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Everything posted by Zero-Sama

  1. [i] [b]Huh?[/b] Kieth's head was swelling. All he could think of was what happened before he woke up. A bright flash of light, And then the feeling of falling, falling into a world of nothing.... [b]Falling......Nothing.......[/b] He had no sense of where he was... All he could think of was the pain in in head..... [b]........Kieth!![/b] He felt a sudden jerk, And heard someone calling his name. [b]Kieth! Get up!![/b] As his eyes opened, He saw the image of his only friend, Mako Heridian, Fading in and out of focus, Then he was once again thrown into that familiar world of nothingness.....[/i]
  2. [IMG]http://www.megamanblade.com/AnotherBlade.jpg[/IMG] [I] Hundreds of years after a War that was fought with magic between the human's And the Mage Warriors. Both sides saw there populations reach just a couple hundred people on each side. All Technology was lost, Magic was forgotten, And the sword of the man who started the war, A Magical Sword, Was Sealed away forever. The world is still recovering.... ......But nothing is ever forgotten. Soon after it was stolen, But it was never used. Most suspect the people who stole it died. Others believe it was the Mage warriors who stole it, Trying to revieve their Fallen warriors to Create yet another war. But only one person knows the truth..... Hundreds of years Later, A Warrior named Kieth Star is walking through a forest. He Lives in a world where Humans and Human-Looking Dragons Live because of Technology, While Elfs and Mage Warriors Use Magic. He walks along the road, Until he hears a group of mage warriors talking in the clearing ahead of him. "If we use this sword, We could rule the world...." Kieth walks into the clearing, Not thinking about the danger. He see's three warriors, But One with blue hair, Who turned a sword apon him and shouted "Blackout", And thats exactly what keith Did...... Kieth Wakes Up, Against a tree. He tries to get up, But relizes that he has a Golden sword draped accross his legs. THE sword..... [/I] [SIZE=1]Please Visit the Sign-Up thread by the same title if you intend to post in this topic.[/SIZE]
  3. Okay, By the time you read this i will have already made the topis for the story. My first post will just the the story, Reposted. *Note* There are still [b]5[/b] spots open. Please join soon it you want to have a chance to take part in this all.
  4. Okay, For the Playsation 2 to be able to play Final Fantasy XI, will you need the Linex thing on Sony's Online store? The thing that costs $199? Also, Could someone list ALL the costs and the total? I just hope what i make this summer ($500) Is enough to buy it all..... Edit: [b]FFXI Game[/b]- 7800 Yen ($58 US) [b]40 GB Hard Drive[/b]- Unknown, but I would imagine anywhere from $100-$150 price range. [b]Network Adapter[/b]- $39.99 US [b]Monthly Fee[/b]- 1280 Yen ($9.50 US) [b]Fee per additional character[/b]- 100 Yen ($0.75) (I?ve heard from $0.40 to $1 per extra character, but I have yet to see any real info on this.) [b]Optional Tetra Master Mini-game[/b]- 100 Yen ($0.75) (Again, same for above.) [b]Optional USB Keyboard[/b]- 3500 Yen (roughly $26 US, but any USB keyboard should work) There is also a keyboard supposedly made specifically for FFXI, that goes on sale on May 30th. It is projected to cost 6000-6500 Yen. I would also assume that is a Japanese keyboard, so don?t get your hopes up. (Source: Mamek-int.com, April 25th entry on the FFXI news section)
  5. You need to have Lots of Holy Waters, Because i went into that battle without any and the only thing i could rely on was my aeons, Which did pretty powerful attacks. Hastaga, Shell, Protect and having quick control of the buttons,Because you only have one turn to heal The Zombie Status after he uses the lance of atrophy, Are all needed in this battle. When you call your aeons, He will banish them on his first turn, But don't use the overdrives right away. Look at the turn line up first, And if you seen,for example: Shiva Shiva Seymour Use a regular attack your first turn, THEN your overdrive.I made that mistake. Why waste a full attack, When you can get 1000 more hp out of him? *NOTE*:Do not use the Special attacks, They make it so Seymour attacks next, And you waste your Overdrive. After using the Aeons with my statagy, Use your characters overdrives, And if he's not dead, Use stronge magic and attacks, And when you attack, Use Arron, Because he has the highest attack rating.
