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Everything posted by ColourDeaf

  1. Alright, let's try for something slightly different from what I normally play... Name: Tobias Durden Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Tobias is tall and lithely muscled, but he carries himself crouched, like a predator waiting to pounce. His hands are large and heavy knuckled, with long fingers, and he has wide shoulders. His face is long and thin, like a dagger, or a serpent, and his eyes are miss matched, brown and green. His hair is jet black, faling down to shoulder length, where it has been roughly hacked off. Every movement, ever gesture screams "danger, stay away." Except His eyes, which are sad. Devestatingly, heart wrenchingly sad. He had always hated his eyes. He normally wears simple clothes, a black T-shirt embossed with the legend "Born to Burn" on it, a leather collar and heavy black jeans, with steel-capped boots. Dorm: West Bio: Little is known of Tobias, except he was sent to Knockdown high because of "unusually psychotic behavioral patterns" (translating as "Nucking Futz"). He trains almost obsessively (prefferably in full on fights. He has been known to start fights on several occassions, targetting the bravoes and butches especially, proving to them that they are in actual fact, simply weak and fragile when their arms are being broken and their legs snapped. Personality: Pyscho...What did you think you were going to learn from this? Some great and frickin' deep insight into Tobias' character? Get a frickin' scrap of grey matter inside that big, misshapen head of yours and leave him the hell alone. Look, Tobias insults everyone and spends all his time either being miserable or making other people that way. That's all there is to him. Go look for your goddamn inner feelings and motivation somewhere else. Dumbass. He fights with his hands because he wants the intimacy of a barehanded kill, he wants to be close enough to whisper taunts in his opponent's ear as he crushes the life out of them, and watch the despair creep into their eyes as they slowly realise how useless their weapons are in a grapple.
  2. A gentle knock came from the door and Koji walked in. Late. The other students stared at him. He was easily the talest person in school, towering over the teacher. He looked back at them and smiled timidly. "I'm sorry for being late, sir. I got...a bit lost. The school is so [I]big[/I]." he turned t the class and bowed politely to them. "Hello, everyone. I am Hidari Koji.I am exceptionally pleased to have the honour of meeting you all." he smiled brightly, his soft brown eyes twinkling with child-like enthusiasm. His hand shot out and seemed to catch something, and then study it. "Ah, Mr. Hidari, take a seat next to Aokora." Mr. Tamagotchi seemed strangely flustered as he pointed to a desk. Koji seemed to ignore the hand and walk to the window. He opened it and pointed a finger, allowing the Ladybird he caught to crawl to the end of it. Reaching out, The ladybrd braced itself and then leapt off, it's wings spreading and it bumbled off on it's way. He smiled and walked to the desk Mr. Tamagotchio had indicated to him. He saw Maia and smiled widely, but she just looked at him, slightly coldly and shook her had. His smile faded and he sat down next to Maia, timidly getting his books out, seeming even slightly depressed.
  3. I think the problem is that the Christian church has caused so many open problems and conflicts it's hard for people not to have a slightly skewed view of it, especially if they don;t understand it. I for one was brought up in a catholic household, and I can see a fair amount of hypocrisy within the church in the past and present (the crusades, the spanish inquisition, Northern Ireland). It's the same with any large religious base (except possibly bhuddism, but they don't do much anyway), especially the Judeo-Christian and Islamic, because the holy texts allow (and in some cases, justify) the use of extreme violence. The main problem I believe people hae with christianity (and I do not speak of all denominations or people oft he christian faith) is that you can be very closed minded (I feel the same way about most orthodox religions). You can end to believe that you are right and everyone else is wrong "just because," it's a very overbearing attitude to have, and tends to alienate people. Of course, there are groups of christians who are simply hyrpocritical ("love thy neighbour" my arse), and people do tend to focus on negative views of people first and formost. But hey, this might just be the sleep deprivation talking.
  4. Dude, I'd be honoured to make an RP with you, in recognition of your intense roleplaying skills and you tight flows (rapping, that is). Just tell me the sort of thing you be wanting to do and I'd be more than happy to help. Evil X-Men...interesting... And apologies, but the name Luke Cage doesn;t ring a bell. Who is he?
