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If I'm correct, Vice city, is set back in the past. The idea of GTA : Tokyo rocks. That would be really fun. I agree with your idea on plane tickets, or maybe, like GTA1, you had to finish a level to satisfy your boss, and then you can play in a completely different city! Would be good! [quote][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash[/i] [b]Who knows. Go ask Rockstar.[/b][/quote] If I could...I would
Cajones, have you ever even BEEN to Jo'berg? I have been there 3 times, it's a dangerous place, but there is no resembelance to Vice City. God, you're damn random sometime boy! I think a GTA : Londn, (in 3D) would be classic...and I hear the Getaway had nearly just answered my prayers!
Hello People! So, today I was sitting in my room thinking (it doesn't happen often) and a thought popped up in my head. In the PS2 series, we have had GTA III (based in 'Liberty City') and GTA Vice City (based in Vice City...obviously). Now, on GTA, the PSX, now dated, original, the three cities where called Liberty City, Vice City and if my memory serves me correctly...San Andreas. So will the sequel to Vice City, be titled, or set in San Andreas? Well, I have asked around, and I have heard nothing of a new GTA game. I was told that there was meant to be a GTA : Miami, but you never can be to certain with rumours. I searched on Yahoo for 'Grand Theft Auto San Andreas', but I found no sites. When I looked on the [URL=http://www.rockstargames.com]Rockstar Games[/URL] website, they did nothing but show me news on the other GTA games. Would anyone with useful information on a new GTA title, please post, or if you just agree with my points, post anyways! Bring up your points, and ideas for what the 3rd installmenmt should be called! Look forward the reading your response. [COLOR=blue]A[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]L[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]E[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]X[/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Maybe Somewhere like South Africa[/QUOTE] ...why South Africa? Erm, I don't think it should be so bright. The sun effects can be really over the top. The glitches definatley need to be cleaned up, but I think it's people like BigCajones *jokes* putting pressure on the companies to release by a certain date. Weapons, should not be in set's of three...that isn't a good feature at all. That's all really, except for those, it's a perfect game! :laugh:
I have had problems along the lines of this, but I think 4 hours is exagerrating it a bit. I may have had an hour, at the most, of not being able to get to the boards. Honestly, is this a serious problem?!
Well, I suppose for me there are 3 major events around this time. Halloween, because you get loads of sweet and chocolate and money. Christmas, because you get to see family and friends, and sometimes it snows. Oh, and presents, how could I forget the presents! :P New Years Eve, because there is normally a big party, and I get to see family again etc. They are the best things about this part of the year!
hmm...this is a big hmm...do you mean modern ska, because the bands you are mentionaing are not original ska. I am a big fan of modern ska, but original ska is something completley different. Original ska, is something of a blend of reggae and alot of brass and steel drums. It is a traditional west indian music, and it is very similar to Reggae. Modern ska is a more updated breed of ska, introducing electric guitars etc. Both are very good, but I thought I would let you know the roots of the band in this topic. Oh yeah, and the kings of ska, are the amazing Engilsh band...[Spunge] :p
Hello Nintendo Fans! I just found myself a SNES Emulator. I had heard of them, but I nevr knew what they really did. They are very cool. You can get them for Dreamcast, PSX, PS2, XBOX, N64, Sega Megadrive...there are loads. I have had my emulator one day, and I already have 6 games! For those of you who don't know what an emulator is, it's basically a console, inside your p.c, that somehow plays old SNES (or whatever format) games, without any disks etc needed. Click here for a great emulator site featuring consoles I haven't even heard of!
Yes, it happened to me and my two friends on Halloween. The big gang of idiots came over to us and started spitting on us, and taking the piss out of us. I got punched, and so did one of my mates. They just wouldn't give up. I constantly get pounched at school, for no reason, probably because I am a 'metler' (person who listens to metal music *even though I don't*) One of the kids apologised to us, but I still the the others around. It makes me angry, when i see them walking around acting all hard. Sometimes I feel like jumping them, and I am sure that one day I will...:flaming:
[B]Caught In The Crossfire[/B] Once again I'm being cuaght in the crossfire, You're words in throat like barbed wire, Why you gotta bring us all in? Is your solo strength really so thin? Can't you see what's being destroyed? Families, lifes, just because you're annoyed, Because you didn't get your own way, Now it's World War 3 today... Positive comments please! :mrt:
On the way back from Laser Quest today, me and my friends popped into Computer Exchange (a game exchange shops), and we started playing games on the big screens. While my friends play Dragon Ball Z, Mario Party 4, and Virtua Fighter, I started playing Splinter Cell. I found it amazing, and extremely realistic. I don't know how far through the game I was, on the Police Hospital, or something along the lines of. Within 5 minutes, I had so much action my palms were sweating. Jumping up and grabbing ladders, dropping down through trap doors, climbing up pipes, swinging over fires (sometimes not succeeding :mad: ) and sliding down a wire, like a zipwire, from one building to another. I will DEFINATLEY be buying this game. Strangely enough, a television advertisement for it just shown. i am even more in love with it. I would describe it as a cross between Max Payne and Metal Gear Solid, from my 30 mintues gameplay that I got. Takes a bit of getting used to, but doesn't every game?
