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Everything posted by Catzbane

  1. Solo Tremaine: No, there isn't a piece of cloth on Exodia in the Japanese version. *Attaches picture.* Jinzouningen17: They could just cut the whole thing out, since it's only a anime filler. That symbol is [I]everywhere[/I] in that filler. Everyone: *Blinks.* I don't have anything to say, that hasn't been said before.
  2. I'm a girl. Even though I don't duel or have cards, I would, the game is very interesting, and fun. ^^ There aren't many boys at my school that are stereotypical... Honestly, I do like some of the Fairie cards, I love the art on some of them. But, I love cards like the ones Bakura*, Bones*. and Malik has. Also, some of Weevle's and Rex's are pretty cool. ^^ For some reason, I'm often** told I'm not very girly, since I love violent moves, games, and other stuff that I "shouldn't like". o_O;; It's very moronic. But just because it's a stereotype, doesn't mean there aren't any people like that. There are many girls at my school that talk and talk about boys, makeup, and stuff like that. There is barely anyone, not to mention girls, who like YGO or the card game. Which really sucks. *Episode 79 was one of the episodes that got me addicted to the show. **I guess I'm slightly exaggerating...
  3. Jounouchi*: Now we sacrafice Anzu* to the darkness. Anzu: Uhhh, guys? Can we talk this over...? *Jounou=Joey *Anzu=Tea (If the person wins, do they have to post pictures that are from the show/comic, or can they be any YGO pictures?)
  4. I have heard of some Zelda "mangas" a while ago. The covers were beautiful.(I was so obsessed with Zelda when I was younger. o_o) If you can, could you scan a few pages?
  5. A friend told me about it, I watched an episode and laughed my *** off. XD But, since I always look for the uncut, I searched the web. Then I found out about Shonen Jump. My friend heard about it too, and bought the second issue. I read it, and I read Yu-Gi-Oh! I loved that Yugi got beaten up a lot. XD I saw how freaky "Yami Yugi" was, and the perverted jokes made me laugh out loud, so I fell in love with it. *sniffle* T-----T XD
  6. (So sorry if there has been a post before.)This "manga" is pretty good, and sort of addicting to read. n_n; Its corny and lame in a few parts, but a lot of times its pretty freaky. o_O Its about a town that is cursed by spirals. (Thats all I'll say unless you want to know more, I don't really know if I'll spoil it or not if I type any more.) I absolutly LOVE the art in this comic! Its not really cartoon-ish at all, and has great detail. It is a very interesting story, to me. And a nice "horror" comic, because of all this, it has easily become one of my favorites. But I have only read the first volume. So, has anyone else read it?
  7. Ask a question, you are neither telling the truth, or lying. Like, can I pass, or, are you really an idiot.
  8. *reads post* Ok, nothing about the teen beig BAD, just flunking, he/she trying hard, though, she/he might be overwhelmed and try suicide...and be depressed...most just assumed that she/he is bad because she/he has bad grades. I, myself, used to get bad grades, not anymore, I tried, I'm not a bad person. And I'd be uberly ticked if someone chose not to save my life because of bad grades. The baby might grow up to be a crook...the teen might too, but, yeah...and the grandma is going to die soon anyways. :cross: Though the baby has a loving family, so, chances are, it won't be a crook...so...and granma might be rich...I guess I couldn't deicde...
  9. Hmmm, do you have one of Kagome dieing a slow, painful death? I like the detective Inu one too, and the one of him happy scares me....
