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Everything posted by ColourDeaf
[I]Blood pulsed down the front of his shirt as the demon slashed him. Placing the shotgun against the hellspawn's chest, he blasted twice, and the creature's body was flung over to the over side of the road, only to be replced by two more. Mexico city was slowly being taken over, inch by inch, hell was winning the battle of this place. All Grim could do was try and hold off this part, before more of these damned came through. an unseen claw blasted into his ribcage, he felt the bones crack and gritted his teeth, blod seeping from between them. His shotgun barked again, and he fell as more clws darted in at a moment's hesitation, tearing at him...[/I] [I]I should be dead...[/I] The world slowly came into focus again, with sickening lurches like hew as on the deck of a ship in a disturbed sea, he stood up. the armoured figure had gone, but the beast creature still remained along with the girl. "Where am I...?" he asked, not realising he was speaking out loud.
OOC: DAAAAAAAMN... i go to sleep and i miss all this? oh, well, better get myself into the story... IC: Ficker. [I]Grim felt himself floating, completely calm a light, both black and white, hot and cold, deafening in it's silence, folated before him[/I] Flicker. [I]Time...come...go...[/I] Flicker. "God.." Flicker. [I]Go![/I] He felt himself being hurled away from the light, away from the sense of being, he screamed as his flesh was ripped back onto around his soul, the heavy weight of a mortal body reinserting itself. He cried in grief as he was dragged away from his salvation. Senses reemerged, sight, smell, touch... He felt himself it the ground. He turned over, pushing himself onto his hands. His coffin, his small armoury, lay on the floor next to him, a furrow marking it's entrance into this world. He looked around, taking stock of the area. A waterfall was near him, A human girl, a figure in armour, and a beast creature was there. Surely they must be demons? Surely. He stood up, hs knees rejecting the new weight, and looked at them. He flicked the coffi lid open and pulled out Romulus and Remus, the sotguns, and aimed them at them. "Demons...." Darkness enclosed on him, andhe felt himself falling to the ground.
Name: "Grim" AKA The Cherub of Venice Age: 25 (supposedly) Alignment: Good Short Bio: He is a self named Demon Hunter, little is known about him save that he was born in England, and has seen more slaughter than a thousands humans should have... he is rumored to be an ex-priest. Weapons: He carries a large coffin on his back, made of metal with a layer of kevlar covering it in it's entirety. It opens up to reveal his weaponary, a zweihander "Pax Eterna" inscribed with Pentagrammic wards, twin shotguns "Romulus and Remus" with shells inscribed with exorcism spells (doesn't do anything, but it makes him feel better) and a large pistol simply name "Mercy". Description: He is fairly tall, with a shock of prematurely grey hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears a tattered purple scarf around the lower part of his face, obscuring it, along with a grey trenchcoat and black trousers, a pair of smal yellow glasses, and a black shirt with a preacher's collar. Big brown boots with metal toes and a simple wood sign hung around his neck saying "Leper."
Sign Up Blade of the Slayer: The New Slayers
ColourDeaf replied to Sere Tuscumbia's topic in Theater
Hmmm... Name: Stephen Montgomery Gleave Age: 19 Race: Human Weapons: A sword, in a iron laced wooden "sheath" designed to look like a cane, made of stainless steel laced with iron (for strength),the sheath is sharpened at the end to act as a second weapon (2) and has had the Gleave family crest (three crescent moons on a black field) and the flag of Great Britain embossed on it. Wears a light chainmail vest underneath shirt Appearance: Black hair cut quite short, around 6 feet talle with a wiry build. His eyes are the most startling feature of his, being slate grey with yellow flecks and a reddish rim, they appear constantly analysing the situation, finding the best way to get one up on people, especially in a fight. He wears a grey formal jacket over a white shirt with the top button undone, with no tie, black trousers and iron shod boots. Patron Saint: St. George Bio: He is supposedly a direct descendant of the legendary dragon slayer, St. George, and thus has inherited the title of "Kin Saver", being the youngest living Heir to the title. His bloodline has trained each generation for the slaying of dragons, having read a prophecy on the coming of them. He has spent most of his life training in an old keep in Coventry, St. Georges birth town, in the ways of Gentlemanly swordplay as well as the secret art of dragon slaying, with inspirations taken from Eastern Swordplay. He is now part of a group of English Families known simply as the Aristocracy, and hunts down Dragonoids and Dragoons wherever they are. This ok? -
