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Everything posted by Bing

  1. Bing


    [color=darkblue]Well, personally I am not THAT hyped about it. I may get it, if I get broadband anytime soon, but I aint expecting anything yet. I think there could be a serious problem that Microsoft have underestimated. Jerks. Plain and Simple. There are going to be alot of weird people hanging out on these things, who knows how old etc. especially with the voice masking feature. Imagine you're in the middle of a game, and some guy starts speaking to you, swaring etc. what do you do? Is there any 'report this user' option? This is probably one of the reasons for me not to get XBox Live. However, one feature of 'Live' that may atttract me, is the fact that you can download extra levels etc. for games you own, like Splinter Cell for example.[/color]
  2. I have no idea, I haven't got that far yet man. I think that might be where I am stuck. PM me and I will give you the address for a good Walkthrough!
  3. Bing

    Sega GT 2002

    Yes, it is. Do you have anymore of an opinion on the game, except for just 5 words? The controls are easier if you use the D-Pad instead of the joystick. Some cars at the beggining also have very poor hondling.
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Have you seen the film, Triple X? Well that kinda dealt with Videogames being blamed for stuff. Yeah, it really bites, I mean, open question here, has anyone played a violent videogame, and thought, oh, I would love to go out and do that!?. I certainley never have. Sports games have sometimes inspired me to give it a go, but your must be a bit crazy to recreate those aggressive games.[/COLOR]
  5. Bing


    I like that ' My Vision' track. It's pretty good for relaxing, guess why it's on those Chillout albums. Seal has a very strong voice, but like you James, I was never a big either. What's the title of his album? I might try and get a copy of it.
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Well, I don't know what article you're on about, because you're probably from America, or somewhere else. But, in one of the daily newspapers I was reading, there was an article about a mob who had been carjacking etc. and it had a screenshot of Vice City. My dad also said to me that they were trying to get it banned, because it was so god damn violent. I certainly think that no GTA title should ever be in the hands of people who aren't mature enough to deal with the issues in the game.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]First, you have to find and spray over ALL of Poison Jam's 'ugly' graffiti. You then find Poison Jam, and follow them around (like you did with Beat). Poison Jam then go, because Combo (another character) arrives on the other side of town. You then go find Combo. He is tall, black and he is holding a big boombox. He will then do a long combo, which you have to copy. When you copy it successfully, you will unlock Combo. You will then have to fight the police, they are a piece of cake. Remember, use the Start button to bring up the map, which shows where graffiti, characters, and other points are. I hope this helped you, and good luck, the next section is harder![/COLOR]
  8. Well, the scenery does look superb, but this game is no where near complete. They haven't even reached a final design for the hero yet! This game looks fun, but I think it might lose out to a Medal of Honour game.
  9. Bing

    splinter cell

    Listen, why are you two speaking about Christmas sales, and PS2's in this Splinter Cell thread, in the Microsoft forum. It doesn't stop you two owning both a PS2 and an Xbox though does it? Splinter Cell is amazing. I brought it today, and i find it very hard. I am actually quite stressed with it now, because I want some action!
  10. I like that song, I find it uplifting, yet saddening. It's a weird mix, it puts me into a tranquil mood. The video reminds of his death, and I think that's what it's meant to do. However, not about Changes, but on 2-Pac in general, I think it's very...ah, I can't think of the word...weird, that he has got millions of unreleased songs. Somebody, is making a alot of money from releasing these songs, and I find it a bit strange.
  11. [COLOR=blue]Bing's Top 10 Actors[/COLOR] These aren't in order of favouratism, just random. 1) Orlando Bloom -Mainly because he is Legolas *joins Juuthena under the table* 2) Nicholas Cage -Probably because of Face Off 3) Samuel L. Jackson -He was amazing in Unbreakable, and I have liked all his other films 4) Bruce Willis -He was also amazing in Unbreakable, and superb in the Die Hard trilogy. I also really liked Armageddon 5) Harrison Ford -Everything he has ever done, especially the Indiana Jones trilogy I also really like Ricky Gervais, I think he is so funny, especially in 'The Office', but he's not a Movie Actor. Edit- Silly me, there are only 5, thanks for pointing that out!
  12. Yes, I heard that a U.K release for a transparent green console to be released.It is to commemorate a one year anniversary of the machine going on sale in the UK. The Japanese have already 2 special edition, where as in the UK, we have seen none. It is also rumoured to be shipped along with a green 'Compact' Controller S. The design takes inspiration from the debug model used by the press to play unfinished games. But, Microsoft haven't spoken about the rumour yet, so who knows! [Quote]green flourescent[/Quote] Transparent Green, I think.
  13. Bing

