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Everything posted by Bing

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue][quote]A Herbal Essence behind me[/quote] Some sort of strange poem about Shampoo. No, it's really deep, and I like it loads. It paints pictures in my brain. Do some more while your creative motivation lasts[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkblue] Woah, that's a great piece of writing. I really like that, you have put my feeling into a poem for me! That's a great piece, especially seeing as you're new, and some people first piece are pooey (no offence) *offends self* damn it O_o;;;[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, to be totally honest, I wish that happened [b]more[/b] over here. My school is full of idiots, who fight, and sware at teachers, and breach the school rules. Drugs in school just isn't acceptable. Neither is telling your teacher to **** off. All these people get is exclusion and a good telling off. They need more serious punishments, like being expelled, or getting locked up. See how mouthy they are, when they are in a prison full of scary people...[i]*don't drop the soap* ^_^;;;[/i][/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkblue] If you ask me, they are all the same, but's that my point of view *hides under a pancake* But, that game was fun, I was in hysterics playing it, it was really competitive, yet not too hard. An RPG-Based-Beat-Em-Up sounds...hmm, interesting to say the least! Where did you hear about that?[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=darkblue][quote] i think sniper elite should do pretty well [/quote] [quote] i hope Sniper Elite does do pretty well [/quote] You seem to have a lot of hope in this game. If it fails, are you going to die or something, hee hee! Have you heard any recent news on it. I saw some screens recently, but I don't know where...ah, I'm hopeless![/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue] Ah, the Xbox doesn't need saving, get over it! This game is cool, I played it in a video store, although when The Two Towers comes out, I will probably buy it! That is a great game and as RicoTranzrig said, it's the better of the two.[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue] O.k, what rating is this movie? James, did you tell Weh it was a 15, because he wanth to go see it when it is released over here. It sounds pretty scary, and it could ruin my whole, life it would make me afraid of televisions, oh well, it sounds like it's worth it ^_^;;;get back to me about the rating please![/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue] Tommy V and I live in the same area, and you'll just be walking through a street, and some idiot will just go 'fat dickhead' or something completely lame like that. Some people are really dumb, and they are too lazy to even use a good insult. Vegeta Rocker, I thik that guy just got frustrated, seeing as you beat him in the battle of intelligence. It's just the last act of a desperate man.[/color][/size]
  9. Bing