Oh...still...he is fun! I find some of it really hard, especially the timed missions, because you have to rush, and you make mistakes. I like 'Advanced Modes', because you actually get the kill the guards, not hide from them. Can you remember playing the 'C4 mode' under Advanced category. Ah, sneaking up behind guards, planting a nice wedge of c4 on all of their backs, then walking away, and tapping O a few times...ah, how fun ^_^;
Yeah! The ones where you had to find out who murdered the guard? They were funny. I have completed around 80% of it. MGS Substance looks cool, especially the 'Snake Tales'! I am looking forward to buying that on *X Box*. So NeoC, did you actually complete it, 100%? I really want to play as Ninja! He look so cool ^_^; can you use his HF blade?
Definatley the XBOX! I am getting one for Christmas, look at the machinery behind it! It's pure quality. Gamecube is good, but for different reasons. Sony always manage to shoot themselves in the foot, by releasing a new console, when the previous design is still earning for them. I only have a PSX (playing right now) and a N64, but when I get my XBOX, i will be glued to it!
Hello people! I was sat here at my desk, playing my Metal Gear Solid : Special Missions game, and I was wondering if any of you had copies? This game is a pretty challenging, and has it's good and bad points. What do any other owners think of it?
While my paren's were splitting up, I went through a phase of watching loads of films with my dad. There was a film called 'Falling Down', with Michael Douglas and Robert Duvall. It was about a man, who was in the early stages of divorce with his wife, and he just spiraled out of control, and gradually, over one day, went mental. I was actually in tears at the end, when *spoiler* Michael Douglas gets shot by a policeman, because he thought he was holding a gun, when it was really his son's water pistol. It's worth a watch, very emotional. 'Colours' is also another film that touched me, made me alert if anything. It's about gangs in Los Angeles and their warfare. It has some very sad points in it, and a very strong point. Again, it's worth a watch! Now, I know this isn't a film, but *laugh if u want to* I found Metal Gear Solid pretty emotional. The scene when Gray Fox is crushed, made me and my pal Russ *known to you as 'Break'* with emotional.
Wes Borland is now in a side prject called 'Big Dumb Face'. They aren't very good, but worth a listen. To me, Limp Bizkit died when they released 'New Old Songs'. 'Three Dollar Bill Y'all' and 'Significant Other' were amazing albums. 'Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water' seemed like an exact repeat of 'Significant Other'. 'New Old Songs' is just a boring collaboration of remixes featuring rapstars I have never heard of! On the topic of a new Limp guitarist, they WERE doing a tours, named 'Put Your Guitar Where Your Mouth Is', but I don't think they have found anyone yet. Fred Durst is looking for someone exactly like Wes, and I don't think he will find him/her. It was rumoured the ex-Kittie guitarist would join, but I think it may have just been a rumour. It's Fred fault anyway... Fred's record company, Flawless Records, has not been very successful, although they did have a big input in the uprising of Puddle Of Mudd. I think Fred got a record deal from one of the guys on the 'Put Your Guitar Where Your Mouth Is' tour! The cheek! Well, check out there website, to see anymore news on the Limp, though I don't think much is going on!
Liberty X - I have forgotten the title...that one that goes 'Sexy....Everything About Is So Sexy...'. It was a big hit over here in Britain, and also, it's all they played on the coach trip to Belgium...ah...that was funny *dreams* Anyway, Sugar Hill Gang - Rapper's Delight, is pretty catchy too...it was rapped by the old woman in the Wedding Singer. I hate catchy songs, because they are normally overplayed as a result!
For a gag gift, I would give them like a C.D or something from a band that they really hate! I got given a garage/pop c.d last year. Binnned it straight away! If not that, there are always things like telephone directories, or a leaflet promoting weight loss or something! My friend once got given a big box, and inside it was one little pin badge! That was funny, because he was so excited at the big box. Also the pin badge said something like 'I Love Pop' on it!