    Sega GT 2002

    Yeh! Hee Hee, I always manage to really badly damage my car. It's realistic, but it annoys me a bit, because it dents your prize money.
  14. Bing

    Sega GT 2002

    I won the Stage 2, and I got given a free Cosmo Sport, which I sold for just under 10,000. I can't seem to pass my test, because I'm not very good at these racing games! If I try again, I probably will pass it though. How far have you got? In Quick Battle, I was extremely let down by how.'not-so-good'the Lotus Elise was. I guess it's better at looking good, then performing. Which is your favourite car?
  15. Well, seeing as there aren't a huge population of English people in her I doubt many people have heard of him. I don't know how a popular Craig David is worldwide, but maybe you should provide some track titles, so I could download those tracks. I do like 'What's your Flavour', it's pretty catchy, but I don't really like most of his older stuff.
  16. Jet Set Radio Future is pretty decent, but a bit repetitive. I like Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 because there is alot of interactivity and it's very addictive. I only got my XBox for Christmas, so I don't really know, but I am going to get Splinter Cell, and maybe Dead To Rights, as they look amazing.
  17. So, what controller do you prefer? I only have the big, bulky original, which I have to say, I do like alot. I find the button placement just right for my hands. Having only used the 'Compact S' once, I did like it, but some of the buttons were tricky to reach, especially in the game I was playing (Fifa World Cup 2002). So, what do you own, and which do you prefer, and why? Post, or just Vote!
  18. Cajones, Dead to Rights is out over here. I just saw a Virgin Megastores advert with it on, in my XOM. I am not sure what to get, Splinter Cell or Dead to Rights. I might just fork out and get them both, I mean, i got £115 from Xmas!
  19. [COLOR=firebrick]So, I just got my XBOX on Boxing Day, and this game came free with it! I was playing it last nihgt, and I find it very challenging! Does anybody else have this game?[/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]You start off with 13,000 and you have to buy a car. Finding the right car is also really hard. I have found two good cars to buy as your first car. Peugout 206 is very impressive, but at exactly 13,000, it leaves no money for improvements. For around 11,000 you can buy a Fiat Punto, leaving you with some money to spend in the Parts shop![/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]So, owners, what was your first car? How good was it? What did you improve? Looking Forward to hearing your experiences![/COLOR] -Alexus Bing
  20. Ozzy hasn't done drugs in a long time. He shouldn't even be drinking alcohol. The Osbournes is a perfect example of a 'dysfuctional family'. Jack and Kelly are spoilt and young, and if you ask me, they play up for the cameras. Sharon tries to keep people in order, but gets over heated now and then. Ozzy, the perfect examply of an aged rock star, tattered and torn by many years of heavy drugs and too much alcohol. The show is o.k, and it's pretty funny, but I would have never thought a show that used the 'f**k' word every minutes could ever make it big.
  21. Bing


    Is 'My Vision' recorded with a singer called Seal? I'm not sure, if it is with Seal, then I know that track, and it's quite popular over here! It's featured on all those 'Chillout' albums. Their songs are very relaxing after a stressful day.
  22. Hmm...it sounds a bit girly now, having to choose their clothes and model them. I think this game could be very short, and could lose it novelty over only a couple of weeks.
  23. Bing


    I played the demo today. It has many positive and negative points. It is quite challenging, but as Crazy White Boy said, completing levels in 10 minutes is NOT a good sign! neoakira70, have you finished the game? If so how long did it take you? Is this another addition to the large collection of extremely short games being produced nowadays?
  24. Bing

    splinter cell

    Woah, I never knew there were so many Tom Clancy games! Did you know that he is an author? My dad has some of his books! Is Splinter Cell based on a book? I am buying this game on Monday, and I can't wait!
  25. I think that sounds like a pretty fun game! It sounds like my typem of game. So, no one answered this, is there actually any fighting involved?
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