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Everything posted by Bing

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]O.k...Is that actually a cutscene? We are talking about sequences here, when you don't actually play for a bit. Anyway, that Legendary ending sure does sound funny, I wanna see it now! Dark Summit has some funny cut scenes, they make the enemies look like fools![/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, I've bought Substance now, just waiting for it to be delivered. As I've said before, Substance shouldn't be bought by SoL owners, because there's only extra VR Missions, and a few other missions included. But hey, it's your cash. I'm sure Substance will be a great hit, especially seeing as it's release on the PS2 is coming soon, end of March I believe. Oh well, it better be good![/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]I didn't really understand much of that post, words like vocabulary etc. shouldn't be used to describe game libraries. Too much technical talk confuses people. The PS2 is very popular, and I don't have one, and I think I'm one of the only people without it, but I don't like them that much anyway. I'm surprised not to see a huge price drop by now.[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkblue]Ah, yes, the sniper rifle is very coool, as it is on most games. The element of suprise, as you shoot from a distance, is very sweet. I find the alien weapons rubbish too Blade, but hey, when the aliens use them, at least they aren't too effective![/color][/size]
  5. Bing

    X Box Quiz

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Technically Blade is right, because they are just variations, but anyway... Snake, Raiden, Ninja Raiden, Raiden X, Pliskin and Metal Gear Solid Snake. Tuxedo and sunglasses are available too, but I think that's what you're looking for. Question - Which player do you start with on Dark Summit?[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue]You want to rate those games then? I'd give Blinx 80% from what I've played on demos etc. although it seems a little too childish. I am glad you have high opinions of MGS Substance, because I spend £30 pounds on a copy, which is still yet to be delivered, and I want a good game![/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue]I've played Raw...it was awful. Slow and boring, and if someone tried to sell it to me, I'd kick them in the head. Anyway, yesterday, being bored, as per usual, I was browsing through some pre owned game bins, and I found a copy of Dark Summit, for £8. I bought it, thinking well, if it's crap, I'll beat it, and I haven't lost much cash on it. But I'm surprised at how good it is. Graphics are good, a few minor glitches, and the missions are yet to challenge me, but I'm sure it will get harder! Good game though, and at such a low price, you should get a copy of it![/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, just go [url=www.gamefaq.com]Here[/url] for some walkthroughs. I'm sure this will help you. If you need help, with any other games, PM myself, or Vercetti, and I'm sure we can provide some help![/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=darkblue]I can't say I've heard much of this band, but I have heard 'Where is my Mind'. I heard it on the film, Fight Club (YAY!), and I then heard it again at a party with these guys from New Zealand. They told me the title, because I recognised the tune, and it's now actually one of my favourite songs. Download it now![/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkblue]Cajones, that was lame. I have a few here, that suck completely. Why is 6 scared of 7? [spoiler]Because 7 8 9...7 ate 9 in case you didn't get that![/spoiler] A man walks into a bar [spoiler]Ouch[/spoiler] Two sausages are in a frying pan. One goes to the other 'God, this is boring aint it', and the other one goes [spoiler]OH MY GOD, A F**KING TALKING SAUSAGE![/spoiler] Oops, that was a bit explicit. Anyway, I'm done. Hope you're entertained, oh, and one more... Why bit the lobster steal my grandma's car? [spoiler]Because they're shellfish![/spoiler][/color][/size]
  11. Bing

