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Everything posted by Sora

  1. I'm the first Mormon on here to post that I know of (and I'm free to question I can answer because from what I can tell from friends at school Mormons are put down alot for things we don't believe in but other churches say we do) so extra cool for me. I have a question for you bible goers though. If you read in Moses about him freeing the people, does it not say the God said "I will harden his (meaning the Pharaoh) heart" (can't quote the rest so this is my atempt) "that he shall not listen and you will (blah blah whatever it is that he does with the staff and the snake and the other things) and ye may tell your children what I have done". Basically what I see that as is God is doing that plauge (however you spell it) thing and killing a whole bunch of innocent children just to prove to future generations that he exists and we now see that it had no lasting effect and I'm sure God would have seen that if (as I am leaning on the believing side) he has the abbility to see and understand everything, thus allowing him to know it would happen that way. What's up with that? That's like the only thing I have against any Christian things. I still believe in God and worship him and stuff so I put that question behind me but now that this is open it brought it back to my mind. Any thoughts?
  2. [QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]What a fun thread. [URL=http://img160.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img160&image=bluehair4ok.jpg][IMG]http://img160.exs.cx/img160/3273/bluehair4ok.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] So YAY for colored hair! ^_^[/color][/size][/QUOTE] I've, personally, been trying to find a way I can slip myself some blue hair a little lighter than my brother's (^up^) and more aquatic before my parents can notice and then after they do still be alive to tell you guys it worked, heh.
  3. What makes you keep wanting to come to otaku? I'd like some more reason (no offence meant) but I personally have trouble staying after a few rpgs that get stuck. I'd like to see what the rest of you think about it. (I'm back from a few months ago when I lost logged.) Right now the reason I'm on is that I'm bored, but we all go through that and I might as well make it useful.
  4. I haven't decided a name yet, but as you can read in my first post on the actual thing, I'm also going to be playing a woman though his eyes, which I think will be kind of interesting. I don't really know what she does, maybe she betray him or something, but I just get the impression she should be important.
  5. My eyes flung open. I felt my body begin to rejuvinate with life. I was some how... different than before. I felt a different energy. Not Vampiric, not human. What was this new power? As my body gained all it's neccessary life force back, I sat up. I peered over the side, and got out. As soon as I had stood up ,though, I saw a body laying there, blood spilled, draining into my tomb like bed, where I had lain for the past two centuries. It triggered a chain of memories, not mine, but memories none the less. I fell, nearly not catching myself, and attempted to push back some of them. They where not even attempted to be put in order. They were just random. I saw a face, "[I]Michael[/I]". I thought instantly. I saw blood. Some was Vampiric, some was, it appeared, Lycan . They were under a microscope, and they kept trying to come together, but turning black and wither away. This kept happening. I had assumed it to be a very important memory that kept replaying in this dead man's, once lively, mind. I thought this, that is, until I saw it again, but this time they came to gether. They did not turn black. They did nother wither away into death. They had fused. I couldn't believe was I was seeing."[I] Maybe it was just a thought[/I]", I thought to myself. I snapped out of my day dreaming as I heard a door open, and a women step through. She had blonde hair, and dangerous eyes. Any Vampire who looked upon her would flintch at the least. Well, just about everyone. Everyone but me and Victor. She walked up quite gracfully until she felt my aura and looked up, obviously shocked. She starred for a few seconds before realizing what she was doing and bowing so low her face was no less than an inch above the ground and she was knelt down on both knees. "[I]I'm sorry, Sir[/I]," she said, stightly scarred as if I might kill if she didn't say these exact words in the same order. "[I]Who woke you?[/I] " she asked, trying to change the subject. "[I]Him...[/I] ," I said pointing, not turning my head, to the dead Lycan's body. Her eyes grew wide and she began to breath heavily, though she didn't need to, her human mind still told that she should. She realized what he was, and then soon after, realized what I was. What I had become What that energy I had absorbed was. It was Lycan blood... I had lived. But there didn't seem to be any changes in my appearance, though I felt I bit more entergetic, and slightly more healthy than I did before. Then it struck me. I had not fully recovered yet, and I was still stronger than I had been a couple centuries ago. Wondering what had happened to have gotten a Lycan in our chamber, I asked what had happened. As she had finally finished her story, I realized the memories were really true and not just thoughts. My fist balled up, clinching so tightly I drew blood, and I slammed it down on the nearby table. She quickly got up from her seat, subconciously, to avoid any Lycan blood. Every Vampire knew that Lycan blood was as deadly to Vampires as our blood was to them (if shallowed, either way). "[I]This could be difficult[/I], " was the last thing I remember thinking that night as I went out to feed. "[I]This could be [/I]very[I] difficult...[/I] "