  10. Two more. Vampire, done wile bored. And its pretty old...
  11. Sad...I made it wile I was happy, and I named it doom for some reason. Cat.
  12. Cartoon drawings. I think I they're ok considering I am only 11...I'll have to post more because I can't upload them....yeah
  13. I am sorry if I ofended anyone. I never said that other people shouldn't care. Only that I don't care. The post was more of why someone might steal something like that...And what I said wasn't ment to be taken very seriously. I guess I am just a bit annoyed when someone says that they beat a person up over a card, well, not just a card, something else like a pencil. (It happened once...) I understand if you get mad when its special to you. Its just that people get hurt over things like THAT. Eh. Thats one of the reasons my school does not allow them anymore. I even get hurt for asking to look at someone's cards. :p Yes, I guess it is asking for trouble on a Yu-Gi-Oh board. Heh. Again, I am sorry if I offended someone, I really did not mean to.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Thumper [/i] [B]I was always confused when ppl do this i mean its a small peice of card sure it has pretty print on the other side but hey is it worth stealing i mean really ..... [/B][/QUOTE] THANK-YOU! Someone said it! Accually, I don't even know why they BUY the cards. They're a waste of money. Like I say to my friends when they over react when they get new cards, "Whats the big deal, they're pieces of paper with purdy pictures on them." Then I get yelled at. LOL. One of the obvious reasons they steal something, is to get it for FREE. Sure it may only cost fifty cent, but you can also get it for FREE. I have gotten all my cards for free, so I don't really get mad when something happens to them. I may be disapointed if one of my favorites gets ruined or stolen, but I get over it quickly. I am slowly building a cruddy deck! Not even pokemon cards I payed for, I gave forty pieces of computer paper to one kid who loves to draw, so do I, and he gave me five pokemon cards...they got stolen, I didn't care. Another reason is that they don't like you, they just don't.:therock: They might LIKE to steal also, hey, I was tempted to steal some YGO cards, but I didn't want to be beaten up...Things get stolen, ruined, and lost. Deal with it....haha, get it? DEAL...cards...eh.-_-;;
  15. Aw, its just a little fun..though I do an announcer voice to tick my friends off when I'm watching a duel and say their life points, or if they're losing...heh XD;; Its a game, not serious. I like to act like Pegusus for some reason wile playing the game, and I am assuming by kids, you mean 8, 9, 10, 11 year olds?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by egyptgirl [/i] [B]Hm, Millennium Fridge, I could use that. :D [/B][/QUOTE] So could I, it would be the perfect place to store my...MILLENIUM PIE!:devil: Um...you can't eat it...but you can hit someone with it...-_- EDIT: Well...maaaybe you could eat it...hmmmm:tasty:
  17. I am to lazy to go back and quote, but I have to say I agree with the person/people who said, You accually got mad??? I do not like the dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh show, I like what I have read of the manga though. But I make fun of the cards, and the show a LOT. Heck, I make fun of a lot of shows. My friends...er kids at school;) might get mad, but I am just used to that sort of thing...I hate it when people make fun of ME for watching Yu-Gi-Oh. And I do not make fun of PEOPLE. If someone makes fun of me for liking it, or playing the game, I just tell them "People have different opinions, and why should they care if I like it." There are some reeeally creepy fans at my school, they will "punch" you or go crazy, or something...they're more fun to make fun of the show in front of. So I suggest, you don't get all mad over something so stupid. :haha: About ripping up the cards, now, those cards are expencive. MANY kids get their cards ripped up...And you shouldn't get mad at people who misunderstand something, or just don't know, like once I misunderstood someone, I thought they said gay gardian, and it was pretty loud in the hallways, like allways, so when I asked him, Gay Gardian?? Are you serious? They misunderstood ME and said, yes...If you don't know what I misunderstood, it was a GATE Gardian.:laugh: And you know, not EVERYONE is a fan of the show. Eh...it was more rambling off-topic stuff I guess...sorry. -_- And I hope noone got offended that I said my misunderstanding, I forgot the rules...eep.:nervous:
  18. I don't have aim. Its Aol instint message, right? (sorry for the short message, I can't think of anything else to add.)
  19. 1. Your Otaku name: Catzbane 2. Your favorite CB char: Ed 3. Your favorite CB session: The Gateway Shuffle (If that what your talking about, so...tired...) 4. Your favorite CB song: erm, I don't have a favorite one.
  20. Ah, its funny? I saw the "laughing" icon. Thats the next episode, I can't wait untill Saterday. XDDD
  21. The eye, mostly becaus I like pegasus, and I agree with Shade, that thing is cool! XD
  22. Why not. Age:11 Favorite Monster: ??? (I only know a few didfferent cards) Favorite Card: Witty Phantom Fave Character: Pegasus Fave Episode: None Card I relate to: Blue eyes toon dragon/whitty phantom (I think thats what the name was.)
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonstar [/i] [B]I usually make coments such as "ouch" "what a moron" or "hee hee, if only they knw the truth, if only!" [/B][/QUOTE] Just like my frend, when we're on the phone, she watches it and screams in my ear. >.< And when I watch it, I joke about it a LOT when someone is in the room, if no one is there, I laugh quietly and insanly to myself...:excited: :cross:
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