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Maha Vailo

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Everything posted by Maha Vailo

  1. I love Fruits Basket. My favorite character is Hatsuharu. I love it when he looks like the motorcycle guy, then gets on a regular bicycle.;)
  2. I would take out Mirror Wall because you have pay 2000 life points to use it.
  3. Get the Kaiba tin the Blue eyes is really rare.
  4. Which Deck would you get to be yours?:worried:
  5. Im tradeing Garnicia E. Sheild & Sword Gravekeepers Servant and a Horn Of The Unicorn for a Red Eyes B. Dragon (Limited Edition from a tin)?:nervous:
  6. Where do you get tournament cards?:wigout:
  7. Is it a good trade a Red eyes metal for a b.Skull Dragon?:p
  8. I saw Dungeon Dice monsters on WB Today, and I thought it was terrible. It wasn't interesting at all...
  9. Are you allowed to attack your opponents lifepoints directly if they don't have a monster on the field?:demon:
  10. They can be found in premium pack four. Blue eyes ult. will be coming ou next year.
  11. LAUGH!!!! You can get them at toys "R" Us $3.49 with tax it is $3.74.
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