  6. This should prove very interesting. Name: Marcus Gender: Male Race: Pure Vampire that has been hybrid with a Lycan Weapon(s): His Claws and Fangs are all he needs Bio: Marcus is the ruler of the loyal vampires and is begining to worry about which vampires are loyal and which are spys. He grows angry and feels slightly guilty about the fact that he wasn't here to stop all of this. He is striving to both maintain control of his kindom and try and recover his, once normal, rule. He now despises Michael and seeks revenge. Marcus has decided to disown and kill Selene and anyone else who decides to follow her ignorrant ways. She must die. Apperance: He has black skin and is very very muscular, he has black hair. Wears basically the same type things as Selene does exept his shirt is sleeveless and he doesn't wear boots. Yeah... it's been a while since I've actually seen the movie, but I remember the important stuff and I'm not horrible at writting so i hope I can get this part. If you need an example then you can check my threads on Fatal Flaws by Aqua.
  7. [COLOR=Navy]"Are you almost ready, Serress?" asked Beatrix as she began to walk through the dimly lit palace like place towards the throne. "Heh..." Beatrix laughed outloud before begining again, "My little sister is off to save the world from complete destruction." "Yeah, I'm alsmost ready," I replied as I finished up putting on the jewls I was used to wearing (silver earings with a black diamond circle on the inside) and decided it wouldn't be too wierd to humans if i wore them on earth. I was slightly conserned about the souls that may get lost and become haunting ghosts, but felt slightly better leaving my sister in charage. After all, she was my older sister and had been my longest and closest councelor. "Alright, let's go over this again", I began, "you have to remember, this is very important, you have to change the ink every day so the pen can write the souls location. You must also remember to use my red staff for the dark relm's gate, and my blue one for the lower heaven's gate. Oh, yes, don't forget to never use the white one unless traveling to earth and back, because if you try to open a gate with it, it will open a gate to earth somewhere in the New England reigon where people will walk through, unknowingly, and end up here. We do not want that. And don't get the red one when going to earth because then it will cause a portal that will swallow the whole earth in a hell of chaos that will only be made worse by the human's fleeing from the escaped demons. And don't forget to..." "I know!" Beatrix said, "Don't forget to let the spells flow throw me, not try and control them," she said finishing my sentence. I could tell she was getting tired of me worrying and realized things would be in good enough hands. "Sorry," I said, feeling slightly guilty for not holding my sister in higher regard enough that I felt completely safe leaving her incharge. "Well... are you ready?" Beatrix asked? "Yes" I replied almost instantly when I realized that I hadn't picked out a name and didn't have my papers. "Oh no! I forgot..." "I've got them right her somewhere, i think," Beatrix said as she picked her hand up and tapped her finger on a soul and it scurried off, it soon returned with a stack of papers on it's shiney ball for an entire body (head and all). "Thanks, James," Beatrix said. She then handed my my papers. "Wait..." I said as I bagan to search through it. "what's my name?" "I don't know." "Well how about yours, Beatrix? Yeah, that's it, I'll be Beatrix on earth," I said after thinking for a while. I glanced at the papers and the name Beatrix Âme came onto the paper. "You've got to teach me how to do that later, Sis." Beatrix said with a smile. "No time now," I replied, "I have to go." With that I gave her a quick family kiss on the cheek. I grabbed the white staff and pointed it toward the ground. There was a bright blast of light and I was gone. I looked down as I flew through the air and watched trees get closer and closer until they were green blurs for less than a second and I hit the ground with a thud. As many times as I had done that I had never gotten used to it. I picked up the white staff and pointed it toward the sky. Another portal opened, but this time i threw the staff up into it. "Well" I thought outloud," I guess I'm human now. Well I hope this body Beatrix made is earthly enough. I suppose it would be, she's been down here alot more than I have. And so it begins."[/COLOR]