  6. [b]Name:Kieth Star Age:17 Description:Black hair, Blue tips, Blue eyes, Black Tank top, Blue vest, Army Pants, Blue and white Sneakers. Biography:Abandoned at birth, Raised by Dragons, He lives for the thrill of firing a gun. Is,at this time, The world best sharp shooter, Shooting a target from 2.5 miles away. Race:Human Magic:N/A Weapon:Mega-Custom Handgun, Sniper Rifle, Gaia Sword. Skill one:Oblivion: Use with the Gaia Sword, Fires a wave of energy, Destroying anything near him. Takes alot of energy, So it normaly kills the user. Skill two: Sniper Shot: Fires a shot from the Sniper Rifle, And can hit anything from any distance away. Used anytime the Sniper rifle is shot. [/b] I hope someone actualy joins.....
  7. [IMG]http://www.megamanblade.com/AnotherBlade.jpg[/IMG] [I] Hundreds of years after a War that was fought with magic between the human's And the Mage Warriors. Both sides saw there populations reach just a couple hundred people on each side. All Technology was lost, Magic was forgotten, And the sword of the man who started the war, A Magical Sword, Was Sealed away forever. The world is still recovering.... ......But nothing is ever forgotten. Soon after it was stolen, But it was never used. Most suspect the people who stole it died. Others believe it was the Mage warriors who stole it, Trying to revieve their Fallen warriors to Create yet another war. But one one person knows the truth..... Hundreds of years Later, A Warrior named Kieth Star is walking through a forest. He Lives in a world where Humans and Human-Looking Dragons Live because of Technology, While Elfs and Mage Warriors Use Magic. He walks along the road, Until he hears a group of mage warriors talking in the clearing ahead of him. "If we use this sword, We could rule the world...." Kieth walks into the clearing, Not thinking about the danger. He see's three warriors, But One with blue hair, Who turned a sword apon him and shouted "Blackout", And thats exactly what keith Did...... Kieth Wakes Up, Against a tree. He tries to get up, But relizes that he has a Golden sword draped accross his legs. THE sword..... [/I] So,Now you know the story, Three mage warriors attack Kieth, And Keith somehow ended up with the sword. now he must set out on an adventure and find out his perpose in life, And why he recieved the sword.... [B]Sign Up[/B] [b]Name: Age: Description: Biography: Race(Dragon, Elf, Mage Warrior,or Human): Magic(Only Elf and mage): Weapon(Humans use Guns and swords, Dragons Spears and swords,Elfs rods, and mages swords): Skill one(Must relate to race): Skill two:[/b] I'll Post mine Later.
  8. *BEGIN BIG NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT* The lastest news from E3 Says that FFXI will be released in america on 2/15/2003,It says so at [url=http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/categories/products/product.asp?pf_id=182338&site=GSBUY]EBGames[/url] page on it. *END BIG NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT*
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo] Final Fantasy 3-Never Released in NA, on SNES a.k.a FF6 [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually,It was released in america, it was the only game to be released in america AND on the playstation under another name.I'm holding FF3 in my hand.....And it's in english....
  10. Oh,And if your Character had different armors/Weapons, Tell which ones you want to have avalible, If not all of them. Also,I forgot to put this in,You can also make up your own Maverick Hunter/ Maverick.
  11. [B]The Ultimate War Of The Maverick Hunters...[/B] [i]......The last of the mavericks have finally revolted, But the Maverick Hunters aren't at full strangth, And as the Leader of The mavericks,Sigma, Gain power and get closer to the capital of Earth, A masterious Robot appears, With the Letter [b]W[/b] Branded on the jewel of his head. This new robot, calling himself simply [b]Omega[/b], Has started to Sit on the roof of the Maverick Hunter Headquarters. Holding the Handle of his Laser Saber, and the poll of his Laser Spear, he sits watching, but for what, X and Zero can only wonder......[/i] Okay,So you know the plot. You can be any Maverick Hunter from the past games, Or Any Maverick from the past games. For this too work, There *MUST* be a Zero,X,And Sigma, I will obviously be Omega. Also,If there are absolutly ANY spamming, i will have a Moderator get rid off ALL the spammers post in the Story. Thank you in Advance, -Zero
  12. Okay,I came up with this while in the company of my friends..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A father watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked. "That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered. "So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked. "No," her father replied. "Both of them are Daddy Longlegs." The little girl thought for a moment --- then took her foot and stomped them flat. "Well, we're not having any of that **** in our garden."