    X I I I

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Woah, quite a bit of information in this thread already. Any more comments from other X Box gamers? I hate to sound stupid, but what is a bot? What will the features of X Box Live bring the game? More maps etc. or actual competitive gameplay?[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue]Report - RCT confirmed for the X Box. Woohoo. I think we need an X Box mouse though, because this will bite with the controller. Cajones, if you own MGS: SOL, I seriously recommend that you don't get Substance. You will know the plot etc. and there are only 300 VR missions, and from what I know of you as a gamer, you like action and a story in your games. I can see you getting easily bored with the missions, as they are just like long training excerises. Well, I don't even own a PS2, so I've pre ordered my copy of Substance (released on Friay 7th), and I'm pretty excited about it! One last thing...Why are people excited about WWE Raw 2? The last Raw 'treat' we got on the X Box, might as well have been chucked in the bin. It was useless. I would look for an alternative, because after the 'crapness' of Raw, I would have low expectations for the sequel. [/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkblue]I'm not a huge GBA fan, but I have never heard of this game...ever. It sounds cool, but a bit like a 'preview' game, if you unerstand that. Like small gaming clips to promote other Nintendo games, bit like a demo disc. Sounds cool though. Is 'Made in Wario/Wario Ware' the title?[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]I'd take my 'How to escape from this frikking hot desert island' C.D. Actually, I'd take my 'How to make a boat from body waste'. Nah, seriously now, I'm torn between two albums, becuase I love them both, and every track is great...So, I'll just name them both... Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine [i][self titled][/i] That's all folks...now, how do I get out of here? [i]Edit: Damn, I should take my dictionary too, that was a very bad post, spellings wise[/i][/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, it's hard to decide really. If the old man wasn't going to get the apple pie before he saw the offer, then it should be offered to him for 50 cents, becuase he has been attracted to an advert, which technically wasn't true, due to stock problems or whatever. However, if he always buys an apple pie he should pay the full 79p. He should have voiced his opinion, then he might have got an answer. Too many people nowadays keep shut, and they end up getting cheated in life.[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=darkblue] Minority Report - Short, Repetive and Exaggerated violence. A fun game, but it's just not long enough is it! I could complete within a day, I might rent it for boredom, just to finish something. I think we should all start rating our games in a percentage i.e Legends of Wrestling II [blah blah blah] I give this 80%. O.k, just to get some more gamer based opinions on games![/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkblue]I wondering, if somebody made a movie of your life, what would the answers to these questions be... Please, use reasons too, so this doesn't turn into a bad thread. [b]Who would play you?[/b] Erm, I think I would hire Brad Pitt to play me, because he is nearly as sexy as I am! Joke! He could also capture my sarcastic and stupid ways. [b]What music would play when you were... [i]Happy?[/i][/b] 'Reel Big Fish - Sell Out', mainly because it has a good beat, and it reminds me of summer, and my friends [b][i]Sad?[/i][/b] 'Radiohead - Just', because it's pretty depressive, and the lyrics sum up my upset actions. [b][i]In Love?[/i][/b] 'The Datsuns - I'm In Love', it's pretty obvious why, look at the title?! [b]What would happen in the end?[/b]I would played by Marlon Brando, and I would die happy and rich, with a huge family. It would be a sad ending, but happy, because I had achieve everything I'd wanted too. [b]How long would it be?[/b]Around 2 hours at the most, because I'll only include important moments! So guys, just answer those questions, and add your own if you want to! I'll try and answer anymore added questions! Look forward to hearing for you! [center]--A.B--[/center][/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]I agree with you SilentDeath. Every single person I know has a song that reminds me of them, even some of the boarders here! Hmm...places, well a few songs really. Sugar ray = Fly reminds me off my amazing trip to Florida, because that's all they played when I was there. Red Hot Chili Peppers = By the Way reminds me of a school trip to the coast, it was too cool. Rage Against the Machine = Bullet in the head reminds me of where I live, because I love that song, and I always play it, so I automatically assosciate it with home And last but not least... Blink 182 = Dammit, reminds me of Venezuala, because I only took my C.D's with Blink stuff on![/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]I seek answers... Is Wu Tang gangster? I know Treton already asked that, but is it? I like there stuff, it's cool. It's hard to sort it out really, so I went for 'I like all rap', because many people rap about gangsters etc. when they are really just fakes. If it's what's popular, then people, like Eminem will rap about it.[/color][/size]
  20. Bing

    X I I I

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, as I covered beofre, they are beefing up the multiplayer mode, so it stays interesting. It could be released now, but I would rather wait for a great multiplayer game, and better features etc. It's original, looks fun, good single player storyline [b]and[/b] it will be multiplayer. It's got everything need to be a great game![/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue][quote][i]Originally said by Semjaza Azazel[/i] The image he used ends at that point... There was nothing he could do, as it's out of one of the CD liners. [/quote] I should have look for a better picture, but hey! O.B has a maximum size for banners Cajones, you have to limit your working space. By the way, I do like the Ninja Gaien one I made for too![/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkblue][quote][i]Original said by some dumb website[/i] Contrary to speculation, Drowning Pool singer Dave Williams died from natural causes, according to a coroner's toxicology report. It was concluded last Friday that the 30-year-old singer died from cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle, the report said. Williams' condition, concentric left ventricular hypertrophy, prevents blood flow from the left ventricle to the right. Williams was never diagnosed with the disease, the cause of which is unknown. The report also states nasal swabs showed no traces of cocaine and the drug was not found in his system. The Dallas-based Drowning Pool were on tour with Ozzfest when Williams' body was discovered on their tour bus in Manassas, Virginia, on August 14. A public funeral was held August 18 in Plano, Texas, and plans for a DVD chronicling Williams' life is in the works. [/quote] See, I told you it wasn't drug related. I do have a good ol' memory! Bit of a strange death though. *off topic*Thanks you Treton, Brad Pitt kicks butt*off topic*[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkblue]Well guys, Half term forme is nearly over, and I'm still doing my coursework. I've got a lot more than some of my friends, because I took Art and Graphics, which are both very....'busy' subjects. I managed to escape my trend this week, by having lazy morning, and doing different stuff, and I'm hoping it won't all return when I get back to school. Hey, That's Life....[/color][/size]
  24. Bing

    X I I I

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, at the present time, the game is actually near completed, but Ubi-Soft want to wait, so they can improve the multiplayer maps and modes, and so they can improve the graphical effects so it all fits more tightly with the feelings created in a cel shaded game. It's a very original idea, a strange cross between JSRF and MGS perhaps? Still, looks great, and it may even be released earlier than expected![/color][/size]
  25. Bing

    X Box Quiz

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, I was actually looking for who you play as, where you play, and basically why you are there. Haunted house is along the right lines, but what is it called? Vercetti, according to my information, it's not what you are talking about. If there's nothing else in a day or two, I'll post the answer, and we'll move on to another question.[/color][/size]
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