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Everything posted by ColourDeaf

  1. Zeos lunged at him, all but foaming at the mouth. Fists flew, and hidari ducked back hastily, still reovering from the fighting. He spun low and brought his foot to the back of Zeos's ankle. The fighter went down, but one of his hands shot down and braced him against the floor. The Zen pushed hard up the ground and a kicked Hidari right in the chest, and the giant stumbled back. He followed up quickly, his fist cannoning into the Moon's jaw, temple, cheek. hidari grabbed Zeos's hand as he went for the third blow, and threw him bodily in a wide arc. Zeos slammed hard into the ground and rolled, but stood back up quickly. Hidair looked upon Uchiyama, blood puring from his face. He spat out a tooth and wiped his free hand across his mouth. Swaying, he ran at the Zen, feignting with a kick and swing hard with his Daito, The wooden sword mashed into the ribs of the Zen fighter, and he brought it around and down high across Zeos's back. Zeos wentdown, kicking hidari hard in the knee. Something shifted. Hidari screamed in pain. Uchiyama sprung up and grabbed Hidari around the throat, swinging around to his back, and forced Hidari into a choke hold. Things went blurry for Koji, and he did the only thing he could do. He fell back, dropping his Daito and pushing his entire weight onto the Zen fighter. Zeos gasped as the air rushed out of him and he released his hold. Hidari rolled over and cralwed onto all fours. Zeos panted as he got up, and they fell on each other, punching and pounding. All tactics, technique and thought were abandoned, and they both focused on one idea. [I]You are my enemy.[/I] [I]You will pay.[/I] The crowd around them, Zens and Moons, simply stopped and watched. All was silent, save the grunts of the two combatants, and the wet slapping of fist on flesh. They two warrios fell apart, both standing, Zeos still in his fighting stance, Hidari bent nearly double, hands hanging down, and his right leg trembling. Koji wiped blood from his eyes. He couldn;t see through his left eye. Something had burst, like a bulb going out. "Good warm up?" Black Hidari taunted, grining through blood-stained teeth "You have [I]no[/I] idea." Zeos spat back, throwing himelf at the giant. Hidari shouted and sprung at Zeos,, who dodged to his left and punished Koji with a stinging blow to his knee. Koji grunted in pain and spun, swinging both fists in a double hammer blow. Uchiyama put a hand up to block, but Hidari's blow smashed past the defence and into Zeos's temple. Zeos went down and Koji fell on top of him, grabbing the front of the smaller boy's shirt and smashed a fist into his face. Once. Twice. Three times. Four times he pounded his fist into Zeos's handsome, no, [I]beautiful[/i] face. The Zen's hand shout out, and caught Hidari in the throat. He fell back, rolling over and onto his knees, and Koji watched Zeos stand over him. He grimaced, and blood ripped from his mouth. He lifted his hands to fight, but he was tired. Oh, he was tired. His eyes were bone weary, drained of emotion, save loathing, of his enemy, and himself. And sadness, terrible, terrible sadness. "Come on, Uchiyama." he croaked, "Is that all you got?" [I]I'll be you black ****ing Hidari.[/I] ((OOC: Why do my characters always turn into bad guys? -.-" Your turn, Xion))
  2. [I]Finish it She hates you That's why she fought you Everyone hates you 'Don't worry, Suzuki-kun, I won't let you ever have to fight.'[/I] Hidari squeezed on Suzuki's throat, and she squeaked. Blood dripped from her mouth. He shouted and spun, throwing her across the gym. She hit the ground and roleed, panting and gasping. [I]Everyone hates you Everyone leaves you Everyone fights you[/I] Suzuki was a quick recovery, and she ran and him, her fist smashing into his jaw. He swayed but stayed upright, and several more punches slammed into his gut and chest. He bent double and shot back up, the top of his head cracking into her jaw. She stumbled, and the fell, sprawling on the gound and laid there, panting, choking and sobbing. The silence of the room deafened him. He reached down and picked up his Daito. He could not be beaten. He was Black Hidari. [I]They all leave you Himeko Your parents You will[/I] not [I]be hurt any more.[/I] He loomed over Suzuki, a portent of doom. Blood mixed with sweat mixed with tears, and the tragic cocktail ran down his face. His eyes were cold, distant, burning with hatred. He places his Daito on the edge of her throat, as it bucks and bobs with every sob. He looked out the window and saw the group of Zens standing there, staring at him. [I]Finish her[/I] they seemed to will [I]Finish her[/I] the Bad Moons yelled silently [I]Finish her[/I] his mind screamed "[B]Do it, Black Hidari[/B]!" one of the Bad Moons yelled, breaking the spell of silence He bent down and scooped his arm around her waist, picking her small body up easily. She struggled and kicked him, but she was weak now, they both were. He walked out of the doors of the gym and stood, staring at the assembled Zens. He wrapped his other arm around Suzuki and gently placed her on the floor. He hesitated for a moment, and they looked at each other. The warmth was back in Koji's eyes for a fleeting moment. He smiled on last smile. Darkness set in again, and he stood. He saw Suzuki give him one last heart-rending look, and he turned away, looking at Zeos. "Zens! Hear me! I am Black hidari of the Bad Moons, and I will fight any one of you. I am Black Hidari, and I shall not be defeated. I am Black hidari, and I shall be your doom."
