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Everything posted by Sora
"Slow down Ki!" yelled Shento, My brother brother. "You're going to fast!" he yelled again breathing heavily. ?Shento, you know I?m not even going half as fast as I can,? I laughed gently as the breeze blew gently across my face and blew my hair back in a colorful frenzy of black and yellow. The cool breeze felt good as the sun beamed on getting hotter and hotter. I felt like running so fast I could make a gust of wind for myself but I had to watch Shento. ?You know,? he began,?one day I?m gonna beat you.? He fell to the ground playfully and lay still for a moment before turning his face to the sky. ?We should come to the beach more often,? he said. ?Those clouds look so beautiful,? he said as he began to catch his breath. ?Yeah,? I agreed. ?Who?s that?? he asked as he sat up quickly and squinted his eyes trying to see. ?Hold on a second and I?ll find out,? I said. I flashed across the beach leaving dust floating gently back to the earth and landing softly without a noise. ?Hey? I said cheerfully. There was no answer from the woman in front of me. ?Are you ok?? I asked. ?Are you lost?? Still no answer. ?Well at least tell me your name,? I said. ?Call me Tabby??..but? where am I?? she asked wonderingly ?This is Kaskada Beach,? I began. ?I?m Ki and that over there is Shen?.Shento!!!!!? I yelled as I saw him walk to the figure of darkness. ?You cannot beat him alone,? she said. I didn?t care what I could or couldn?t do. I ran as fast as I could to the shady figure as I became a person of darkness and shiny, white eyes. I flew at him with my katana in my hand, ready to strike. I was flung backward and landed on the sand with a thud. "Give me my brother!" I yelled angrily as my changed colors quicker than they ever had before. I raised my hand and concintrated energy into a ball that i held while it shot sparks in all directions. "Go away Ki!" yelled Shento. The energy died quickly as i sat up trying to figure out what had happened. One moment i was there in front of my brother and the next moment i was on the ground and he was gone. "What happened?" i asked. "I showed him my flame," Tabby responded laughing. "Where's Shento?" I asked, my head still hurt from whatever that shadow did to me. "And what did that shadow do to me?" I asked again. "That wasn't what the shadow did to you. It was what Shento did to you. After he hit you with some dark energy he fled my flames. The only thing i want to know is how did he do that? Only powerful shadows can do that," she said confused.
[b]Name:[/b]Shun, Ki [b]Age:[/b]13 [b]Guardian:[/b]Lightning [b]Weapon:[/b]her super speed counts as a weapon itself but besides that she uses her katana [b]Appearance:[/b]Black hair that has some blond streaks in it. blue eyes and useually wears black, baggy, loose fit clothes just to prove she doesn't care about what almost anyone thinks but her friends. her eyes have strange symbols in them that say lightning in japanese that appear when she gets angry. [img]http://www.animeshrine.com/image.php?/warofgenesis/wog22.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] childish and playful until she gets pissed. then you run. very fast. until she catches you [b]Bio:[/b]At a young (well....younger) age she found her speed to be incredible and at the times she got mad she didn't realize the way her eyes turned dark yellow or the way her hair began to stand up or the way lightning began to fly from her body as it flickered into nothingness just as it had come. she still doesn't recognize her strange power and everyone else is to afraid to say something about it. she is usually a playful person with lots of friends. [b]Magic:[/b]Shock
I'm not sure if this is kind of against the rules or not and i know this isn't the recruitment forum but i think that's a good story and i wanted to know if i could come in on it. I understand if i can't because it's stared but i'd like to none the less.
Thanks. I should have thought of that but I guess i'll get it now then. I don't want to give away any of the story so i'll try to give an idea of it with out doing so. I haven't completely planed the entire thing yet so i can twist it with whoever comes and whatever there character does. I was planning on making it up as i went along but i'll give the basic idea. There's this guy, me, that pissed off some of vampires by screwing up in a feeding group ( a group of vampires that hunt together by going into clubs and luring people away to take them one by one but staying together enough to be safer) by letting someone go that he had known as a human but had forgotten a long time ago until he saw her face again (this part gives away a bit so only read it if you think you have to) and he remembers how much he loved her and he is on his way to find her while running away from the other vampires that are chasing him because when he let her go. She screamed not recognizing him and alerted some hunters that then murdered the leader of the Vampic Guild of England and a few other vampires along with him. The rest of them fled as their leader burst into flames. Now he bears the burden of being hated by almost every vampire in all of england. They are hunting him. (and the reason that he is hunted by humans is because he's a vampire) Is that enough? I?m not sure if that works as a basic summary or not. The way people fit in is depending on what they are, how they act, and what they do. Like a mercenary could be hired for a job and unwillingly enter the entire story. Or an ordinary vampire could be running from the same people and happen to run into me while trying to escape. I really plan to base this story as I go along. It makes it a lot easier for me.
