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Everything posted by ColourDeaf

  1. Name: Former name unknown (Deleted form memory, Amethist Code clearance Necesary.) Currently known as Carpenter Age: Unspecified Race: Demonhost (Cross ref. file 0145342) Task: Destroyer of those with unnatural life Appearance: A figure, stripped down to the waist and wearing very baggy, tattered trouser. His hair falls in front of his eyes like a dark curtain, from inside of which shines small specks of absolute darkness (interesting way of saying it, eh?). Numerous runes are burned into his flesh, and chains run from his neck down to his hand. Apart from the scarring, he is quite handomse, save for the pale skin. Weapon: A huge crucifix he carries on his back. Inside of it is a large calibre machine gun and a short range grenade launcher Powers: Incredible strength, resilience and agility. Bio: Deleted as a Blasphemous Act of Indescribable Proportions. Sentenced to Malleus Flagellation as of 50 years ago. Alliance: Unknown ...mysterious? And yesm there IS a history
  2. Tua walked slowly towards the institue. He felt his mouth fall open as he gazed at it, the sheer SIZE of it. He had spent all his life on the streets, dirty, grimy. Even though he was, and always will be, at heart, a Rat City dweller, the prospect of living here was mind boggling. [I]Yeah, like you're going to live here.[/I] "Shut up." he said quietly, he was too used to talking to himself to stop. [I]The won't accpt you, look at you, you're a freak.[/I] "Freak..." [I]They'll just hate you.[/I] "You're probably right..." he said slowly, his mind wandering back to the 'incident' two days ago. *** He shuffled down the alley, he had twisted his ankle when he woke up this morning, and had lost the chance of getting some nice leftovers from the resteraunt near here. He grimaced behind the purple scarf he always wore, and carried on down the street. He heard laughing behind him, and turned, seeing a large human with two friends and a bottle of scotch. [I]Damn humans, no self control. It's 3 o'clock, the morons. [/I] "Hey, you! What's the matter with you." one of the human jeered, imatating his twisted walk and putting his sleeve in front of his face like Tua's scarf. Tua turned and tried to leave but the man caught up with him, catching him by the shoulder. The man stunk of liqour and sweat. He chuckled as he saw the grey skin and black eyes. "Oh, I see, youse one of them mutants, eh? Well, let me tell you something, you ain't welcome here." "I already know that..." Tua said quietly "What you say about me?" "I didn't say anything about you." "Course you did!" he said, pulling back his fist, still with the bottle of scotch. Tua's mind lurched this way and that, and the human's two companions, following the man like drunken sheep, pulled out knives. Tua calmed down slightly, thinking of what Tony, a large, bear-like mutant that lived alone, would do. As he thoguht the human pushed him back and layed him across the face with his fist. Tua stubled back and his scarf fell off. His mind focused onTony, and he fellt his bones crack, pulling longer. His face became more feral, twisted into a muzzle like a bear, and his muscles bulged, the skin stretching like a balloon. The human's fell back, gasping as he grew to tower over them. Their drunken minds reacted the only way they could, and they ran. Tua collasped on the floor, curling into a little ball as he changed back, the bones clicking back into place. The last thing he saw was a reflection of himself in a pool of water, his face half-bear, before blackness took over. As he woke a man in a floating wheel chair, flanked by a woman he couldn;t see properly, came up to him. "Easy there, child. We're here to help." ***** Tua braced himself as he looked at the door. even that ws big. He reached out and pressed the doorbell of the Xavier Institute for Gifted Children. The door clicked and swung open...
  3. Name: (Unnofical, abandoned at birth) Tua Banks Nicknames: Freak, Loner, "That guy over there" Age: Unspecified, around 16 Gender: Male Nationality: American Powers: Mystique Weapons: Colt Python .44 magnum (stolen and with few bullets) History: "Not much to say. Doesn't concern you." Is what he would say (Normally accompanied by a Leave me alone" glare). Of course, that's tre, for the majority. He was abandoned at birth birth becauseof his somewhat...outlandish appearance, and lived on the dregs of the city with a group of homeless people in a labyrithine alley complex known as Rat City. His bitterness grew in him, since most utants in Rat City had some sort of useful ability, but he just looked freakish. He grew more and more solitary, only confronting people when absolutely neccessary. Yadda yadda yadda, you know the deal, right? Description: His skin is a greyish colour, highlighted by large black scales covering his cheeks and chin, and a shock of white hair falling in loose spikes. He has no external ears and normally wears a long purple scarf, which disguises the lower portion of his face. Personality: Depressed....VERY depressed, he is a man of few words, all of them pessimistic, although he is able to keep level-headed in the most extreme of situations
  4. Did you know that they would put a large oily rag on a pig and catapault it into an enemy castle after setting it alight? The pig would be panicing and running around, setting fire to anything that it touched (useful since the mass of buildings were still wooden) ...fear my mad trivia skillz? (yes, I did use a z there, what of it?)
