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Everything posted by Sida255
[FONT=century gothic]well i put any of my pokemon in the boxes cept the ones i like 2 have around with me like MEW!![/FONT]
who knows anything about Japan's culture???
Sida255 replied to Darkness's topic in General Discussion
i just wish they had more but acutlly translate it into the japanese words! then i would b soo happy and know what 2 write! -
i know you can delete the attack somewhere in gold or cystal or silver!my lil bro did it 4 me then i was like happy!thanx anyway 4 helping!:whoops:
ya i believe u could of had 89 mews! u can like dupacate them! my lil bro did with my mewtwo... o wells! well my lil bro once ran into a etel *cant spell* then he threw pokeball and his box was full! then he kept running after it and gave up!
i just saw your page i thought u should really finish all the links!
Anime Girls Topic Only: Cutest guy from any anime?
Sida255 replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
In my mind i like Quater the best! well i dont really like anyother else.... -
actully i think they are kind off cos their powerful! well my lil bro caught 2 lengendary dogs or 3 im not sure but in 2 different versons.. they like jump around everywhere! so its hard 2 get them.... but i ratter stick with my mew!
i saw mew cos i have a mew but im not sure of what level it is and + mew can like hurt every pokemon badly and can learn all attacks! *stupid lil bro gave it 2 surfs! grrr...*
Anime Which Is your favorite gundam series?
Sida255 replied to phoenixflames's topic in Otaku Central
i like gundam wing but didnt c all the series... i dont even know which is which! i like the series with Heero,Duo,Quater,Trowa and Wu Fei in it! -
who knows anything about Japan's culture???
Sida255 replied to Darkness's topic in General Discussion
i like got this from lelola but now they have it anymore japanese! Aishiteru - I love you Kitto kitto dare demo Tsuyoku nareru ne Akai - Red Akuryou - Evil Spirit Ame - Rain Anime - Animation Aoi - Blue Atarashii - New Arigato - Thank you Arigato Gozaimasu - Thank you very much Ashita - Tomorrow Atarashii - New Atashi - I (female) B Bakari - Only Boku - I (male) C -Chan - Suffix for familiar young person Chi - Earth Chibi - Small, little Chikara - Force/Strength Chouwa - Harmony D Daijoubu - It's all right Dare - Who Densetsu - Legend Dejitaru - Digital Doko - Where Dokyou - Bravery Doragon - Dragon Dosei - Saturn Doushite/Nande - Why E Ea - Air Etowa-ru - Star F Faia - Fire Faita - Fighter Foto - Photo G Ga - In Comics and Such Ganmou - Wish Genki - Full of Engery/Well Genzai - Past Gahan - Rice/Cooked meal Go-guru - Goggles Goku - Quiet Gomenasai - I'm Sorry H Hai, Sou - Yes/OK Haru - Spring Hate - End/Limits Hikari - Light I Iie - No Ima - Now Itsu - When Itsudemo - Always Itsumademo - Forever J Ja ne - Later! Jousho - Emotion/Feeling K Kage - Shadow Kakkoii - Cool Kako - Present Kaminoke - Hair Kanjou - Emotion(s) Kawaii - Cute Kaze - Wind Kiiroi - Yellow Kimi - Feeling Kitto OK - Surely OK Kodoku - Loneliness Kometto - Comet Konnichiwa - Hello Korosu - To Kill Koto - Thing Kouyuu - Friendship Kuroi - Black L n/a M Mae - Before Matataki - To Wink Me - Eyes Merodi - Melody Midori iro - Green Mikomi - Hope Mimi - Ears Mirai - Future Mochidzuki - Full Moon Mono - Person Motto - More/Farther Murasaki iro - Purple N Naito - Night Nani - What Neko - Cat No - (It's a possessive particle) O Orenji - Orange P Pan - Bread S Sayonara - Goodbye Sarabada - Farewell Seishinseii - Sincerity Sunnen - Millennium Seta - Sweater Shinka - Evolution Shite - Hero/Protagonist Shiroi - White Shizuka - Quiet Sono - Garden Sora - Sky Soratobu - To fly in the sky Sotto - Softly Soyo - That's right T Tachimukau - To fight against Tada - Free Taihen - Tough Taiyou - Sun Ta-getto - Target Takai - Death Te - Hand Tenshi - Angel Tesuto - Test Tsubasa - Wings Tokoro - Place Tomodachi - Friend Tooi - Far U Uraomote - Opposite Uzu - Swirl V Vijon - Vision W Wahei - Peace Waizu - Wise Wakari - Understanding Warai - Laugh/Smile Wasabi - Japanese Horseradish Watashi - I (polite) X n/a Y Yamato - Ancient Japan Yasashii - Gentle Yasashisa - Kindness Yoake - Dawn Your - Goshujin Yuki - Snow Yuku - To die Yume - Dream Yumemiru - To dream of Yuri - Lily Yuuki - Courage Yuumei - Dark & Light Yuusha - Hero Z Zoukan - Special Edition Zujou - High In Sky Numbers One - ichi (the ichi of Taichi) Two - nee Three - san Four - shi, yon Five - go Six - roku Seven - nana/shichi Eight - hachi Nine - kyuu Ten - jyuu Twenty - ni-jyuu Thirty - san-jyuu Forty - yon-jyuu Fifty - gou-jyuu Sixty - roku-jyuu Seventy - nana-jyuu Eighty - hachi-jyuu Ninety - kyuu-jyuu One Hundred - hyaku hope it helps! =) -
[FONT=century gothic]i was like a loner when i was in kindergraden 2 gr.1 n den when i moved i was a loner like in gr.3 in this french school but then i couldnt catch up in french (i was happy then cos i've been learning french when i was in kindergraden i still do...)i went to another school near my house and i was a bit of a loner at first...then i made friends and more and more![/FONT]
well my lil bro or me used 2 have 7 mewtwos... umm... i think 2 mews umm... some other 1s....
well i never heard anyone saying tidus is a girl! all the way in ontario canada
thats good spikey! n VERY good 4 ur first time!
actully i bulid a site on angelfire! (its looks bad!) umm... i can help (if i can of couse) sucks! i cant get into mys! try asianavenue! *it might be better*
well this is my pic! i hope delian sees cos she was mostly the one who wanted 2 know wut i looked like! (im on the left *wasnt ready*n my pretend sis on the right *christina*)
im a horse.......... well i always noe i was a horse ever since the begining cos i m chinese......... n my element is metal.......... but i pretty much hate learning chinese............. :o
COOL!!!!!!!! i JUST LOVE ART!!!!!!!!! well i LOVE DRAWING SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!
my skool is a elementry skool:box: [url]http://www.bayviewhill.es.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/[/url]
my skool is a elementry skool [url]http://www.bayviewhill.es.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/[/url]
i like quater cos hes into belivin thins,friendly,thinkin positive all ta time n...etc........
i c.........even dis isnt bout meh i would usally c dis girl ta nobody ever liked n she copys dis gurl that is really popular (im friends with her) n i seem 2 fink y dont she ever give up she cant b ta gurl........(ta gurl copyin i really dont like her cos shes always kinda bosy)well just askin r u chinese Pastbyer ?
i wonder y do they laugh @ ya? wut is there 2 laugh bout?hopefully u would make sum friends..............hmmmmmmmm..............y dont ya try 2 get 2 noe some 1 esle a lil better?!?!?:toothy:
y dont ya talk 2 ur teacher but dont use his name?!?! man ta friend of urs must b sOOoo dam depress.................:( what i'll i would try 4 gettin bout that or just try gettin another g/f 4 him...........