  5. Name: Leon "Kid" Gaiman ((OOC: Subtle reference...)) Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall and wiry, he stands at roughly 6 foot, with messy light brown hair and green eyes. He has little in the way of muscle, and wears a slightly dopey expression on his face continually (he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, after all...). His skin is exceptionally pale, denoting years of illness. His face is long with a slightly square jaw, sharp nose and his eyes are wide and soft (puppy eyes). He keeps himself clean shaven, and has two piercings in his left ear, and one in his right eyebrow. He normally wears whatever clothes he can salvage from the Salvation Army. His favourite casual attire is a faded black T-shirt, long and baggy grey jeans, and a trenchcoat he found in his closet when he moved into his new apartment (his self-proclaimed "lucky jacket"), which bears the insignia of a red butterfly on the right napel. Personality: Simply put, Leon is a nice guy. He's the kind of guy that goes out of his way to put insects outside, opens door for people (no matter how many people there are) and is easy to talk to. He dislikes things that cause pain to other people, and abhors the very concept of him hurting anything (he's a strict vegitarian). He's a little niave, a little gullible and not the brightest bulb in the box, but he's always out to do the right thing, and is willing to sacrifice himself if the need arises. Empathy: Yes/Strong Telepathy: No Telekenesis: No Bio: Leon never knew his father, growing up in an average lower class household. He went to school, his mother working as a nurse. His mother gave him one really good piece of advice in his life: "Life's got too many worries already, so whatever you do, try to make people happy." Taking that advice to heart, he's always set out to help people whenever he can. He works as a waiter in a run-down resteraunt, and volunteers to help under priviledged children and elderly people when he doesn't have work. He evens people who went to college, since he could never afford it. This alright?
  6. Exactly what it says on the can...two of them this time. [B]Absent Thyself[/B] Tune reminds me of my first E Still back then, still happy, still free Still chilled in my paranoia Still floating with zero G?s Totally sci-fi The force is with me People pushing into my shoulders All moving with the same beat Same rhythm Lose the anomalies We?re all riding the same wavelength One free flowing happy family All smiling All singing All free Losing yourself in the music Taking the time to listen to the heart Of the others whizzing on Charlie Feel the rumble under your feet Pounding like the dance of deities It?s truly biblical So many epiphanies Know thyself Heal thyself Absent thyself So little memory Talk flak to guys you don?t know What?s your poison? Where you from? What?s your story? It?s alright to know We?re all family Joined by our blood Pounding with the same chemical cocktails Closer than fathers Sons And Holy Ghosts Amen Blind yourself with theology Mainstream the philosophy We?re the final frontier The toxic generation Masters of escapism The newest crop of Houdini?s Dropping the bomb in A flower power revolution Each acid hit The tiniest tear in the sea Dealt by the self-proclaimed messiahs Relative murderers Taking the hit with us Preaching the word like Ghandi Modern alchemists Urban shamans and sorcerers Husbandry of chemicals Finding the perfect pedigree God bless you Safe as **** All kushty What was I saying? Words slur Heart purrs Things get blurry Time to pull a Bermuda I?m with friends See you in the club Damn skippy World crashes back around me Back to lazy Mondays Cramped apartments Pear shaped reality Still drab concrete Still dead beats Still synthetic inspiration Cloned similarity And forced harmonies Still back here Still on my morning break Still drawing on my ciggy Still free. -------------------------------------- [B]Forever Broke.[/B] Take your time No rush, you know you can?t Life's to short But longer than we want Lounge around Nobody's here Nobody would want to know if you did Nobody would care Take it slow slower than you think The Boat's going down Too tired to swim Just let it all go And sink Take your time with doing nothing Make sure it's done right Do it slow Repeat it, so you might Look back and say "Easy enough, no trouble" And just stare, Floating in your hazy bubble. Be shallow, Be selfish, Be deep sometimes Take a moment Think of Einstein And Sun Tzu And how beautiful your girlfriend is Me, I'll just be forever broke Sitting in a personal Bohemian Rhapsody Playing a slow guitar Contrast to my life in the city I want to stay, know I cant Life's too long But shorter than I want It's time to go. Comments? Critiques?
  7. Seems very bizarre andunique, to say the least. I would be interested, but I have just one question about it. Would there be any reprecussions from her reality-meddling (such as things being brought back from the reality she's just visited, especially from a sci-fi or fantasy setting), because if so, would it be possible to be something other than human?