  5. Alrighty, since there's one place left, might as well take it, hope it's alright Name: Fao Mostich Nicknames: None (yet) Age: 29 (around 17 in human years, although he appears much older) Race: Nomad (a mongrel of races) Height: 5'8" Description: He has long brown hair pulled back into a functional ponytail, and laced with flashes of green. His eyes shine dully yellow with no pupils and white, and a row of small spines run across his browline, as well as on the back of his knuckles. His fingers are almost calcified with only 3 fingers, with a hard carapace around them. A long serpintine tail and scales running down his cheeks give him a reptillian quality. He normally wears a loose-fitting mesh shirt originally made for urban combat, as well as a pair of small blue glasses. Personality: He is a very calm, patient person but with a cold streak in him, especially when it comes to saiyan (he's going to have fun here...). He tends tro get very (extremely) flustered around women, and has no problem fighting, although he is eager to comment on peoples fighting style. History: He grew up in a fairly normal nomad drifter colony. He grew up with the tales of how the original colony of his family was destroyed by a vengeful saiyan before they were destroyed by Frieza. He was pretty poor, but when he was offered a place at the school he jumped at the chance. Add more later Strength: 25 Speed: 15 Ki: 20 Defense: 40 Dorm: E (If it's ok)
  6. well, i did right some short, SHORT stories... Getting attention A man stood on a hill, staring at the universe, wondering at the infinite possibilities out there, at their little part of it, of the huger parts that lay out in that inky blackness between stars, the millions of tiny dramas that may lay out there, with no way that they could find out. He thought of himself, a dot tinier than tiny, on a little blue spinning orb hurtling through space, unnoticed, silent. Well, no more. ?WE?RE HERE!? he shouted with all his might, half to himself, half to the universe. The universe replied. ?Watch me care.? And fell back into silence Forever. Twenty questions You?re here. Hm? You?re here. Where? You know. No, I don?t. Don?t tell me you DON?T KNOW Why else would I be asking you? Well?you should? Why? It?s pretty important Why?s that It?s pretty much a milestone in someone?s life. So, where am I? C?mon, just think. Wedding? No Anniversary? No Birthday party? No Retirement party? No Funeral? Sort of. Huh? Look up. Why? You?ll see I don?t think I can. Just try. What will I see? Stop playing twenty questions and just do it. He looked up The pearly gates stood before him. The Answer The man walked by his girlfriend, drinking in the moment of their walk in the park. He looked at her and saw the real mystery she was wrapped in. He leaned over and finally asked the question all men wanted to know ?What is it you women want?? She turned to him and study him with deep brown eyes. ?You sure you want to know?? He nodded and she leant over, softly whispering in his ear. Behind his eyes it looked like glass shattering. He ran screaming into the night. Taking a dive He couldn?t take it any more. That was it, that was the last straw. He looked down at the water from the Golden Gate bridge, ignoring the honks of the drivers behind him. He leant forwards a bit more, the wind rushing through his hair and making him feel he was flying. Ten yards to his right a women jumped into the air, following an almost identical path. They turned and something clicked as they saw each other, it was chemistry, it was true, unconditional, life-long love. They saw this ten feet from the water.
  7. new poem thing...yeah... Forever Broke. Take your time No rush, you know you cant Life's to short But longer than we want Lounge around Nobody's here Nobody would want to know if you did Nobody would care Take it slow slower than you think The Boat's going down Too tired to swim Just let it all go And sink Take your time with doing nothing Make sure it's done right Do it slow Repeat it, so you might Look back and say "Easy enough, no trouble" And just stare, Floating in your hazy bubble. Be shallow, Be selfish, Be deep sometimes Take a moment Think of...Einstein And Lao Tzu And how beautiful your girlfriend is Me, I'll just be forever broke Sitting in a personal Bohemian Raphsody Playing a slow gitaur Contrast from my life in the city I want to stay, know I cant Life's too long But shorterer than I want It's time to go.
