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Ultimo Devil

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Everything posted by Ultimo Devil

  1. Yes, I have seen a bit of this. It's pretty cool. One of my favorites for sure! :) That Blitz attack rules. I love how the Alter wraps around his arm and all of a sudden. BOOM! He is running [b]really[/b] fast. :p Can't wait to see the reast of the series. -D.S.
  2. Name: Ultimo Devil Favorite Character: Gene Starwind Favorite Episode: Maze of Despair AIM s/n: None, yet. I'll have one soon though! -D.S.
  3. Woah, that looks weird. You said where he moves the thing to his eye, so that is why I posted the other one. -D.S.
  4. Well here is a picture of him in the first episode: [img]http://www.theotaku.com/outlawstar/pictures/episode01/image_004.jpg[/img] Here is the one OutlawDragon was talking about: [img]http://www.dreamwater.org/animelunacy/Matches/Outlaw/gene.jpg[/img] So you be the judge, I say OD is right. -D.S. Edit: The 2nd one didn't work, just go to this url. [url]http://www.dreamwater.org/animelunacy/Matches/Outlaw/gene.jpg[/url] 2nd Edit: That won't work either.....I'll just find it on another URL Please Work! [img]http://theoutlawstar1.homestead.com/files/gene_4_grapler_arms.jpg[/img] Woohoo! It works.
  5. I noticed that a while back. But the only thing I was suprised to see on those credits is, The Bouncer. I never heard her voice in the game, maybe I just missed it. Now I have to play the game again. :p -D.S.
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