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About Sida255

  • Birthday 07/03/1990

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  1. My favourite Gundam Wing character is Quatre or Relena
  2. i think the first anime i ever watched was like sailor moon when i was like 5 or 4.
  3. Spiders scare the sh.it out of me.. :S
  4. wierdest dream i ever had when it was the last day of school or something my locker was somewhere esle and when i went outside it was winter and i was on rollerblades *i'm to scared to rollerblade XP* and then i was like going up my street that seemed to slant like a mountain and all a sudden there's like a lake in the middle. :| surprized there ain't a water fall.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by darkside [/i] [B]me? August 8.....:flaming: :demon: me-:blowup:-teacher [/B][/QUOTE] Ouch...August 8 must be sad. when does your school end then? Mys start in september
  6. First banner eh? It looks professional to me.
  7. that's such a nice picture
  8. My favourite band and song is Evanesence- Whisper really good song
  9. the funniest thing that ever happened to me when it was winter. this jerk tripped me over and i fell onto the snow and i see my friends laughing which i thought they were laughing at me.. but really they were laughing at the jerk would knocked me over being beat up by like 10 other boys. :|
  10. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic]well.... basiclly i think these suggestions are great but there's only one thing..... it's like this well they're smarter than me and will think they're always right i know what they think like sometimes (maybe mostly) i know one or the other will just dinie (sorry bad spelling) about it and use a different reason just to get out of this trouble. i sometimes even wonder why wont they even let me talk at all.... like once one of them said all these bad things about this group thats going to perform in a talent show then i said wouldn't that mean the same thing to kimmy cos she's in it? then she said you know why im saying this cos Julie was being so rude to me thats y you know that's why i dont like you but then i didnt know julie was being rude to her at all.......[/FONT] [/SIZE]
  11. [FONT=century gothic]well i have a friendship problem... like my 2 bestfriends *their twins* they're like so rude to me now... i mean like before only one of them was always insulting me and making me feel sad inside (which they dont know) then one day i couldnt take it any more i just went of crying then after i forgave them now the other twin is acting so rude and insulting me consantly and it makes me feel like i want to move away from them forever... can you give me some pionters? [/FONT]
  12. im not using anynames... i have like a problem..... it seems like im starting to hate and hate one of my bestfriend..... *their twins.... i hate one of them now* well ever since this girl talked to me.she said don't you think your not like her friend anymore?before you used to go to their house lots but now someone esle now does.....don't you think? after that when recess ended my "bestfriend" said why are u like talking away me from her?!?! shes my friend......then that girl says "fine u can have her all back....." then after school she said to me thats she wants to break up with my "bestfriend" when i told her.......she went like"so i dont care....and y do u dont stand up for yourself?!?!thats why i dont like about you" then she gets mad at me and calls me that day saying "are you going to say sorry yet?" after that....... well my "best friend"......seemed to like ignor me......like lots when shes there...... i feel sad inside..... then once she was talking about this other girl that's going to make herself a fool out of herself...... then i just said........"why is that?if u say she is going 2 make a fool out of herself then don't you mean (kimmy) will to?" then shes gose like 2 meh "i dont like her and shes soo rude 2 me! see thats why i dont like u " then after i was crying a bit.... i was walking back 2 class feeling soooo *dam* bad......then i was crying for the whole period..... think about what the girl said....what my "bestfriend" said.....and what i was thinking...... and i don't dear telling her her other sister keeps on buging me that day on the phone like whats wrong?tell me...plz?and saying sorry sorry....... im like noooo....... then she gives the phone to my "bestfriend" and she just said"ur a theat to socitly!!"*cant spell* then the other one said to her i was crying for one whole period today! man my "bestfriend" i like really hate now i dont even care what happens to her ......but she doesnt know how i feel inside.... cos then shes going make up something esle to dini it *cant spell* i feel like i acuttly want to stand up for myself but i don't ......cos then inside feels bad and i cry a lil bit..... man my "friend" is like so F*** up .......
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