  13. Star Wars was highly anticipated, But i don't think it was what i thought it would be. Still, It was a better movie then spider man. Also, It made [b]alot[/b] more money.
  14. Zero-Sama

    FInal Fantasy

    I happened to enjoy the movie. It really made me look at how people are scared of Ghost's and Aliens. I mean, They could just be scared souls looking for help, Not meaning harm, but could actualy cause harm. It's actualy alot of science ideas thrown into a movie.
  15. It would have to be my sister. She acts like nobody can tell her what to do. She tells me to 'Shut Up' more then 10 times a day..... She is such a retard......
  16. Does it count when you ride across the street on a bike, And some guy(Who was actualy jacked on pot) swerves out of the way and hits a light pole and spends a night in the hospital? I guess it does.... It was funny, He went straight from the hospital to jail. He was carrying 10 Lbs of Pot. The only thing he said to me was "......I only swerved because i thought you's was a doggies...."..... He was still kind of high i guess........
  17. [COLOR=indigo] I Happen to have the same problem. Kids in my neihborhood actualy set fire crackers on fire, But with their gun. One of my best friends was shot in the head because he wouldn't give a kid his lunch money. The kid who shot him was in a gang, And when the Police figured out who it was, The gang members killed him to make shure he didn't tell about the gang, But Some girl was walking by when they killed him and told the police, so they are all in Prison, For 30-40 years each. Three nights ago some guys tried to break into my house, But we had the alarm on, And my next door neighbor came out with his rifle when he heard the window break and the alarm go off, And he fired into the air. One of the guys pulled out a gun but my neighbor shot him in the arm and he ran off. All in the meantime i was in my dads room loading his Hand gun seeing as i was alone. I have a feeling i would have died that night had my neighbor not came to my aid.... ~Zero[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=indigo]Please note that as of posting this, This game is yet to be released in America. Capcom has finally released Mega Man Zero in Japan, and we've had a chance to play through a small portion of the game. The first thing you'll notice about Mega Man Zero--which takes place 100 years after the other Mega Man X games--is that it actually doesn't actually feature Mega Man as its hero. Instead, you'll play as Mega Man's longtime rival and occasional ally Zero, because Mega Man has apparently turned evil and enslaved the world. A young scientist and her crew of soldiers are driven deep into a junkyard area by a group of large robots when they discover Zero and try to reactivate him. After the soldiers are demolished, the scientist tries one last time to reactivate Zero and is successful. From there, you start playing as Mega Man's crimson counterpart. After escorting the scientist through a portion of the first level, you'll stumble upon one of the large robots seen earlier. Since Zero only has a pistol weapon, you have to take shots at the boss from a distance while avoiding the powerful lasers that he shoots out of his mouth toward the ground and the ceiling. When you get his energy level down to a certain point, a matrix-like object--which has been associated with Mega Man in images on Capcom's site--appears on a monitor in the background, and all of a sudden, Zero's sword flies onto the screen and pierces the ground next to him, allowing him to grab it. With one quick slash, the giant level boss robot is cut in two, and Zero and the scientist then head back to what appears to be the resistance base. From that point on, you have access to two weapons, the pistol and the energy sword. In the character menu screen, you'll be able to select which is the primary weapon and which is the secondary weapon. The primary can be used simply by pressing the B button, but to use the secondary weapon, you have to press the R shoulder button along with the B button, which can be a little awkward at times. You may find yourself switching the primary and secondary settings in the menu as opposed to just sticking with that control scheme. This same menu will let you mess around with the support character system, which Capcom has called the "cyber elf system." As you progress through the game, you'll occasionally come across floating balls of light--these are the cyber elves, which essentially function like the familiars in Symphony of the Night. Some will give you health, some will stop enemies from moving, and others will fire projectiles as you run. You can use them just once over the course of the level, and you'll only be able to carry three