  3. Koji took a back seat. Black Hidari stood forwards. "Don't make me do this." he says to her sternly, eyes fixed on hers. "I'll do what I want." Theys tood apart from each other, the previous night seemingly forgotten, but it stilled burned in their eyes. [I]No one cares.[/I] Hidari swung his daito up, resting the blade on his shoulder. [I]Black Wings Twisted Zen Bad Moons Suzuki Himeko[/I] He walked forwards, his long, powerful strides shwoing the anger burning in his soul. He moved as a predator on the prowl, a lone hunter, taking on the world. He didn;t care anymore. [I]The whole world's against me They never thought I was Koji They just saw me as Black ****ing Hidari. They[/I] want [I]me to be a fighter[/I] He strode towards Suzuki, but the newcomer, Traven, lunged at him. He span quikly and the hilt olf his daito flashed out, catching the kid in the jaw. Traven span and hit the floor hard, and Hidari kept walking. [I]Fine, I'll be their fighter. I'll fight them all. Gangs, teachers, students. Whoever. I just wanted to be a shephard I'll be their black ****ing Hidari[/I] They stood apart from each other, Suzuki and Hidari. They stared at each other, Suzuki with tears in her eyes, Hidari with tears. Their jaws her taut, their throats tight. The hellraiser and the innocent. The rest of the Bad moons stepped forwards, but he put his hand up, and they froze as one. [I]You just want to fight me as well. I thought you cared.[/I] Black Hidari stood tall and alone, the world baring it's entire wrath upon his back. [I]You don't Why should I?[/I] "You want to fight. Let's go."
  4. Dimitri lunged at the shadow-creature and pulled it out kicking and screaming. The creature was Wampyr, or so it seemed. It was naked, and covered from head to toe in intricate, swirling tattoos. IT spat and hised at him, a cat trapped in a corner, before Dimitri drew his machete and slammed the hilt across it's jaw. He heard something crack. The creature reared back up and sat, sullen and furious. "Who are you?" The creature sat still. "Who are you?" Dimitri reapeated, tearing into the creature's mind with Command the Mindless. It was primarily used on the shambling corpses commonly known as Zombies, but it was also a useful interrogation tool. Against it's will, a word squeaked out of the Nosferatu's mouth. "Minion." "Of who?" Another mental jab. The creature flinched, and Dimitri plunged full on into it's subconcious, pulling a name to it's mouth. "The Master." Suddenly, it spasmed and retched fresh blood across the floor of the alleyway. It's back jerked and twitched, and it's mouth stretched into a twisted, wordless, soundless scream. Dimitri heard things crack, things shift. The Bloodrag then simply gave up, seemngly submitting to the greivous torture. The tattoos across it's skin flared up bright, a beacon in the night air. The flesh of the creature putrified, skin split and bones warped. The flesh started to rot, as what happened when all of the Wampyr died, their bodies giving in to the ravages of age, of nature. Dimitri spat it it's corpse and started to walk away, the strange girl in tow. "A simple spell," Dimitri said, more to himself than anyone else. "Blood Boil. Useful for getting rid of serveants when their tasks are done. At least the foul creature was telling the truth." The girl stayed silent, her eyes burning with madness. Dimitri did not ask her nae. f she did not give it to him, it was her own business. She was a fellow Hunter, and deserved what little prvacy that entailed. They followed the twisting labyrithine alleys of Tokyo to the Sakura Falls apartments. It was a simple, humble affair painted brightly to attract the eye, but placed in a location where noone cared for it. Outside stood a woman who had travelled with Dimitri for a long while. "Lian." he said, nodding. "Dimitri." she said. Their relationship had always been curt, as it was more for Dimitri's conveniance than Lian's. It was only the fat tha Dimitri could hand her over to less...benevolant people that kept the thief around. Out of the doorway a man walked, tall and dignified in a black trenchcat and trousers. His hair was a dakr red, and his face wa deathly white. Vahnhels "Good to see you again, Grimoire." he said, smiling slightly. "And you, Vahnhels. The accomadations are ready, I presume?" "I aim to please, Grimoire, you know that." Without further ado the two hunters walked into the building, followed by the two girls. As they walked up the stair, Graier and Vahnhels caught up. "What is the news on Charax." "Sparse at best. Noone knows what exactly it i, or even if 'it' exists at all." "You still believe it is a Wampyr, though." "Of course." "Then I believe it is one, too." Dimitri had always respected Vahnhels opinion. As they reached a room, the hunter opened the door and then stepped in. As the 4 people stood in the room, Vahnhels gave them a brief tour "It will fit 3 confortably, but I'm afrain that I only expected 2." "It is fine, friend. I will sleep in one of the chairs." "Grimoire." Vahnhels said, his voice turning slightly more grave. "I have something that might interest you with me. Gravier raised one eyebrow, his curiousity piqued. "I have Jabilong." Dimitri froze for a seond and then looked sternly at the other hunter. "Where?" "The room on you right." the graceful hunter said, gesturing. Dimitr walked into the room and slammed the door behind him. "What is the Book man looking at?" the strange girl asked. "That," Vahnhels replied,"is better left for Grimoire to explain to you."
  5. Koji woke slowly, the light form the window piercing his eyelids like sharp daggers. He yawned an patted Suzuki on her head, gently lifting her off him and back onto the couch. He walked towards the bathroom, washing his face and putting on the shirt that hung on the back of the door. The phine rang and he sauntered over to it. "Hello?" "Koji. This is Bay. Thing's aren;t too good round here." "What's happened?" Koji asked, worried by Bay's tone of voice "The Zens are raring for a fight." "What?!" "I've been hearing round the school that Zeos is after your blood. Something about a friend of his..." [I]Isaac...[/I] "****. How long do we have?" "I'm hearing they're planning to take us on tonight." "Tonight." "Thqat's what I heard." Koji paused for a second. "Get the gang together, we're meeting in the gym in an hour. Tell them to be ready to fight tonight." "Fine. What about you? Are you ready to fight?" "I'm ready." he said simply, and hung up the phone. He was ready to fight He was always ready He was black Hidari. He leaned against the wall briefly, hand against his face. This was what he had been expecting for a long time. This was the reason people at the school kept their hair short or clipped their nails. This was the reason attended Kendo club. This was his life. He stood straight and walked to his Daito. He sat down on opposite the couch, where Suzuki slept peacefully. She was Zen. She would have to fight. [I]Don't worry, Suzuki-kun, I won't let you ever have to fight.[/I] The words haunted him like half-seen spectres. Ghosts on the edge of his mind. [I]I'll fight for her.[/I] [I]We'll fight for her.[/I] He wrapped a small amount of tape around the hilt of his wooden sword. Better grip, regardless of what dripped on your hand. Tears, sweat, blood. He rolled his sleeves up and flexed his forearm muscles. His eyes became harder, more focused. He striaghtened out from his usual slumped posture, and stared out of the window. The TV blare out some inane commercial, but he blocked it out of his mind with little concious effort. He need to be fully focused for the fight ahead. He need to be ready to fight whoever. He needed to protect Suzuki. He needed to be Black Hidari again. He saw Suzuki looking at him, he pale eyes boring into his soul. He looked away and stood up. "What's wrong? What's happening?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. Koji walked to the window and stared out onto the street below. "The Moons and the Zen are going to fight."