  8. Alright, I'll clarify a couple of things. Australia is being left alone (I think the aborigines should get some slack), it doesn't have many natural resources, little strategic importance, most of the country is barely habitable, and the main reason anyone colonized it was to make a big old prison. Canada's mostly the same (although the Iroquois tribe has been slowly moving into it). What's actually happening in the Americas is the Iroquois tribe of Native Americans has spread, banding the other tribes together. Without the interference of the English the Native Americans have flourished, with the aid of the Nippon shogunate and the technology of the Cathayan Dominion, they're biding their time and building their forces, until they break down the blockades around the ports of the country and reveal themselves to the world as the latest of the superpowers. Basically the same is happening in South America, but they're taking it more as a "Crusade" than anything else (the zealous religious traditions have become so deep rooted in their society it is integral of every aspect of their lives, from war to food). Alright, if you have any more questions, just post...but for now, I bring you the first of three installments on the people of the Sho?gun world: The People of Sho'gun (or "Who be these fools?") Installment 1: East Nipponese The people of the Nipponese shogunate have a strong base of hierarchy. The ideals of the Samurai have still prevailed for the last two thousand years (although there have been a few changes in their role and the finer points of Bushido, but they are mostly negligible). The basic structure is as follow (from highest rank to lowest). Emperor Daimyo (Leaders of a Samurai Family) Kuge (Samurai of noble blood) Bushi (?Rank-and-file? Samurai, officials) Heimin (Half-people: Commoners, farmers, foreigners etc) Hinin (Non-People: Those who touch corpses, ninja, geisha, ronin etc) Within these castes, however, there are subtle differences in rank depending on what you do, your skill in it and, of course, your bloodline. In the world of the Shogunate, the main thing that separates you from everyone else is your Family. A disgrace in a Family will have a ripple effect not only to members of that bloodline, but to Families that have had open relationships with that Family, political or financially. Matters between Families are normally sorted out in one of two ways, and this is especially true for Samurai Families. ?Closed War,? as it is commonly known as, is a loose category for intrigue of vindication against a family or individual, such as discreetly slandering their name, crippling them economically or some such action, as long as it does not directly harm the party physically. ?Open War?, on the other hand, is the use of physical force for means of vindication. This can range from anywhere between subtle assassination to violent street wars. The Bushi Samurai are the main peacekeeping force of the Shogunate, and the lower ranked officers of its army. Unlike olden times, however, the Samurai do no have to carry around their Daisho (traditional sword combination of katana and wakizashi), and many do not even own one, seeing it as primitive and unreliable. They do all still, however, all conform to the traditional code of Bushido (or ?Way of the Warrior?), and train relentlessly in whatever weapon they specialize in (more on weapons later). It is bad grace to harm a Heimin without due cause (thus helping the balance of karma and ensuring the code of bushido is kept). These are the working stiffs of the Shogunate, the nobodies, the huddled masses, as it were. Gaijin (foreigners) are also put into this category, but more to help with international relations than anything else. Hinin, however, are a completely different matter. These are people that do not (or are not allowed) exist officially. These is the wide group for all convicted criminals, people who touch corpses (even the corpses of animals), geisha (and other whores), and of course, Ronin (or ?wave-men?), Samurai without a Family or not under the rule of a Daimyo. Ronin are often hired by villages to protect them or find someone (like a bounty hunter), or by a Daimyo to act as cannon fodder for their personal entourage. While there is no dishonor in killing a hinin, it is frowned upon generally (being seen a vulgar), and some actions can be actually damaging to their reputation (such as bedding a certain Daimyo?s favorite Geisha). There is, however, a wildcard within the Hinin. The Ninja. The Ninja is a secret caste of warriors (although the term is used very loosely) who many do not believe actually exist. They are not people (even less so than normal hinin), and are considered property by whoever controls them. It is a loose group, ranging from suicide bombers to snipers and everything else in between. Few have the skill of a well trained Samurai, and are more akin to a weapon than a warrior, a one shot gun. They are normally trained exclusively in one weapon or tactic, such as poisoning or demolition. They have no names themselves, but are often given pseudonyms by their owners (commonly merely the name of an animal). The Nipponese shogunate is not a culture of great leisure, preferring simple pleasures. It is for this reason many Geisha are trained in the subtle and intricate art of conversation, and a well-spoken Geisha is highly sought after. However, many Heimin like to cut loose and enjoy themselves, and for this sometimes a bottle of good wine isn?t enough. Many cities have fighting arenas (called Dojo), where the audience can watch fights with great amusement. The main attraction of many Dojo are the Sumo and Sumei matches. Sumo matches are wrestling matches of warriors of extreme girth or muscle, the objective being to push or throw your opponent out of the ring, while a Sumei match is more akin to the WWF. In here the warriors normally sport large and powerful artificial augmentations, a piston driven arm here, a hydraulic leg there, and the match is simply to knock your opponent unconscious. While the Sumei matches