Right... Insane Clown Posse (formerly known as the Inner City Posse), were created when there city exploded! Known as the 'Wicked Clowns', they worked there way into the music industry. They did well for a bit, then they began to get 'old'. They entered in the wrestling business, by recording theme songs and even getting a bit of the action. They made an alliance with a wrestler called Vampiro in the WCW and then just faded, like most other musicians turned wrestlers! I don't know what they are doing know, but I am sure there days of terrorizing the wrestling circuit and the music industry are [COLOR=darkblue]over[/COLOR] (Hopefully):laugh: [URL=http://indybookings.homestead.com/files/vampiro10.jpg]ICP + Vampiro[/URL]
[SIZE=3]GTA GANGS![/SIZE] [COLOR=firebrick] Ok People! I have a plan, and this could lead to a good discussion! What would you ideal gang be? What would they wear? Who would there leader be? What else do they do apart from killing? Where do they hang out? Can you include anymore details? I would love to see your gangs! Give them a name and post them! You could also write about the relationships with other gangs, maybe custom ones, or gangs from previous games![/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Technoang. Boss - Hacker Slang Wear - Lots of silver, and lime green. Walk around holding laptops and sunglasses etc. Weapons - Fists, Laserguns, Tazers (hand held), Throw floppy disks at you across the road! Hang Out - Outside Internet Cafes, In an Industrial state, Under bridges. Other Hobbies - They love to hack, and programming computers. Also setting fire to things, and graffiti More Details - Huddle round fires, no ones enemies but they are no one's allies! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's my example...Now get posting your ideal gangs!
Hiya People! I was wondering today, about what response I would get from a thread that let's Board members slam their favorite teachers! Now in your first section, write the 3 teachers that really annoy you, and why. Chuck in some details if you can! Now, in the second section, do exactly the same, exceot with the teachers that you enoy being taught by! Look Forward To Hearing Your Responses! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Annoying Ones Mr Nanji - I am not racist, but I can't understand a word this man is saying to me, and he stinks badly! Miss Evans - She likes picking on me. Every two minutes ''You alright Alex' and 'Alex, concentrate' or 'Alex, stop talking', even when I am NOT talking! Idiot Mr Mclean - He likes helping...NOT! He tells me off whenever I get out my seat, even if I am getting a piece of paper from front or something! Also, when he helps you draw something, he walks of with your pencil!:mad: 3 Enjoying Ones Mr Nanji - Only because he is so goddamn funny. He stutters on nearly every word, he spits when he talks and he says certain words funny e.g Eight - Oit, Third - Turd Miss Corley - She is cool because she is really quiet, and she seems to like helping us. I get on with well, because she treats us like people, not just pupils Mr Maddox - Sadly, he doesn't teach me anymore, I have Miss Evans :demon: YUCK:demon: but this guy is great! His eyebrows could carry his books, and he talks funny. This is one of the funniest thing he ever did - 'Sir' 'Yes' 'I don't want to work today' 'ok...' lol! Did nothing for the whole lesson! Also, Grant Harris chucked a Banana at his butt in Science when he took us as a substitute!!!
For this merry old Christmas I would be wanting many things. My parents split up, so I get two loads of presents :D Shibby! Mum - X-Box - X-Box stuff - Spiderman DVD - Audioslave CD - R.A.T.M CD - Any cool t-shirts etc. Dad - New T.V (televideo would be nice) - Clothes - Porn would be nice...:cool: God - A Girlfriend!!! (the girl I love with all my heart, who knows who they are, though I doubt will read this) - Three wishes - A Keg of beer - Eternal Good Luck! Well, obviously my request from 'god' are impossible, but there is no harm in trying heh?:rolleyes:
Audioslave is the last cry for attention from two broken bands. Now, I'm not saying that they suck, because I think they are amazing, and their video for 'Cochise' is superb. I do however think that R.A.T.M tracks are ALOT better, even though many songs sound the same, but isn't that the same with almost every other band. There is nothing wrong with having an almost offical style that is immediatley recognised!
My favourite car would be the rally cars you can get using the cheat! They are awesome! But, i do like the buggy alot, a very cool little run around car! moonstracity, have you brought the Stripclub yet, that's pretty fun, especially the dancer in the back! :D Supposedly, if you spend $600 dollars on her, your percentage goes up and you have completed that section! Does anyone know if there is any truth in that?