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Everything posted by Bing

  1. Bing

    MiNoRiTy RePoRt

    Well if you were fooling around in the cinema, you wouldn't get the plot. It needs alot of attention, and this was probably the only time I didn't flip over the seats and lob sweets! It is worth a watch, maybe you could rent it, or burrow it off a mate! That would be my advice! Maybe, you shouldn't take it back....mwahahahaha! :)
  2. It has to be Solid Snake. He is a war hero you guys, I mean, check out his background! He is amazing. He would whoop Raiden's butt so bad if they weren't on a mission! He is so hard and cold, he is a typical war hero!
  3. These are all really funny, but this is my ALL TIME favourite.... Lisa just joined a hockey team full of boys, and Homer take Lisa into the changing room. Homer - 'Now, I don't want ANYONE is treat Lisa differently, just because she is giiiiiiiirrrrlll, because that is wrong.... *Homer looks at the little podgy boy, that exchange student guy, you know him, But I can't remember his name, who is wearing only his underpants* Homer - 'Hee! That boy has bosoms, gimme a wet towel, come here bosom boy!' *Homer chases Exchange student around whipping his butt with the towel* Exchange Student - 'Don't make me run, I'm full of chocolate' HeeHee LMAO... It is so funny! It actually had me on the floor laughing! :laugh:
  4. Yer WWII, that was it, I think! We had them for Milly Dowler, Holly and Jessica (two girls that went missing and were killed) and for September 11th (even though that weren't even in England) I feel strongly about the Milly Dowler thing though, as I know lots of her mates, and my friend, who is a moderator here, knew her from there secondary school. She went to a school in our area, and we live very close to that train station, so it's like, right on our doorstep's really. Well, I am still trying to remember what Minute it was from...:P
  5. Bing

    MiNoRiTy RePoRt

    I just think the director is a genius. His combination of past, present and future had me transfixed to the screen for the whole two - three hours, however long it was, I can't really remember to be honest with you! Just though it was a great film, and everyone should see it if they get the chance
  6. Thanks for your positive comments guys. It's my first piece of poetry I have ever done outside of school. I just fed up, because in England, we have minute of silence for EVERYTHING tragic that happens. Maybe you guys could add some to it, and try and improve my errors!
  7. This is my poem of feelings during a minute of silence we had for something. We have them so much over here, I forget what it was.... This hate and anger costs us so many lives, Husband's killed, leaving there children and their wives, Is your disagreement worth all this pain, Families ruined, Is this world going insane, So, from is disaster, what do we get, Hate, anger, memories we want to forget, But this lousy minute, some mark of peace? No, just a rewards for you morbid creeps...
  8. Bing

    MiNoRiTy RePoRt

    I liked the part where he was jumping from car to car on the roofs. I thought that was great! Also, the 'airpack' scene, where his ex-collegues chased him with the airpacks. That was great. The plot was very exciting, and even though you knew what happened before it did, the plot unfolded and you were still shocked! Bloody great film, and on a 2 disc DVD, so hopefully LOTS of special features! yay! I might even get the games, ubt supposedly, it doesn't match up to the film!
  9. Mad Capsule Markets are an AMAZING japanese rap/rock band! One of MCM's song featured on the Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 soundtrack. They are a very good band, and there is also an awesome video for one of there songs. I would say that they are the best thing music wise to ever escape Japan!
  10. Bing

    MiNoRiTy RePoRt

    [COLOR=darkblue]MiNoRiTy RePoRt[/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]with Tom Cruise[/COLOR] :laugh: Hello My Fellow Otaku Boarders, Did any of you people get to see Minority Report, with Tom Cruise. It was the best film I have seen this year. I will be the first to buy it on DVD, and I hope it's how I remember it! What did those of you who saw it think of it? :box:
  11. Bing

    secret sign

    Did you know that if you walk around that area, you will actually drop into 'blue hell'. There is another sign like that, but I don't know where. It uses the same method and it says something along the line of 'What a good sniper spot'. I heard this on a game site, so I am not sure about the authenticity of it, but if any of you know of it, then let me know!
  12. Bing

    splinter cell

    Hasn't there been two Tom Clancy games released recently? what's the other one? Splinter Cell sounds like a very good game. However, I agree with TheDarkOtaku, and that too much darkness can ruin a game, but too little can make it seem to realistic. Stealth games are hard games to create, but I think this one could be near perfect! Can one of the game's owner please inform me about the weapons, and how many ways are there of killing people with your bare hands? Also, What is your main objective in the game, i.e Metal Gear Solid - Prevent the launch of a nuclear missile.
  13. My cousin is coming down! When he does, we are going to have a huge fights, bats and all, and i don't car eif i get arrested! This is gonna be fun! My cousin is an extremely hard rudeboy, and he is gonna go to them and start talking to them then we walk past and see what they say....! hahaha!
  14. I am big guy, and I am pretty tough, and I took that punch like a brooklyn b**ch, you can ask Break, but i ask you the question...what is the point in violence? One attack, leads to an attack against to, which then inspires you to attack back ,and the cycle is continued. And Char, honestly, What the f**k would the police do? English police are one of the worst things in this country, and they have NEVER helped me!
  15. Man, this sucks Break. I been thinking, anything we do, to plan revenge, is just going to end up in us getting our *** kicked by 17 year old. But guess who I just spoke to on the phone man?
  16. That's the thing, they knew us. They know our faces now. What's to come, more grief? Well, I feel as hard as nails now son, and it's a**kicking time.
  17. Just another victim. Revenge is planned, is my sweet pals of the boards, and this will not be forgotten. The punch hurt, i was shocked, and I think my jaw is broken. The kid was amazed at what he had just done, and walked off. I don't think this was the ruck he had expected. Thinking about it, I should have picked the f**ker up, and smashed his face repeatedley into the bench... The reason I didn't do this however, is because I am not a wimp, I don't kick kid's asses. If this happens again, I will act out a scene from my favourite movie, 'Fight Club', were Tyler Durden laughs repeatedly in the face of his attacker, blood everywhere, still laughing. That would be amazing. I would like to see how they react to it. Well, my pals, you will hear of our revenge, and it will be sweet. They will know what it is like to be victims. Picking them off, one by one, should do the trick, teaching each and every one, a lesson of being outnumbered. It seems however, reckless assault and friendly fights at school has toughened me up. I am ready for the fight of my life. If I get the chance, one on one, the victim will eating, drinking, s**ting and p**sing through a tube...hopefully the same one. my jaw hurts alot...haahaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaa!
  18. Bing

    The Original

    Here's me with an interesting fact - did you know that the first appearance we had of Mario, he was abad gy? I also think that, Luigi, being the least popular of the brothers has got a lot of attention from Luigi's Mansion! Mario is fat.
  19. Yeah. Don't you think blowing up a walkway over water or over a busy road would be great?! Watching people hang to the sides, or drop into the paths of a racing van, or watch them helplessy drown! That would be amazing funny. I also think in certain areas, cars shouldn't stop for you if you stand in the middle of the road! On a busy motorway for example, should the cars just stop and wait to be jacked? Or should they plough you down, or swerve around you, causing another major crash! Y'know, I should work for Rockstar Games...we all should...so many ideas!
  20. I like the idea of Building collapsing, but you would completely destroy you city and have nothing left except rubble! o.O ;;; maybe, building get damaged and builders set up scaffolding and start to fix it! That could cause plenty of fun, like placing bombs on parts of the scaffolding! ^_^ ;;;
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