OOC: Sorry to be a bit of a nag, Etarahs, but could you PLEASE not assume you "know" the main bad guy's feels or attitude. Now, I know it was in your history that you knew him as a child, but it just seems a bit silly that you have EVERYTHING you need to get into his building. I find it personally very vexing when people try to be god-like in what they have and know, and it's not in the spirit of RPing. Try to think about it rationally. It doesn;t matter if he knew it was a tracer or not, all that matters is that he nows that SOMEONE IS TRYING TO [I]KILL HIM.[/I] Codes and passports would not matter, as he would change them to stop the killers getting in. But, as the old GM saying goes "Let them have it, and make them pay for it", there's no such thing as a free lunch :devil: post Ic later
Ian hung up the phone. "MORONS!" "What is it?" Mae asked, throwing the empty can of Pipsu in the trash "Hellcat got to Phillips with a tracer." "Isn;t that good?" Angel asked "No, now he has unlimited supplies, fingers in every buisness and now he's paranoid." Ian held the bridge of his nose. he suddenly stood up and wlaked out, mae in tow, and still holding the bottle of whisky i his hand. "Come if you want, but with your own ships." He pulled out the remote for the Bohemian Rhapsody and opened it, the bubble windshield flicking open. He deftly hopped in and closed as soon as Mae got in, he gunned the engines immeadiately and flew off into the disttance.. *** As Ian swooped over the scene, he hnaded the controls over to Mae and flicked open the hatch, jumping out and rolling with his landing. Hellcat was there crying over a guy, who he guessed was Fox. "What the bloody hell have you done?" "We;ve got to get him to the hospital." Hellcat said, choking slightly. "And what will we say? That this guy was shot in the middle of the firefight [I]he started.[/I]" "We got Phillips." Ian walked over swiftly to fox, pulling up his sleeves and pulling out a QuickDoc from a pocket. He placed it on a vein on his arm and injected him with a pain supressor and some nanos. "That'll hold him for a while. I know you got Phillips. [I]That[/I] in itself was stupid of you. Look, I know what you can do, but this guy owns this crater. You'll be lucky if you last the night, now." he stood up and turned his back to her. "What's gotten into you, Hellcat? The girl I worked with would never do anything like this, [I]she[/I] would know what the odds of her getting out of it would be." He looked up and saw the others from the bar moving in. "I know a guy that can fix him up, no questions asked, then we'll talk."
Ian chuckled slightly, gesturing for the bartender to leave the bottle of whisky there. "I see you haven;t been keeping up with the times, dear." Mae reached into the inside pocket of her jacket and passed a data slate to angel, who caught it deftly in one hand. "As you can plainly see, there's a 94 millio reward on Jame's Head. We'll split it three ways. You, me and Hellcat." "What about me?" Rev asked, still holding the gun "Fine...four ways. I suppose." he said, rolling his eyes. He lifted one hand and pushed the Sai away from his throat, and put a finger from his other hand into the barrel of the man's gun. "I would prefer it if you didn't try and kill me." he picked up the bottle now on the table and took a large swig from it. Mae sat down on the chair next to him, drinking from her can of Pipsu. "Now, then. If you wouldn;t mind getting your head off my shoulder, we could get down to buisness."
"Well, at least you bothmade it easier on me." Ian stated bluntly, seeing Angel and Rev handcuffed together. He stood up, pulling back his hat and letting his Golden eyes glow dully. "The Platinum Angel and Maverick. Now, together you two would make me quite a handsome sum (quite a few people want you dead, you know)." Rev started to aim his gun, but in an instant Ian's twin semis were up and aimed at each of their chests. An reassuring [I]ca-click[/I] was heard and Mae stood up from her table at the opposite end of the bar, a shotun in her hands. [COLOR=deeppink]"Now, it would make us reeeeeaaal happy if you just put your gun down."[/COLOR] Mae said sweetly, bringing the shotgun to her shoulder. "What is it you want?" Rev asked, lowering the gun. Stashing the guns in the back of his belt, he walked over to the bar, followed by Mae. "([I]Second best, please[/I]) You know much about these guys?" he pulled out an old battered picture of Fong and James Phillip. Angel spoke up first, as Mae ordered a Pipsu. "I know Phillips, who doesn't? But the other guy's new to me." "Too bad. I need to get in contact with an aquinatnce of his. "Why's that." Ian's gonlen eyes glittered "That, my dearie, is why I'm here, talking to you." he sipped the harsh whisky Second Best and grimaced, before downing the lot in one gulp. "I getting some people togther, and we're taking down James Phillip."