  8. You probably knew I was gonna try and get this spot, huh? [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Sign up for evil lord:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Yzane Darkspire [B]Age:[/B] (Chibi age) 13 [B]Personality:[/B] Absolutely demontic. :devil: He loves using irony and making people get scared and feel dumb before he destroys them. He has a shoprt temper and any conversation can turn out fatal for anyone who tries (but him, of course). He is so infuriated :flaming: with the enchanted team he doesn't only want to kill them, but he wants to make them suffer for a while too. So he decided to use the same spell they did on him. (Chibitize.) He has learned, through training, many spells since he was chibitized and he knew a few before he became that way also. He [B]will[/B] rule the world. The only thing he's afraid of is pink. (I can change this if it's too stupid)... He also has a sweet spot for ice cream. [B]Appearance:[/B] His cloths consists of black. I think personally it's because it resemblems what color the hole in his heart's place is. He wears the same general cloths from kh2(couldn't find a good picture so any of you who know who i'm talking about, i wouldn't mind you getting one for me, thanks). He doesn't look so happy all the time, but I'm sure you get the picture. [B]Bio:[/B] Yzane just hates everybody. From when he was a kid, everybody used to pick on him, and call him names, like "Sad Faced Guy" and "Runny Nose". He was always sad as a kid because he was picked on and his mom (was wearing pink on that tragic day and he has been afraid of it ever since) and dad both died, even though they left him a fourtune (which kept him alive). He only had his dog as a friend and one day someone ran over poor old Fuzz and then Yzane snapped. He lost all control of himself and studied for years and years to learn magic and spells, which he did, and then went to get revenge on the one who took his only friend away. That man was dead already, he died from a heart attack. This just pissed Yzane off even more because he had not been alowwed to kill the old geezer. He destroyed the entire hospital with a raining fire spell and blew open a hole in the wall and walked out. The team chased him for a year before they actually caught him nd turned him chibi. He got mad at them and saught revenge. He went back to school and learned the same spell that was used against him. He chased the team (which wasn't hard because they didn't expect anything and weren't running away) for about a week and found them just to see thier expresion when he turned the whole world chibi! :devil: (I think I'm gonna use this icon alot, heh) I hope this is good enough. Just pm or im me, [COLOR=Blue]Aqua[/COLOR], if I need to change anything or could just make it better and I'll be happy to change it.[/COLOR]
  9. Here's the other one I was talking about, cyclone. Please post on it, everyone. [B][CENTER]Distant Love (Forgtten)[/CENTER] [/B] [CENTER]"I sit in my corner Waiting I have long since forgotten myself and her. Could she ever return? Will she? Does she want to? She's so for away. I couldn't catch up to my distant love. She won't wait for me, I know it. So I strive to sit down. I strive to stay still. To not get up and run. So I try to forget her as I know I have been forgotten. I hide in my own shadow. Trying to be patient and I wait for one love. One that will find me. One that can see me in my pool of mental tears were I stay. Drowning One that can pull me up. And I hope that that one will slow down fo me and not become another lost, distant love and be forgotten."[/CENTER] *Edit* I forgot to put the reason for this poem. It's thanks to a girl, as you can tell. She used to go to my school and I tried to talk to her but when I finally could she had to move. (Which I later found out was because she was "annoyed" by me.) I don't think many of you know how painful the word annoying can be when used like that. I've gotten over her though so I guess it's cool. To those of you who feel like crap, write poems, they help you release feelings.
  10. Inspiration? Well I'd say from another person's point of view that it comes from the hatred of being just another person to be stepped on to help society get higher in statis. I really don't know where most of my poetry comes from. I just feel a really strong emotion and let it flow and consume my every thought until I'm done with the poem. Usually my poems aren't this good but I have one other I like and I may post it right after I finish this one if I can find it. And about depressing, I don't really try to make them sound that way, that's just the way I feel and so, in the end, it becomes the way things come out. I don't know. The idea of water and floating, though, are from my love of floating and feeling almost wieghtless, and I love rain too because of how much more tranquil it can make me. I can be in a reallly bad mood and be ready to kill someone for real and then it'll start to rain and I'll walk around outside for about a minute or so and I won't be mad anymore. I just like water and I don't really like the idea and parcial realization of how useless I am to everyone no matter how much better I can do than other people, my opinion is still nothing and no one cares, even if I'm right (which I'm not saying I am all the tiime). I hate being forced to bend to the will of anyone when I know I'm right, but I especially hate it when the only reason I'm forced to bend is because that person has authority over me. I know I may sound like a rebelious wierdo but I just don't like doing what people say just because they tell me to. Well I guess that sums it up. I suppose inspiration comes from everything someone thinks about.