  8. Fools... Name: Ty'mael (Trans: Soul dancer) Gender: Male Warrior Type: Harlequin (Banshee) Warrior Rank: Solitare (Captain) I would normally be joining a more Imperialistic clan, but this will do. I might make one eventually....
  9. I have seen some of the series, and I have but one thing to say, no offence. DEATH TO INITIAL D! sorry, but I really, really dislike the series.
  10. Hmmmm... Name: Bleu Martin Age: 28 Race: Human (gasp?) Weapons: Pneumatic powered arm and leg servos, designed to increase his strength enourmously. 1 Naga Game, a half spear with a serrated sickle connected perpendicular to the haft, and a weighted 10 foot chain. Made of tempred titanium. Along it's blade ot reads "M3rc1" 1 heavy duty sniper rifle. A Wess and Smithon "Longshot" with armour piercing rounds and a revolver chamber, inscribed on the side is "We'll meet in hell, but you first." 2 Heavy duty "Merc special" revolvers, one loaded with normal rounds, the other loaded with exploding bullets. Down the side of one of the revolvers reads "Luv" and down the side of the other, the one with the exploding bullets, reads "h8t" 2 Survival knives Appearance: His hair is blonde and spiky (think Vash the stampede, if it helps), with green eyes and a large, disfiguring scar running from his left temple down his cheek and branching along his throat. Most of his face, most o9f the time, is covered by a gas mask and, occasionally, goggles of a light blue colour. He is fairly tall, standing at around 6 and a half foot and of a wiry build. His normal attire consists of a large grey trenchcoat over a black, tattered T-shirt. Several belts make up a improvised "gridle where he keeps his revolvers and Naga Game. He also wears black trousers with spiked knee pads, fingerless, buckled leather gloves and iron-shod boots. Bio: A mysterious Mercenary hunter with a personal grudge against Shifters. It is a little known fact that he was born into a monestary, which took in outcasts of all types, including a single Shifter. As the shifter grew up, it became more and more reclusive, and finally went insane, shifting into a strange andimal form and killing all the inhabitants bar a few. Needless to say that had somewhat negative affect on Bleu's attitude towards Shifters. During the years to follow, he drafted in the military and trained, hoping to one day kill the Shifters and take back the damned planet. "Humans were here first. Humans Will be the last to die. Amen."
  11. A doah and a group of men tromped through the forest, the man nervously looking around him. [I]The humans grate on my nerves again[/I] "This place is enchanted." a man said quietly, huddling inside his cloak a bit more. The doah turned and gave him a look that, had the man not known any better, could have been something akin to contempt. "I don't like it here." another said, stopping "I'm going back." [I]Watch me care.[/I] the doah thought viscously, increasing his pace away from the human. "Come on. Let's go." a human said, whining as he saw the doah leave, but decided not to press it any futher and simple turned and marched back the way they came. He the human went out of sight, the doah made a short, gruff growl akin to a chuckle, and changed into his more...comfortable form. His muscles bulged, his very bones changing to suit the new form, and a great arching, chitinous tail curled over his head. he was glad to be rid of the hunting humans, glad to be able to become what he felt he truly was. A rock pool glistened as he approached it. Tohas decided to celebrate his loss of the humans and walked over to it, gently lapping from the cool, clear water. He breathed deeply, catching the scent of another on the air.He stepped back from the rock pool, a tiny drop of venom appearing on the sting of his tail. "Who be there?" he half-said, half-growled, his voice thick like a good iron sword being sharpened.
  12. We all smile, We all sing. Turn left up the street, Nothing but grey concrete and dead beats, Grab something to eat Maccy D's Or KFC Only one choice in the city ... Ok, done voicing my pity Now let's get down to the nitty gritty Tune reminds me of my first E Still think I'm unique Still 16 Still feeling horny Point to the sky feel free See all the people see equal Smiles in front and behind me Swim in the deep blue sea Cornfields sway lazily All smiles, all easy Where you from what you on and what's your story? Mesmirising tone, rising pianos this is MY zone stop cloning Even though me and you are the same Known you all my life Don't know your name The night slowly fades and goes slow motion and the mesmirising motions become rising emotions Is this fleshy ocean But the same piano loops over Arms wave, eyes roll back and jaws fall open All your views are right All will listen to my plight So I'll see if I can crash at his place at the end of the night They could settle wars with this If only they will Lords, world leaders and priests on pills Some many people So many places you never heard of Where you from What's you name And what you on? Don't really care Cos right now we all smile we all sing. Then the girl in the Cafe taps me on the shoulder I find that it's 5 years on and I'm older Memories smoulder, winters feel colder But that same piano loops over and over and over The road shines as the rain washes away Same chinese takeaway, serving ***t in a tray Dark all round, walk back down Same sights, same sounds but new beats Solid concrete under my feet Good, there's no treats The world stands still as my mind washes round The washing up bowl of my crown LLife's been up and down since i walked from that crowd...