    Sega GT 2002

    [size=1][color=darkblue] Accidents are funny. I think racing games are better when there is a bit of an alternative theme, or some violence involved. When there is a risk involved in any sport, it's funner. I was playing a quad bike racing game on my Xbox demo disk, the one I got free with XOM:UK, and you could kick other racers off their quads if you got near enough. It made the game a whole lot funner. Mario Kart as well, you had weapons etc. so it was funner. Racing games need more options to them. I do understand though, that Sega GT can't really include these, because it's meant to be realistic, but in some cases realistic is just plain boring. Ah, we'll just have to make do with the Drag Race heh?[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkblue]Heh, this game made my day. In a shop, they had it up, and me and Weh battled for about 20 minutes, shouting, jumping up and down, bashing up the controllers. I was the master at it, but then a new competitor came, Big Cajones the Button Basher. He whooped my ***. Lots. This game was alot of fun, especially as a big tournament! You should it Cyko, it's alot of fun, and the graphics are pretty superb[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=darkblue] Yeah, you are totally right. The Playstation 2's bigger game collection, there is a reason that, well around 2 of them. 2 years. Heh, but I guess as the Xbox ages, it's libary shall also grow. *Off Topic* You might want to sort out your signature. you've got your url tags mixed with your img tags. Try this = [img]http://www.theotaku.com/vampirehunterd/pictures/bloodlust/image_004.jpg[/img ] (without the space), or [Url=http://www.theotaku.com/vampirehunterd/pictures/bloodlust/image_004.jpg][/url ] (without the space)[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue] BigCajones = Big Cajoneys, mainly because I am always tired and my brain can't do pronounciations. Semjaza Azazel = Sam Jazz Azel, because it's too many z...z...z Syk3 = Sykey Boy, because that's just plain dumb. Genkai = Jen Cow, I think because his avatar has a cow on it. Well, that's what stood out from the list in my brain. I'll edit if I see anymore[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkblue] Hmm...what ever happened to 'mucked up' or 'messed up'. You have warped my fragile little mind. Yes, it is a bit strange, it's the hunting-trip-gone-wrong video right? The video for 'Feel Good Hit Of The Summer' is pretty weird as well, but I suppose with the song just saying 'Nicotine, Valium, Vicaden, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol' and 'C.c.c.c.c.cocaine' repeatedly, the video would be quite strange.[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]Or, he could click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18997]here[/URL] and see suggestions from yourself, myself and others! So Raw 2 has a name now? That sounds cool, but it probably won't live up to it's name. You should try and get an XBox, because they are worth it, but there are a lot of hypocrites out there wh osay they aren't worth it. In my perspective, they beat the other 2 competitors hands down.[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]A few clicks later. I found some Q.O.T.S.A tour dates for American members. [B]Sat, 02/22/03[/b]= 7:30 pm Queens of the Stone Age, Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas. [B]Sun, 02/23/03[/b]= 7:30 pm Queens of the Stone Age, Glass House, Pomona. [B]Tue, 02/25/03[/b]= 8:00 pm Queens of the Stone Age, The Grove of Anaheim,Anaheim. [B]Wed, 02/26/03[/b]= 7:30 pm Queens of the Stone Age, Ventura Theatre,Ventura. [B]Wed, 03/05/03[/b]= 7:00 pm Queens of the Stone Age, Sunshine Theater,Albuquerque. [B]Thu, 03/13/03[/b]= 7:30 pm Queens of the Stone Age, House of Blues, New Orleans, New Orleans. [B]Tue, 03/18/03[/b]= 7:00 pm Queens of the Stone Age, Culture Room, Fort Lauderdale. [B]Fri, 03/21/03[/b]= 8:00 pm Queens of the Stone Age, Hard Rock Live Orlando, Orlando. [B]Sat, 03/22/03[/b]= 8:00 pm Queens of the Stone Age, House of Blues Myrtle Beach, N. Myrtle Beach. [B]Mon, 03/24/03[/b]= 8:00 pm Queens of the Stone Age The Norva, Norfolk, Hope now all you fans of Q.O.T.S.A, or just into their type of music, can go and see them![/color][/size]
  16. [Size=1][color=darkblue]I got there new album for Christmas. It's a good album, but it didn't impress me as much as some of there older ones had. 'Next Year', 'Monkey Wrench', 'Breakout', 'Learn To Fly', 'All My Life' and the 'The One' are the songs that spring to mind as 'liked'. My sister went to V2001, which is an English event, hosted by Virgin, and she got to see the Foo Fighters, Muse and the Red Hot Chili Peppers in one great night. I would have gone, but my dad wouldn't let me, he says I'm too young. I would like to have seen them in December, but they sold out. Heh, silly Zidane, he passed on his tickets. I will be at the next tour of the U.K though hopefully.[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkblue] Yeah, buying it for Splinter Cell alone is pointless. There are loads of games being released in the near future, that are Microsoft Exclusive. These are the games that you should purchase the console for, I'l edit if I think of any more; Halo/Halo 2, Perfect Dark 2, Metal Gear Solid : Substance. WWE Raw 2 is in the making, and that's meant to be good, if you're into the whole wrestling simulation breed of games. My opinion is that they are too repetitive *rambles off into pointless conversation*[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]I think it's expected soon, because many magazines are giving on videos or demos of the game for PS2.[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue] Not being anti=american or anything because I love the place, but it's typical. I remember when a mother sued BBC for creating Tellytubbies, because her son jumped at the screen and knocked their 32' Television off the unit and got crushed to death. It's ridiculous. This is a bit like 'GTA In The Media' thread. Why do stupid, funny things like Spongebob Squarepants get money swindled off them, because of a careless act of bad parenting? It's time that parents take control of their kids, or T.V shows are going to have to take out insurance, for peace of mind so they don't get sued. *off subject a bit* The people are probably Trailer Trash, trying to get money from a tragedy like that.[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=darkblue] I get alot of colds. I get headahces quite a bit, but sometimes that's from over-thinking! If I ever get really ill, it lasts for ages, but I think I have a pretty strong immune system [i]Edit=That stuff that looked likes something you haven't eaten, often turns about to be stomach lining.[/i][/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue] Well, Splinter Cell is very good, but you may be annoyed to find out that it is being released on PS2, PC and Gamecube. XBox Live is basically gaming onlnie. You recieve a headset and a years free subscription, but you need a broadband internet point somewhere is your house. To mind out more detailed information look [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18089]here[/URL] or [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13064]here[/URL]. I could recommend quite a few games for your new system, but you could always look [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18997]here[/URL] for lots of views from other Otaku members. [center] Hope this has helped you! [/center][/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkblue] Well, I agree with Rain, Avril Lavigne is so overplayed, her songs are good, but when they are beaten into your skull 8 times a day, they start to suck. Nickelback was very overplayed here in England, and so was 'Without Me' by Eminem. Oh, Nelly songs as well, especially that annoyingly catchy 'Dilemma' ft. Kelly Rowland! I liked, pay to attention to the [b]liked[/b], but these songs now bug the hell out of me. But, there are songs you can listen to over and over and over again, like Rage Against The Machine, and The Streets![/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkblue] If they release an XBox 2, I will really annoyed, because I only just got mine! I doubt it will be released until like 2005/2006 or something like that? You kinda have to look at other consoles, and the average gap between them, to estimate how long until it is released. But as RicoT' said, there isn't a real reason to start building a new console, becuase this one has alot of great powerful tools.[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkblue] Well, to clear this up, Dave Grohl is the guest drummer on 'Songs for the Deaf'. He is only in ONE band (Foo Fighters), but back in the day, he made up a third of Nirvana. He has also done somework with Tenacious D, he is the devil in the 'Tribute' video! There songs are really great, and although they aren't my favourite band, I still like them loads. Download 'Feel Good Hit Of The Summer' that's good. BigCajones, QOTSA have only just finished a tour of England, and coming across the 'pond' is hardly a regular thing for any U.S band. The tour was promoting their new album, and here is a funny fact for you...because it was called 'songs for the deaf' tour, 27 deaf people showed up for their concert, and that is the truth.[/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue]Can I bring up a serious point? Well a few serious points actually. At the moment, I don't think much could contend with the GBA, and if something came near, Nintendo would kill them off by bringing out a new handheld system. Mobile phones/Cell phones, whatever you call them...why do you need them? To make calls and send SMS, correct? Why do you need to pay, around 3 times as much, to get a camera on it. You could by a really nice phone, and a really nice camera for the same price. Hell, if i wanted my mobile to take pictures, I would just strap a disposable camera on the back. It's nonsense. I think, like Semjaza says exists, a handheld system with abilities to dial up to a netwrok and play online from wherever you are, would be great, but honestly...phones are for phoning, game systems are for gaming, I really don't think they belong together, doing eachothers jobs. Imagine ringing your mum up for a chat from a Gamecube?! It's just nonsense.[/color][/size]
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