  11. It's a nice idea, but you could definantly use a lot more information and a full background before you start. If you don't have those it may never end. Ummm.... in the begining (the sign-up) you'd need to summarize what happened in the game for those that don't know. You'll need a list of people that need to be in it. You need to have at least a picture or two of heartless or different kinds of heartless. If I'm not mistaken Riku got stuck in the door too right? Well if that's the case then what happens to him? What happens to Sora and all of them when they have to say good-bye (Goofy and Donald)? How does Sora return to meet up with Goofy and Donald (if that happens) again after he goes back to his world, if it still exists (which i think it does)? What happens to Kairi? I think she should become a main character who fights or heals or something but i think she needs to be a valued character in fights, unlike in the game. Well I think that about sums up anything that could end up messing up your rpg. Oh yeah, I would leave out cussing and stuff so you can get more possible sign-ups. If you do start this I'd like to help you out. It's a nice basis and I think it can turn out well if you do it right. Heh... I almost sound like I know what I'm talking about, don't I? :laugh:
  12. Well it's in my sig so please read and comment on it. It's not long but I like short poems as well as long ones. [center][color=navy]A Ripple[/color][/center] [center][b][color=blue]I float above water. Face toward it, body flat. A tear falls and never ripples, I fall and no one turns.[/color][/b][/center] [center][color=#0000ff][/color] [/center] [left][size=1][color=red]Edited to include the poem in the post, so that when you edit your signature, the poem will still be available to read. I've also rated your threads. Please don't forget to rate them in future. -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/left]
  13. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX']This took me sometime so I hope you like it. If there is anything you'd like changed ask.[/quote] Well thanks, I won't have to glare at you now, lol. Well I'm sorry I took up your time so I'll say it again, thanks. I don't think I need it to be changed at all. It matches well. So yeah, I need to say thanks in my sig,right?
  14. I want it to be similar to my ava. It's main colors are silverish blue and stuff like that but i wouldn't mind some black too (like when he gets sucked into the black thing at the begining of the game) (Kingdom Hearts). Thanks to anyone who can help me and I'll glare at those of you who cannot. :flaming: .. j/p. Anyway please help me out. I couldn't find any workable pictures on google so I'm looking for help now.
  15. *Sigh* this is an awsome idea, but I'm a guy and there are no guy positions left so I guess I'll be the God(dess....[cry] wahhhhhh!) of Death. Position: Goddess of Death Person left in Charge: Her sister (Beatrix) and counciler Name: Serress Human Name: Beatrix (named after her sister) Nick Name: Shadow Age: 20 Human Occupation: Librarian (reads constantly) and hopes to be a writer. She's writing a book as a human now called, [U][I]Myths of Reallity[/I][/U]. Appearance: Dark Chi (from Chobits) Personality: She's generally fun but can be serious. She had a flaw (ahhhhh! not another one!!!) when she made herself because she was tending to an escapee soul in the mean time and didn't think of it as an inconvinience so deided to make herself right then. So when she gets extremely angry her eyes go pitch black. (They're normally blue, by the way.) She's kind of care free like anyone with the power to guide souls to thier afterlife would be, but because of this (having to guide souls) she has ,over the years, gained a very responsible attitude. She loves the internet and is facinated by it. She has seen it from the heavens, but she never knew it could be this much fun (thus the librarian job, so she can get on the computer whenever she wants). She plays games with people online. She now likes games that "earth people" play, but isn't addicted to them (like I am... lol) Bio: She is the most outgoing of all the gods and goddesses in the relm and is still quite responible. She (as a goddess) loved her job and happily sent the spirits on thier way. In a way she is the Grim Reaper [strike]him[/strike] [I]herself[/I]. She doesn't do the you all will die type thing. She's more of a "Your soul will be at rest. Follow me please". She is in the opinion that all the gods and goddesses that want earth gone are insane, because that would cause them to no longer need to use thier powers and she would be bored, which she gets very easily. She now, as a human loves to read and she plans on writing a book before she has to go back to being a goddess. If she can't do this then she has promised herself she'll possess someone and make them write it for her (or send a soul back or something). She likes the internet because of its vast area of knowledge. She's now studying human beliefes and silently laughs at them in a playful way. She likes to talk to philosophers and discuss these types of things to see the most complex theory untangled and stuck in thier hands and to watch thier express when they are completely recorrected and know it by a twenty year old colledge student/ librarian. She likes out witing people and is very good at it.