often bring in bigger crowds, there tend to be higher bets on the Sumo matches, as it takes much more skill to be a great Sumo wrestler. It is a known fact that the Emperor himself has a host of Sumo wrestlers as his personal honor guard, and they are a force to be reckoned with. Cathay The Cathayan Republic is a group of countries under the mutual rule of a democratically elected leader. This leaser, however, is more of a figurehead than anything else, and most of his honors are merely dotting the T?s and crossing the I?s . The social structure of the Cathayan Republic is fairly obvious; whoever makes the most money is the boss. It is the most economically and technologically driven culture in the world at the moment. With so much competition on the market (the Cathayan republic being the most populated area in the world), progress has speeded up exponentially. The Cathayans are the people responsible for the creation of fully functional artificial limbs, the Ubshapti Battlesuits used in the Nubian Dominion, and a number of other world-changing inventions. Their greatest creation, however, is the simple data-slab, a sheet of crystal, powered by a simple battery, which can store untold information for an eternity, where books might crumble and turn to dust. The data slab is this reality?s answer to the computer, only faster and more compact, with any information inputted with a specially designed stylus. The Cathayan republic is very diverse socially, accepting people of all races and origins equally, as long as they can pull their weight. The Cathayans also have a caste that is unique to them and them alone, as it is not based on age or experience or bloodline. These are the Eunuchs, men who have been castrated (rather brutally, in many cases) at a young age, to keep their feminine, childish characteristics. These people are often hired as advisors (most being of a much sounder and calmer mind than many other people of wither gender), or praised for the unearthly, ethereal tone of their singing voice. These people are often great singers, their music spreading widely across the world. Individual cities or city sections in the Cathayan Republic are controlled by gangs, who often take a percentage of any profits in their territory. Many gangs, however, are ambitious, and this often leads to open gang wars, sometimes raging across entire cities before dissipating so each side can lick their wounds. Of all the people of the world, the Cathayans are the people most likely to use guns in the battles. Normal crime is handled by the ?Inspectors,? detectives and police officers continually undercover, often skilled in the ways of martial arts and the use of guns to bring down criminals. The Cathayan underworld is a place of great sin and ice, with some dark, seedy den home to any one of your most sinful fantasies. These pits and nightclubs are often owned by the local gangs, and the higher ranked members often get free?service of the facilities. Nightclubs are everywhere in the Republic, and are not always simply for drinking and dancing. Many offer board and good food, for a price, with large rooms free from the noise below them, and are often a refuge for criminals. The music of the Republic is a mix of electronic noise, waling violin-esque sounds and the haunting tones of the most famous eunuch at the time, and the current fashion is tight fitting cloth suits with only a complex drawstring system at the front for access into or out of it, known as a bodyglove (or a full body corset by the more cynical), but many people find it too uncomfortable to wear, and so anything tight fitting is the general fashion. Sport-wise, there has been a great resurgence in the martial Arts as of late, and so many people train in one form or another, and tournaments are a great place for entertainment. Any comments? Questions?
  9. Argh! Curse you, ReFlux! I was given all the issues of U X-Men I have for free from a friend of my brother, and now you're making me want to buy more...and i have no money. To reiterate, curse you, ReFlux. I was just thinking a second ago, since you're interested in doing a MArvel RPG based on the "non-standard" comics, why not do the RPG based on alternates of the lovable super heroes? We take the characters we all know and love and put our own spin on them, as it were. For example. Spider-Man becomes Spyda (Which was actually a character I made yonks ago). Spyda is a black early twenties man from Harlem, who was bitten by the infamous spider while making a delivery to the building (his job, which he still has). Unlike the normal Spider-Man, however, Spyda has no problems about killing people if he feels they deserve it. His "uncle Ben" - in this reality his brother - was gunned down in a drive by, and he now has a particular grudge against gangers and the like, but tends to ignore the more higher up villains (the Fisks, the Osborns), making him even more of an underdog's champion. Well, it's just an idea, but it helps make players feel more comfortable in their character's role. I've only seen bits of the Spider-Man: Legend of the Spider Clan book, but the basic idea s that Spider-Man doesn;t have any powers, he's just been trained asa ninja (by hi uncle Ben, no less), so he's running across walls with his nekode, swinging from wires Blackcat style, and generally being..well..ninja like. It's an interesting concept, and I'd like the "east-meets-west" idea to move onto other superheroes (can any say "blind swordsman Daredevi"l?)
  10. Well, having just read the first 44 issues of ultimate spiderman and 30 odd issues of Ultimate X-Men, I'm personally very interested in playing the role of Nick Fury (who was always black, in my personal opinion, and should be played by Samuel L. Jackson if they ever make another SHIELD movie). I like the slightly a-moral side to him, callous, but fair (well...at least to Spider-Man), and a bit of a know-it-all. By the way, have you ever seen the alternate version of Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Legend of the Spider Clan? just out of interest.