  6. OOC: Alright, here we go The 5 council memebrs stood in a looe circle in the school garden. The trees swayed ever so slightly with the passing breeze, and the air was perfumed by th sweet flowers dotted loving in their beds. Yuan Reisuke stoo under the shade of a cherry tree, his long short fluttering with the zephyr, and he looked upon the other members of the Council. Bayushi Toda stood squat and steady by a bed of irises, his smart buisness suit a sharp contrast to his rough, unrefined face. Across the left side of his face ran a great deep scar, bisecting his eye and blinding him on thet side. Akane Dodji swayed ever so gently with the breeze, her long robes flitting from oneside to the other as they caught the wind. She was beautiful as a china doll is beautiful, smooth skinned and only blemished by a missing finger on her right hand. Hida Yasuhiro stood tall and proud, toying with the bamboo staff he always carried. he was handsome, with a perfectly straight jaw and long locks of dark hair. His only sign of weakness was the bulge of an arm support on his right elbow. Lastly, Asahina Kimita sharpened her sword distracetedly, her clothes hugging her athletic body tightly. She wore the most scars out of all of them, and they spotted her body like the stripes on a cat. Yuan coughed slightly and stood forwards. "Ladies...gentlemen...I'm sure you have jeard the recent wave of fear running through the school with regards to Deja Vu. This cannot be allowed to continue. Low morale is bad for the test, and we can't compromise the test, can we?" he leans a little bit more on his cane and looks at each of the Council members in turn. "I suggest we try and keep morales as high as possible until this wave is broken. Discourage rumours, but spread a few of your own. Basic stuff." he leans back. "Is there any more business?" The other Council members remained silent, and all five turned and left similtaneously, as if sharing the same thought. Deja Vu must not be compromised... ((Apologies for the short post, but it's nearly 2 in the morning, and I think I need some sleep))
  7. ((OOC: Very nice posts, people, and Goddess, it's perfectly alright for you to come back. Welcome back!)) Dimitri walked the streets of Tokyo without noticing it's glam and glitter. The brights lights to snare the soul. The millions of people crowding around him. These things no longer confused of worried him as they once did. His suitcase felt heavy in his hands, the contents wishing to be released up the devils of this city, as they ached to cleanse the world of the Dwellers. He uncrumpled a piece of paper with one hand and looked at the scribbled writing on it. "Sakura Falls Apartments, the Danse have made accomadations for you. Vahnhels." Dimitri didn't know what Vahnhels' real name was. All f the Danse Macabre went under pseudonyms, to protect the group as a whole. He was Grimoire, and the writer of the not was Vahnhels. That was all that they needed to know about each other. "Are you the one I'm looking for?" a young, female voice asked him. Dimitri snapped out of his stupor to see a young woman looking at him, head cocked slightly to the side. A bird confounded by her own reflection. He looked evenly at her. The light of insanity burned ever so slightly in the back of her eyes. "I am Grimoire." The girl giggled, putting her hands over he mouth like a child "No your not. You are the Book Man." The weight of the bible in his pocket bore down on his like a cannonball. He sighed and brushed past her, but she skipped and looked at him in the eye. "I've been looking for you, Book Man." she said, smiling. "Oh? And why would that be, young lady?" he asks, wlaking by her. She stays rigt next to him, looking genuinely perplexed. "I...don't know. I just look in he mirror and I...feel things. But I knew I'd find you here." she said, sincerely proud of herself. [I]She is a Farseer? Is she a hunter...?[/I] He stopped as he sensed the presence of another, and span at a shadow that shouldn't be there. "Show yourself, coward!" he shouts, reachingf into his jacket for his machete...
  8. Koji smiled as he looked down at Suzuki leaning into his chest. [I]Heh....cute.... [/I] He thought to himself, and placed a hand on her face, gently pulling it up to look at him. "Don't worry, Suzuki-kun, I won't let you ever have to fight." he winked and smiled even warmer. "You're much too cute to have a black eye or a busted lip." He took her hand and lead her to the edge of the alley. He leaned out and surveyed the scene on the street. Quiet. Empty. Perfect. They walked out quickly, huddling close to each other. "How far is this place?" "Not too far. It's great, I know you'll like it." Suzuki just smiled and clung onto his arm, smiling up at him [I]Well[/I] he thought, [I]At least she's not blushing as much as she was...[/I] Thye reached the building without further incident. It was a squat, two floor affair, with a simple front and abrightly painted sign saying "Dew Drop Inn." It was plain, homely and inviting, the sort of place that was always a family business, away from the hustle and bustle of "fast food." [I]Not...quite what I expected[/I] Suzuki thought incredulously As they entered the place was empty, a woman of early 40's cleaning the floor and a man of the same age leaning on the counter. The man did not look up from his newspaper as he spoke around his cigarette. "Sorry, folks. We're not open right now..." Koji chuckled and said "Not even for your tenant?" The man looked up and smiled slightly. "Ah, Koji, how's it going, not out with the gang tonight...?" he looked at girl next to him and smiled wisely. "Ah...I see...well! What can I get for you two?" Koji lead Suzuki to a table in the corner and they sat down. He leaned back in his chair until the back of it touched the wall. "One usual for me and a House Specal for Suzuki, Pops! Oh, and two cokes!" he shouted back at the man, who stubbed his cigarette and sauntered into the kitchen, the woman in tow. Suzuki watched them depart and then looked at Koji. "Pops? Are those your parents?" koji looked down at the table slightly "Uh...not exactly. I just work here, and they let me stay in the apartment above here." he sighs "It's great. A night the smell of cooking fills my dreams, and I can hear all the people laughing down here. It makes me feel like I...[I]belong[/I]," he smiles and looks back up at her, "It's kinda hard to explain, you know?" "What happened to your parents?" Suzuki asked, cocking her head to one side. A flash of coldness in Koji's eyes "I don't want to talk about it, right now." he stops for a moment, then smiles, and the coldness disappears. He leans forward in his chair, and the front two legs hit the ground wiht a soft *thud.* "The food will be ready in just a minute. Tell me about yourself." he says, resting his chin on a hand, while his elbow rests on the table.
