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Anime GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider:Satilite Cannon or not?
Zero-Sama replied to Zero-Sama's topic in Otaku Central
Really? I never read anything like that. I'll have to go and read some more technical data on it. Now that i have realized what they are, Would an admin, Mod, or god(dess) close this thread? I don't want to be responsable for spam. -
Anime GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider:Satilite Cannon or not?
Zero-Sama replied to Zero-Sama's topic in Otaku Central
Well,I'm not really asking 'If' it used one, But rather did it atleast have a Satitlite cannon that it could ever possably have access to? I know that it had to be changed so that it didn't need the G-Controller, As the Double-X Needed it. Mabey that's why it never used it.... Mabey..... -
Yet another reason why we all hate Gundam Wing..... Gundam Wing has no real plot, So without a plot, You can't have love, Right?
Why do you people think the Mobile Suits are ugly? I personaly think that the Turn-A looks pretty nice,With that thing runing across it's face.But i've only seen pictures of that mobile suit. Could someone give me a link to pictures of other Mobile Suits?
[url]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/x/gx-9900-dv.jpg[/url] That is the picture in question.I was reading that when the GX-9900 Gundam X was destroyed and upgraded into the GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider,The Satilite Cannon was so disrupted,that they scrapped it and gave the GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider,what they upgraded it into,"Beam Harmonica",also known as the "Divider". Well,in this picture,Next to the head,and near it's double cannon beam rifle,You see parts of satilite cannons. Well,What i want to know,Are those satilite cannons or something else? Also,If so,What are they?
You mean,Kind of like a living entity that lives within the internet?That might be,but we would have a hard time finding it......
Man,You guys are sick looking up Peach's skirt.....Could you send me some of those pics?:p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B]Incredibly awsome this Mario Music Station is, it's great to hear all the great Mario themes from one game to another. I really enjoy the theme of Mario 64's ending credits, I can be wrong though it might of came from another Mario game. Thanks for sharing this with us Zero-Sama, it brings back alot of memories playing Mario games.;) [/B][/QUOTE] No need to thank me,Dear friend,I only wish to make others happy and to share my knowledge.
Okay,So i was out on the web,Looking for something to do,And i went to a Website for Mario,[url=http://www.asitewithemulatorsthatwecantlinkto.com/TMK/]TMK[/url] And I found this awsome thing!It is a little Online Mario Music Station built by someone on the site!You need Winamp,Macamp,Or Realplayer.The direct link to WTMK is [url]http://www.asitewithemulatorsthatwecantlinkto.com[/url] So Download it,It never ends!literaly!Right now,i'm listening to it,And i have 20+ minutes on it! [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]-__- kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Yaoi is Man/Man japanese art..... I got VR Missions....Well,i rented it....And it sucked major monkey balls.....
I have learned one rule for ROMs.....Never.....Ever........EVER download and use a ROM.....Also,It is legal to download a ROM,But just as long as you delete it with 24 hours of aquiring it.....
I,Zero,Demand that you,Sephiroth,Post the rest of this chapter or i'll get Midevil on your butt!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] Yea, it's called the Kaempfer. It was your basic hit-and-run mobile suit. [/B][/QUOTE] why was it a "Hit-And-Run Mobile Suit"?Sorry for my ignorence,I never saw 0080.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] 3 legends actually, I was also born in 1981 :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] Sephiroth,your not a Legend,Your just strange!:laugh: *Runs off quickly before he can get banned*
I personaly use As the code for all the pages on my website.See the finished product at [url]http://www.o3online.com/mario/[/url]
Who,other than I,Craves cheese doodles until you eventualy start crying out in there sleep,yelling,"CHEESE DOODLES!MUST HAVE CHEESE DOODLES!!!!!!".........Okay,Now that i have composed myself......Who loves Cheese doodles.....?
Hey,If you can add to it,Edit it and add stuff,But i doubt you will,As your even lazier than me.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]You know, it's pretty funny to realize that Mario and I are the same age. Nonetheless, Mario'll probably be around longer.:smirk: I guess it's just a coincidence that 1981 was the year, that two legends were born. On one hand you have the mushroom eating plumber and on the other you have the Godfather of Gaming. Go figure. [/B][/QUOTE] Darn,You are just one old man,You Mushroom Eating Plumber!:excited: :drunk:
FFVII-Cloud,Cid,Vincent. FFVIII-Squal,Irvine,Zell. FFIX-Zidane,Vivi,Stiener,Garnet. FFX-Tidus,Auron,Wakka.