  13. Interesting idea Name: Tohas Gremare Age: 156 Species: Manticore Host: Doah (like a burly hyena) Weaponary: Claws, teeth, tail, incredible strength; Elemental magic of Earth (this alright, Raiha? I know how to gauge my strength to start off with) although it is taxing to use Bio: He has spent the last 100 or so years in the service of a human noble, repaying a debt from years before. The humans had found himbadly wounded in his Manticore form. Normally they would have slew such a creature as a show of "prowess", but decided instead to keep it, and Tohas swore to protect them for the next generation. As the king's son died of old age, Tohas's debt has been repayed, and he has left. Simple enough? Appearance: In manticore form, he is a huge, burly brown bear with a face mixed between the feral muzzle of the bear and a middle aged man's wizened face, with a great arching scorpion tail. As a Doah, he is still quite burly, with brown fur slashed with yellow stripes. From his injury years ago he has lost the sight in one eye, which is now a sightless white orb.
  14. Alrighty Name: Gyiam (Gw-EE-am) son of Thyram Age: 20 Race: Human Weapons: A sword that was once used by an Uruk-hai that his uncle slew, now inticrately etched with images of oak leaves, and a horse lying under an oak tree at it's centre on both sides, three hachets, both balanced for throwing and strengthened for combat, and largish shield of heavy oak-wood. He is known to carry a knife for eating. Description: Tall and well-built, with a dark somber face and piercing grey eyes like twin jewels. He hair is red and cut into short bvangs, which are normally tucked into a woolen hat. He normally wears a green-grey greatcoat over brown woolen trousers and a white canvas shirt, along with heavy leather boots with wolf-skin trimming. He wears a single iron shoulderpad and a light chainmail vest under his shirt. Bio: He came into a world in chaos, born deep within the caves of Helmsdeep, while his kin of Rohan fought for it's protection above him. His father died as an unknown during the battle, and his mother died during childborth. His mother left him in the hands of his aunt, who took him north along with his uncle, a grizzled Rider of Rohan and hunter. He trained hard to become a Rider of Rohan, learning the inticracies of all types of warfare, and excelling at hunting in his new, moutainous home. As he grew into a man, they returned to Rohan and Gyiam was iniciated as a Rider-Scout. He has travelled many times to the borders of Mordor as a lookout, and has alll but memorised all of the area of Rohan and Gondor. Other: He riders a Gondorian great horse, a rare breed that grown about 3 or 4 hands taller than most warhorses, and are much stockier and all but tireless. He has a great sense of direction and is an excellent navigator.
  15. Ok, that's more than enough people. Sign ups closed
  16. Tohru landed in a crouch as the creature threw him across a good 10 feet. He cursed and fell back slightly, eyeing the creature. It was about the size of a car, with a squat, tusked head and hoofed feet. the barriers he had placed around the perimeter of the park should hold it, as it didn;t seem the most powerful. He reached into his bag, drawing out a long line a beads, held together on a single strand of thread. He held it in both hands as the beast charged, wrapping it around his right hand. He snapped his right hand out, and the line of beads went rigid as a rod, glowing wuth faint aura of blue light, and he jumped into the air, straight at it ((OOC: Anime style leap.)). He held the rod straight in front of him, spining it with inhumanly fast movement until it appeard as a blur, and the beast's nose connected to it as it charged up. The momentum of his jump kept him going, and he carried on going, the blade acting like a buzzsaw. He landed lightly on one foot as finished, two neat halves of the beast falling to the ground. [I]You said it would be difficult.[/I] [I]"A miscalculation."[/I] [I]Can I go now?[/I] [I]"As soon as you clear up."[/I] Just as the silent exchanged finished, a screeching noise that threatened to split his head in half. He turned sharply, and the to halves of the creature were...changing. a leg, little more than the bare bone and muscles necessary for movement, were bursting the the severed side of each beast, and the new tripods slowly stood up, and darted in different directions. [I]Damn! Why didn;t you tell me this could happen?[/I] [I]"I didn't know"[/I] The beads fell loose again, and he brought them around, whipping them around the neck of the beast. He jumped, dragging himself along the line until he reached the creature's back. The creature bulled out of the park, through the defenses he had set up, small bands of ricepaper with incantaions written on them. tohru cursed silently as he held on for dear life. The beast smashed through a car, sending it flying over his head. It cannoned straight into the residential area, the three legs pumping like three pistons. Tohru lifted one arm, gathering the moisture from the very arm itself, and forming it into a blade. He concentrated, freezing the water, and brought it down, the blade cleanly severing it's neck. YThe creature stumbled, falling midstride, and throwing Tohru over ti's head. He fell with a large thud, and lay as his vision swam. OOC: Ok, I would ask the you witnessed the creature's rampage on TV or in real life, and have come to investigate. All will be explained