  9. [COLOR=Gray][CENTER]The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me to lie down in green pasturesmakes me to lie down in green pastures[/CENTER][/COLOR] The train roled through the nght mists of Tokyo, a knife slicing the thin veil the city wore. As it rolled over a bridge, the reflection bounced off the water below, a series of flashes of lights in the darkness. It seemed to say Herald, Redeemer. On the train, man sat straight up, reading a small, dog-eared copy of the bible. The collar around his neck denoted him as a priest of Christianity. His long duster coat settled around him in a loose curatain, and his hair fell as a veil in front of his eyes. [COLOR=Gray][CENTER]He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.[/CENTER] [/COLOR] A suitcase sat at his feet. Simple, leather with brass corners. On it was stamped aTemplar's cross in gold leaf atop a skul broken just below the eyes. The priest sighed and flipped the page on the bible. The few other passengers on the train shudder when they heard the man sigh, a harsh, desolate thing, like a corpse singing. [COLOR=Gray][CENTER]Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. [/CENTER] [/COLOR] The man looked up as he heard a voice. It was a stewardess, a pretty young thing with soft brown hair, though he didn't really acknowledge it. She said something in the twisting tongue of Japan, and he merely waved her on, going back to his bible. The woman shuddered and did carry on. [COLOR=Gray][CENTER]Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; thou anointest my head with oil, my cup overflows. [/CENTER] [/COLOR] The train began to come to a halt and the priest stood up, walking towards the exit. it slid open smoothly and the cold night air hit him like a wall. Another stewardess stood just outside the door and babbled something, to which the priest simply nodded and gave the Sign of the Cross, a quick, absent minded flick of the wrist. He could smell something on the air, sweet, sickly, devious. Dimitri gravier stepped out of the train. [COLOR=Gray][CENTER]Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.[/CENTER][/COLOR] Tonight, he would hunt.
  10. Alright! these characters are looking good (bit disappointed that the only Lycanthrope dropped out, but oh well). I'll leave the sign ups open for a little while longer, but I'll start he RP.
  11. ((OOC: Yes, I know I'm controlling Ryoko's character an awful lot in this, but I;m just redoing apost she did (and yes, she asked be to do it))) Koji strode down the hall, his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. PE was fairly boring, as was maths and whatever other subject he had. He had kind of zoned out a while ago, so it was a bit of a blur. He drew a deep breath and let it out slowly through his nose. [I]No work tonight...back to the apartment again, I suppose...[/I] He sighed and shoved his hands in his pocket. As he did he heard the sounds of sounds of footsteps and turned slightly, opening one eye. He saw nothing at eye level but was hit by what felt like a cannonball around his lower back. He swayed but stayed upright, and the "cannonball" fell to the ground with a faint squeak. He looked down and saw Suzuki sprawled on the floor, rubbing her rear. She had her eyes squeezed shut. "Oww..." "You alright, Suzuki-kun?" he asked The girl froze, as if trying to make herself invisible. "Please tell me your not Hidari..." "Ummm...how about I'm just Koji." Suzuki opened one eye and blushed, a slight pinkness across the cheeks and her ears. She was [I]so[/I] cute when she blushed. [I]Is she blushing over me?[/I] [I]Probably not. She's probably just ared to death you're going to hit her or something.[/I] [I]...You're probably right.[/I] [I]I know I'm right[/I] He bent down and hooked his hands under her arms, lifting her up and placing her down gently. He brushed off her shoulders and smiled, then straightened up. "There, good as new." "T-thank you..." "It's no problem." he eyes grew suddenly harder and he leaned meanacingly towards her "But I did tell you not to do it again before...." She whimpered ever so slightly, and he straightened up and laughed. "Uh, sorry...too much?" She nodded, and he held his hands up apologetically. He turned and started to walk away, when he heard her say something, just another little squeak. "K-Koji." He turned his head to look at her through the corner of one eye, raising his eyesbrow slightly. "I..I know we're in different gangs and everything and we're supposed to hate each oher and stuff but I just wanted to know if...you...wanted to go eat something or...something." she said, looking hard at her shoes. Koji stood there, stunned. [I]She wants to go[/I] out [I]with me? What should I do?[/I] [I]I don't know, I'm as suprised as you are! Well, maybe you should stop talking to yourself and answer her.[/I] He turned and folded his arms looking down as well and even blushing slightly (of course, less cutely than she was). "Uh, it's true that we should not be, because we're different gangs and stuff. But..." [I]Himeko...[/I] [I]Leave it. She's gone. She probably hated you to begin with. That's why she left without aying anything...[/I] He coughed and walked over to her, lifting her chin with one finger and smiling as sweetly as he could. "Sure, how about right now? I know this great little place a little bit from here..."