[COLOR=blue]1981:The legend is born.[/COLOR] Mario's big hit was his staring role in Donkey Kong.Until this,Nintendo hadn't been the major multi-million dollor corperation that it is today.Though Mario was originaly supposed to be named Jumpman But a Ninteno of America executive remarked that he looked like the landlord of they're office,Mario Sengali. [COLOR=blue]1983:He ain't heavy,he's my Brother![/COLOR] Mario's second adventure,The only thing that makes this game something to remember is that this is Mario's brother Luigi's first to the gaming industry. [COLOR=blue]1985:The Breakthrough.[/COLOR] Super Mario Bros. was released with the Nintendo Entertainment System,Was easily the most well known game of it's time.it was the first side-Scrolling game ever to be made,And turned Nintendo Of America into one of the best known videogame industries of it's time. [COLOR=blue]1988:A Sequel,But one that sucks.....[/COLOR] Possably Nintendo's worst idea ever,They took a Japanese Game,Doki Doki Panic,And changed the charecters to Mario themed ones!This is a very cheap game. Also,This year in hisrtory,Mario was double packaged as a cereal with a Zelda themed Cereal. [color=indigo]The first issue of Nintendo Power is published, and features Super Mario Bros. 2 on the cover. - jcgoudy[/color] [COLOR=blue]1989:Getting Small with TV.[/COLOR] Mario's game,Super Mario Land,Was released with the new gaming system The Game Boy. Also,Mario shows up on television with The Super Mario Super Show.This show featured small skits with Nintendo characters like mario and company,Zelda and link,And others. [COLOR=blue]1990:The Masterpiece[/COLOR] Just as the wave of the Nintendo games were ending,Nintendo released the best game yet,Super Mario Brothers 3.With new animal suits with specail ability's,This game had more challange than any other. [COLOR=blue]1991:The Next Level.[/COLOR] After falling behind Sega and it's successful Genesis system,Nintendo Release Super Mario World with it's Super Ninteno Entertainment System,Which featured one of the most famous side kicks ever created in a game,That lovable little green dinosaur,Yoshi. [color=seagreen]1992: A New Enemy.[/color] [color=indigo]Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins is released for the Game Boy. This was the first game to feature Wario. Super Mario Kart is also released this year, and it's the first of its kind. Featuring a cast of characters from the Mario games, you race in go karts... While blasting away at your opponents with Koopa Shells, slipping them up with Banana Peels, and hindering them in other fun and destructing ways. - jcgoudy[/color] [COLOR=blue]1993: Hollywood[/COLOR] This year,The movie Super Mario Bros. was released into the theaters,And it got only 1 reward.It got "The worst movie of 1993." award...... [color=indigo]Super Mario All-Stars was also released in 1993 for the SNES, and included remakes of Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3. It also included the Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 2, which was the first time that it was available in the US. - jcgoudy[/color] [color=seagreen]1995: How It All Began.[/color] [color=indigo]Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2 is released, but this time you control Yoshis, not Mario or Luigi. Mario is just a baby in this game, and he and Luigi were being carried to their parents by a stork. Things didn't go as planned, though, and Mario fell onto Yoshi's Island while Luigi ended up getting captured. The Yoshis find Mario and they set off, carrying Mario on their backs, to rescue Luigi. - jcgoudy.[/color] [COLOR=blue]1996:Playing a New Role[/COLOR] Nintendo of America had talked to Square Soft about a Role playing game,And the By product is the visualy stunning Game Super Mario RPG:Legend of the Seven Stars. [COLOR=blue]1996:A whole New World.[/COLOR] With the Release of the Nintendo 64,Nintendo released the game Super Mario 64,Which was the very first game to get away from the classic side scrolling style,And went to a 3D,Explore everything style game. [color=seagreen]2000: A Diet Gone Wrong.[/color] [color=indigo]Paper Mario, another RPG staring Mario, is released. It features some of the weirdest graphics ever. The characters are paper cut-outs, while the landscape is 3D. - jcgoudy[/color] [color=seagreen]2001: What, Again?[/color] [color=indigo]Super Mario Advance is released along side the Game Boy Advance, the first Mario game on the GBA. While not an original Mario game, it's a remake of Super Mario Bros. 2. Even though this is the third time it's been released/remade, it still does very well. It also includes a remake of the old Mario Bros. arcade game, and features four player cooperative play, plus a battle mode. - jcgoudy[/color] [COLOR=blue]2002:The Return?[/COLOR] many Gamers where surprized to say the least when the nintendo Gamecube wasn't released with a direct mario tilte on it's launching day.But do not fret,For Mario Sunshine is to be released later this year,And from the screen shot(See attatchment) it is the most visualy stunning game yet.
Is Luigi easier to use then mario?i don't have the GBA version,Only the SNES version.I mean,Is it some kind of special moves that set mario from luigi?
What Choices this world holds for the ones seaking awnsers....... Anyway,Not that i have put my little poetic spew it this post,I have a Question.As the topic of this....Well,Topic....... Issist's,I am contumplating wether to buy this game. i hear that it is really good,And have played up to the part with Sniper Wolf on my friends game. Is this game worth the money or do i want another game i'll regret getting in a few days?
I'll get right to my question and skip all the usless info you guys need to understand the topic.....ha...Mabey not.... Backround info....Okay,I was planing on getting this series,But then i read a few review that all said this series was Very bad. I know that in the past I have read some reviews that also said that this wasn't exactly a ideal series for the Gundam incrazed. I was wondering if this bad image thought up around the series by other people is backed up by reason or is it like the thing with all new gundam lovers enjoy Wing more then, Lets say, 0083? So,is this claim of the series being bad to be backed up,Or have i just been picking the wrong reveiw's to read? ............Darn......Now my fingers hurt.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B] State Of Emergency is a FPS? [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry. Alas,I am ever making mistakes. I'll Change what i said,Sorry.
I would have to go with "[U][i]State Of Emergency"[/i][/U] ,As i have rented it and it is one of the best [b][i]Third[/i][/b] person shooter games every to have graced my Television Screen with it's presents. Edit-Third,Not first.....