  16. [CENTER]-----------Cyril----------------[/CENTER] "Alright!" came a voice from the inside of a pub in Cyril. "Well that's great! I've got enough gil to buy a Chocobo now! Thanks, Mr. Pubmaster, Sir," said a very delited Viera known as Lina. "No problem, Miss," he said. She began to walk out when she noticed some blood on the ground outside. She kneeled closer to it to see what kind it was. The pubmaster noticed this and began to speak. " That, there is the work of none other than the assasin, Frida," he continued, "She tried to rob this place... and it's a miricle she didn't succeed." "Wow... that's tuff," Lina said. "Yeah, but she has a huge bounty on her ,dead or alive (he said this part with emphasis from the realization of the heavenly aura around her), and she went of toward Baguba not two days ago. You might be able to catch her and stop some killing if you hurry on that new chocobo you were talking about." "Yes! Now I can get some real practice for that prince before I get to him," she wishpered to herself. "Prince? Oh... you must have seen that post by him about starting a clan?" he said hearing only the word [I]prince[/I]. She walked over to the pubmast and asked to see the job list again. He took it out and set it on the counter spinning it around so she could see it. Sure enough, there was a post by the prince, himself, starting a clan. "'Meet me in Aisenfield' huh? Ok... I'll meet you alright. And you won't be leaving," she thought to herslef and went to buy a chocobo with her new money. Right before she began, though, she thought, " Well... maybe I can look for that "Frida" person. It's on the way to Aisenfield anyway." [CENTER]-----Baguba-----[/CENTER] She was riding by and saw Viera in the dark cloack. The Viera was sitting on the ground outside of town staring at a wound that appeared to still be bleeding. The chocobo began to slow as Lina jumped off. Lina walked up to the viera and began to close her eyes as she stopped walking. She opened them and the wound was gone. The only thing that looked as if the Viera had even been touched was the blood stained cloths, which soon, too, dissappeared. The Viera started up and spoke, "How did you do that? You didn't even say anything?" "It's just a gift I have and I plan to use it to do good in all of Ivalice." "First by ridding it of that deamon of a prince, Mewt," she muttered to herself again. Being a Viera and having big ears isn't just for looks, though, and they can be used to hear alot more than any other creature in Ivalice. The Viera looked up, suprised that anyone would dare speak of a holy crusade to remove the prince of Ivalice aloud at all and still be standing there that day. "She's got some skills that far pass my own in the art of healing," the Viera thought. "What's your name?" asked the Viera. "Lina, and yours?" Lina responded. The Viera stood up. OOC: The Viera (if you haven't noticed, is Frida). She needs to make a choice to join me/fight me/ or whatever. Just thought I'd put this so no one's confused as to who "The Viera" is.
  17. I really hope I'm not too late because I love all Final Fantasy games (and have beaten them all exept for 4, which i couldn't find, and X-2). Ok if it is the case that it's not to late, then here's my stuff. If it is to late to join...... then..... ummm..... I'll cry. Yeah... I'll cry. [B]Name :[/B] Lina Corse [B]Age :[/B] 13 [B]Gender :[/B] sniff....... no fair. Oh well. I guess I'll be a girl because no other race can be a summoner. (well... at least i got in.) [B]Race :[/B] Vieraa [B]Appearance :[/B] Long white hair, black eyes, her eyes (when it becomes dark) have light blue moons (one in each eye) that almost seem white, Black loose fit cloths and always is seen with a staff in hand. [B]Starting class: [/B] Summoner (with white magic) [B]Starting weapon: [/B] (whatever the staff that teaches Ifrit is) [B]Starting a abilities:[/B] Summon and Healing spells (all healing spells and Shiva as a summon, currently learning Ifrit) [B]Starting s abilities:[/B] Turbo MP [B]Starting r abilities:[/B] Auto-Regen [B]Bio : [/B] A summoner that strives constantly to better herself and is motivated to be the best and summon even the Great Dragon God Madeen. She can already heal anything by just thinking it. She is currently in the clan "" (whatever clan i'm in... i didn't see any clan names so i don't know, but a magician usually doesn't go solo). She is one of the strangest people most have ever met. She is swollowed in his own despair but yet she still keeps her energy up enough to help people and get the job done better than most. Through years of training [B]Edit:[/B] (took out the part about forgiving Mewt... it'll be more interesting if she somehow joins with the other summoner/assasain and tries to avenge her parents) her anger should have faded. It has... but only a little. She is still training for the day when she'll meet Mewt face to face. Mewt imprisoned her parents (for protecting the town when protect was against the law) when he was only five and it left him alone until a healer ran across her one day in town and took her in. She has the soul of a benevolent god and the will of a merciless one. She [B] will[/B] help anyone who needs it. Yeah! It's not too late!!!!!!!! *Does a dance*.
  18. :confused: OUCH! I thought too much. Well ,see, my problem is that I used to be able to write increadibaly well, but lately my head's been overloaded so ,to relieve myself of thinking sooooooo much, i decided to try and write some stuff (it usually helps me out to write in a whole lotta ways). I was wondering if anyone has any ideas to help my head start thinking more writatively. Please help, my head will explode if I don't get any help. :flaming: *Kaboom!*
  19. I could make myself a decent banner and I intend to help some others in here but for me, it's 1:05 in the morning and I kinda don't feel like making one.... can somebody please find me some pics at least for a KH banner and ava? I'd like Riku and Sora like in a fight sceane thing for the banner (i don't mind anything different, this is just my idea of a perfect one) and a sora ava. Thanks in advance, Hopefully soon to be, Sora (Squee)
  20. Sora