  12. Alright, this is looking good! I'll wait for a couple more people to join, then I'll start the RP. by the way, Eclectic, I'm watching Witch hunter Robin right now. The show drips style ;)
  13. How about this? Name : Koji Hidari Age : 26 Gender : Male Group : The Phantoms Rank in group : High ranking,; Right hand man of the leader Fighting style : Zhui Quan (More commonly known as the Drunkard Style), an acrobatic style famous for it's staggering, tumbling movements and unpredictacle attacks. Weapons : Two simple, metal tonfa Abilities : Mental conditioning, able to hide most surface thoughts, can lie through his teeth perfectly. Impeccable acting abilities Able to connect more fully with his Ki through alchohol, with skills like speed drinking Description : About average height with a very stocky built, he has a permament 5 aclock shadow and warm, friendly eyes. His hands are large and calloused, as if he had worked the fields from the day he was born. He is well muscled, but has an ever so slight padding of fat, hiding it slightly. He wears a simple brown kimono and baggy trousers, with wooden sandals. He wears the symbol of the sparrow on his right napel. Personality: Friendly and calm, even serene. He acts as if he's nicely toasted all the time, but when he acts, he can appear any way he wants. He's a "nice" drunk, acting very friendly (normally being a bit over-friendly), except when angered, when he goes...well...you'd have to see it. Bio : All his life, Koji has been alone. And he likes it that way His parents (or possibly granparents, he quite frankly couldn't care less) abandoned him on the doorstep of a Buddhist monestary when he was born, and he grew up within those restrictive compounds. He learnt many forms of martial arts, and was an excellent student of the abstract teachings of the Dharma, but there was always something...off about him. He finally mastered the complex and difficult art of Zhui Quan, or Drunken Boxing, and was supposedly in line to be the next Abbot. But something was wrong. He leftt he monestry after a huge argument with the current abbot, complaining how the monestary was suffocating him, and he gave into the wanderlust hat had been burning behind his eyes from the moment he was admitted into the cloister. He travelled, hiring himself out as a mercanary, or substituting his funds as a trickster, a rouge, and discovering he had a great knack for the dramatic, and was a natural actor. He soon found his way to the shadowy group known as the Phantoms, and quickly rose through their ranks, becoming the leader's (a egnimatic man simply known as "Father") right hand man. As he never knew his parents, he decided to call himself Brother, as he could be anyone's sibling. Brother to All, Kin to None.
  14. Man, all of you people remember things like power rangers and Rocko's Modern life. now I was born in 1987, and as a kid I watched M*A*S*H The 6 Million Dollar Man Coronation Street (A soap opera here in England. Yes, I'm a BOY, I'm STRAIGHT, I was a KID, and I watched a soap opera. You have problem? o.O) and the all time classic... the A-Team *starts humming the tune*
  15. Koji blushed as he turned the corner from Suzuki. "Damn! Damn my infernal shyness!" he hear her scream "Hhhuuu....damn girl, she's to cute and fragile to be in a gang...." he sighed, putting his hands behind his head, then he smiles to himself. [I]But Goddamn she's cute....Maybe I should ask her ou-[/I] He stopped and sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets. [I]Himeko...[/I] He walked slihtly more somberly to Gym, took off his school shirt in the changing room, but keeping the t-shirt he wore underneath it on. He slipped on some sneakers and took off his belt, then walked into the gym. He looked around and saw Suzuki resting her head on Zeos's arm... [I]Oh well....that's life, I suppose.[/I] OOC: PErfectly fine for you to keep bumping into me, Ryoko Zeos seemed to be giving Koji the "Evil eye," so he, of course, smiled sweetly back. [I]I wonder how tough Unchiyama [/I] really[I] is[/I]... As Koji started performing some practice manuveurs with his Daito, the teacher blew his whistle and walked upbehind him. "You! This sin;t Kendo Club! Put that thing awa-" the man trailed off as Koji turned around. "H-Hidari! Sorry! Sorry! Carry on!" The 6 foot Gym teacher scuttled away like scared cockroach. Koji sighed again and scracthed his head, looking at the floor. "Man, I really was a ******* to that guy before, wasn't I?" Koji said, slightly guiltily, before carrying on practicing.
  16. Koji put his hands behind his head and stretched again. "Well, I'm a good scout of potential, and I've heard good things about you. You've taken a few choice gang members in your time, Isaac, and I believe good work should be rewarded." He looked at Isaac and smiled slightly, "I think you should join the Bad Moons." He turned around and shoved his Daito into his belt. "If you're with us, you'll have a bunch more friends, protection for you and protection for your sister. We won't let the family of our members get hurt, after all." Koji swung his arm in a wide circle, loosening up his arm and stretching it a bit more. He could see Isaac looking a bit flustered at it and put his hands up disarmingly. "But I can't force you. Take your time and think about it." He walked by him and clapped the shorter boy on the shoulder, smiling at him once again. "I'll be at the Kendo club tonight. Stop by if you want to give me your answer. If not, no big deal." he started to walk off and then stopped. "Oh, by the way. Maybe you shouldn't talk with that toothpick thing in your mouth, you spit a little bit." he carried on walking, waving slightly to Isaac as he turned the corner. [I]I wonder if the coffee machine's still stocked...[/I]
  17. *applauds* This looks to be a very nice RP How about this? Name: Yuan Reisuke Age: 21 DOB: 1st December Gender: Male Years: 15 Student Body: Council Member State: Council Fighting Style: Primarily he fights with magic, leaning towards the elemental Persona: Yuan wears a veneer of friendliness in front of the rest of the school, he is never without a smile on his face and generally hums when bored. However, this is a facade for darker, harder side of him, velvet over steel. He has the capacity to be aloof, detachted, even cruel, especially during a fight, brutally efficient and cold. He is a man of many mannerisms, normally either humming, cracking his fingers or generally fidgetting, but with a kind of serene calmness, as if he is completely in control of whatever situation he's in. Height/Weight: 5'11"/127lbs Appearance: He is tall and lanky, with wiry muscles and facial features that give him the appearance of a dagger or, for the more pessimistic, a snake waiting to strike. His hair is a dark brown with premature flecks of grey in it. On his left hand is a tattoo of a stylised 'C.' His eyes are thin, hooded and a vibrant green. He normally wears a traditional style long chinese silk shirt and baggy trousers. He normally carries a simple walking stick, which compensates for his exageratted limp. His left arm is constantly in a small, makeshift sling. Relationships: While he has a friendly demeanor, he is also incredibly aloof and detachted, and so has no meaningful attachments to any of the student body, although has been known to hang around the Elementals club. Considered to be fairly handsome, he has been hounded by a few of the female students. Biography: Little is known about the egnimatic figure named Yuan, save he arrived at the school 16 years ago, and made a great name for himself in the Elementals club. He is knwon tobe an orphan, born in the east and sent to the Academy after he displayed innate magical talent. During his career in the school he has made (and broken) many relationships, untill he had gained a reputation as a veritable heartbreaker, but after he returned from judgement, he has grown more and more distant from the people around him, and is morelikely to be seen slowly limping the hallways alone than with anyone at all. Anything else I missed?