  11. Alright, I just want to go straight into it, so here it is. Shepherd's a working title, I might also call it either "Richard" "World Wide Home" Alex is a 22 year old girl from New York, she has had a normal childhood, has many friends, and works as a secratary in a successful law firm. When she was 12, she was given a small golden cross on a plain silver chain by man in a church, claiming to be God (quietly and with loosely veiled hints), as he was kicked out as a blasphemer, he gave it to her and quietly said "I'll want this back in 10 years, ok?" she nodded and looked at it, and he was gone. The first issue will take place exactly 10 years after that event. Alex barely remembers the confrontation, but on that day she is suddenly reminded of it. As she sits in a coffee shot, a man walks up behind her. He takes a seat opposite her and orders a mocha latte. As she is about to speak he looks at her softly and holds out his hand. He's wearing a dirty brown duster jacket, a white dress shirt, and a red tartan scarf. his face is rugged, square and framed by messy blond hair. "I'd like my cross back, if you would." he says "What?" "The one I gave you a while back, Alex. Church. Sunday. Blasphemer. Ring any bells?" "But that was..." "Ten years ago, I know." "You...you haven't aged a day" "Should I have?" "Of course. Ten years is a long time." "Well [I]that's[/I] relative." The man's drink arrives, and he thanks the waiter. "Do you remember that day, Alex?" "Yeah, it was my tenth birthday, and we were going to church. There was a big ruckus at the end of church, and they kicked you out, shouting something..." "Blasphemer." "That's right. You were claiming to be God." "Two points for you, someone give this lady a prize." "...Bull****" "Pardon?" "You're not God." "Oh, I am" he takes a sip of his coffee "In a sense" "What do you mean?" "I'm an angel. I was one of the ones who created this world." "I thought God did." "Did what?" "Created the world." "He did." "But you just said..." "It's...complicated." "So, you're an angel." "I think I just said that." "And you have the power to ceate this world." "Yesum." "Well, show me a miracle, then." The man looks around and points at a tree. "There." "That's a tree." He takes a sip of his coffee. "[I]You[/I] make one, then." He finishes his coffe an gets up, leaving a handful of coins on the table. "I'll see you next Sunday, Alex." "So what's your name, anyway." "Oh, yeah, I'm Richard. Richard Constantinople." "You off to church then, Richard." Richard starts to walk off, waving without turning to her. "What makes you think God's Christian? I'll be expecting that cross next time, alex." The comic's chapters will be alternating between his Sunday meetings with Alex, discussing the nature of God and his Angels, and the origins of Richard, from a time before time, to world war 2, to him commiting a murder, to him saving a life. That's all I'm going to write for now. And reactions? Comments? Critics?"
  12. Name: Koji Hidari Age: 18 Gender: Male Side: Dark Seraphim (...sorta) Description: [URL=http://aido.furvect.com/images/oddstuff4/faus-spiritwing.gif]In all his wingly glory[/URL] Bio: Koji is secretly in love the Dark Seraphim's leader, Maia Akora. He's not an evil person by nature (at least most of the time), but he has evil tendencies, and display almost scitzophrenic behavior, a phenomenon known by the students of Cherub high as "Black Hidari." He follows Maia almost obsessively, but more seems to be (and is viewed as) more of a "pet" than a friend. He's bullied mercilessly by her in private. He's a skilled swordsman, and aprominent figure in the Kendo club (he is rarely seen outside school without his daito), but is not a leader at all. Most of the time he's timid and fairly kind, taking simple pleasure in nature, and dislikes crowds and a lot of attention focused on him. However, when he's "Black Hidari," he completely changes, becoming much more assertive and determined, callous and even cruel. No matter what his personality at the moment, though, he follows Maia without question, and so is a member of the Dark Seraphim. Is that good?
  13. Wow...new layout. Cool. Alright, after watching Samurai Champloo (very kick-arse), listening to much too much Wu-Tang Clan (whom rock) and reading the Years of Rice and Salt (which I highly recommend), an idea concoted in my sleep deprived and caffiene-driven mind. Taking the traditional and well known ideal of samurai, and putting them into a modern setting. Here's the basic idea. Sho'gun The west never gained power, most of them being wiped out by the black plague (which struck for the first time sometime after the fall of the roman empire). in it's place the East, Japan and China particularly, spread it's influence in the world. The year is now 2004 ACE (After Common Era), and this is the City-State of Okinawa. The State of the system. Europe has been split roughly in three sections politically, Up to spain and across to England is the domain of the Celtic States, based primarily in England (the place least affected by the plagues, being an island). These are the few Caucasian people left in the world. The States have precious little political power, and are generally left to their own devices. The main military force of the Celts are Mercanaries, which there is no shortage of. On the whole, the Celtic States are the place of refuge for all criminals and ne'er do wells of the world, who just want to escape. The Mediterranian and everything north of it in between Germany and Russia, reaching down to engulf Africa is the Nubian Republic, who's main base of power is in Egypt. The Nubians are the strongest military force in the world, and have a strong Heirachical system in place. The people are plit into two groups, the higher class and the lower class, and never the two shall meet. The nobians have a great amount of natural resources, which they exploit to great effect. Russia and everything east, cutting what we know as China in half is the Cathayan Dominion. This is where the greatest number of people live, and has been the site huge leaps in technology. Unfortunately, there is also a great amount of crime in the dominion, and anyone who is anyone is part of the local gang. This often leads to city wide riots and gang wars on a national scale. Many gangs look for new territory in Japan. Japan itself is part of th Nippon Shogunate, which takes the remaining half of China, Japan and most of Indonesia. Here the old ideas of the Samurai have flourished, the Families have spread, and the Emperor has more power than ever. The Samurai are a steadfast people, and have their hands in every possible pie, although as a country the economy is merely stable, not improving. Little is known about what we know as the New World. North and South America cut off most communications to the outside world just as the ecomomy was flourishing, and have become an isolationist state, and Australia has simply been left to grow and live out it's time, the Aboriginis undisturbed by a mutual agreement by the four political powers. That's the base idea. Next Post: The Peoples of the Sho'gun world. Any reactions?