different types of cyber elves at a time. To switch cyber elves, you have to return to the resistance base to equip the three that you want to take with you on your next mission. The core gameplay mechanics in Mega Man Zero are essentially the same as those found in previous Mega Man games. Zero can run, shoot, jump, climb walls, and dash. Much like in previous games in the series, the levels themselves are linear, but some major changes have been made to the overall game structure for this installment. Instead of having a screen where you select from several different bosses, Mega Man Zero uses a central hub system that uses the aforementioned resistance base as its hub. You'll be able to move around the rather large base and speak with various members of the resistance. When you want to take on a mission, you simply go talk to the scientist and have a brief conversation in which you can select from one of three or four missions. Interestingly, it seems that the mission selection changes depending on the conversation, but either way, it's a distinctly different approach to the typical Mega Man interface. There's also a little more variety in the levels. Though most of the game is just straight run-and-gun action, there are portions where you'll have to slow down. In one level, there is a room that's completely wired with security cameras searching for intruders, so you'll have to evade detection. This isn't really all that difficult because you'll see targets appear on the screen to indicate where the cameras are focused, but if you happen to get caught, a series of flying spiderlike robots will be sent your way, and if you can't fend them off, you'll be captured and the game will end. The Mega Man series has almost always represented the pinnacle of 2D action gaming when it comes to graphics, and it looks like that tradition will continue on the Game Boy Advance. Zero is detailed and animates fluidly, as do his resistance cohorts. The enemies are also quite detailed--especially the boss characters, which are made up of enormous sprites--and have multiple death animations depending on the weapon you use to kill them. It's easily one of the best-looking Game Boy Advance games to date. But even more surprising than the graphics is the game's sound. From the remixed Mega Man X theme in the early portions of the game to the completely original tracks, Mega Man Zero sounds great, with almost Super Nintendo-quality sound without that weird background fuzz effect that can be heard in so many other Game Boy Advance games. While we've only scratched the surface of the game, Mega Man Zero is already shaping up to be a worthy installment in the 2D Mega Man line. It's scheduled for release in this territory in Q4 2002. [/COLOR]
  19. I don't prefer it,I'd rather have the Gameboy advanced. But, If i would have to choose, it would have to be how small and compact it is, Plus the size. Make's it easier to store.
  20. Okay,I know Kuja is going to yell at me for this,But since i am not posting a link, It should be fine. I got Megaman Zero On a Rom! It is AWSOME! At the first boss, You only have a gun, But half way through the battle you get the Zet-Saber(Japanese name) and in one hit you cut the boss directly in half! (Yes,That is what X looks like in the game*Points to Avatar*)
  21. It's on Toonami,Saturday night's, 11:00 PM-2:00 Am. This shows Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory.
  22. Ah, My Friend, Theres also the little fact that whenever Garrod tries to use the satlitle Cannon(s), His enemies get so scared they pause and wait to attack because they basicly know that their mech could be the fastest in the universe,But Garrod can still move where he aims when he fires. Also,They know that if they do attack,They can only do it once, And it better destroy the whole gundam or both(or one) of the cannons.
  23. Well, I just bought both Gundam X and Mobile Fighter G Gundam,Almost finished both, And I like After War Gundam X the best with Mobile Fighter G Gundam being a close second. Also, Zero(Boy, [I]Thats[/I] wierd...), The Gundam X would Win no matter what,I any form it had. The Gundam X because it had the Cannon, The X Divider because of the Beam Harmonica, And the Double X because it has been said that it's twin satilite cannons can put a hole directly through the Earth's middle.
  24. *Pulls out brandy new copy of the Japanese special edition DVD's of Mobile Fighter God Gundam* Haha! Those Cartoon {BLEEP}suckers wont ruin my love of anime! As for Mobile Fighter god Gundam,607 stars out of 5!
  25. Actualy, I believe that Mortal Combat was the first movie based on a video game...... Although i may have it mixed up with most successful,Which it was....
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