  18. Koji stalked up behind Elliot and spun him around roughly, staring at him hard. He grabbed the front of the taller boy's shirt and lifted him off the ground, the tip of his Daito pressing against the underside of Elliot's jaw. "Oi, Lasher. There was no need for that. You need to learn to keep your pride to yourself. If you look bad [I]I[/I] look bad. And I dont want to look bad. Understand? Good." Without waiting for an answer Koji set Elliot back down and brushed some dust off the boy's shirt. "Keep in mind you're still a Bad Moon, and I'm a higher rank than you." Koji smiled and walked by, resting his daito against his shoulder. [I]Bloody people should learn to keep a bloody civil tongue in their bloody mouths. Bloody hell.[/I] He heard shouting from his English class and decided that it would probably be better for him just not to turn up today. He crouched by the door and sighed, stretching his arms. A boy walked out of the classroom and leant against the wall, looking up at the cieling. "So far....so good." the boy said [I]He sounds a bit more feminine than usual...[/I] "You're Isaac. Isaac Kagami, right?" he inquired, and the boy bristled at his voice. Koji smiled non-threateningly an held up and hand to him apologetically. "Sorry, didn;t mean to startle you." Koji coughed and straightened up, stretching his back "Always wanted to talk to you, but never got 'round to it, you know?" He leant slightly on his Daito and looked squarely at the boy. "You in a gang yet, Isaac?"
  19. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]"Innocence proves nothing."[/CENTER] [/COLOR] [CENTER]- Hunter Klovis[/CENTER] In this world there are two kinds of people. Those who Hunt and those who are Hunted. This is a world not unlike our own, but so different on the very base level that it shatters belief and warps sanity. This is the world where Wampyr, Lycanthropes and Daemons are real, and the light of the moon is merely a dim setting for a battlefield. The vast majority of humanity goes about it's business. They work, they sleep, they die, blissfully unaware of the seething cauldron of sin and blood they stand on. This is because they are being protected by the shadowy force of humans collective known as the Hunters, or Those who Hunt. These humans are the wardens and shepherds of the rest of humankind. They fight the daemons, the mutants, the vampires and, as often as anything else, each other. Each Hunter has his own style of dealing with the Dwellers of Night, whether it be a subtle knife in the back, a grand explosion or even fighting fire with fire. They are split into two loose groups, puritans and radicals, Hunters who do not compromise their ethics at all, and those that believe in the end justifying the means. Puritans fight the Dwellers with sword, gun and divine Gifts, while Radicals fight with Black Majicks, enchanted weapons and even the greatest but most dangerous weapon of all, Daemonhosts. In the city of Tokyo, Japan, darkness is brewing. Wampyr and Daemons have been seen meeting, and a large number have been gathering away from the prying eyes of the hunters. Though have been several investigations by Those who Hunt, only one word has been brought up. Charax. Who or, more likely, what is Charax? Everyone wants to know, Those who Hunt and the Dwellers of Night. Will you be the one who finds out? Alright, here's some info on characters. You can be either an Innocent (A human that has not been initiated into Hunterhood), a Wampyr (Vampire) a lycanthrope (were-creature), A Hunter or (if I like your bio enough) a Daemonhost (more info later). [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]Hunters[/CENTER] [/COLOR] The Hunters have 4 loose-knit "schools" concerning their basic tactics and their type of Daemons, who are the greatest threat towards humanity. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]West ?And you shall know my name is the lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee??[/CENTER] [/COLOR] Western Hunters are the most "famous" school of Hunters, as they are the ones who instigated the Witch Hunts, the Spanish Inquisition and even the Crusades, all for the "good of God's children." It is fairly ironic then that the majority of them are Radicals. The specialty of Western Hunters is Necromancy, and their Daemons general have the ability to possess humanity. This ability has lead the leaders of the Western Hunters to experiment with Black Majick and create the disturbing creature known as a Daemnonhost, a daemon bound within the flesh of a human being through dark spells and sacred symbols. Daemonhosts are bitter, unpredictable creatures and are condemned by even many Radical Hunters. The creature can exist within the host for a few decades before the body is consumed by the Daemonic energy and the daemon is flung back to Whenst it Came. They generally hunt Wampyr more than anything else, as the ancestral home of their kind is middle Europe. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]East ?Be a child of the Elements, and they will protect you. Be a friend of the elements, and they will tutor you. Be a master of the elements, and they will guide you.?[/CENTER] [/COLOR] Eastern Hunters hail from the lands of Japan and China, and are the most disciplined of the Hunters, as one of the most well-known group of hunters are the Shoalin Monks of Tibet, and there is a large rumor (unconfirmed as of yet) that the roots of the Samurai?s code of Bushido is a Hunter?s handbook of sorts. Their daemons, and their Gift specialty are based in the four basic elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air. The Eastern daemons generally have no physical bodies, and so the Hunter?s Gifts tend to affect the daemon?s very essence. Of all the Hunter?s gifts, the Eastern Gists are the most versatile, sometimes manifesting as a thundering ball of fire, other times as subtle shifts in the air to open a locked door. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]North ?For seventeen long centuries I have remained in this blade, and through all that time you are the first I have deemed worthy to bear me in battle? Willingly you picked me up me up. Your first mistake. Willingly you drew me. Your second mistake. I do not allow my servants to make three mistakes, foolish mortal??