  17. OOC: Players know who they are. School has just finished, and everyone is preparing to go home. IC: Tohru sighed as he slung the bag over his shoulder, absently running one eye. Another day over. He quietly started talking to himself, soemthing he did without noticing it, you get used to talking to yourself, when you live alone. "Ramen tonight? Of course ramen, I can't cook anyhing else. Maybe a restaurant? No, can't afford that. Take out? No, not that either. Guess I'll have some beef ramen." He heard someone call his name, and turned to see a girl from the year below him waving. He politely waved back, not stopping or even slowing his pace. [I]A girl would be useful, at least i could get a decent meal for once.[/I] he thought A voice, quiet and familiar, rang through his head. [I]There's another.[/I] [I]Are you sure?[/I] [I]Yes.[/I] [I]Where is it?[/I] [I]The park, be careful.[/I] He sighed once again and quickened his paxe down the hall, yawning again. He felt his body collide with someone as he turned a corner. He took a step back, rubbing the back of his head and smiling nervously. "Uh...sorry."
  18. Alright, I'm going to leave the sign ups open for another person or so, but I'll start the RP now anyway. Not so suprisingly, It's called Rose of Shadows
  19. Both the characters are looking good, guys. I'll wait for 1 or 2 more people to join, then I'll start the RP.
  20. Alright, then, I'm going to try something new in the RP department. I'm not going to give information on what's going to happen, all I want you to do is create a character that's between the ages of 10 and 16, your average anime school character. Set in Okinawa, Japan The character sheet is as follows Name: Age: Height: Eyes: Hair: Distinguishing Features: Casual Clothing: Likes: Dislikes: Personality: Zodiac Sign: (Japanese, remember) Personal Element: Fire, Water, Air, Eath, Wood Bio: Typical character quote: Here's my character Name: Tohru Sagara Age: 15 Height: 5'7" Eyes: Dark Grey and very sad Hair: Black and pulled into a functional ponytail Distinguishing Features: A scar runs from his jawline and down his neck Casual Clothing: He normally is seen wearing a simple "b4k4" sweatshirt and black trousers and white sneakers, as well as a pair of small blue sunglasses Likes: Pretty girls (not a lech, though), jazz music, books, historical manga, manga Dislikes: SD characters, soccer, crowds, attention Personality: An extremely nice gu, he is always rather quiet and seemingly shy, though. He doesn;t like extreme amounts of attention and tends to get a lot of it. He exudes an aura of trustworthy-ness. Zodiac Sign: Rabbit Personal Element: Water Bio: Little is known about this egnimatic youth, he lives alone with an unknown patron for his school fees. He is often seen going to a large old-fashioned mansion, and regularly attends Kendo clubs. ((I cant really think of anything to write, but that pretty much sums his bio up, i hope your's is a little better))
  21. Hmmmm... Name: Reisuke Sagara Age: 16 Country of Origin: Japanese (raised in america) Occupation (currently): Profession Hitchhiker Fighting Style: Liu-Sheng Su staff techinuques (specialises in suprise techniques and quick movement) Group Affiliation: Loner Description: Tall (around 5'11") and wiry, with spikes of dyed white hair which terminate into a short ponytail. what people find most startling about him is his eyes, which are a deep grey and hold a soul-weary sadness, but project an aura of trust and kindness. Normally wears functional clothes (a pair of black trousers with a white t-shirt underneath a faded yellow shirt. He carries a tall staff which doubles up as a walking stick Personality: People just seem to like him, and they should, since he's a REALLY nice guy. He alwasy seems to be overly polite, saying excuse me and pardon even in a fight. He has a soft spot for pretty girls, and has been known to help them on regular occasions, then go. Bio: He was born in Okinawa, Japan, but was raised in America, as his father worked there during the war. during this period his father taught him the family martial art of Liu-Sheng Su. He doesn;t like to speak of the time during the war, but it is known that his famly was killed during a bombing run by a foreign country. During that period he managed to disappear, surviving on his wits and becoming a wanderer. Since the war has ended, he was become a full-yime hitch hiker, drifting from one place to another and training his fighting skills, follwing the Taoist philosphy "The Traveller has no set destination, and is in not intent on arriving".