  14. It's good, but there is only really two things I have to say on it 1) Kikuchiyo rocks 2) Doesn't hold a candle to the original As some of you may or may not know, Samurai 7 is based (loosely) on the Akira Kurosawa film "Seven Samurai" (you see what they did there?), and althogh they've made an admirable attempt at making it into an anime, it's a far cry from the genius that was the original (one of the greatest Samurai movies of all time, and a personal favourite of mine). If it was just an anime without the comparisons, it rocks, but....
  15. Answer: Kirsten Dunst ------------------------------ American history X Primal Fear Fight Club
  16. Answer: Half way, because then he's walking out. Alright...how about this? It rises in the morning Falls in the night And is highest When the sun is at noon
  17. The point is you can't see anything in the dark, you don't see the dark, you see nothing (the definition of dark being the absence of light, making it actually impossible to see).
  18. Name: Tae Marlo Codename: Deadweight Age: 28 Appearance: See Attachment Power: Density Manipulation - Tae can change the density of the molecules that make up his body, making them denser (thus making him heavier, more resistant to damage etc), or less dense (thus meaning he can jump further, move quicker and even walk on water). However, constant use of this power severely weakens him, and although he can change his density massively, he cannot pass through solid objects, or become completely invulnerable to damage. Originally From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D. Personality: Tae is a straight up, by the book guy. He has little time for jokers, and flat out no time for vigilantes (meaning he holds little respect for the so-called "X-Men"). He does have a good sense of humour, but he is slow to laugh and quick to anger (Which is a sight to behold). He has a strong parental streak through him, and will try to teach kids the "proper way to do things" whenever possibly, and is quick to get them out of the way of danger. Current Location: New York, USA Known Family: Mother, Father, 2 Brothers, Large Extended Family Biography: Born in Brazil, Tae lived a fairly normal childhood. He had a keen interest in cricket, football and (oddly enough) history. A popular child, he always wanted to be more than his parents (hard working, loving people) had. He discovered his powers when he was hit by a drunk on a motorcycle. He made his body roughly the density of stone, and the bike smashed into him, leaving him much less harmed than he would have been. The local neighborhood soon found about the incident, and several anti-mutant hooligans hunted him down, and so he went into hiding at the early age of 15. He moved into the slums, and learned the art of Capoeira and kickboxing, to protect himself. As he grew into a young adult, he was hired as a bouncer for a club in the city, and used that and fighting in gambling pits to substitute his funds. During a particularly vicious fight between him and another mutant, a feral and ferocious hybrid creature called Chupicabra, the entire racket was busted by special ops type policeman calling themselves ?S.H.I.E.L.D.? They shut down the operation and took the mutant fighters into their custody, including Tae (a powerful Telepath discovering his nature by force). He met Nick Fury and was soon inducted into a S.H.I.E.L.D. squad, being a mutant hat could not easily be discovered until it was too late. He trained as a specialist in close combat, and general disdains using firearms (unless necessary). He sends his family money, to keep them out of the slums, but does not write to them for their own protection.