[/CENTER] [/COLOR] Northern Hunters not only from northern Europe, mainly Scandinavia, but also from Northern America as the native Americans and Alaskan Inuits. Their daemons have the ability to possess objects, making weapons of vast power that can crush even the mightiest heroes, or staffs that whisper in their owner?s ear, guiding them along the Daemon?s path. The daemons hunt them using the raw, base energy of the world, Shamanistic Gifts, summoning a great storm or a pack of ethereal wolves to battle those under their sway. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]South ?Ask not a Southern hunter a question, for they shall give you three answers; all of which are true and horrifying to know.?[/CENTER] [/COLOR] Southern Hunters are known to be cryptic at best, riddlers at worst. Their specialty is farseeing, prophecies and generally seeing into the future, as well as wards. This does, however, lead to them going somewhat?bizarre, as they have to look into the Beyond for these visions, a metaphysical area that cannot be normally perceived by mortals, an area that can drive men insane and warp their very soul. Their daemons are the only creatures that have a physical form, and are the rarest of all the daemons, as they take the form of the mythical beasts of the past. They are the dragons, the Phoenix and the Wendigo of old, and are terrifying in power and magnitude. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]Wampyrs ?This, my child, is the Long Night. The Age of Learning is toppled and forgotten. The Age of the Empire drowned in it?s own bile. This is the Age of Darkness. This, my child, is the Long Night. It is thine.?[/CENTER] [/COLOR] The Wampyr, more commonly known as the Vampires, but also called Nosferauto and (more crudely), Bloodrags, are the most common of the Dwellers of Night. Contrary to popular belief, Vampirism is a disease that changes the physiology of a human at the genetic level. They hunt for the blood of humans, which is converted by a new organ just behind the heart into a chemical not unlike adrenaline. This chemical boosts the physical abilities of the Wampyr, and allows the body (which is effectively killed by the disease) to carry on without decomposing. The traits of the Wampyr depends of the strain of vampirism they contracted, some turning them into nothing more than savage hunters, some keeping, or even boosting, their consciousness and mental abilities. Some are lone hunters, some have joined with other Wampyr into what is generally called a House, or Cabal. The way to kill a Wampyr is to either remove the head (which kills most things as a good rule of thumb), or to destroy the organ just behind the heart, which causes the body to decay at an incredible rate, or to burn them in direct sunlight. Unforetuntely, crosses don?t work on them, as many a would-be hunter has found out. The most disturbing thing about Vampirism s that it gives them innate ability to tap into the Beyond and use the magical abilities known as Gifts. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]Lycanthropes ?Deep down, we?re all scared of wolves, yet we all want to wear their skins and be like them. Well, I can.?[/CENTER] [/COLOR] Half human. Half beast. Predators that stalk the deepest woods and the darkest urban alleyways. Monsters that creep up on prey like ghosts, then explode into a fury of claws and fangs. Beasts that howl under the moon and kill those that cross the boundaries of their territory. This is the idea that we have of Lycanthropes, also known as Were-creatures, or skinchangers. There are an unknown number of species of Lycanthropes, although by far the most well known is the werewolf, the ones that hunt by the light of the moon. They share the urban territory with were-rats, were-lynx and were-crows, although it is impossible to know whether someone is a Lycanthrope before it is too late. Lycanthropy is a hereditary mutation, passed down from person to person. The Lycanthropes have the ability to change form at will between normal human and the half-beast ?war form.? They are fairly rare, but incredibly dangerous to face alone, and even more so without the help of Silver weaponry, which Lycanthropes have an extreme intolerance too. Character Sign-up sheets Name: (Lycanthropes tend to have a normal name and a ?tribal-esque? name, such as Peter Hunts-the-Truth) Age: (Vampires can live indefinitely, Lycanthropes actually age slightly faster than humans) Gender: Species: (Human: Hunter or Innocent; Lycanthrope: state species; Wampyr) Height: (Lycanthrope War-forms tend to be around 8-9 foot, although it changes from species to species; put your human height as well) Weight: (Lycanthrope war form weighs about twice their human weight) Description: Pictures or detailed descriptions Weaponry: 3 maximum Gifts: Wampyr or Humans only, 3 maximum, or if Eastern 1 element to control Bio: Name: Rev. Dimitri Gravier Age: 32 Gender: Male Species: Human: Hunter (Western) Height: 6?3? Weight: 133lbs Description: See attachment Weaponry: Double barreled sawn off shotgun Silver-coated machete Gifts: Deathwatch: allows Dimitri to see the state of life any creature is in (living, dying, dead or undead) Command the Mindless: allows Dimitri limited control over mindless undead (Zombies or ghouls) Gentle Repose: Allows Dimitri to preserve the state of a corpse Bio: Dimitri is an agent of a shadowy organisation known simply as the Danse Macabre, a catholic hunter society stationed in Germany. He was raised as an orphan in a monestary, and a active scholar on the more abstract side of theology. At the age of 14 he witnessed the sluahgter of one of the older priests of the monestary, the abbot, by a savage Wampyr. After that day he swore to destroy all of the Bloodrags, or die trying, and discovered the Danse Macabre while chasing the lead on a large House in Berlin. He is a known Radical Hunter, infamous for being not only radical with his hunting tactics, making pacts with Lycanthrope and even one or two daemons, but also with his religion. It has been rumored that he ordained several women into the Catholic cleregy, despite it's teachings, so that they could join the Danse. He beliees that this Charax that has appeared in Tokyo is some elder Wampyr that is going to make a move soon. He's there to stop it.
