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Everything posted by tigeroscar_1

  1. What website can i go to to find translations for Japanese cards?
  2. get rid of all the monsters with 1450 atk or less unless they have a good effect. also get rid of all the tribute monsters with an atk lower than 2000.
  3. go here and read [url]http://www.upperdeckentertainment.com/tournament/tips.asp[/url]
  4. lord of d. it protects my all my dragons form effects magic cards and traps
  5. some one looked though my deck and took a [U]blue eyes white dragon[/U] and [U]flute of summing d.[/U] :flaming:
  6. well i have about 63 cards. 33 monster and 30 magic/trap
  7. is it better to have a big deck or small deck?
  8. it looks like a good deck. i think it would be fun to battle!!!
  9. Joey:Red-Eyes Black Dragon. just dont show people your red eyes if you get that tin. they might not ever leave you alone trying to get it
  10. i would use Joey's deck. i like his monsters alot
  11. i wonder how hard it would be to make an exodia deck
  12. ya that is true. but the only thing is. is that Polymerization is very hard to get
  13. yep but there are time when you draw and you dont play a card on the field so it will normaly balance out
  14. it is one of the main cards i have been wanting since i started collecting. i have managed to get the other 2 with out trying realy. so i was just begging to wonder how rare it is.
  15. it seems like i can trade and get any card but it :(
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