    Vampiric Legacy

    Sorry i took so long but after charles changed my name my account screwed up and wouldn't let me post until i asked him to fix it. My story begings as a i ,yzane, a vampire, leave a house where i had just been feeding. Guns rise everywhere around me as the clicks start to make my heart beat faster. "Freeze you bast*rd!" comes a voice of a man that seems more scared of me than he wanted me to be of him. I thought i could take advantage of this but that's where the mistakes start. I stare him in the eyes and begin to walk forward to him as calm looking as i can. I zip to him and lift him off the ground with a hand. "Leave me be or this man looses his life!" I spoke. "We don't make deals," came another voice behind me."You do now," i responded. I began to hover and intended to fly away but just as i was nearly 12 feet off the ground i heard a gun shot and flinched dropping the man and loosing my advantage. "Oh sh*t!" I yelled as i tried to fly away but was caught by a barricade of bullets. My view blurred as i began to fall. I hit the ground hard and fell into a sleeping state. I awoke to find myself in a bed lying next Alice. I swiftly jerked up and fell back down because of the burning pain all over my body from where the guns had hit me. Alice rolled over only to say,"don't stress yourself" and go back to sleep. We both left the castle at midnight to go on our hunting trip for the night. We flew through the sky until i finally asked what happened. She answer simply with a ,"i felt you where in trouble so i helped". Thanks i said and we continued onward through the sky.
  21. Sora

    Vampiric Legacy

    Alright i'll wait but after he/she comes then we're starting. By the way make it quick please.
  22. Sora

    Vampiric Legacy

    I'm getting tired of waiting so i'm going to ask everyone here a question. Who thinks i should just go ahead and start the adventure? I'll decide based on the responses.
  23. Sora

    Vampiric Legacy

    that's not what i meant i meant like yzane stopped growing at 28 (his body is 28) but his mind is 5072 years old
  24. Sora

    Vampiric Legacy

    Once I get about seven people then i'll start this thing but i'd just like to say that if you're a vampire (or changed) you should put your real age. I forgot to put mine so i'm going to edit it in. The age i put was the age i was when i was changed. For full blood vampires some stop growingat different points and for those changed above there point keep growing until that point. example: if i were changed at the age of twelve i would continue to grown until i was at my full vampiric age. 31 perhaps...or 23 or probably somewhere between 18 and 35. you can change that though. and if you were changed after that age you stop growing at the point you where changed (as my character has). another example would be if i were fifty when i was changed i would stay fifty. Thanks for coming people. I was starting to get worried that no one would come.
  25. Sora

    Vampiric Legacy

    is anyone going to come? Valen? It's been more than one day since i've seen your post. Please. Some people need to come.
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