  19. Answer: Tim Roth how about this? Snatch The One The Transporter
  20. Personally, I am the king of procastination, but if I really need to do something, I just get away from all distractions. My mum has a shed/studt at the bottom of the garden, not TV, no computer, just heat and light and table. I generally go there to get work done or to finish something intensely important. Of course, you could always follow the piece of advice that has gotten me where i am now. [I][CENTER]Never put off something till tomorrow That you can ignore completely.[/CENTER] [/I]
  21. "Ah, ladies, good for you to come. Please, take a seat." he motioned to two luxoriously padded seats opposite him. As they sat down he maybe a quick beckoning gesture and Ayuma walked in, placing a tray of various drinks on the middle of the table. "Help yourselves." he said, pouring himself a tall glass of rose-coloured wine. He drew the glass to his lips and took a gentle sip, sighing as he brought the glass down. He nodded and smiled at Ayuma and she smiled back, walking out. He admired her departing back for a moment. "What have you called us here for?" the younger of the two women asked, as the door closed gently behind her. "I've asked you here for several reasons. I've got a question or two I would like to ask you in private, later." She stayed obstinately silent, but he could see something in her eyes...something... "But for the majority of you, I would ask only one thing for the time being. your name." he spread his arms wide, in a disarminglu open gesture. The people looked at each other and then introduced themselves. "B.J" "Melody." "Sasuke." "I'm-" "Ryu Hanz, I know that already. You're reputation proceeds you." Valentine smiled his crimson smile, and winked. "And I am, ladies and gentlemen, Valentine." Three of them looked vaguely shock, but B.J. just looked slightly confused. "Am I supposed to be impressed?" she said, folding her arms across her chest. "If you wish. I [I]am[/I] the main mover and shaker of this little town of ours. Most of what can be snorted, inhaled or stuck don;t shine come through my ring of...associates before they go into circulation. Not to mention other, even less savory substances." "So what the fuck was the peeping tom routine back at Jack's house?" "Oh, I just wanted a few questions answers." "Screw you. You put a knife to B.J.'s throat, point a gun at me and now you say that you just wanted some questions answered? Bullshit." she said, staying calm, but anger flared in her eyes. "Darling, rule number one of interrogation. When someone's scared, their tongue tends to loosen somewhat. but I was fairly impressed how you kept your cool, love. Very professional." He took another sip and sat down, crossing his legs femininley. "But now that I have gotten your attention, I would ask your help in the capturing of someone who has somewhat...upset my friend, Toshiro Yamazaki. You see, that person has stolen a fair amount of money from him, and something of more...vital importance. And Mr. Yamazaki has put in a substantial amount of money into capturing this indiviual." "How much." "The amount stolen" "Which is?" Valentine sipped his wine and smiled. "$30 million." Four eyes widened, but Ryu stayed strangely quiet, and Sasuke jumped a little, but recovered quickly, but again Valentine could see something in his eyes. Something he didn't like... "Well, what say you, ladies and gentleman?"
  22. Name: Unknown by the vast majority (Yuan-i'TEUR) Anime Stereotype: Enigmatic wise figure/Demonic Ninja Age: Roughly 3,000 Gender: N/A (Mentally Male) Year: Staff Appearance: Appears youngish (late teens, early twenties, maybe, although it appears to change from student to student), devilishly (pun intended) handsome, although few people have actually seen his face, as most of the time it is obscured by the large conical straw hat he wears. Tall and lithely muscled, he stands (or sits, or crouched on a conveniently shadowed spire) with an air of confidence, even invincibility. He normally wears the standard janitor coveralls, pale blue, and traditional Obi sandals. he always carries an old mop, and a bucket is never far from his reach. Alignment: Neutral Extra Subjects: None (sometimes sits in on the bishieology and kendo classes, although no one ever actually sees him) Accommodation: Above the school dorms, in a secret room hidden by shadow and wards. Bio: In time beyond memory. In an age where battles were fought with steel and courage. In a time of proud warriors and noble kings. There were those that walked among shadows. Phantasms and shaded figures that ruled the night. The it was the time of Ninja and Samurai. Of the ninja, one family stood out. The Bayushi clan. They used the dark arts, the arts of shadow and things terrible to protect their family line. Though honorable themselves. They forge alliances of one who was not. An Oni, A demon named Yaun-i'teur. He protected the family line from harm. He guarded their home in Edo. He taught them the way of shadows And learned the way of honor And the Ninja. At the family's final battle The last of the line was destroyed, and the family disappeared from mind and the world. "Finally" He thought. "My task is done." And beneath the house, he rested. Days turned to months To years To Centuries. Until one distant descendant of the Bayushi clan Once again summoned him for his own gain. As the weary demon rose He was handed his new weapon His anchor to this world His soul. A mop. "You're kidding me." Yaun-i'teur, shadow demon, guardian of the Bayushi Ninja clan, was now the Janitor of the dorms of the Tokyo Academy for Unusual Students. How the mighty have fallen. The school's dorm is built on the ancient home of the Bayushi clan, and he is linked to the site by bonds more ancient than living memory. He has been set the task of keeping the dorm spic and span, cleaning any mess, and keeping the students out of too much trouble. Almost no student (and few staff members) know of is existence, they find their rooms clean, their food prepared and their beds made (occasionally while they're still sleeping in them), and they take it for granted. He occasionally appears to one student or another, giving them advice in the form of enigmatic riddles or vague proverbs, and then disappears in a blink of an eye. He has spread his influence to almost the entire school, and can sometimes be seen mopping a lonely floor in a deserted hall, before disappearing behind a screen of cherry petals (which are inexplicable gone a few minutes later)... Special Powers/Abilities: Being a guardian of a powerful ninja clan, Yuan has learned several of the more powerful and ancient techniques of the Ninja. He is a master of the Rice Paper Step (he is able to walk and stand on any surface, even on water or upside down), the wooden dummy technique (he can disappear, leaving only a small section of log where he once was), Shadow Walking and several other skills (mostly involving movement or teleportation). He is also a master of staff-based combat, and takes a keen interest in kendo. Sworn Enemy: Janitor Takashi, and specifically his enchanted mops and brooms, as they tend to make more mess then they clean up.