OOC: Alright, people who have signed up know who they are, let's get this thing started IC: Beep. The figure with one foot in the bed and the rest of his body slumped uncomfortably on the floor groaned slightly, shifting his weight to be completely on the floor. Beep. His bleary eyes slowly came into focus of the room, a small little bedroom with several musical instruments strewn rndomly on the floor. Beep. He picked up a harmonica, the light slowly seeping between his closed curtains. Beep. He took a deep breath, clearing his head... Beep, beep, bee- The harmonica smashed into the old alarm clock, and they both tumbled from the high shelf. Perfect shot. Ian McMarmil, AKA Cat's Eyes Ian, slowly stood up, his shining amber eyes traversing the room for anything remotely edible. Finding none, he slowly walked out of the room, shaking slightly from tiredness. He made his way to the kitchen of his apartment, seeing Mae sitting there, happily eating the last remaining can of Cowboy Alan Stew straight from the can. She looked up and smiled, her pink hair was straight and well ombed, even at this tim in the morning. "'Morning, Ian." Ian vaugley remember making a sound attempting to be a greeting, and walked over to the cupboard, pulling out a couple of slices of bread. He slowly buttered them up and looked in the mirror. He had slept in his clothes last night, even his small blue glasses, A black Polo shirt with green trousers and black boots. Mae was, as normal, wearing a small pink top under a long blue trenchcoat, a pair of black shorts and pink boots. The trenchcoat had two "cute" angel wings painted onto the back of it, showing her alias "Cupid". The messagephone dinged, and Ian walked over to it, munching on a slice of bread. He hit a button and a bounty report showed up, showing a picture of James Philip. "They finally put a bounty on the guy's head." commented Ian, Mae put her can of food down and walked over, leaning over his shoulder. "How much?" The bounty was printed in large, firendly, red letters. [I][COLOR=red]94 000, 000[/COLOR][/I] The slice of bread fell from Ian's mouth, and Mar stood there, transfixed. "Get the ship. We've got some hunting to do." OOC: Introduce your characters and do a little bit of your own thing, then we'll get into the plot proper.
Sorry, hris, you're going to have to change the character slightly (even though I almost NEVER do this). The universe is basically Cowboy bebop space, so there aren't any grapller ships or caster guns. also, the ship is just a little too high-tech, the armaments are a bit much. sorry again, but could you please bear the universe in mind?
Alrighty, i think that's enough people for now. I'll start the RP proper. Called Sentinel's Rain, obviously
[I]I don't feel a thing,[/I] [I]And it's not remembering,[/I] [I]Days are just like moments,[/I] [I]Turn to hours....[/I] [I]Mother used to say,[/I] [I]I you want you'll find a way[/I] [I]But Mother never danced to a final shower...[/I] - Rain The syndicate Blue Lotus has all but taken over the huge Martain crater known as Sentinel. through bribery, treachery, backstabbing and all out political warfare, they have gained control of the spaceports, shops and casinos, basically anything that makes money, and have turned their profits over to them. The surronding craters, afraid that they will be next, have pooled together and put a huge bounty on the head of the organiser, one James Philip. Bounty hunters and cowboys of all descriptions have secretly flocked to Mars, using the excuse of visiting the Festival of Rain, to claim the bounty. ---------------- Alright, that's the basic story, and here are the stats you need to join this thread. You can be anything from a bounty hunter to a local civilian, pulled into this mess against their will. Name: Aliases (if need be): Age: Height: Build: Clothing: Hair colour and style: Eye colour: Weapons (optional): Homeworld/town: Background: Misc. Data: Ship data (if applicable), all ships will have a maimum size of 2 in the cockpit. Ship Name: Colour: Cockpit size: General Description Armaments: Power/armour/speed(rank 1, 2 and 3, depending on which has the highest ration): Here's my char Name: Ian Macmarmil Aliases: Cat's eyes Ian, Liquid Gold Age: 25 Height: 6'2 Build: Slim Occupation: Bodyguard/part time bounty hunter Clothing: Black polo neck shirt, grey cargo trousers, a pair of small, blue sunglasses. A small chain with