My story begings as a i ,yzane, a vampire, leave a house where i had just been feeding. Guns rise everywhere around me as the clicks start to make my heart beat faster. "Freeze you bast*rd!" comes a voice of a man that seems more scared of me than he wanted me to be of him. I thought i could take advantage of this but that's where the mistakes start. I stare him in the eyes and begin to walk forward to him as calm looking as i can. I zip to him and lift him off the ground with a hand. "Leave me be or this man looses his life!" I spoke. "We don't make deals," came another voice behind me."You do now," i responded. I began to hover and intended to fly away but just as i was nearly 12 feet off the ground i heard a gun shot and flinched dropping the man and loosing my advantage. "Oh sh*t!" I yelled as i tried to fly away but was caught by a barricade of bullets. My view blurred as i began to fall. I hit the ground hard and fell into a sleeping state. You can be a hunter, vampire, demon, or whatever else you can make fit into that catagory. Don't be held back by my suggestions. Be what you want i suppose. Sign up looks like this. Name: Yzane Age: 28 (really 5072) Gender: Male Personality: Playful unless hunting or if he is about to have to fight someone. He makes his own rules and no one else's matter to him. Race: Changed Vampire Appearance: Black short sleeve shirt with a trench coat over it. White hair (not old white. white white.) Red eyes to the point that he looks angry all the time unless he's playing. Weapons: He always has his guns. History: He doesn't remember anything after the day he was changed. He doesn't care about his human form anymore. He's growing attached to being a vampire and likes it now. The one who changed him took him in and taught him the basics. He sometimes works as a mercenary but is very picky and only takes certain jobs. I need alot of people so come on and help me out here. I'll be angry if you don't!!!!:flaming:
I hope i'm not to late! I'm new at this because i haven't done an adventure before so i'll just say sorry if i'm a burden to tell how to do this but i gotta learn somewhere right? Name: Friendly Bear Color , I guess: Cloudy Blue (like my room ,tori, lol) Symbol: two bears hugging Stereo type: This bear is everyone's friend and will always try his best to make them happy when they're sad. he'll talk to anyone he can and he won't stop until they ask him to or start talking themselves and when they're done he starts talking again. (in short, talks [b]too![/b] much but makes everyone happy. lol
Name: Yzane Age: 28 Gender: Male Personality: Playful unless hunting or if he is about to have to fight someone. He makes his own rules and no one else's matter to him. Race: Changed Vampire Appearance: Black short sleeve shirt with a trench coat over it. White hair (not old white. white white.) Red eyes to the point that he looks angry all the time unless he's playing. Weapons: He always has his guns. History: He doesn't remember anything after the day he was changed. He doesn't care about his human form anymore. He's growing attached to being a vampire and likes it now. The one who changed him took him in and taught him the basics. He sometimes works as a mercenary but is very picky and only takes certain jobs.
I'm not really sure what to do but i'm going to try this anyway. My story begings as a i ,yzane, a vampire, leave a house where i had just been feeding. Guns rise everywhere around me as the clicks start to make my heart beat faster. "Freeze you bast*rd!" comes a voice of a man that seems more scared of me than he wanted me to be of him. I thought i could take advantage of this but that's where the mistakes start. I stare him in the eyes and begin to walk forward to him as calm looking as i can. I zip to him and lift him off the ground with a hand. "Leave me be or this man looses his life!" I spoke. "We don't make deals," came another voice behind me."You do now," i responded. I began to hover and intended to fly away but just as i was nearly 12 feet off the ground i heard a gun shot and flinched dropping the man and loosing my advantage. "Oh sh*t!" I yelled as i tried to fly away but was caught by a barricade of bullets. My view blurred as i began to fall. I hit the ground hard and fell into a sleeping state. I'm not sure what to do about the sign up sheet thingy so i'll do it after sombody else does. You can be a hunter, vampire, demon, or whatever else you can make fit into that catagory. Don't be held back by my suggestions. Be what you want i suppose. Well i'll wait for someone else to post so i'll know what to do.
Name: Demon Knight Yzane (sorry if it's dorky but i'm not good with names) Sex: Male Alliance: Mercinary Vampire/Demon/Human Hunter (i do what i get paid for) Race: Demon/Human (hope you don't mind if i made that up) Bio: Son of a legendary demon. Loves his pistols and has a few tricks with a sword as well.Has some demon abillities but can only use them for a short while. Is still searching for his relationship to any demons. He works for money and gets the job done. Appearance: When human he has a dark Red suit with black leather gloves and boots. Dark red cape. White hair. Red eyes. When demon he has huge curled horns and large fangs and can fly and has electricity shooting off of him. *Edit*I didn't know i couldn't do that. Sorry.*Edit*
I've fought a few times in the battle arena but i've never done an adventure so if anyone can help me out then please do. Teach me!
I'm sure the topic explains it's self.
....well, here goes another shot. what do ya think about it. i had some new ideas so i put them on this one and i didn't really like the picture on the far left so i took it of.
Well how's this then?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Try to expand on this. What don't you understand about her post? [/B][/QUOTE] I mean i don't know what "try to blend and use layers" means.
What do you mean. I don't understand.
What can I do to fix my to be banner up some? Please criticize freely.I promise I won't get too mad.
I don't really know how to get there. I'm sorry but I don't understand the boards very well.*hit's himself in the head and passes out*
Does anybody know the basic story line of .hack cause I've only watched it a little and I don't get it passed the part were he's stuck inside the game.
I really stink at anime. I need to know how to get started. I used to be pretty good but I forgot everything.:laugh: Shut up!:bawl:
So.. cool!*voice gets higher as speakes and eventualy passes out because he has desided he has no chance now* *wakes back up* I wish i could draw somewhere near that good. That's incredible.
*plays Jay-Z's "Hard-Knock Life"* I just thought this would look tight so I tried it. Once again, my brother must have some credit though. (If you didn't see my earlier post) He's treton_noir. please comment on this [center][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=364788[/img][/center] edit: centered image
This is the first banner i ever made but i think it's pretty good. I got the idea from the Homestar Runner "A Jummping Jack Contest" episode. My brother (treton_noir)helped me out some. please give comments.
I can't beat that guy that comes in the forest that says he isn't being controled by the seru's monsters. Anyone have any stratigies. I just can't get it.
Anime anyone know a good book No, I know what i'm talking about
Sora replied to Sora's topic in Otaku Central
Hey! I don't mind romance. It just can't go any more than that. -
The rendering is the only thing that differs in pictures of the two(ffx and kingdomhearts). The graphics are about the same but the rendering is way off. P.S. Mayby ffx is better. I don't know kh's storyline but ffx had a good one.