet but there is a new Dragonball Z PS2 game coming out in America sometime this week.the game itself is called Dragonball Z Budokai. Its a fighting game that follows the story from the Saiyan saga to the Cell saga. The graphics are cell-shaded and it features an areana that you can walk in all directions. Your list of characters is only 23 or 24, and they range from Goku to Yamcha(i think hes in their)The reason not many have heard of it's arrival? Well it failed to make it to the video game expo's this year. Plus, its not made in Japan. Despite that, from what i have seen, it looks very good.
  15. well from what i know, BAA the seris stops after the end of the second manga, so you might have to go get the manga. But of coarse this is only to my knowlegde. Oh and sorry Syk3, i couldn't find the spoiler tag. Oh i think Kare Kano is pretty unknown anime. [color=teal][size=1]I don't believe it's in there at this point, but read the announcement and add it in yourself when the time comes. -Syk3[/size][/color]
  16. okay to set something straight about BAA, the anime only covers the first 2 graphic novels, it shrinks them down to the basics. So if u get a chance, read the manga, its WAY better. But the real ending of BAA is... SPOILER: [spoiler]it is about 10 years after Alita fuses with the pillar connecting tiphars and the other city, to keep it from falling and killing millions. Alita's 'cousin' has become a professional writer, and she is doing a book on Alita. So while walking around they find Dr. Destynova, and he has gone insane, for alita(his 'failed'experiment) had won, they follow him into a place that has a egg-sack like thing hanging from the wall, he runs away, and they find a message saying that before he went insane, he found Alita's DNA, and that she is still alive in the sack thing. They cut it open, and out comes alita, but she is now human....[/spoiler] and that is the ending in a nutshell, sorry its so long. oh and i have seeb the first tekkaman, saber rider, and exo-squad, their kinda old though..... [size=1][color=teal]Here, I've added the [spoiler] tag. I'm not blaming you at all, I'd just like to see that more users are aware of this new tag for future use. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  17. well i never really got into anime, because i have AlWAYS watched anime. The very first time i remember watching it, would be when i was in kindergarden, it was Speed Racer. I also watched(every day) Voltron, G-Force, Transformers, and Reboot. And thats my childhood, anime, man some things just don't change.....
  18. yeah i love battle angel alita, the ending of the manga wasn't that sad though, i mean the VERY end, where.....they.......i can't say, it'll run it for syk3.
  19. Announcer: And the winner of the 13th Gundam Fight is.. the Windmill Gundam! Domon: wind...mill....gundam too...powerful!
  20. no no Gun Dream, or Gunnm for short, but in America they call it Battle Angel Alita.
  21. Well I'am not sure but is Gunnm a rare anime?
  22. no you misunderstood me, i didn't say it was good or bad, or did i disrespect your opinions, i just simiply asked what is so good about it, for i haven't seen it. But from what i hear it sounds cool. M'kay
  23. wow what is so specail about sesssion #5 Ballad of Fallen Angels, you guys all keep talking about it so much. I know, i haven't watched that many eps.....
  24. okay i already know what Fruit Baskest is about, but has anyone ever seen it before? Just wondering if it is any good.
  25. hehe no, Spike didn't kill him, that giant thing that looks like... well....i don't know, did. Besides, no one can die twice anyways... didn't watch the whole show HAHAHAHA i've seen that session about 30 times. And am not joking.
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