  23. Tetsu stood in the middle of the warehouse, taking a deep drag on his cigarette, finishing the last vistages of tobacco in it, before spitting it out to one side. He sighed and leaned against the cold steel wal behind him, running his hand through his hair. He looked at the sky through one of the windows. Orion was visible. He stared for a long while, a soft breeze cutting through the ramshackle warehouse, causing his coat to flit about with a life of it's own. Somewhere int he distance, a dog barked at unseen phantasms. He could feel the others arriving. [I]Fuyuma, I'm trying to be strong, here[/I] he thought, his eyes catching the movmment of a rat skittering from the shadows. One of the doors leading to the street outside swung open, and Tetsu spun to face it, fis face diected by shaft of moonlight. His missing arm was obscured by shadow. Two figurs entered the building, a man and a woman. The man wore a trenchcoat, and wore a mask of burnished steel. They stared at each other. Above them, a pigeon eyed the trio of humans curiously, it's head cocked to one side. It's eyes seemed to say "foolish things" as it flew out, the soft sound of wingbeats echoing through the near-empty room... ((OOC: is this alright? I wasn;t too sure what to write here...))
  24. How's this? Name: Ian Banks Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Gangly and thin, Ian carries himself hunched over, as if he's protecting himself from the onslaught a thousand deamons tearing at him. His face is gaunt, tired, drawn, cute if it wasn't for the constant concerned expression on his face, and is framed by a rat's nest of blonde hair. He wears a grey hoodie and jeans whn not in school, and wether in school or out of school he wears a pair of striped red and green woolen mittens. His eyes are a peircing, bright green, and his skin is exceptionally pale. Personality: Ian is shy and withdrawn to the point of paranoia. He is a known manic depressive and scitzophrenic, and is constantly trying to block out the voices in his head. He is easily shocked, and tried to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Few people really know who Ian is, or why he's like he is, including Ian himself. Bio: (Do later) Wish: That everyone would stop hating him Gift: Telepathy
  25. Valentine shook the rain off his shoulders as he reched his apartment. As he walke dinside he was assaulted by the smell of incense and roses. He took off his jacket and threw it on an empty chair, before slumping on a couch. He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed the control, flicking on the TV. "...two female suspects, and three males. All around there 20's. We have reason to believe that one of the suspects is Ryu Hanz a thief worth $30 million!They were last seen in this car and van..." The image of the van and his red car flashed on the screen. He sighed, feeling somewhat guilty about off loading that on the poor girl. He was somewhat infamous, and whoever had that car would soon have Bounty hunters on them like flies on a corpse. He turned the TV off and pulled his phone out of his pocket, dailing a number slowly. [I]"...Song Bird Club, how can I help you?"[/I] a voice, sweet, young and female, sang ont he other end oft he line. He knew the girl, a pretty young thing called Ayumi. he had saved her from life as a whore, and was now working as the main bartender of the club. "Ayumi, darling, it's Valentine." [I]"V-kun!" [/I] Valentine had always thought that name was cute [I]"What can I do for you?"[/I] "I'm expecting a guest in a while, a young woman" he ran off the description of the woman he had...well, 'picked up' was the polite way of putting it, "If she's with a man, turn them awa, but let her in. He could be packing, so warn the boys. Can you do that for me, love?" [I]"Of course, V-Kun. I'll get right on it."[/I] "Cheers." [I]"Bye, V-Kun."[/I] "Ja ne, Ayumi." she had taught him a few words of Japanese he hung up and leaned back in his chair, his head running through the possibilities of his current situation. His car was no problem, he had plenty more where that came from (being the head of crime in the city had it's perks). He fetched a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and drew out one, lighting it and taking a deep drag on it. Hopefully, that girl would hed towards the Song Bird soon (he had many things to talk over with her, not least a future for her in bounty hunting). He would have to get his contacts in the police to look over his involval with the break in, but that was no problem. Smoke curled lazily from his mouth as he walked over to a cupboard. He pressed a series of buttons by the door and a panel slid open, showing a wide arrange of weapons. He picked a compact automatic handgun, shoved it in the back of his belt, along with two extra clips of ammunition. He sighed and closed the pane. He did so hate carrying so manyw eapons, but eneds must, he supposed. He walke dinto his bedroom and quickly got changed, donning a black formal suit, with a heavy trenchcoat, and changed his walking stick for an umbrella (complete with hidden sword). He walked out of his apartment and took the elevator down to the underground parking lot. He ran through his cars, before choosing one he had affectionately dubbed "The Godfather." It was a black mercedes, fully decked out with bullet proof, tinted windows, pierce resistant racing tyres, and a stereo system that could make you ears bleed. He got in and rubbed his hands across the patent leather steering wheel, before gunning the engine. It roared into life, and he pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards the Song Bird... ((OOC: You stole my car...))
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