  20. Koji strode through the halls of the school with a predatory grace, his long legs making short work of the halls. He scratched behind his right ear and sighed, mouth stretching wide in his regular morning ritual.He found one of the schools vending machines and put in a few coins, pressing a button. A can fell down, and he greedily took it, opened it and drank deeply. [I]Ah...cold coffee...nothing better.[/I] he finished an threw the can over his shoulder, so it landed neatly in the trash can. He did this every morning, every morning since he had arrived at the school, untill it was his automatic, his personal, physical mantra. He sighed and swung his Daito around slightly, loosening up his sword arm. Again, this was automatic, a reflex action, as he rarely fought much anymore. But he always had a few urges here and there.... "Oh well," he mumbled to himself, resting the "blade" of his Daito on his shoulder, "at least there's the Kendo club..." As he walked down the hall he passed two members of Twisted Zen, the leader and one of the main fighters. What was her name? Lee...La...Lo... "Lei!" he shouted, smiling to himself, then grimaced and turned around to see Lei scowling at him. Hesmiled at her and put up his hands apologetically. "Sorry, didn't mean to shout..."
  21. A whisper ran through the assembled kids on the street. Black Hidari was coming. He strode in front of the gang, the Bad Moons, with the gang leader just to his left, his Daito hanging loosely in his hand. His steps were long and graceful, being the school's resident "giant." He seemed a demon given form to the ten year olds. Fortunately, he wasn't "Black" Hidari at the moment. Unfortunately, the rest of the gang wanted everyone to think so. He smiled and the kids scattered, the red sea parting to made way for the Chosen. Koji Hidari, more commonly known s Black Hidari, sighed and looked at the leader of the gang, a squat, strong figured named Bayushi. "Why do I have to act so mean right now?" "It's a reputation thing. We can't have people thinking the gang's gone soft." Koji shrugged and shoved his Daito in his belt. "Whatever." He rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbow, scratching at the numerous scars on them, his "spoils of war." The gang reached their favouring watering hole, a resteraunt owned by Bayushi's older brother. They made their way inside and found their favourite corner, marked out with the gang symbol, a crooked, yellow moon crescent, with a wicked grinning face. Koji had always though it was somewhat melodramatic, but like Bayushi said, it was a reputation thing. Bayushi leant forward and looked at Koji through sharp, intense eyes, "Man, we gotta take care of those Twisted Zen." Koji looked back under hooded lids. "Why's that? They haven't done anything overly bad, have they?" Bayushi slammed his fist down on the table. "That's not the point! They're getting too big for their boots! Soon they'll have taken over the school, and where will we be, then?" Koji smiled and made a small gesture, flicking his feet onto an empty chair. "Relax, Bay-kun. There's still the Crusaders. They'll back us up if the Zens get too big to handle, not to mention the Black Wings. Some of those kids have potential." He looked square into Bayushi's eyes. "But if it concerns you that much, I'll keep an eye on them." He slid his feet off the chair and stood up, making his way to the door. "You off now, Koji?" "Yeah. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." He drew his daito and made a quick gesture with it, before resting it against his shoulder and walking to the door... [I]I know I shouldn't still be with them, Himeko, but I'm trying real hard to be a shephard...[/I]
  22. How about this? Name: Koji Hidari Age: 16 Appearance: Koji is known as the giant of the school, tall and lanky, he carries himself slightly stooped. His hair is exceptionally long and pulled into a functional ponytail. He dresses in the usual school uniform, but with a custom made jacket, so the sleees are much longer than normal, and flared ends. His face is long and angular, with a normally slightly vancant, friendly look. He almost always carries his Daito (wooden practice sword) wherever he goes Personality: Koji is a boy of two halves. Normally he's fairly paitient and nice enough, if a bit slow. It takes a lot to get him angry, but when he is angered, it is fairly spectacular. He straightens up and his face becomes sharper, more focused. He loses his usual drawl and insults people frequently. This effect is known as "Black" Hidari, and is the reason he was asked to join the gang he's in, a loose-knit group known as the Bad Moons Bio: Little was known about Koji for the vast majority of his school career, but plently was known about his alter-ego, "Black" Hidari. He was hell on wheels, causing havoc with his gang, the Bad Moons, and his Daito. He was known for his bad temper, stinging insult and, strangely enough, his cute, kind girlfriend, Himeko Toda. She stopped him hurting people too badly on several occasions, and she was the only person he was ever kind to, this kind, clumsy girl. For some unknown reason she moved away (there were several rumors over her dissppearance, but none were comfirmed). After that he started to get less and less agressive, until he turned into the docile, shy character known as Koji. However, his old reputation has stuck and he is well-respected, if not especially liked, by the other gangs, and generally won't be attacked with exceptionally good reason." Gang: Bad Moons Posistion: Former leader, heavily respected and the general "spokesperson" for inter-gang relations.
  23. Thanks for the art, Shi, it looks great! I'll hopefully be able to scan some more art in a couple of days (My actual scanner's at my dad's house, but there is one at my school), and I should have more time for art since my exams have finished. Thanks for the replies, guys, I really appreciate it!
  24. sure, go for it, I've not got any CG software on my computer, so I can't. Thanks for offering. By the way, this was the first time I've scanned a picture into a computer, so I'm very proud of myself (I'm sophisti-ma-cated, don'cha know?).
  25. Alright, I'm a bit new at this, so bear with me. Pic 1 "Oblivious" Demon assassin sneaking up on a demon guard (interesting...) Pic 2 "Catgirl" 'cause everybody needs to draw one at one time or another Pic 3 "Unfinished" Bored and depressed What do you guys think?
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