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Everything posted by Zero-Sama

  1. Man...I thought that my friends sucked.....
  2. I believe that for there to be good,there must be evil.Without one,the other is non-existant.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1]Yet another example of religion screwing with people's heads. :rolleyes: Burning books...could they get anymore middle ages? lol. What are they going to do next? Have witch trials? I don't think anymore needs to be said...if anyone can't find the sheer stupidity in this situation, then they're an idiot plain and simple. lol[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Exactly,There is nothing else to be said![/SIZE]
  4. Those mattos make no sense to me,Although i never finished the game.
  5. Glenn would be frog as a human right?Yes,Now i remember!Haven't played in a little while.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by King Penn [/i] [B]the crashed gelnika battle plane[/B][/QUOTE] That's kinda what i ment......
  7. So?I need more people to join!Please sign up right away!
  8. Zero-Sama


    It's not serprising that sony wants to own some of squaresoft,As the Final Fantasy Series have gone over so well,But i wonder what will happen when Final Fantasy is sold.....
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=red]Why thank you! [/COLOR] :p [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Your welcome![/SIZE] :cussing: :2women: :alcohol: :gulp:
  10. Zero-Sama

    FFT help.

    [SIZE=1]No,But i don't think it's fair for the story unless you have played and beaten the game before.[/SIZE]
  11. Zero-Sama

    FFT help.

    [size=3]Well,It's no far to blow through at level 99,I thought most people would like a chalange,That's all.Sorry if i offened you.[/size]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B]I just thought of a witty comment: You fight them in the game silly :p [/B][/QUOTE] You are really smart.... :modrod:
  13. I want one of those!Leather?Cool!But i can't read japanese!I hate this!
  14. Zero-Sama


    It's easy,When high level teams get rid of their players,Go get them and add them to your team.
  15. [SIZE=1]Zack is Aries's former boyfriend.....[/SIZE]
  16. Yes,When you beat Sepherimorph in the Macalania Woods he drops one(1) Level 2 Key Sphere.
  17. Zero-Sama

    FFT help.

    Or if you don't want to cheat,get agrius's sword skill to holy explosion and use that,It helps alot.
  18. [SIZE=1]Later,You get control of the airship.I believe thats how you find out on of the passwords you can put into the airship comand system to get you to a secret place(I won't spoil them).[/SIZE]
  19. I already have this game and i am happy to say i bought my ps2 for this game,And i'm glad i did.It is the best game you will every play,No matter what!
  20. I think Wakka is a stereotype of black people.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][COLOR=chocolate]I can't decide if I want to be Frog or Ayla. Me like idea Ayla! Ayla, be Ayla! GRRRRR!!!! *giggles* Yeah, me be Ayla, grrrr!!![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]O-o..........K-k-k-k...........o.O[/COLOR]
  22. Cactuar...Like when you see the Sign on Volts jacket in the bouncer you know it's from squaresoft because that is made by Final fantasy...
  23. Wow...I'd bomb 300 bucks on something like that!
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