a catgirl pendant on the end hangs around his neck. Hair colour and style: Dyed purple, short and spiky but with a ponytail running down his back Eye colour: Amber Weapons: Twin semi automatic pistols Background: He had a normal lifestyle until he was 12. His parents moved around a lot, and they had to go on a trip to Ganymede. He had never been off his homeworld, Venus before, and reacted badly when they went through a gate. As a result his eyes turned to a shade of amber, not unlike the eyes of a cat. At the age of 18, tired of life with his parents, he took the more exciting life of a Bounty hunter, and left to live on Mars, Sentinel, to be more precise. He set up quite a nice buisness, taking odd jobs, mostly bodyguard work. He found a 10 year old girl named Mae when he was 20, half dead and starving. He took her in and treated her, and she pretty much adopted him as a brother. Misc. Data: Ian can play the gitaur, harmonica and piano, and lives in a small apartment. Mae is a 15 year old, pink haired, over-enthusiastic girl who has no worries about showing off her body. Ship Name: The Bohemian Rhapsody Colour: Blue Cockpit size: 2 person and luggage space in the back General Description: A bubble-windowed zip craft, the back is not so aerodynamically shaped Armaments: A single, high powered underslung gatling gun, pivot mounted for a 360 degree firing arc. A single missle on either side Power/armour/speed: 3/1/2
Name: Akira Tento Age: 24 Physical Description: A tall young man, with long black hair pulled back into a single braid. His dark brown eyes are almost always half-closed, like he's sizing up the world in some huge poker game. He normally wears a grey or black knee-length trenchcoat, grey trousers and a plain, white shirt underneath it, and black boots. Occupation: A NERV deep-sleeper, he has been trained to do whatever it takes to destroy any sort of leak of information about the Angels or the Evas. As a part of this he has been trained in several styles of martal arts, along with gunmanship and sniping. They have been trained to be completely inconspicuous, blending into the background anywhere. Background: He never knew what happened to his parents, they had lived with him until he was 6, when they disappeared without a trace. He was put through highschool and college by a patron, a high-ranking offical of NERV. During that time he signed a contract signing him to a term of employment by NERV. He has been on numerous missions, and has proved himself as being a competent assass...um...cover-up agent. (I'll add to this later)
Sebastian walked slowly down the street, chatting to his new employer, a weasely looking man name Mao Hirikigro under the umbrella he was holding. The man was talking about inane stuff, as usual, the weather, the stock markets, his family etc. Sebastian carried on walking down the street, vaugely noticing a man tying his shoe laces, before turning into a side alley, pulling the man by the scruff of his neck. He dragged the man down the alley, turning another corner, until they were out of sight. "What is the meaning of this!" Mao shouted, obviously furious. "Just a message." Sebastian said calmly, reaching into his suit and drawing his desert Eagle, the Reisuke Fu-Q. The man went pale, and Sebastian placed it ever so calmly on the man's forehead. "Bang." BANG! Sebastian turned from the slowly-cooling corpse, and headed back down the alley, rain pattering off his umbrella. He passed the shoelace man again, nodding to him in a greeting, and continued to walk down the road. He sung to himself in english, an old favourite song of his. "Tiiii-iiii-iiime, is on my side....yes it is!"
Alright, let's go. Name: Sebastian Reisuke (mother's English Father's Japanese) AKA: Age: 25 Hometown: London Occupation: Hitman for a dying Family in the Triads Fighting Styles: Western Boxing/general brawling Weapons: A Cane-sword, twin uzi's and a single, high power desert eagle. Carries a few grenades about his person. Height: 5'11 Hair: Black, pulled back into a functional ponytail Eyes: Green Build: Average, muscular Personality: always Analytical and calm, he has been known to hum during a job. Oh..and he enjoys his job, he enjoys it very much. He belives in the good philosophy of "**** subtlety". Clothing: Formal japanese buisness suit, a pair of small, blue sunglasses and army boots. he wears a kevlar vest underneath his shirt. Bio: Post later