  22. Name: Yuan Reisuke Age: 15 Alignment: Neutral Z-Keeper: Taibatoh Moarn Hair: Spiky and blond, with a short ponytal at the back Eyes: Grey Build: Tall, lanky and thin Weapon: A craved Bonewood staff with candles burning on the end and blessed prayer beads. Abilities: Air elementalist: He can control air how he wants in diverse manners (you'll see) Teleportation (self explanatory) ------------- Name: Taibatoh Moarn Age: 15 Alignment: Neutral Mortal Counterpart: yuan Reisuke Hair: Short and brown with thorns shaved in around the base of hs skull Eyes: Grey Build: Tall, lanky and thin, but well-muscled Weapon: Zanabatou (the blade itself is 8 or 9 foot long and incredibly heavy) Abilities: Oni Strength (Incredibly strong) Earth Elementalist
  23. why the hell not? Name: Ian Lucas Age: 15 (Although he has only just turned 15, he appears more like 17 or 18, which vexes him no end) Class: Freshman (I'm guessing, curse your American...uh..class name things) Description: A tall, thin guy, who always wears a grey beanie hat and long, messy black hair. He has just moved over to america from London because of his father's job. He's not so anitsocial as...well...as a general rule, he hates people. He's sacastic and very witty for his age. He doesn't particularly like sports, preferring music and the writings of Burgess (Clockwork Orange rules).
  24. Boshank walked forward in his short, militaristic steps and pulled out one of his bolt pistols, turning his grey eyes on the alien in his presence. "Me and the Commander will address you how we wish, [I]alien[/I]. Be thankful, for I would have normally shot you on sight, but it was the Commander's insistence to take along with us." He turns back to the commander. "I remember there being a group of 'Gaunts somewhere to the west. It would probably be in our best judgement to avoid them." The commisar says, slapping a fresh clip into his bolt pistol. OOC: Ok, just for warning I WILL be harsh to you, DuoMax, but this isn't anything against you, but I'm just acting in character. Please remember it was the commisar's council that first created the saying "Purge the Alien, Burn the Witch." I'd just thought it would be fair to give you warning.
  25. Mwahahaha..... Name: Commissar Nicholas "Grim Reaper" Boshank AKA the One Man Army AKA Baby Ogryn (although not to his face) Age: 35 Rank: Commissar (Lt.) Description: A man that exudes authority and command with his very presence, he is of average height (5'8") and with largish muscles and a thick chest. His eyes are grey emotionless pebbles set into his face, one grey, one completely black save a few light green lines cutting through it, showing it's mechanical nature. His hair is brown with a premature dusting of grey, cut into a cruel buzz-cut. His face and neck is a trenchwork of scars from past encounters, the flesh around his right eye is nothing but a grey, lifeless lump wth his black bionic eye set like a jewel in mud. He wears a black buisness-like suit under a traditional military trenchcoat, grey with several medals shining on the right side of his chest, and heavy black boots. Bio: like all Commissars, he was an orphan, brought up on the forgeworld of Merdin, slaving away as a GreaseKid. He was taken as a cadet early on, trained by an Ex-Commissar Inquisitor Thornwile. On a battle against the foul Choas Marine worshipors of Nurgle, he slew their leader, but nor after taken substantial damage from the denomic talon of the vile creature. this reduced his face to an expressionless, dead ornament, and blinded him in one eye. he gained the name the One Man Army after single handedly holding the door of a imperial church from 20 orks as a Cadet. Armour: "The Emporor is my shield, it is His Mighty Will that I might be hurt serving him." AKA blessed Flak Weaponary: Twin bolt pistols, sprayed greeen and soldered with designs of the imperial Eagle, chainsword named Pax Eterna Race: Human Thought for the day ::The Emporor stands beside me, I shall not falter. The Emporor Stands before me, I shall not be tainted. The Emperor is behind me, I shall strive onwards::
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